Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

281 Ultimate Wisdom! Thanos: Why Only Eternity Shot?

"Well, I'm not a little monkey~"

Rocket Raccoon opened his mouth with a constipated face.

It was really unbearable to be treated as a little monkey by Thanos just now.

Although he has been transformed.

Even sometimes he himself is not sure what he belongs to.

But being called a monkey still upsets him.

Thanos glanced at Rocket Raccoon, and there seemed to be a special message in this glance.

Rocket Raccoon was caught by this glance, and directly chose to shut up.

He just understood the meaning of this glance.

This is a kind of lofty, even compassionate eyes.

However, there is also the determination to kill endlessly behind it.

Just like a real Buddha.

Bodhisattva lowers his eyebrows!

King Kong glared!

Thanos has a compassionate heart like a Bodhisattva, worrying about the future of the universe and countless lives.

There are also diamond means, and everything that obstructs him will be killed by himself.

Rocket Raccoon feels that he is just an ordinary person, so he should not participate in these things.

Thanos turned his gaze to Qin Xiao again.

He became more powerful under the stimulation of the fruit of everyone.

His intelligence has broken through a certain limit.

At the moment, he looked at Xiang Luo and felt more and more unfathomable.

Use his amazing intelligence to observe Qin Xiao's every move.

He found that Qin Xiao was full of flaws.

However, those flaws are more like countless traps.

Moreover, Thanos found that he couldn't see through Qin Xiao.

520 Even his intellect that breaks some kind of boundary cannot see through.

It really deserves to be the messenger of the Great God.

The terror of Qin Xiao At the moment is only known to him.

The two human fruits created Rocket Raccoon and Thanos with even more terrifying intelligence.

However, the power contained in the Fruit of Everyone was also absorbed by Qin Xiao.

The Human Fruit of Rocket Raccoon has already raised Qin Xiao's intelligence to the limit of human beings.

And this human fruit of Thanos also raised his intelligence to a level beyond the limits of human beings.

This allows him to enter another level in terms of learning, understanding, thinking and so on.

Even against Thanos, who also pushed some kind of boundaries.

He didn't fall behind at all.

As for other powers enhanced by the fruit ability, there is no need to carefully calculate it now.

Knot raccoon just crossed out a sentence, which made the atmosphere of the scene a little looser.

The promotion that Thanos and the others got this time is really amazing.

This has made everyone prepared.

"It's just that I didn't expect that even you can match the devil fruit. You are so murderous, and you can get the attention of the eternal god."

Hela watched what Thanos said casually.

Because Thanos did not manifest the power of the Buddha fruit.

So even Hai (aefe) doesn't know how strong Thanos is.

On the contrary, she is more concerned about why a person like Thanos can also get the attention of the Eternal God.

Eternity, one of the five creation gods, is the incarnation of time.

Did the other party see that Thanos and his group played a role in the long river of time?

Or does Eternal God feel that Thanos is indeed the Super strength against the devourer of the planet?

"As one of the five great gods of creation, the Eternal God, how can their thoughts be guessed by us creatures?

Even if I am being watched by the Eternal God now, it doesn't mean anything.

Maybe I'm just a cannon fodder in his eyes, a stronger cannon fodder.

Instead of talking about these things now, why not think about what to do next?

The planet devourer is also constantly devouring various living planets in the universe.

If we continue to delay, more creatures will disappear!

Similarly, more available planetary resources will disappear.

This is definitely not in line with the plan of the Eternal Great God.

And I don't know if you guys figured it out.

Why is Eternal God stopping the Planet Eater?

Why was he the only one who sent an envoy to stop the other party. "

Thanos talked about these things to himself.

And finally asked another question.

Among the five creation gods, the planet devourer, as a physical god, is now devouring the planet.

Among the other four abstract gods, death, annihilation, and infinity did not make a move, but the Eternal God made a move.

what is this?

When Thanos asked this question, everyone on the scene was taken aback.

The strengthening Rocket seems to have thought of something.

A general outline of things appeared in his mind.

But one person seemed to think of more.

Tony Stark!

"According to Diwan's introduction, among the four abstract gods among the five creation gods, death and annihilation are not hands-on.

At least within a certain range, death and annihilation will not be done.

Because what the Planet Devourer is doing is actually strengthening the two of them.

But infinity is not the same as eternity.

The devourer of planets devouring those planets is equivalent to weakening the power of infinity.

He is the embodiment of space, and without the space of these planets, collapse or destruction is likely to occur.

This is obviously to constantly weaken the power of the infinite god,

Eternity belongs to the incarnation of time, and those planets originally had a long evolution process.

And this process represents eternal time.

But now being swallowed by the planet devourer, these eternal times are equivalent to being stolen by others.

Logically speaking, infinity and eternity, both of them will intervene. "

Tony told what he guessed.

The point is that this guess is quite reasonable.

She even guessed from her thoughts that the five creation gods might not be of one mind.

In the actions of the planet devourer, death and oblivion can obviously benefit.

Dead creatures will enter the control of the death god.

This has strengthened his strength within a certain range.

And all the disappearing things are in the power system of the Annihilation Great God.

Only infinity and eternity would be weakened in such a thing.

But there was still one thing Tony didn't understand.

Since the two great gods were affected, both Infinity and Eternity should take action against the Planet Devourer.

But now it is only the Eternal God who has done it, which is a little bit wrong.

Thanos gave Tony a deep look.

"As expected of a person cursed by knowledge, he can easily deduce such things even now.

Indeed, the two great gods of death and annihilation were less affected.

Even within a certain range, the Planet Devourer is helping them improve their strength.

They want to make a move, perhaps when the planet devourer reaches a certain level.

But now, the two Great Gods of Infinity and Eternity have been affected.

It was the Eternal God who made the first move, which may have something to do with his strength.

The Eternal God saw more information in the long river of time.

This is something other great gods cannot do.

So this can explain why he was the first to do it.

Other great gods may still be on the sidelines for the time being.

They may also be waiting for an opportunity.

In other words, we will face a huge amounts of crisis. "

Thanos paused for a moment at that.

His gaze shifted to Qin Xiao's body.

He wanted to see something from Qin Xiao.

It's a pity that Qin Xiao didn't make any use of it.

"Are we going to face a huge amounts of crisis? Why is there talk of that?"

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