Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

420 Sabretooth Strengthening! Eternal Life?

"Then you come, improving the Self-healing Ability is originally your own, and it won't affect other people, right?"

"It makes sense, Self-healing is all about yourself."

"What will the strengthening of Self-healing Ability become?"

"The current Sabretooth is almost impossible to die. If he improves again, will he really be immortal?"

"It is possible, perhaps, that he will be among the longest-lived humans."

All the Mutants basically agreed with Sabretooth to make this attempt.

Apocalypse looked at Sabretooth with a strange look in his eyes.

The person in front of him is really interesting.

Self-healing Ability Apocalypse looks down on.

Because his own body also has a powerful Self-healing Ability.

Even his Self-healing Ability is stronger than the opponent's.

But there is another force in the opponent's body.

He has encountered that kind of power in a small number of people.

That is a strange force.

Variations that are not part of the x gene.

But it is very similar to the power of mutation.

"Since you are here, come and try."

Apocalypse came to Sabretooth's side.

His hand went straight to Sabretooth.

A force penetrated Sabretooth's body.

Sabretooth's x-gene was rapidly being strengthened.

Sabretooth already looked to be in her forties.

At the moment lotus paste becomes young quickly.

In a short period of time, he seemed to be in his twenties.

The self-healing factor in his body is increasing exponentially.

Even Sabretooth has a weird feel to it.

He may live forever!

As long as his body's self-healing factor doesn't exceed what he can make.

Then he can live forever.

Even if his body consumes part of the Self-healing factor.

His body also constantly produces new Self-healing factors.

This will gradually replenish the body's depletion.

This is a virtuous cycle.

eternal life!

A word that even Sabretooth finds incredible.

He has lived for more than a hundred years.

But compared with eternal life, these more than a hundred years are nothing at all.

Even, at the moment, he understood the power of Apocalypse.

No wonder the body of Apocalypse can survive for thousands of years.

The opponent's body also has endless Self-healing factors.

So he can live.

And the eyes of At the moment's Apocalypse changed.

He felt another force in Sabretooth's body.

That's the power of the devil fruit karma fruit.

The more damage he takes, the more amazing his size and strength become.

This kind of power is really a perfect match with this person in front of him.

He even read the source of this power from inside Sabretooth's head.

It is from Qin!

His hands let go of Sabretooth.

Sabretooth stepped aside excitedly.

At the moment, he looked at his own people in disbelief.

And others saw that Sabretooth wasn't out of control.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, not every force will be empty.

See Sabretooth gets strengthening.

Wolverine, who was smoking a cigar, also came up.

`~I will try too, my strength is the same as his W~!'

(Money?) The brothers Wolverine and Sabretooth.

The rare thing is that Mutant Ability is all Self-healing.

The only difference is their attack style.

Apocalypse looked at Wolverine, his hand reaching straight up.

A force runs through Wolverine's body.

Immediately afterwards, Apocalypse also felt another force.

Wolverine and Sabretooth aren't quite as straight.

"This kind of power is another system, no wonder he can easily defeat me."

Apocalypse has her own judgment in her heart. .

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