Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

894 Negotiating To Take Wager Away

"Speed ​​is prized, but strength is not."

Qin Xiao forcibly withstood Wagga's gravitational blow.

Although Qin Xiao's protective shield was broken, he was also injured.

Qin Xiao turned his head slowly at this time, grabbed Wa Ge's wrist, and then slammed it to the ground.

Wag suddenly felt that one or two of his ribs were broken, and he yelled loudly.

Seeing this, Peter and Mai Li hurriedly terminated the match, because if it continued like this, they might cough up murderous intentions.

"That's it, otherwise, if the fight continues like this, the ceiling will probably be pierced by these two guys."

At this time, an old man with white hair came out and said to the two of them.

Peter felt a little flustered when he saw the white-haired old man, because he knew that this guy was the leader of the organization since he came here.

Qin Xiao could also tell that this guy's aura was different from others.

"Wage, hurry up and go back to the studio with Qin Xiao and the others, there are some things you have to deal with.

Wa Ge nodded to the white-haired old man, and then took Qin Xiao to the studio.

In just a few minutes, he had already healed his bones and healed all the wounds on his body.

"Brother, where did your Ability come from? Tell me, I was born with only a supernatural power, and nothing else."

It is obvious that Qin Xiao is fooling Wag, hoping that he can trust himself, so that he can reach a consensus with him. In a good situation, Wag should become his undercover agent, and finally help him complete the task without knowing it .

When Qin Xiao was still daydreaming, Wag also made up a lie. He said that his Ability was actually cultivated in nature. Since he was born with such a physique, it is reasonable to absorb the power of nature. So definitely Qin Xiao believed it foolishly.

The white-haired old man was talking about something with Peter and the others. Qin Xiao wanted to find out more about it, but Wagga stopped him, because when the boss is talking about things, others are absolutely not allowed to intervene. If the rules are violated , the consequences are a bit serious.

After Peter and Mai Li came out, Qin Xiao hurried over to ask them what happened. Mai Li shook her head in embarrassment, and told Qin Xiao that he might not be here for long, so if he wanted to complete the task, he had to hurry up.

Qin Xiao thought to himself, if it really doesn't work, he can take Wag back by himself while these people are resting, and use the ability of teleportation.

But in that case, he can't guarantee whether this side will find out, if this side finds out that he is from Stark's side, it may lead to disputes between the two parties, and in this way, he will be regarded as a victim.

"This is 830, you come with me."

After Wagga left, Qin Xiao and the others entered the state of meditation again, closing their eyes and pretending to be dozing off. In fact, the three of them were discussing the next step in the dream space.

The general content is that Qin Xiao wants to take them out when they are resting at night, but his actions can be seen everywhere here, so it is not easy to do.

At this time, Peter thought of a good way, that is to take advantage of the holiday, Qin Xiao deliberately went to find Wa Ge during the holiday, on the surface to play, but in fact to bring him back to the headquarters.

"I think it's okay..."

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