Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

300 Phoenix Will Knock The Shit Out Of The Planet Eater

"Does that mean that all of this is actually uncertain?"

Magneto was a little unhappy.

Can such a serious matter be explained by a guess?

"So, didn't Charles ask you to discuss this matter?

And don't many of your Mutants don't want to have their own abilities?

For example, the ability of Little Naughty that even others cannot touch.

Even after the news that the human government had a potion to cure Mutant came out.

Numerous Mutants have been treated by the human government.

The effects of these healers, I don't believe you haven't observed them.

If there was no special observation before, then after I remind you, you can strengthen the inspection again.

When the time comes, you will naturally know what the result will be. "

Qin Xiao said definitely with a face of reason.

"We've actually been monitoring this and I'm looking for the Mutant that was initially tested.

Judging from what has been found out now, the batch of Mutant At the moment that underwent the test still did not recover their abilities.

And the first batch of testers has been there for several months now.

So if these medicines can at least eliminate the power for several months. "

At this moment, Qin Gray took the initiative to speak.

As a Mutant with medical knowledge, she is very familiar with these.

Ever since Qin Xiao said those things, she began to investigate these things.

Judging from the results obtained, Mutant cannot be recovered for at least a few months.

"Do you know what level of Mutant those experimental subjects are?"

At this moment, the night walker also spoke.

As a Mutant who can sense Mutant energy levels.

She felt very uncomfortable staying here at the moment.

Because of these Mutants here, the pressure on her is too great.

Four fourth-level Mutants, and three-level Mutants in Japan.

You know, in addition to being able to sense levels, she originally also possessed extremely fast speed.

But even so, she felt uncomfortable.

But after hearing Qin Gray's words and Qin Xiao's words, she subconsciously asked this question.

"What level of Mutant? What do you mean?"

Hearing the question from the Night Walker, Qin Gray asked in confusion.

"What the messenger said just now reminded me of a question, what level of Mutant are those experimental subjects?

Each level of Mutant represents the difference of the X gene in their body.

If those test subjects are all first-level mutants and second-level mutants, then it may take a long time for their X genes to recover again.

But what about level 3 Mutants? It seems like many of us here are level 3 Mutants.

Our X gene has strong activity and plasticity.

How long will it take for those drugs that eliminate the Mutant gene to work on us?

Moreover, we also have Level 4 Mutants here, and their X genes are even more terrifying.

Also, what level does that Mutant who can remove our powers have.

Will he be able to suppress all MutantX genes?

All of this may cause the final time to be different. "

The Night Walker spoke her guess on her own.

Although she is with Magneto, she also felt the pressure after hearing the information from the universe.

The struggle with the human government is still too small compared to the crisis involving the entire universe.

In case they fight human beings and end up meeting their opponents in the universe, they might be destroyed one by one.

In war, avoid more consumption.

This is her thought, the truest thought.

Hearing what the Night Walker said, Qin Gray frowned.

"If you say that, it seems that there are indeed some first-level and second-level mutants. Perhaps, we need to do some experiments ourselves.

Qin Gray suddenly thought of something.

She looked around.

"If these potions are really related to levels, maybe what we need to do will have a goal.

What we have always opposed is not the emergence of this medicine, but their compulsory use of these medicines.

In fact, many of us would like to undo these forces.

That being the case, we can gather some of the Mutants, and then we will use those potions to give them their power.

By the way, you can also observe the reaction of this potion to Mutant.

If these potions are really not permanent, then it is unnecessary to confront the human government now.

Even because of these, human governments have to abandon their plans.

Unless, they have been using that Mutant to make potions. "

Cheng Gray expressed his opinion.

"Shall we experiment on our own?"

Magneto was thoughtful.

"That's right."

"However, we don't have any medicine right now."

Magneto asked his question.

"For this, we can ask human beings to apply, and, the Mutant who can eliminate the power of Mutant, we will save him.

"Can you do this?"

Magneto wasn't quite convinced.

"In fact, if you tell them their potion is not permanent.

This alone is enough to add some people who oppose compulsory use in the human government.

At that time, you will continue to make good publicity, and they will have to let go of that Mutant.

At least, that Mutant would be relocated to something more transparent.

In this way, what you have to do will become much easier. "

Qin Xiao At the moment suggested again.

And what he said is very reasonable, the reason why others are tough is because they think they can eliminate Mutant once and for all.

But if these medicines are not effective, then they will definitely give up.

After all, to forcibly eliminate the power of these mutants would offend them to death.

At that time, when they recover, they will be endless enemies.

Rather than saying this, it is better to kill all the Mutants directly.

There is no chance of a rebound.

"`~Since this is the case, let's do this. Next, what should we do about the crisis in the universe?"

Magneto let this go.

Things about mutants and humans can be suppressed for the time being.

But the crisis in the universe, he wants to take part.

He, Magneto, is not one to sit still.

"The crisis in the universe has already been dealt with by many people, what we Nuo Zhao can do now is to continue to improve our strength.

In fact, the power of your Mutants is very strong even in the universe.

Moreover, the Level 4 and Level 5 Mutants you mentioned are all very powerful.

Especially the fifth-level Mutants are the top ones after they have truly developed their strength.

As far as I know, both Cheng Gray and Iceman actually have the potential to become level 5 Mutants.

Once your strength is developed...forget it, let's not talk about it. "

Qin Xiao stopped immediately when he said this.

He really wanted to say just now that if Phoenix's power is really Awakened, the Devourer of Planet will be kicked out of shit by her.

But this means that Phoenix will become the most powerful force in the universe.

This will make people wary of her, and maybe even make her Blacken.

Rather than talking about this, let her grow up quietly.

There are so many powers in the universe to stop the Planet Devourer, she just needs to explode her power normally.

"Can we really become level five Mutant seekers?".

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