Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

327 Qin Xiao's Decision!

Eggstar surrendered!

Chose to surrender when Phoenix exploded with her greatest strength.

Sad and helpless.

For him, the Phoenix force is an even more ancient force.

More terrifying than his god-power.

Facing such power, there are only two things he can do.


Otherwise, there is only destruction!

He doesn't want to destroy, so he can only surrender.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard Yi Ge's words.

The opponent actually surrendered!

It took them so much experience to come here directly from Earth.

They are ready for a big fight, even for death.

As a result, after the war started, the opponent actually surrendered.

This is something they did not expect anyway.

Egg was so determined on Earth, everything was carried out according to his ideas.

Even for this reason, the other party did not hesitate to directly kidnap Xingjue.

Now, the counterpart's duplication is on a journey in the universe with Xingjue.

Constantly moving towards his own planet.

But as a result, the opponent's body has now surrendered directly!

This transformation really made them somewhat incomprehensible.

The opponent's reasons made them even more aware of the horror of the Phoenix force.

Here, others may not feel it yet.

But Captain Rogers and the others felt obvious problems.

Phoenix force! Jean Grey! Mutant!

The strength of the opponent alone can overwhelm the god Yi Ge.

As for Yi Ge, his strength is more terrifying than most of them combined.

That is to say, the representative said that Qin Gelei of Phoenix force is stronger than everyone else.

Mutant has such a terrifying power, what will happen if it fights with humans?

And now, humans still want to destroy Mutant.

The potion they developed to eliminate Mutant, At the moment, is about to be distributed to Jun Wan.

By that time, no one knows what will happen.

In other words, how many people will die in the end at that time.

Will human beings be wiped out by this Mutant?

Once this idea appeared, the fear in Captain Rogers' heart rose rapidly.

Originally, their S.H.I.E.L.D didn't want to get too involved in the military and Mutant's affairs because of the relationship between the last strength loss.

But now it seems that if they don't intervene in the end, Mutant might destroy human beings!

This time back to Earth, we must let Director Nick Fury stop the battle between Mutant and humans.

Otherwise, it's all over.

These thoughts are unknown to others, and they are still worrying about what might happen next at the moment.

Egg surrendered, is that true?

What choice will Phoenix make?

Accept the opponent's submission, or refuse?

Jean Grey's "At the moment" is also a little unclear.

She just exploded her strength, why did Egg surrender?

Although Qin Gelei also felt that her testosterone seemed to exceed a certain level.

She even felt that there seemed to be more power gathering in the universe.

But Egg said that these powers were older than him, which made her a little unbelievable.

I am just a woman who has lived for decades, why do I have ancient power?

Also, is what Egg said true?

She didn't know what to do.

Then, she thought of Qin Xiao, the emissary of the Eternal God.

"Messenger, what should I do about Egg's surrender?"

Since you don't know what to do, give it to someone who might know how to do it.

Hearing Qin Gelei's words, Qin Xiao At the moment was also stunned.

In this case, I have no experience.

This guy, Egg, will rebel if he is not careful.

Who knows if his thoughts will change?

Moreover, what if he is planning to delay the attack now?

More importantly, Phoenix said that the Phoenix force is still concentrated.

What if the Phoenix force gets out of control?

Even when the time comes, the degree of destruction caused by the Phoenix force will be even more terrifying than Egg.

But then, he thought of something.

Own a Phoenix force too.

At that time, part of the Phoenix force in the universe will be directly distributed to oneself.

At that time, he will also have the strength to suppress Yi Ge.

It will also have the ability to fight against Jean Grey's Phoenix force.

In this way, it seems that even if there are problems later, it will not have much impact.

"Since you have chosen to surrender, then accept your surrender, but you first need to cancel your own seeds all over other planets, otherwise, we will not believe you.

Qin Xiao put forward his opinion directly.

If you surrender, then show your sincerity.

"No problem, I will tell you the location of the seeds on each planet, and then you can destroy those seeds yourself."

Egg At the moment is very generous.

Since you have chosen to surrender, you will not think about those things.

So what if I destroy all of my own seeds for you. .

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