At the Institute of Human Foundation History,

Tachibana Saku was also typing away at his computer desk.

On the table next to him was a Zein drive with several data cables plugged in, seemingly constantly injecting programs into it.

Sakurai Yuto was sitting on a sofa not far away, holding a tablet in his hands.

In the video, Lin Feng was transforming into various forms of Kamen Rider to fight his opponent.

At this moment, a sound of stretching came from the back of the sofa, and then, Kamen Rider Evo1 transformed into the Kamen Rider Evo1.- X Evolto sat up slowly.

Ever since he brought Sakurai Yuto and Zein Actuator back from the top of the mountain not long ago, he has been staying at the Institute of Human Foundation History.

After Tachibana Saku learned about its identity, he also expressed his welcome to its joining.

Although Evolto has always emphasized that it does not stand on the side of any party, but judging from its current performance, it is at least not an enemy.

That's enough.

At this time,

Evolto turned his head and glanced at the tablet in Sakurai Yuto's hand, and smiled:

"Are you so obsessed with that Kamen Rider DarkDecade? In? He just defeated you once."

At this time, Sakurai Yuto's body had been occupied by Zein's consciousness, so Evolto called him directly.

Sakurai Yuto's eyes flashed with the blue light that only artificial intelligence can appear, and he said mechanically:

"I am just analyzing his fighting style and abilities by watching his fighting videos. I am preparing to defeat him when we meet again."

Evolto smiled noncommittally.

"Really? But I remember that from the day I got you back, until today, you have been watching those videos over and over again. I was almost getting calluses in my ears just by listening to the clanging sounds of the fighting. So...Are you really trying to learn how to crack him, or are you just not convinced because you were beaten up?"

Zein finally couldn't help but glance at him and said coldly:

"What about you? You said you came to Earth to have fun, so DarkDecade must be in line with your goal, right? Why haven't you taken any action for so long?"

Hearing this, Evolto stood up, stretched, and said with a smile:

"Because I am also looking for an opportunity, and today, this opportunity has come. Wait, I will avenge you. Ciao~" As soon as the voice fell, its figure turned into a ball of blood mist and disappeared in the villa.

Tachibana Saku turned around and looked at Sakurai Yuto, and a trace of curiosity and expectation appeared on their faces.

In the Alchemy Academy, a new day, Gryon also began to plan a new conspiracy.

But before making a plan, there is the most important lecture.

After all, in several collaborations with Lin Feng,

Gryon was suppressed badly, and he was a guy who looked down on

Lin Feng. Naturally, he would vent it on his subordinates, such as Minato at this time.

He knelt on one knee beside him, Gryon played with the Rubik's Cube in his hand, his voice was extremely cold,

"I am very disappointed in you, Minato. Yesterday, you guys didn't stop Black Steel Spana. We were about to see the wonderful refining....But, that's true."

Gryon raised his head and took a look at the images on the big screen.

Those were clips of Ichinose Tarotaro, Kudou Rin, and Kurogane Spana gaining new powers and then defeating Malgan.

He had never seen these powers before, and they were indeed beyond his expectations.

"Your students seem to be better, even better than you. I underestimated them."

Minato was happy in his heart, but his face still showed heaviness and tension.

"Lord Gryon, please give me another chance. I will definitely..."

"Lord Gryon!"


Atropos interrupted Minato's words.

"I think that Cloto might be able to help you more than this man."

Hearing this,

Cloto, who had been impatient for a long time, rushed forward and expressed his sincerity.

"Please leave it to me! My body is eager to defeat those little devils!"

Gryon looked at her and nodded slightly.

"Yes, I almost forgot that you were created for this purpose....Just dye me golden!"

He raised the Rubik's Cube, and a stream of pure golden energy was continuously injected into Cloto's body!

The next second, in the dazzling light,

Cloto's power increased exponentially!!!

"I'll give you some of my power, go ahead and make a scene!"

Kloto clenched his fists excitedly.

"Absolutely! I will definitely meet your expectations!"

After saying that, she turned around and was about to leave.

