"No, teacher, why don’t you accept male students?"

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Ichinose Takarō became anxious:

"I will be absolutely obedient and follow the teacher's orders! I won't cause you any trouble!"

As a well-known figure in Furasu High School, it is natural for Lin Feng to want to learn from his idol.

However, Minato on the side snorted coldly and said with some contempt:

"Don't even think about it, this guy won't take you in."

Lin Feng shrugged and spread his hands:

"Seeing your students as flowers of youth is different from seeing them as a bunch of stupid idiots who are as stupid as pigs."

Are you kidding? You don't teach female students but male students? You are crazy!

"Moreover, judging from the current student allocation situation, you can only go to Mr. Minato."

"That is indeed true."

Minato affirmed:

"The current school regulations stipulate that a teacher can only take two students at most. Lin Feng has one Jiutang Lingyin and one Yinxing Lianhua."

"Who is Ginkgo Lianhua? Is she a senior?"

"Yes, you will know each other in the future. Anyway, for now, you can only learn from me."

Hearing this, Ichinose Takarō was disappointed, but he had to accept his fate:


Lin Feng nodded, turned around and walked out:

"Then I'll leave him to you, Minato. I'm going back now. Let's talk later."

"Goodbye, teacher! You wait and see how I perform. I will definitely pass the exam tomorrow!"

"I wish you success then."

Lin Feng waved his hand and left the Alchemy Academy, heading back to the photo studio.

Because it had been a long time since school was over and there were fewer students on the road,

Lin Feng was not too shy to communicate with the system:

"System, collect task rewards"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and obtaining the Kamen Rider Valvarad series pilot card! 】

Oh?! It turned out to be a deck of Juggernaut!

Lin Feng raised his hand and a set of purple pilot cards appeared in his hand.

The image of the knight imprinted on it was the form that Black Steel Spana transformed into when he obtained his own driver!

Kamen Rider Valvarad, as one of the three riders of the Gochard series, uses a driver that imitates Gtochard.

Although he has his own special warrior form in the early stage, there is still a big gap between it and the real driver that can be double-refined.

Perhaps the numerical value is not very high, but Lin Feng has already thought of the interesting scene when he beats Juggernaut with this deck.

"This joke is too funny~"

There is no way. Since the second rider in this show is positioned as the first female rider in history, the traditional event of Kamen Rider, the second rider is defeated, has to be changed to the third rider.

It is impossible to let the person who rolls around and opens his mouth and closes his eyes every time he is defeated become a girl, right?

Obviously, the screenwriter has also considered the inappropriateness of this part.

Therefore, as the third rider, Black Steel Spana has become the target of daily persecution, and thus got the name, Laogang.

If Lin Feng uses the form that has not yet appeared to beat Laogang, who has just obtained the special warrior form, he can hardly imagine how much grass the scene will be.~

"I believe that scene will come soon."

Muttering to himself, Lin Feng put the card set into the card box.

At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

After answering the call, the person on the other end of the phone spoke anxiously, and

Lin Feng's expression became meaningful....

Not far from Furasu High School, in a church that had not been used for a long time, it was unexpectedly lively today.

Three figures dressed in dark came here.

They were the three dark sisters.

"Not bad, although it is an abandoned place and a bit dusty, it is very quiet and can serve as a temporary base."

Lachesis wiped the dust off the table and commented.

As a militant, Cloto was still immersed in the anger of being beaten by Lin Feng not long ago.

She put one leg on the table and said angrily:

"Atropos! Tell me, what are you going to do next? I'm going to cause trouble for that guy!"

Standing on the podium at the top, Atropos turned the ring in his hand and said:

"Not in a hurry...We seem to have guests coming."

As soon as these words came out, the church's originally tightly closed door suddenly opened, and with a teeth-grinding creaking sound, a figure appeared in front of the three people with his back to the light.

"puff...So much gray...Are you guys here to rent a house?"

Upon hearing this,

Lachesis and Cloto laughed immediately:

"Who are you?"

"Wherever we three sisters go, we have never been asked to rent. You are really brave."

Hearing this, the figure standing at the door smiled helplessly, and then slowly took out the black DarkDecade driver from behind:

"Come on, come on, can you two tell me what you just said again?"


"Is it you?!!"

After a short silence, the three sisters in the church all entered a state of alert.

They took fighting postures and were ready to fight at any time.

The reason was simple.

If the driver was not mistaken, it was the prop used by Kamen Rider Dark Decade who defeated Cloto not long ago!

Such a crushing force would leave a deep impression on them.

Even though they were not transformed now, they still had the oppressive feeling in their memories!

Lin Feng walked out of the light and shadow, manipulated alchemy to close the door of the church, looked at the three of them with a smile, and said:

"So, can we talk now?"

Hearing this,

Clotho hesitated.

She looked at Lachesis, then at Atropos, and was obviously unable to make up her mind.

"You guy...How did you find this place?"

Lin Feng put away the driver, found a place to sit down casually, and said leisurely:

"I'm so sorry, you were caught on camera when you demolished the church's back door, and I happen to be the landlord of this block of houses."

Lachesis's mouth twitched:

"This one...piece?"

"Hmm, there are probably hundreds of properties including Furasu High School."

"You are what humans call...Landlord?"

Lin Feng waved his hand modestly:

"It's too vulgar. I just have a little money. So, are you ready to rent this church?"

Lachesis instinctively wanted to refuse, but Lin Feng predicted her words and refused with a smile:

"Now I can't leave even if I want to. I have to pay compensation for destroying the back door of the church."

"You are the real devil, right?!"

Clotho was immediately anxious, and at this time, Atropos responded:

"We rent it!"

The little doll walked down the steps and came to Lin Feng.

He was not too afraid, but smiled in a flattering way:

"But we have one condition"

"You still want to negotiate terms with me?"

"No, it should be said, we beg you to join us."

When Atropos said this,

Lachesis and Clotho were stunned:

"Hey! Do you know what you are talking about?!"

"How can we get him to join us?!"


Atropos suppressed the protests of the two sisters.

She still looked at Lin Feng and asked:

"You said you weren't on the side of the Alchemy Academy, right? So, you should be interested in cooperating with us, right?"


Lin Feng supported his chin with one hand and looked at her with some surprise:

"I didn’t expect you to be so smart. Can you tell me why you think so?"

"It's very simple. You said before that we were captured by the surveillance video. If you were here to kill us, you would have transformed and prepared to fight before entering the door, but you didn't. So you must want to get something from us, right?"

Faced with Atropos's guess,

Lin Feng gave a positive answer, but only half of it:

"You are half right. I do not intend to fight you, but I do not want to get anything from you. I am here just to have fun. I will cooperate with you, but I will only do it when I am interested. Otherwise, don't expect me to help you...."

As he spoke, Lin Feng smiled maliciously:

"Even if we cooperate, you still have to pay the rent."

Hearing this, even Atropos couldn't hold it anymore, staring at Lin Feng with resentment, and said sinisterly:

"It turns out that humans are the most hateful, even children are not spared"

"Hey! I'm warning you not to talk nonsense!"......

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