Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

360 I Went To See And See Dormammu

Ancient One's face was indeed calm, as if she knew exactly what happened.

"Dormammu? Are you saying that it is Dormammu who is attacking the holy place?"

Qin Xiao was a little surprised.

Dormammu, according to his thinking, it should be a while.

Anyway, Kaecilius wasn't ready yet.

He has not yet become a believer and has not destroyed the holy place.

At this time, Dormammu came to attack, isn't it courting death?

No, this is not courting death.

Dormammu is almost impossible to die.

Especially in his dark dimension it's almost impossible to die.

But he can't take advantage of this here.

Why are you rushing to attack the earth.

Could it be that it was really because Ancient One absorbed too much of his magic power?

"Yes, this familiar smell is Dormammu, every time I use too much power of the dark dimension, he will attack the earth like crazy.

It has been a long time since he has used his power too much, so it has not caused his riots for a long time.

Today is to cooperate with your training, so I deliberately smoked a little more of his calendar. "

Ancient One At the moment is definitely what it should be.

Qin Xiao looked confused.

"Dormammu is fighting, and you are not in a hurry."

"It's okay, it just so happens that the magicians have nothing to do for a long time, so it's good to let them have a good activity, with the holy place, it is impossible for Dormammu to pass through this dimension.

If he can really break through the dimensional barrier with the holy place, it proves that his strength has reached an even more terrifying level.

If it gets to that level, I can't stop him anymore."

Ancient One At the moment is becoming more and more indifferent.

This moment really left Qin Xiao speechless.

The point is, it also makes sense.

"No, shouldn't you be more worried at the moment? This is a dimension of Mephista's attack, your disciples, don't you worry about losses?"

Qin Xiao always felt that her current thinking was not right.

Could it be that because she's getting younger, he's more active and bold now?

It is estimated that this is the case, otherwise it cannot explain why.

"As a magician family, some losses are inevitable, and this is also the result of their choice.

Moreover, it is simply impossible to resist the dimension Mephista without any loss.

If they all have such thoughts, it will be finished once danger really occurs.

No way, there will be a direct defeat at that time. Instead of that, it is better to let these magicians go home.

Ancient One At the moment seems to be easy to say, but she is teaching Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao pursued perfection too much.

She has seen many futures, and in those futures, many people around God Qin Xiaoshen do not exist.

They're either dead, or Blacken is gone.

But now, there are many people here.

Those who are already due to die in some future are not dead in this future now.

This may be the result of Qin Xiao's pursuit of perfection.

If one person does not die, the final result is likely to be the death of countless people.

This is the result she has seen and dealt with countless futures.

So, even if she herself is going to die at some point, she will not have hesitation.

Besides, she has lived countless days.

Even if you are dying now, it is nothing.

This was her original idea.

But now that she can freely control her age, she seems to not want to die anymore.

So from this point of view, she seemed to have some understanding of what Qin Xiao wanted to do.

After all, none of them actually wanted to die.

All I can do now is to remind the other party.

As for whether the other party listens or not, that is beyond my control.

Qin Xiao heard what Ancient One said, and he actually understood this truth.

It's just that he's still a little hesitant about the Deadman thing.

Especially the death of his own person, he always had some reluctance to accept it.

Definitely, this is just a random idea, it's not like he would do something out of the ordinary to save someone who died.

"`~Okay, but Dormammu shows up, I really want to see what he looks like, this guy has a lot of reputation.

Now he (Wang Qianzhao) really wants to know what kind of existence Dormammu is.

"Want to see Dormammu? That's fine, then I'll take you to see it."

After Ancient One finished speaking, he opened the portal of the dimensional space.

The two walked out of the dimensional space directly.

Immediately afterwards, the two passed through the portal of the library and came directly to Holy Place in New York.

Here, a group of magicians are looking at the dimensional barrier projected by the holy place with magic tools.

Outside the dimensional barrier, a terrifying figure of unknown size is constantly impacting the dimensional space connected to the earth.

Everyone at the moment saw the coming Ancient One and saluted one after another.

"Sorcerer Supreme!".

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