At this moment, a teasing voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

"Oh my, are you sure you got new power? I just changed into thicker clothes."

Kloto paused, looked down at herself, and indeed, from a certain perspective,...She really just had an extra set of thick clothes...

But that's not the point, who is talking?!

"Who is it?!!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the door at the entrance of the hall slowly open.

Evolto, with one hand on the wall and the other on his waist, appeared in their sight with a graceful demeanor!

"Who are you?! How dare you deny the power bestowed upon me by Lord Gryon?!!"

Cloto rushed forward furiously, wanting to kick Evolto, but Evolto just raised her hand and slapped her kick in the air, bang!!!

Cloto's body instantly flew sideways uncontrollably and hit the wall of the Alchemy Academy heavily!

""Kloto! Are you okay?"

Lachesis hurried forward and tried to help Kloto up, but Kloto was so angry that he shook her arm off and At this moment,

Gryon finally spoke.

"Kloto! Stop!"

Evolto looked at Kloto who was standing not far from him and snorted.

"Your parents said it just in time, otherwise, you might have been flying out of the building."

The last human who dared to confront him with his body would have died countless times.

As he spoke, Evolto turned his head and met Gryon's puzzled gaze.

"Curious about my identity, huh? No problem, I can tell you everything without reservation."

Evolto treated this place as his own territory, turned around and sat on the sofa in the middle of the hall, crossed his legs, and said slowly:

"My name is Evolto. In your words, I am an alien life form from a planet called vampire."

"Alien life?!!"

The sudden self-introduction made everyone present look suspicious.

The main reason was that even Gryon had never been out of the earth, let alone an alien creature.

"I came to Earth once many years ago....The Earth is not what it is now, but it doesn't matter. The purpose of my return this time is to have fun, and it just so happens that someone caught my attention."

Hearing Evolto say this, Gryon narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Having fun? The person you are talking about, could it be Kamen Rider Dark Decade?"

"Bingo! Congratulations, you got it right!"

Evolto snapped his fingers.

"I know that he and you had cooperated some time ago, but you seem to be having trouble these days, so do you want to choose a different partner?"

Gryon looked at the look it gave him and fell into a brief contemplation.

"What if I don't agree?"

Evolto laughed, and his goggles, which symbolized the pupils of a cobra, slowly lit up.

"Guaranteed death, brother."

Gryon's mouth twitched.

"Love is another partner that I have no choice in."

Working with Dark Decade,

I try my best to please him. If he's not happy, I'll kill you.

Working with this guy, if you don't agree, I'll kill you now.

What's the difference???

Damn, what's wrong with this world???

I was only sealed for ten years.

There weren't so many monsters in the world ten years ago?

How come ten years later, after I broke the seal, everyone treated me like a soft persimmon???

Gryon was speechless. After all, he was a villain who had caused a big stir.

After ten years, why did it feel like everyone was more evil than me?......

Evolto on the side spread his hands (cbbj) and said: (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I don't like equal transactions. I came to you just to inform you that I want to borrow someone from you, that's all."

Gryon heard this and looked up at him again.

"Since you are so powerful, why don't you go directly to DarkDecade and fight him head-on? Why are you asking me to borrow someone?"

Evolto shook his finger at him when he heard this.

"It will definitely be a positive���, but don't you know a saying? Psychological attacks are more interesting than physical attacks. I have an interesting plan involving the entire city. I plan to complete it first, and then find DarkDecade to play with.~"

"Well, that’s all I have to say. It’s up to you to decide.

Gryon sneered.

How to decide?

Do I have the right to decide?

"If you can really get rid of DarkDecade, and help me deal with Kamen Rider Gotchard's group of little devils, you can use my people as you like."

Evolto snapped his fingers again.


Turning around, it looked at Cloto with a fierce look and said:

"Since you are so belligerent, then it's you."

Kloto was startled, and subconsciously looked at Gryon. []

Until the latter nodded,

Kloto replied reluctantly:

"You'd better be really capable...I'll go with you."

Evolto shook his head and said:

"Don't be so anxious. If I let you come with me, I will definitely not treat you unfairly. Don't you want power? Yes, go on!"

