In the square,

Minato transformed into Kamen Rider Dread and together with the Angel Malgan and the three-headed dog Malgan, they suppressed Ichinose Tatarō and Kudo Rin'on the whole time.

Although the burst of Tatarō's igniter was high, the three-headed dog Malgan could split into two, and the Angel Malgan could teleport.

Minato did not take the initiative to attack, and the situation came to a stalemate.

Just as everyone was thinking about how to break the deadlock, a purple light bullet shot from a distance and blew the Angel Malgan away!

Immediately afterwards, a rain of bullets was fired from the sky, interrupting the actions of Atropos, Clotho, and Lachesis.

For a moment, everyone's attention was drawn to them.

In front of the factory, bursts of engine roars came. The wounded Black Steel Spana, holding a wrench sword, came to everyone step by step.


"Senior Black Steel!!!"

"You're back? Where's Teacher Emi Kyoka?"

Black Steel Spana stuck the wrench sword into the ground beside him, pointed at the angel Malgan not far away, and said coldly:

"Leave this guy to me. I have a big account to settle with him."

Several people looked at each other and understood what he meant, but Ichinose Takarō was a little worried.

Just as he was about to ask about the situation,

Black Steel Spana took out the Valbarado Driver that was successfully developed by Emi Kyoka from behind.

"Don't worry, I'm back from hell."

He put the driver on his waist, and the belt automatically tied it up.

Then Hei Gang pulled off the tie around his neck handsomely, took out two Kamikaze cards, and inserted them into the driver!


【Machwhee1! Ignite! Daiohni! Ignite! Gotchanko! Burst! Valvarad】

The hot engine spewed out a violent flame, and

Black Steel Spana's body was wrapped and entangled by the surging energy, and finally transformed into Kamen Rider Valvarad

"Hmm?!! This form!"

Ichinose Takarō frowned and suddenly thought of something.

"Everyone, it's settled now! Spana must be super strong now!!!"

"Why do you say that?"

Ginkgo Renka was a little curious, and Ichinose Takarō said mysteriously:

"Because this form was used by Senior DarkDecade before! And the forms used by Senior DarkDecade are all very, very powerful!!!"

In the distance, the transformed Black Steel Spana also discovered this.

As the party involved in the violent tragedy, he looked at Baotaro speechlessly.

"He is him, I am me, although we have the same power, we are different people."

Ichinose Tatarō noticed Spana's displeasure, and immediately shut up, turned around, and cast his gaze towards Minato in the distance.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the fight!!!"

After saying that, he rushed out first, targeting Minato directly, while Jiudou Rinyin naturally faced the three-headed dog Malgan controlled by Atropos.

The remaining angel Malgan would be the debut opponent of Black Steel Spana!

"Poor sinner, no matter how many times you change your form, it will be useless!!!"

The angel Malgan roared and rushed towards Black Steel Spana, but what it didn't expect was that Black Steel, who had experienced multiple tragedies, had completely transformed at this moment and would not be affected by its mouth cannon at all.

On the contrary, it would suffer a more violent beating!


There was a sound of metal collision, and the angel Malgan's winged sword chopped heavily on the outside of Black Steel Spana's arm, but only a few sparks exploded.

This situation made the angel Malgan angry and slashed several times in a row, but Black Steel was still calm and took all its attacks as if it was playing!

"Are you done? If you are, it's my turn now!"

Black Steel Spana used the wrench sword to block the angel Malgan's chest, then continuously pulled the drive lever, accumulated all his strength, and kicked the wrench sword!


A strong roar of the engine accompanied by mechanical sound effects resounded from the driver.

Randomly, violent flames and purple arcs immediately wrapped around Black Steel Spana's feet, all of which were poured into the wrench sword, causing the wrench sword to penetrate the body of Angel Malgan on the spot!


The shocking explosion spread, and

Angel Malgan's body was carried away by the wrench sword and nailed to the wall not far away!

Seeing this, Black Steel Spana took out another Kamika from the card box.

At the same time, a Kamika flew out of Ichinose Tarotaro's card box!

These two are a super match, both are level 8 Evil Snake and Courage Excavator!

"Do you also feel my resonance? Then become my strength~"

【Jyamatanoorochi! Ignite! Gutsshove1! Ignite! Gotchanko! Burst! Customup! OrochiShove1! 】

The flames ignited again on Black Steel's body, and the power of the two new Kemica merged into his armor.

