Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

328 Horrified Civilizations!

Egg is very generous and willing to tell everyone about his seed.

And willing to let them destroy those seeds themselves.

At the moment, he really chose to surrender completely.

Egg cooperated so well, which made everyone feel unbelievable.

The next thing to do is to find out all the seeds.

"Well, then you tell us where all the seeds are, and we will confirm. If these are true, we will believe in your submission.

Qin Xiao At the moment had no other thoughts.

Otherwise, the only option is for Phoenix to destroy Ego directly.

Or, let Phoenix kill Egg?

This thought lingered in Qin Xiao's mind.

The safest way to "six eight seven" is naturally to let Yi Ge disappear directly.

In this way, she doesn't have to worry about any problems later on, whether it's Yi Ge's seeds or Yi Ge originally, she doesn't have to worry about it.

However, dealing with a prisoner like this always feels a bit problematic.

Qin Xiao threw this thought out of his mind.

Egg At the moment is constantly telling everyone about where he planted his seeds on those planets.

One location after another was spoken from Egg's mouth.

This represents one planet after another, all under threat from Egg.

Even Earth has an Egg Seed.

This is what the other party left behind when they went to Earth decades ago.

It was also at that time that Xingjue existed.

This made it clear to everyone that they had been living under the threat of Egg.

And this threat came decades ago,

They even had to rejoice, luckily Egg didn't find the power of a god like him back then.

Otherwise maybe Earth and those other planets have become Egg's duplication.

Think of the cold sweat of everyone here.

Although they already knew about such a thing before, but now they heard the news again, they still felt more and more horrified.

Time gradually passed, and all the things here were finally resolved completely. They knew where all the seeds of other planets existed.

Immediately afterwards, they sent all the information obtained here to the whole universe through the Collector.

When they received this information from Collector, many empires and civilizations in the universe were stunned.

According to Collector, there are many planets in all their cosmic empires and civilizations, which are actually in danger all the time.

The source of this danger is that a god planted a seed in their planet.

The rhizome of this seed has joined the planetary interior of every planet,

Just wait until one day, this god launches his attack film to turn all these planets into the same thing as him.

The reason why this god has not sent a message is because he still lacks the power of a god.

The power of the gods alone cannot destroy the energy of these planets.

It's over, a message that all empires and civilizations find unbelievable.

Unbelief, suspicion, speculation, ridicule, all kinds of emotions appeared in their hearts.

However, any ideas were suppressed, because they only needed to follow these coordinates to find out.

Ever since, troops from all the planets started to search for the seeds belonging to Ego.

The Nova Corps on Xandar was dispatched to the coordinates received from everyone.

Countless advanced equipment At the moment is constantly scanning this location.

A brightly colored plant appeared in their scan.

When they saw this plant, the people in the Nova Corps had some thoughts in their hearts.

There are too many of these unknown plants, but it is really rare to see such a strange and beautiful plant like this one.

Countless devices, in addition to scanning the surface originally, etc., after discovering this plant, more began to scan the interior of the planet.

Then they were horrified to find that the root of this plant was really amazing.

This plant looks small, but its roots can't be probed to the bottom.....

With Xandar's star technology, although they haven't dug below the ground, they can explore at least tens of kilometers, or even hundreds of kilometers.

But even with such terrifying data, it was impossible to find the location of the root of this plant.

At this time, they recalled the information they had received, that the follow-up of this plant was directly connected to the center of the earth. From this point of view, this matter is indeed true.

A rhizome is connected to the center of the earth!

That alone is enough to tell how horrible this thing is!

At this moment, all people's original doubts turned into horror.

They fought desperately with other empires, and as a result their planet was always in danger.

If he didn't know about it this time, then it happened that Egg launched his attack during the big battle.

At that time, would the entire planet Xandar be directly destroyed?

Did the countless lives above all die in the end?

Thinking of this, everyone was even more horrified!

Thankfully, thankfully they now know.

Moreover, they are like frightened birds now, and they are not only interested in this seed.

At the moment they started looking for more seeds without a break.

They worry that there are more seeds 1.8 on this planet.

Even, they worry that there will be more other substances that can destroy the planet.

A planet-wide investigation into the destruction of matter begins on Xandar.

The same thing happens on more living planets.

All the living planets became terrified after discovering that seed.

Their planet turned out to be in danger all along.

Such a thing is simply unbelievable.

Life, maybe at some point it will simply disappear.

Likewise, this has happened on Earth.

All this caught one's attention.

In other words, it is not a person, but a program.


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