Evolto grabbed the void with his right hand, and a steady stream of blood-colored energy quickly gathered over, eventually forming a driver and two energy bottles!

"That is...?!!"

Several people looked at this scene in shock, and then looked at Evolto's waist, and it turned out to be the same driver!

In other words, it made a Kamen Rider driver with its bare hands?!!

You know, in Gotchard's world view,

Kamen Rider is a very great and rare power and title.

It was originally set by the Akatsuki alchemist 120 years ago.

Since then, there have only been four drivers that have been truly born!

Even the weakest Dread driver took a lot of time and each Malgan fragment to create.

As a result, now, Evolto made a driver out of thin air without any external force or alchemy. How can they not be shocked?!!

"Don't be so surprised. This driver itself is part of my blood clan's power, just like your kami. However, the knight system I have is quite special. To exert its full power, the physical fitness of the transformer must be good."

After hearing this,

Gryon suddenly realized.

"That's why you chose Cloto, because she is not only a doll, but also has been strengthened by me just now."

Evolto nodded slightly,

"You can flatter yourself, but I don't think that it is enough to withstand the power of this driver. You also need some emotions that can stimulate your potential."

As he said this, he looked at Cloto.

"I can sense that your anger towards those people has reached its peak. So, even if you risk defeating them all, you will definitely persevere."

After he finished speaking, he handed the driver to Cloto.

"Come on, don't let me down."

Looking at the Evo1 driver and two energy bottles in front of him,

Cloto's fighting spirit has never been so fierce.��


Ichinose Chef, early in the morning, the photo studio alliance went out with full equipment to catch a few kemis.

Because of the good harvest, Ichinose Tarotaro suggested that everyone go to his house for dinner.

Today is Sunday, which is the time for Tarotaro to show his skills.

Although everyone does not think that he can make a darker dish than the meat bun puff that the dog head did not eat last time, but, Tarotaro's kindness is hard to refuse, so everyone can only follow him.

However, what everyone did not expect was that as soon as the door was opened, there was a person sitting in the restaurant.

It was Ichinose Tarotaro's good friend, Kajiki

"Hey? Kajiki?! Why did you come to see me so early in the morning? Are you here to play with us?"

Facing Baotaro's expectant gaze,

Kajiki seemed to be possessed, smiling foolishly with a red face, and then fiddling with the gift box on the table in front of him:

"Today's world is also beautiful.~~~"

Ginkgo Lotus frowned strangely.

"Hey, Xiao Abao, is there something wrong with your classmate?"

"His expression is so disgusting.~"

"Hahaha, I think he’s probably in love!"


Ichinose Takarō’s mother came out from the kitchen carrying ingredients.

Her meaningful words made everyone’s eyes widen!

"Hey!!! Kajiki, what’s wrong with you? When did you have a crush on someone?"

Ichinose Takarataro approached and wanted to ask for details, but Kajiki pushed his face away and said with a fascinated look on his face:

"He has a very good figure and is very handsome. Although he is a bit pretentious, he is a man with his own mission and is very outstanding!"

Jiudang Linyin's expression suddenly changed and he took a few steps back.

"Um, that...Could the person he was talking about be a man?"


Suddenly, the whole restaurant let out a series of gasps, and everyone took a few steps back, keeping a distance from Kajiki!

"Tsk~ What's wrong with your reaction? Boys can be charming, okay?"

Kajiki picked up the gift box and the food box sent by Baotaro's mother as if no one was around, and skipped out like a little girl.

"Will he like this gift? He will definitely like it!"

Watching Kajiki leave the restaurant, the four members of the photo studio alliance couldn't hold back any more, and

Senior Tsuruhara even picked up the tablet and complained:

"Baotaro, are you sure you have a good relationship with your friend?"

Ichinose Baotaro swallowed hard.

"Suddenly I feel that it is not so good. I remember that Kajiki was quite normal before. Could something be wrong? Let's follow him and see?"

Ginkgo Lotus said with some excitement:

"I suddenly became excited."......

My mother: Sun 1

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