Not long after, Qin Xiao met that Ability.

He brought Qin Xiao to the deepest base of the organization.

That guy looked at Qin Xiao's eyes, and immediately realized how powerful he was.

Qin Xiao seemed to see his thoughts clearly and let go of his arms, saying that he would not make a move, as long as he could impress him, he would admit defeat.

Although that guy knew that "June 20" Dao Qin Xiao was very powerful, but with such blind self-confidence, he would definitely suffer.

Although he has abilities similar to Qin Xiao's, this is only a small part.

Then he directly used his highest speed to come to Qin Xiao's side, freezing Qin Xiao's hands and feet.

Qin Xiao just closed his eyes and the ice cubes melted.

The Ability user hurriedly distanced himself from him, and then used the fire attribute to surround his whole body and rush towards him.

Qin Xiao couldn't be indifferent now, because once this guy released his strength, he might hurt himself.

"It seems that I underestimated you before. I take back what I said just now. You are indeed quite strong. If you continue like this, I'm afraid I won't even be able to keep the whole body. Now let's officially start. Peter and Mike Li is on the sidelines as the referee."

Qin Xiao knew that he could not use too many abilities, otherwise the other party would become suspicious, and he would be finished if he reported it to the higher-ups.

Therefore, it is better for Qin Xiao to use physical defense and attack as much as possible.

That guy rushed straight towards Qin Xiao, and the flames wrapped around his body made Qin Xiao feel the burning pain.

"I think you seem to have been injured, or you can rest for a while, it happens that there is also a good lounge in this place, and everyone has everything in it."

Qin Xiao felt that he was being looked down upon, so he patted the dust off his body, took off his coat, spread his legs apart, did some warm-up exercises, and whispered something to him

"Are you ready?"

Qin Xiao used 10% of his strength's super speed force to hit the ability man in front of him so that he couldn't react at all.

This ability doesn't know that Qin Xiao is only using 10% of his strength now, but now he can't predict his performance at all, and has fallen into a passive state.

When Qin Xiao was about to kick him in the head with his own feet, he quickly used the ability of the wind element to roll Qin Xiao into the tornado...

Qin Xiao sighed that this guy can use these elements so skillfully.

Finally standing still, Peter and Mai Li stood aside and didn't know what to say, because they hadn't decided the winner yet, and neither of them was injured.

At this time, the Ability user revealed that his name was Wag.

Qin Xiao felt that the name was very common, then scratched his nose, and gave him a contemptuous look, as if mocking that his ability was not as strong as he expected.

This Ability won't just make Qin Xiao proud, and now he has unleashed all of his 5.1 strength.

Qin Xiao became serious, so he put on a stance and put on a protective shield for himself, so that he would not be injured. While defending, he would also look for opportunities to attack.

The speed of this Ability is very fast, Qin Xiao didn't know how to make a move for a while, after seeing his movements clearly, Wa Ge suddenly appeared behind him, Qin Xiao realized that what was just now was just an afterimage That's all. .

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