Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

299 The Uncertainty Of Human Government

"Since the universe is so terrifying, why does the government still make trouble for us?"

This is something Magneto can't figure out.

Now that the universe is already so terrifying, why does the human government still do such a thing.

"Maybe others don't know about this matter, but I do know something by then."

At this time Charles took the initiative to speak.

He was still shocked when he heard Qin Xiao tell the information about the universe again just now.

The whole universe has been so dangerous.

Even those overlords (Thanos) who can attack the earth by sending a random team can only stay on the defensive in the face of such a crisis.

They even had to contact the empires of the whole universe to resist together.

At the moment when he heard Magneto, he naturally had something to say.

He may not be very clear about things in the universe.

But for things on earth, there are really only a few who can fool him.

With a brain wave strengthening device, he "peeps" some unprotected people from time to time.

Unless the other party is when he is not using the brain wave strengthening device.

Otherwise, few people could resist his mental power.

"You know, why? Since it's so dangerous, why doesn't the human government take action.

Wanci Wang asked again.

"Actually 04, because of the current situation, I have to post it. After all, I learned that the crisis in the universe was after the development of that medicine."

That's all Charles said.

But his mental power spread directly towards everyone.

There are many words and pictures in this spiritual force.

Qin Xiao felt this spiritual power, and his brows frowned.

There was a ripple in the spiritual cage in his mind, and the thunder force in his mind directly drove away Charles' spiritual power.

This is the power of his thunder fruit.

It is used by him as a power to resist the erosion of mental power.

But immediately, he gave up resisting, because there was no malice in Charles' mental power.

And these mental powers are actually mainly for people on Magneto's side.

It seems that Charles felt that it was too troublesome to explain, and it was not as fast and clear as the direct transmission of spiritual power.

Magneto wears a helmet, he can't feel Charles' spiritual force.

But the others around him were all immersed in Charles' spiritual power.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the seriousness on the faces of these people.

In the picture of spiritual power, what came from was really depressing.

As Charles said, it was too late for human conquest to get the news of the universe.

When Qin Xiao was going to take people to the universe, Charles was actually with him at that time.

But because of something developed by the human government, Charles had to stay.

Otherwise, when I go to the universe this time, there will be Charles.

Human governments actually got that special Mutant very early on.

The Mutant that can make the Mutant Ability disappear!

As for the research on each other, they have already started.

In fact, the leader of this experiment, his son is a Mutant.

In order for his son to become a normal person, he has been constantly researching Mutant all his life.

This is very similar to Stryker.

You know, Stryker's son is also a Mutant, a master of illusion who can control others.

The super ruthless person who almost wiped out all the Mutants in the world by Charles, the controller.

The reason why the other party became like that was precisely because of Stryker's transformation of his son.

Yes, although Stryker's son is a Mutant, but their ending is not very good.

His son constantly tormented him and his wife with fantasies.

In the end, his wife committed suicide in front of him.

So Stryker began his study of his son, and his hatred of all Mutants.

But this leader here is different, his son is showing the Mutant trend.

So, he began to study how to "cure" Mutant.

In his opinion, Mutant is a genetic disease!

And his son is the famous Angel.

A Mutant with a pair of wings.

In order to "cure" his son, he did too many things.

After getting the Mutant Jimmy who can make all Mutant Abilities disappear.

Let his research made a breakthrough.

Since the opponent's gene can make the Mutant's Ability disappear.

Then he would have a chance to heal his son.

Under such circumstances, his laboratory has really succeeded through unremitting efforts.

The only problem is that these "healing" potions that are created always need Jimmy's Mutant gene.

So in fact, Jimmy is now like a drug manufacturing source that they keep.

All of this happened before hearing the news from the universe.

But now, the entire human government still has some problems.

They were surprised by the dangers of the entire universe, which made them nervous about what would happen when the time came.

On the other hand, they are reluctant to bear the results of these researches.

Obviously, it is possible to eliminate Mutant from the source, but the implementation of At the moment has encountered resistance.

The crisis in the universe is already very dangerous, why should we add the enemy Mutant inside the earth.

But if the Mutants are not eliminated, will they cause trouble to the government at the critical moment of the battle?

So in fact At the moment they are also full of entanglements.

That's what Charles knew about the government.

Magneto heard Charles' words, and his affection was strange.

"If so, why did they send those weapons to the military?"

This is Magneto's question.

"This is the 830 style of hardliners, and you should have gotten used to it long ago.

Charles shook his head.

In these situations, there is really no way.

Some people always think that what they do is right.

"So, you asked me to come over, what are you going to do?"

Magneto looked at Charles and asked.

Charles At the moment glanced at Qin Xiao.

"The demon messenger gave me a piece of news, or a guess, that those medicines cannot permanently eliminate our X gene.

Magneto opened his eyes suddenly.

"Cannot be permanently destroyed? What do you mean?"

"Literally, these potions come from the extracts of your Mutant.

When human beings have not made these substances permanent and effective, your X gene cannot disappear permanently.

Think about it, even this Mutant has no way to make your Super Ability disappear.

How can a potion do it?"

Qin Xiao said something to himself.

"However, this is just my speculation. If their research has a deeper direction and effect, then I don't say anything.

However, Qin Xiao immediately added another sentence.

These ideas are just his guesses.

What if this world, this research becomes very in-depth?

So let them figure it out for themselves.

Magneto frowned when he heard this.

"That is to say, in fact, all this is not certain?".

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