"DarkDecade...The destroyer of the world."

Jiudang Linyin looked at Lin Feng's disappearing figure, muttering the last name in his mouth.

This sentence fell into everyone's ears.

Everyone was a little doubtful.

The destroyer of the world, a creepy title, judging from his previous actions and, might not be untrue.

But what kind of impact will such a Kamen Rider who has never appeared in history bring to the world?

In the corner,

Black Steel Spana turned away silently, and

Minato called him:

"Where are you going?"

"Go find Teacher Jinghua."

Black Steel Spana tilted his head slightly and said:

"Let's not talk about the release of the 101 Camies. Just the fact that I've never seen a Kamen Rider before makes me feel unprecedented pressure. I need to ask Jinghua to help me make a new refining tool."

"Can you control the power of Kemi?"

Minato said worriedly:

"Kemi is not as simple as he thought."

Upon hearing this, Black Steel Spana snorted coldly.���road:

"A kid who doesn't even know alchemy can do it, so why can't I? Just wait and see."

Looking at the disappearing back of Kurogane,

Minato sighed helplessly.

He knew that Kurogane was talking about Tatarō Ichinose, a boy who didn't know alchemy, but could successfully perform dual alchemy.

Although it was with the help of the Gtochard driver, it also indirectly proved that he was qualified for dual alchemy.

This was of course a big shock to Kurogane, who considered himself a genius.

But the Gtochard driver was the work of Kujo Fuga, and it was impossible for Kurogane to surpass Kujo Fuga easily.

Shaking his head,

Minato temporarily put the matter behind him.

Now, he needed to solve the problem of Tatarō Ichinose.

Thinking of this, Minato walked out from the corner, came in front of him and Kujo Rinone, and said:

"Takara, are you okay?

After a short rest, Ichinose Takara, who was able to move again, nodded and said:

"It's not a big deal, just some skin injuries..."

Seeing this,

Minato put the ring on his ring finger on his index finger in front of him. His appearance also changed drastically, from the original decadent style to a dull and honest one.

"Eh?!! Minato-sensei, you...It looks like Jiutang’s uniform!"

"Because I am also an alchemist, and an instructor at the Alchemy Academy"

"Alchemy Academy???"

Ichinose Takarō was extremely curious about this new word.

At this time, Jiudou Rinyin explained:

"The Alchemy Academy is a school for studying alchemy, and I am also a member of it."

"Huh?! Did it start with high school? Why don't I know anything about it? No....I think I know..."

Ichinose Takarō suddenly remembered the strange place that Jiudou Rinyin and Lin Feng went to this morning when he followed them.

Now that he thought about it, that must be where the Alchemy Academy was.

Jiudou Rinyin ignored his shock, turned to look at Minato, and said:

"Teacher, all 101 Kemis have been released. What should we do now?"

"Don't worry too much for now, the top management is already in a meeting to discuss it."

Minato patted her shoulder, then looked at Ichinose Takarō:

"What’s important now is, you, Baotaro, have you decided what to fill in on the development intention survey form?"

"This word..."

Ichinose Tatarō looked down at the Kamika in his hand.

At this time, Lin Feng's voice came from not far away:

"Have you found the Gtocha you were looking for? If you want to learn more about Kemi, join the Alchemy Academy and become an alchemist."

"Brother Lin Feng!"

Jiutang Linyin ran over immediately, and the worry on her face disappeared a lot:

"Where did you go just now? Why did you come here just now?"

Lin Feng smiled and touched her head:

"It's nothing more than being attracted by a few Camies. All 101 of them have been released, so it's impossible not to be attracted."

As he said this, he looked at Ichinose Takarō:

"However, I was very surprised that the thing actually fell into the hands of this kid....It seems that he was chosen, right? Minato?"

"At present, this is the case."

Minato said solemnly:

"So, I agree with your suggestion, Baotaro, how about trying to become an alchemist?"

Without too much consideration, if this can help him get in touch with more Camies, then Ichinose Baotaro will definitely agree!

