"Magneto, stop!"

Cyclops growled loudly.

It's just that the entire Yi Ge star is trembling under the control of Magneto's Ability.

It may not be very obvious in the distance, but the metals in the very close place are all manipulated.

This kind of destructive power is obviously more terrifying than Charles.

At least, Charles' Ability works on people.

And Magneto, is directly destroying the planet.

"I can't help it!"

Magneto At the moment was shocked.

Originally thought it was his own business that Charles' ability could not be controlled.

But now that he himself is like this, he realizes that it is not!

The strengthening of Apocalypse is really too strong.

He wants to control it, at least it will take a little time.

"If you can't control 04 your Ability, you will ruin this area."

"That is, what should we do if we really destroy this area?"

"Who can limit Charles' power?"

"Qin is not here, otherwise he can easily control it."

"Now what?"

"One star is our future, this place cannot be destroyed!"

A group of Mutants are in a hurry.

At this moment, everyone knows that being strengthened by Apocalypse will suffer such a crisis.

This time, more people dare not be strengthened.

At this moment, a white light shone from Yi Ge.

The planet controlled by Magneto calmed down in a blink of an eye.

A figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was Egg.

"What are you doing? The planet I managed to control almost suffered a natural disaster."

Egg didn't know what the hell was going on here.

"Magneto can't control his power, so he caused you such trouble."

"We are being Apocalypse strengthening our own Ability, and after being strengthened, we are a little bit out of control."

"That's right, our Ability is a little out of control. N

"Egg, does it have a big influence on you?"

Everyone is very concerned about the situation of Yi Gexing.

This is their living planet.

Nothing can happen.

"It's okay, although Magneto's ability is still very strong.

But it is not so easy to really shake my planet.

But if you really want to continue to improve your Ability.

It is best to start with those that are originally weak.

The strength is originally very weak, so even if it is improved, it is not a big problem.

And there are so many of you here "at least able to stop Juban.

Use Ability players like Charles and Magneto from the start.

This originally does not conform to your routine of improving your strength. "

Egg gave his advice.

What everyone is doing now is very unscientific.

Experiments, definitely start from the weakest.

Gradually start to improve the strength step by step.

Like Magneto, it is generally promoted last.

At that time, everyone's strength increased greatly.

Even if someone loses control, 283 is not worried.

Hearing Yi Ge's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

But they feel that this is actually the most reasonable.

"So, who goes on?"

Someone asked this question.

"Forget it, let me do it, my ability strengthening is not a big problem."

At this time, a person came out.


As a Magneto person, he had always listened to Magneto's words.

But got Qin Xiao's karmic fruit.

He can also be regarded as Qin Xiao's person.

What's more, Karma Fruit and his original Self-healing Ability are a perfect match.

Infinitely increased damage.

What could be better than this.

Everyone looked at Sabretooth: "Then you come.

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