Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

301 Magneto's Guess! Level 5 Mutant Is Related To Devil Fruit!

"Can we really become level five Mutants?"

Iceman looked at Qin Xiao with anticipation and astonishment.

So far, no Level 5 Mutant has appeared.

Even they don't know if there will be a fifth-level Mutant.

You know, the decades of strength development that Charles and Eric have experienced is only a fourth-level Mutant.

It's as if Mutant's X gene has an upper limit.

But now, Qin Xiao said that Qin Gray and he could break through to the fifth-level Mutant.

It's just unbelievable.

"Perhaps you can really become a level five mutant. According to my perception, her strength has reached the limit of level four.

As for you, your power is not even comparable to Charles and Magneto right now. "

The night girl looked puzzled.

Qin Gray's strength is about to break through the limit of the fourth level.

In fact, the barriers between the fourth and fifth levels are very amazing in her induction.

Magneto and Charles' Mutant power is level 4, but their power has reached the limit of level 4!

It can be said that it is the one that exceeds the fourth level and is less than the fifth level.

If it weren't for the existence of Qin Gray, Night Walker would not even think that there would be a fifth-level Mutant.

Because Cheng Gray really took a big step forward on the basis of Magneto and Charles.

It's just that at this step, she hasn't stepped into level five yet.

Even At the moment's Cheng Gray has surpassed Magneto and Charles by a lot.

But it seems that it is still advancing on the limit of level 4, constantly110.

As for Iceman, his strength only breaks through level four.

This is the power he displayed after eating the devil fruit.

Definitely, Iceman has a second state, which is the whole body Ice state.

In this state, he can reach level 4 Medium level or even High level.

Now with the devil fruit, he can definitely reach the fourth level high level, and even reach the peak level of the fourth level.

Even so, he's no match for Charles and Magneto.

This is the result that the Night Walker sensed.

Iceman was a little embarrassed when he heard the words of Night Walker.

"Okay, I get it, but if we can really upgrade to level five? Among our mutants, there hasn't been a level five mutant yet, right?"

Iceman asked again.

"It wasn't there before, and now it seems like it's coming soon.

The Night Walker glanced at Qin Gray.

Everyone understood that she was the one who was about to become a fifth-level Mutant!

"The fifth-level Mutant might really be a powerful combat power, but both of you only got it after eating a devil fruit.

So I have another question, is it only after eating a devil fruit that one can enter the fifth-level Mutant?"

Magneto At the moment raises a question that surprises others.

The fifth-level mutant (aede) has it because he ate a devil fruit.

In other words, their evolution started because of the devil fruit.

So, does it mean that the highest level of Mutant is really only level four?

He and Charles had spent decades in the ranks of the fourth-level Mutants.

Turns out there isn't any tendency to get into level five Mutant.

They even suspect that the level of Mutant has always been fixed.

Their X-gene determines the final level they can achieve.

Your genes are destined to only reach level four, so it is impossible to become higher level.

However, things that have been unable to be broken through for decades have been broken through recently.

The fourth-level mutant actually began to evolve towards the fifth-level mutant.

Moreover, it seems that Qin Xiao is more sure than their Mutants.

So, what made him feel that he must be able to reach the point of evolution?

The only thing that can explain it is the devil fruit!

Devil fruit is really special, whether it is an ordinary person or a mutant, it can become a fruit-ability person.

Moreover, the abilities of these fruit abilities are also different.

This is another force that alters genes or alters the constitution.

Where does such power come from?

Magneto still doesn't understand this.

But Charles heard Magneto's words, and he smiled slightly.

"Eric, your guess may be right."

"My guess is right? Charles, what do you mean?"

Wanci Wang became more serious, as if he didn't know many things.

At the moment, he is a little difficult to accept.

In the past, he and Charles fell in love and killed each other, back and forth, and many times he even gave up on his own initiative.

But now, how does it feel like everything is under Charles' control?

Whether it was Mutant's strength or the information he had, Charles clearly surpassed him.

Do you even know this now?

"I have always said that you are an enemy of human beings and are constantly fleeing. Although Raven is collecting a lot of information, his energy is limited after all.

I opened the Mutant school, and Hank also went to the human government as the Minister of Mutant.

All of this allows us to get more human news, which is important.

Regarding the identity of the messenger, we have not received an answer for a long time.

But this time, the news sent back from the universe has once again witnessed the backwardness of our earth.

We have not been able to confirm the identity of the messenger, but the goddess of death in the universe or Asgard easily knows the identity of the messenger.

Messenger from the Eternal God!"

Charles briefly introduced Qin Xiao's identity.

At least that was the identity they knew, it was Captain Rogers himself who had told Charles.

Qin Xiao said that he was the messenger of the devil, but in fact, he was indeed the messenger of the Eternal God.

Eternal God? What kind of God is this?"

Magneto Wang Yue was puzzled.

"Hey, this is what we are going to talk about next, the five creator gods in the universe.

Eternity, infinity, death, annihilation, planet devourer..."

Charles briefly explained the identities of the five creator gods of the universe.

"The Planet Devourer you mentioned just now is one of the five creation gods of the universe?"

Magneto and those around him were stunned.

At the beginning, Qin Xiao didn't explain the identity of the Planet Devourer.

He just said that the devourer of planets is constantly annihilating the planets in the universe.

And Magneto subconsciously think that this thing is a planet destroyer from the name.

As a result, now tell them that this is one of the five creator gods of the universe.

This is completely beyond their imagination.

"That's right, this cosmic crisis comes from one of the five creation gods, and resolving this crisis is also one of the five creation gods of the universe."

Charles replied in the affirmative.

Chuangshishen is equal to Chuangshishen!

The devourer of planets has messengers like the silver glider to find planets for him.

Similarly, the Eternal Great God also has demon messengers like Qin Xiao looking for messengers who can deal with the opponent.

This is the battle of offense and defense between the two sides.

This time, the way Magneto and his party looked at Qin Xiao changed.

This person who has always seemed to be easy to talk to, is actually so terrifying behind him!

Originally, Qin Xiao introduced devil fruit to Magneto, and even introduced devil fruit to him.

But in the end he gave up. Instead, Sabretooth and Mystique around him gained the power of the devil fruit.

If Mystique's improvement wasn't obvious enough, Sabretooth's improvement made a lot of people feel uneasy.

This is a terrifying late-game Ability.

If you don't take out Sabretooth the first time, he can take out you.

As for the upper limit of this power, no one knows for the time being.

"So, this time, the messenger is here to continue to improve the strength of the candidates to deal with the planet devourer?".

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