Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

359 Dormammu's Change!

What will happen in the radically changed future even she doesn't know.

At least none of those things existed in the future she was looking at now.

However, in the future seen through Time Gem, everything seems to be fine.

It can only be said that the impact of the current situation on the future has reached its limit.

The rest may not have happened.

At least not in the future we see.

"Forget it, I don't think I should worry about those things anymore. If I really reach the multi-universe, it's useless to worry about it myself."

Ancient One finally figured it out.

What she can do is only things like her own ability range.

Those that are beyond one's ability, someone will naturally come forward to solve them.

It's as if she didn't need her to attack the Planet Devourer this time, and countless people in the entire universe participated in dealing with each other.

Therefore, training Qin Xiao to become stronger now is the best way to deal with those forces that he cannot deal with.

So, she directly continued to draw the power of Doma 04 to expand the dimensional space.

Dormammu, who is in the dark dimension, clearly feels that the power of his dark dimension is being constantly drawn.

"Ah~~~ Ancient One! It's you again, you're drawing my power again, bastard!"

At the moment's Dormammu, the magic power is everywhere, and the entire dark dimension seems to start to oscillate endlessly.

This is his endless rage, this is his impotent rage.

Ancient One stole his strength, but now he has nothing to do with him.

For hundreds of years, he found many opportunities to invade the earth.

However, they were all blocked by Ancient One and three holy places.

During these years, he has constantly seduced the creatures of worlds of various dimensions.

Tempting all living beings with eternal life.

Some creatures are easily tempted by themselves.

But there are many people who don't want to be seduced by themselves.

Like Ancient One is one of them.

She is using her powers and not accepting her neediness.

Every time I invaded, it was constantly blocked by the other party.

Even because the other party draws the power of his own dimension.

There is always a feeling of hitting yourself.

This made him even more upset.

So for a long time Dormammu was reluctant to invade Earth.

Anyway, I didn't gain anything when I went there.

Moreover, it has been a long time since Ancient One has found his full potential and drawn his own strength.

What are you doing today?

Not only that, but she also seems to be constantly draining her power.

It's as if he doesn't care about the other party at all, and the other party can take time out of his own energy.

"Ancient One, what the hell are you doing?"

A furious Dormammu At the moment constantly tried to see what the Ancient One was doing.

Following the power of magic, he can only see the barrier between the two dimensions.

Those magical powers just penetrated the barrier and entered another dimension.

In the haze, there seems to be a figure that is constantly turning those magical powers into a powerful magic.

And beside Ancient One, there seemed to be a person accompanying him.

Those magics seem to be used for the other party.

"Who can let Ancient One draw his own power? Such a powerful opponent, could it be an opponent from other dimensions?"

Dormammu seemed to have a guess.

But then he found that it seemed that this was not the case.

They seem to be trying some new magic.

"Ancient One! I'm not finished with you, you try something, do you just use my power to display it? You are too much."

Angry Dormammu constantly pounded the entire dimensional barrier.


At the same time, a holy place on the earth simultaneously rang the alarm bell.

Countless magicians converged towards the three holy places.

"What the hell is going on, why is the holy place's alarm bell going off all of a sudden."

"Could it be that there are lords or demons from other dimensions attacking our earth.

"Speed, we can't let the opponent attack our holy place."

"The three holy places sounded the alarm at the same time, and the strength of the invaders this time should not be underestimated.

"Whether Kamar-Taj's support came or not, we now have to withstand the opponent's attack." 927 "Don't worry, there are three holy places, and it is not so easy to attack."

At the same time, Kamar-Taj's magician At the moment rushed from the three doors of the library towards the three holy places.

The three holy places are under attack, and their task is to support.

"Another dimension, Mephista, has come to invade us, and we haven't been attacked for a long time.

"I don't know who is here this time. It's not so easy to break the three holy places."

"It's just right, everyone can go to see the power of Mephista in the dimension of knowledge."

"After practicing spells for so long, we are finally going to see those dimensions Mephista."

"Do you think Sorcerer Supreme will go this time?"

Groups of magicians headed towards this place.

The Ancient One magician and Qin Xiao, who were returning to the metaspace, also saw what happened to Kamar-Taj.

"Everyone rushed to other holy places, it seems that I made Dormammu angry again."

Ancient One At the moment had a calm face. .

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