The pattern of an evil snake appeared on his chest, and golden excavator claws formed on his arms!

He looked down at his golden claws, and looked at the angel Malgan in the distance with murderous eyes.

"that's all...Checkmate!"


Black Steel waved his claws, and eight golden snakes appeared.

They rushed out with their fangs and claws, tied up the angel Malgan in the distance, and then threw him into the sky!

Below, Black Steel Spana flipped the driver again and released the fatal knight kick!


The knight kicked with purple-black flames, from bottom to top, cutting through the sky, and fiercely pierced the body of the angel Malgan!

Boom boom boom!!!!!

The deafening explosion echoed in this space, and the amazing shock wave expanded wildly and shook the surrounding buildings.

The factory not far away was instantly destroyed and overturned, leaving only some wreckage!

Black Steel Spana landed steadily in the smoke and dust, and then looked in the other two directions!

Ichinose Tatarō was still suppressing Minato.

Perhaps because he was a teacher, he couldn't kill him, but he could end the battle at any time.

Jiudou Rinyin held down the three-headed dog Malgan and beat him violently.

Now it was time to end the battle!

【SunUnicornBigBangNova! 】

When the mechanical sound sounded,

Jiutang Lingyin leaped into the air and kicked the three-headed dog Malgan several times in succession.

Finally, he put his feet together, and circles of blue energy waves gathered and wrapped around him, kicking out with all his strength!

Bang! Boom!!!!!

Malgan, who could not support his body, left a long mark on the ground. It was not until he crashed into the laboratory building next to him that his body was torn apart by the violent energy injected into his body and was completely engulfed by the pillar of fire that soared into the sky, and disappeared completely!

At this point, the battle situation was completely tilted.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Atropos quietly retreated behind everyone, activated the forbidden alchemy, and enveloped everyone including Minato, and disappeared from the scene together

"The nightmare is not over yet, don't be too happy too soon."

The square gradually quieted down,

Ichinose Takarō untransformed, and came to Black Steel Spana to ask about his health.

As a result, Black Steel Spana put away the guiding angel Kamika he had just obtained, turned around and walked towards Jiudou Rin

"Jiutang, do me a favor."

Jiutang Linyin put away the Dawn Three-Headed Dog Kamika and looked at him calmly.


"You, go back and tell your brother to wait for me at the photo studio tonight."

?????? This sudden sentence made everyone have question marks on their foreheads, especially after Black Steel Spana said this, his expression became very intriguing, even the usually cold Jiutang Rinyin couldn't hold it anymore, and asked directly:

"What do you want to do with my brother?"

Black Steel Spana looked at them strangely.

"What are you doing? I just want to thank your brother, why are you reacting like this? ? ?"

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next time, finish your words in one breath." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Jiutang Linyin shook her head speechlessly and walked away.

"My brother said before that he has nothing to do tonight and has been in the photo studio. You can come to see him anytime."

In the Alchemy Academy,

Gryon sat in his seat.

He looked at the three sisters of Dark Black and Minato who walked in one after another with a depressed look, and he still said nothing.

Lin Feng followed behind them, his thoughts still communicating with the system.

He had not received two rewards.

The last time he fought with Dawn Gochard, and this time he was the spiritual mentor of Black Steel.

Now he has not forgotten, so he should collect them together!

"System, collect rewards!"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Gotchard Daybreak deck!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Cross-Z deck!】


Listening to the system broadcast sounding in his ears, it was hard for Lin Feng not to get excited! Kamen

Rider Gotchard Daybreak is of great value!

Although it was defeated by himself not long ago, its own strength is not weak.

It is entirely because Lin Feng has too many decks in his hand now, which brings too many bonuses to the Eterna1 form, so it is easy to blow up Brother Liming.

If Lin Feng uses Brother Liming's form, I believe it will definitely have a good effect!

As for Kamen Rider Cross-Z, it can be said to be a milestone in the history of knights.

A second rider, his popularity is comparable to that of the protagonist, and there are countless names and stalks.

He is the deflated dragon!

He once created the fastest deflated record, but it was subsequently broken by Reiwa's Devil Man Daiji!

