"What are you doing?!!"

Atropos's exclamation rang out in the park.

In her unbelievable eyes,

Jiujiu Shizuna, who was originally let go by her, actually opened her arms and blocked Jiujiu Shizuna in front of her, and her defenseless back was severely scratched by the mammoth Malgan, and blood kept flowing from it!

"Miss Jiujiu?!!"

Jiudou Rinyin also recovered from the brief shock and quickly protected the painful Jiujiu Shizuna in her arms!

"Miss Jiujiu! What are you doing?"

Originally, Jiudou Rin was ready to take out the driver and Kamika to transform.

She could have used the time to transform into invincibility to block the attack of the mammoth Malgan, but no one expected that Jiujiu Shizuna, who had been let go by Atropos, would turn around and come back to protect Jiudou Rin.

"I can't let you die......"

Jiujiu Shizuna's face was pale, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her expression was extremely painful, but these words made Jiudou Rinyin feel confused.

"Why? It would be better for you if I was killed, right?"

Jiujiu Shizuna pursed her lips.

"But that would make Brother Lin Feng hate me."

As she said this, she suddenly revealed a smug smile.

"If I do this now, then when I go back, my brother will definitely pity me, and maybe even praise me. That is the way to really win the favor of Brother Lin Feng, isn't it? If I leave you behind, everything I did this morning will be in vain. I am not such a stupid person."

Jiutang Linyin stared at her for a long time, and then scolded with some heartache:



The whimpering sound of Kujuku Shizuna caused her muscles to pull the wound on her back, causing another sharp pain.

Fortunately, Ichinose Tatarō also got the news from Lin Feng and rushed to the scene!

"Nine Halls! And..."Jiujiu Shizuna? ? ?"

A few question marks slowly appeared on his head.

"Why are you here too?"

Jiutang Linyin interrupted him.

"I will explain the reason in detail later. Take out the mysterious level 1 caring fairy and help Jiujiu Shizuna heal her wounds."

After saying that, she stood up with a gloomy face and walked towards Atropos and the mammoth Malgan.

"Wait! I'll go with you!"

After Ichinose Tatarō took out the Care Elf, the Camie automatically flew behind Jiudou Shizuna to heal her wounds.

Tatarō got the chance and planned to fight with Jiudou Rinone, but this proposal was rejected by Jiudou Rinone.

"This has nothing to do with you, leave it to me."

Jiutang Linyin stared at Atropos angrily.

"I've told you a lot, right? No matter what you want to do, don't involve ordinary people, once, twice, and now it's the third time. Atropos, today, I will kill you. Whether you can escape depends on your own ability."

In the past,

Jiutang Linyin had some strange feelings for this little girl because of Atropos's"special care" for her.

So in many battles, she never took the initiative to attack Atropos, and also wanted to give her a chance to live.

But this time, not only ordinary people were involved, but also Lin Feng's very important sister.

Although it was not Atlopos who took the initiative to attack, the development of the matter to this point was inseparable from her.

Therefore, Jiutang Linyin was rarely angry.

"Humph, even if you say so, I will not show mercy to you. This time, I am here to kill you!!! Go ahead!"

Atropos gave the order, and the mammoth Malgan roared and rushed forward.

Jiutang Linyin inserted the Kemica into the driver and rushed forward decisively.


【HighAlchemistRing! Unicon TheSun Got-Got-Got-Gotchanko! Prominencehorn SunUnicorn】

Just as Jiudou Rin'in transformed and started fighting with the mammoth Malgan, Black Steel Spana, Minato, Emi Kyoka and other people from the Alchemy Academy also rushed over.

But what concerned them, in addition to Jiudou Rin'in fighting alone, were the two figures confronting each other in the middle of the park.

"Look over there!"

Ginkgo Lotus exclaimed.

"Kamen Rider DarkKDecade is confronting the mysterious man from before!"

"He is the one who rescued Kamen Rider Diend!"

"What's going on? Didn't he run away? Is he back again?"

"Could it be that he is also a Kamen Rider?!"


Everyone here was guessing, but because they were far away, they couldn't hear what Kadoya was saying. They only saw Kadoya with his hands in his pockets, fiddling with the Xiao Ming rock, looking at Lin Feng in circles.

After a long time, he suddenly asked,

"DarKDecade Driver...Are you interested in telling me where you got it from?"

Lin Feng put one hand on the driver at his waist and leaned against a tree nearby.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you, so I don't think it's necessary, just start fighting, I don't want to waste time.

Kazushi Kadoya nodded,

"It's really the same as the rumors, no drag at all......"