"OK! I want to join!"

"Don't worry, young man."

Lin Feng smiled:

"There are conditions for becoming an alchemist....Let's go back to the academy first."


The perspective changes.

Behind the empty school building,

Ichinose Takarō returns to the place in his memory.

The four of them climb the stairs, silently chant the Jade Record spell, and arrive at a brand new space.

"Oh!!! This place is great too!"

Ichinose Takarō was so excited that he looked around regardless of his injuries.

"This is too much like the atmosphere of a mysterious academy. I feel like even I can use magic here!"

Looking at him, Jiutang Linyin hesitated for a long time and asked:

"Baotaro, I have something I want to confirm with you."

"Hmm? Oh, you said"

"You used the power of that driver to become a Kamen Rider, so from whom did you get it?"

Ichinose Takarō scratched his head and said in confusion:

"In fact, I don't know much about it. I was taken away by the steam train and in a blink of an eye I came to a place full of kemi. There, an uncle entrusted it to me."

Hearing this, Jiutang Linyin's expression became gradually depressed.

Lin Feng stood beside her, stroking her shoulder with his palm:

"It is undoubtedly your father, but Linyin, I think you should not think too much about it now. Your father must have his own difficulties.

Jiutang Linyin wanted to refute something, but she looked at Lin Feng and couldn't say anything.

She lowered her head and said after a long silence:

"Brother, I want to go back first."

Lin Feng understood and touched her head helplessly.

His father, who was accused of being a traitor, left his daughter and went away for ten years, and never came back to see her. No one could accept it.

Lin Yin has grown up now, and an indelible seed has been planted in her heart.

It will not be completely resolved in a short time, and it can only be done slowly.

Thinking of this,

Lin Feng nodded and responded:

"OK, then be careful on your way home, I will be back soon too."

"Well, goodbye, Minato-sensei."

Jiudou Rin said goodbye to everyone, and disappeared from the Alchemy Academy with a heavy back.

Ichinose Takarō asked tentatively:

"Teachers, is Jiutang okay?"

"You don't have to worry about this, Teacher Lin Feng will take good care of her."

As he said this, Minato took out two alchemy cards from his pocket and said:

"Now, Baotaro, you need to complete an exam to prove whether you are qualified to become an alchemist....Stretch out your hand."

Ichinose Takarō did as he was told out of curiosity, and then Minato placed an alchemy card that sealed Camie in his hand.

However, something unexpected happened.

The weight of the alchemy card was so great that it pressed Ichinose Takarō's palm to the ground!

"So heavy!!! This...what's the situation?!"

"This is a law in alchemy called mass preservation, that is, the weight of the sealed Kemi is similar to the real existence in real life. For example, the Dancing Dancer corresponds to a human dancer in real life, and the Scythe Mantis corresponds to a mantis in real life. When comparing the two, the Dancing Dancer is naturally heavier. Do you understand?"

Looking at Minato's serious expression,

Ichinose Takaradarou smiled awkwardly:

"I can say...Don't you quite understand?"

Lin Feng shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. He was indeed the worst student in the class, so he simply and directly said:

"Don't worry about anything else. What you need to do now is to change the weight of the two Kemi cards so that they remain balanced. If you can't do this, the college will not be able to admit you."

"Wait a minute!"

Ichinose Takarō suddenly discovered the blind spot:

"This exam should require alchemy to change the weight, right? But I have never learned it before!"

Lin Feng was a little surprised:

"You are not stupid at all. Indeed, this exam requires alchemy, and the two of us exist to help you and teach you how to change their weight."

Hearing this, Ichinose Takarō grinned excitedly:

"Two teachers are teaching me together?! I am so lucky!"

However, the next second, Lin Feng slapped him on the head:

"Of course, there is nothing good waiting for you. You have to choose one of us to be your teacher for the next study."

"I choose..."


Before Bao Tailang made a choice,

Lin Feng interrupted him and said with a smile:

"I don't accept male students."


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