But then again, if you count the deflated dragon's forms, then the famous Galaxy Dragon is definitely an eye-catching existence!

A powerful form that can blow up the strongest blood clan, Killbus, and the signature skill Lushan Shenglongba is even more shocking!

Lin Feng couldn't wait to use his power!

At this moment, Lin Feng finally realized that the atmosphere was wrong.

He put the deck from the system space into the card box, then looked up and saw Gryon sitting not far away, playing with the Rubik's Cube in his hand, smiling grimly, and said:

"Lord DarKDecade, won't you explain to me what happened today?"

Lin Feng looked at him with interest and asked:

"What do I need to explain to you?"

"For example, why did the Valbard Driver appear in the hands of Black Steel Spana, why did Emi Kyoka not die, why...You didn't get rid of them?"

Looking at the displeasure on Gryon's face,

Lin Feng crossed his arms and put on a superior attitude.

"I seem to have never promised you anything?"


Gryon was stunned for a moment.

"Why don't you think back to what I said before you left?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words,

Glion flipped through his memories.

【Are you sure you want me to take action? 】

Such a sentence echoed in his ears, and

Gryon suddenly felt embarrassed as if he was being confronted and couldn't refute.

"Um, so what you mean is that you didn't want to get rid of them anyway?"

Lin Feng sneered, turned around and walked out the door.

"Gryon, let me remind you that I am in a good mood to cooperate with you, but that does not mean you are qualified to question me."

As he said this,

Lin Feng turned his head, and his dark blue eyes slowly lit up.

"If you want to die so badly, I don't mind getting rid of you as a partner first......."

After he finished speaking,

Lin Feng swaggered out of the Alchemy Academy, while Gryon in the hall accelerated the spinning of the golden Rubik's Cube in his hand, and finally, with a gloomy face, he slammed it heavily on the table!

"Hehehe...I am really offended, Lord DarkDecade, I will never dare to do it again next time."

Gryon's last few words almost jumped out from his teeth.

Lachesis and Minato saw it and felt refreshed in their hearts.

It's a pity, otherwise, the two of them would definitely turn against him and help immediately.

At the same time, this also made them more curious, as if there was a big man behind the scenes who couldn't see the truth, where would he push the situation?

In the evening, in the photo studio, cheers came from Ichinose Takarō's mouth.

He put the sumptuous dishes on the table one by one, then raised his drink, looked around and said: (Good job)

"Today, our photo studio alliance has won a great victory for the first time!"

Jiutang Linyin heard this and suddenly interrupted:

"What the hell is the Photo Studio Alliance? Who named it?"

Gingko Lianhua raised his arms and said:

"It's me, it's me! Because I think we decided to form an alliance after leaving the photo studio yesterday afternoon, so for the sake of easy understanding, I called it like this!"

Jiutang Linyin was speechless for a while, and

Lin Feng, who was sitting next to him, shook his head with a smile.

"How old are you? Why are you still playing this kind of game of pretending?"

Everyone looked at each other and kept silent, because everyone knew that

Lin Feng's memory had been deleted, so he didn't know what happened in the Alchemy Academy.

In order to prevent him from worrying too much, they decided to keep the matter secret.

Emi Kyoka, who was sitting on the other side of Lin Feng, was also informed of this.

At first, she was quite shocked, but after learning that she could live in the photo studio unconditionally, she gladly accepted the suggestion.


The wind chimes at the door rang, and

Black Steel Spana opened the door and appeared in everyone's sight.

Ichinose Takarada hurriedly stood up and wanted to invite him, but he was the first to speak:

"No need, as I said in the afternoon, I just came to see Lin Feng, and after that, I have other things to do."

Lin Feng heard this, got up and followed Hei Gang out.

Zhi Jianjinghua saw this, sighed slightly, and said:

"You don't need to persuade Spana anymore. Today is the anniversary of his parents' death. He wants to have a good chat with them."

Everyone expressed their understanding, but as long as he can get out of the nightmare of the past, there will be a bright future waiting for him.

Outside the door,

Lin Feng looked at the completely different Black Steel Spana in front of him, and was about to praise him, but he saw him take a step back and bow heavily to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng...Brother Xiaofeng, thank you for the past ten years."

Lin Feng smiled, and everything was self-explanatory.......

My mother: Sun 1

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