As he spoke, he slowly took out the magenta Neo-Decade driver from his right hand hidden behind his back and tapped it a few times.

"This is the first time I have encountered an enemy like you, and I am very much looking forward to the upcoming battle."

At this time, the people in the distance were stunned when they saw Kadoya Shi wearing the driver on his waist.

"Hey! Am I seeing this right?! Their drivers are exactly the same except for the color?!!"

"Really! One is magenta, the other is dark blue, like two extremes!"

"I was wondering, no wonder this guy is so obsessed with Lin Feng���It turns out that they both have similar powers!"


For a moment, everyone's attention was diverted from the battle between Jiutang Linyin and Mammoth Malgan.

Even Atropos couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

What is the relationship between Kazushi Kazushi and Lin Feng

? What kind of sparks will their battle produce?

Which driver with different colors is stronger?

Or is it just that the drivers are different in style

? The strength of the transformer may be the key to winning this battle?!


Kazushi opened the card box on his waist with ease, took out the driver card from it, tapped it lightly with his finger, and said:

"Henshin" then saw the card casually thrown into the drive, and pushed it down with both hands!

【Kamen Ride! Decade!】

When the mechanical sound burst out, a dazzling light burst out from the inside of the Neo-Decade driver, followed by twenty gray phantoms overlapping back and forth on his body, and finally transformed into gray armor. Then, a row of cards like bar codes flew out from the gem in the center of the driver and inserted into his head one after another. As the yellow gem between his eyebrows lit up, the gray part of his body began to turn magenta.

This is Kamen Rider Decade!

"It was just like the rumors, there was almost no difference between the two."

Haidong Dashu hid in a corner, quietly looking at the two figures confronting each other.

They were like the inside and outside of a mirror, or one from heaven and the other from hell.

That strange feeling made everyone look forward to the duel between the two of them.


Kazushi Kadoya drew out the card box sword and raised his hand to wipe it casually.

The pleasant sound of metal passing by shocked everyone.

They all understood that

Kazushi Kadoya was going to attack!

However, the next second, bang bang bang!!!

Without any warning, dark blue bullets whose trajectories could not be seen densely enveloped Kazushi Kadoya!

That was The bullets fired from the card box gun in Lin Feng's hand!

I thought Kazushi Kazushi would be the first to launch the attack, but Lin Feng took the initiative!

In a high school duel, a face-to-face encounter, a chance to take the initiative, (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) may determine the victory or failure of the battle!

Bang bang bang!!!

Kazushi Kazushi's card box sword kept dancing with sword flowers, either deflecting the bullets or cutting them in half on the spot.

In a series of exploding metal sparks,

Kazushi Kazushi rushed out like a demon in the smoke, and the blade in his hand reflected a cold luster under the sunlight!

"Take my sword!!!"


Lin Feng took a step sideways, and Kamenashi's card box sword brushed his body and fell to the ground.

Then Lin Feng stepped on the blade with one foot, aimed the card box gun at Kamenashi and pulled the trigger again! Kamenashi shook his head and dodged.

At the same time, he supported himself on the ground with one hand, stood upside down like a street dancer, and kicked Lin Feng's chest with his right foot!

Lin Feng, who had been prepared, changed his fist into an elbow and collided heavily with his kick!


��An extremely solid muffled sound was heard, and

Lin Feng took a step back, stomping his foot hard on the ground, leaving a clearly visible deep footprint, while Kazushi Kazushi kept doing backflips, and only after he had opened up a distance of dozens of meters did he barely stabilize his movement!


Kadoya stood up again, then held the sword with his backhand and freed his right fist.

"How about this punch?!"


The rising magenta energy kept surging on his fist, like forming a pink boxing glove arm guard. The strong fluctuations made the surrounding air begin to become chaotic!

Lin Feng could see clearly that this blow was exactly the move of Decade and Ultimate Airi fighting in the original work.

In Guang Xiahai's dream, the two of them almost destroyed the whole world with this punch!

Although there may be some exaggeration, the power should never be underestimated!


Kadoya Shi burst out the power in his body through his legs in one breath, like a locust ejected, and blasted the fist of violent energy towards Lin Feng!

The long pink tail made him look like a meteor.

Lin Feng stood in place and raised his right palm and clenched it fiercely!


Dark blue, like a hellfire-like flame rising and burning,

Lin Feng stood in place and opened his horse stance, stretched his right fist in a circle, swung it into a full moon posture, and then, boom!!!!!

A deafening explosion sounded instantly, and the pink streamer fiercely crashed into the dark blue flame.

The blue and pink occupied half of the world, but Lin Feng did not use his full strength. The second second when Kazushi's all collided with him, he performed the second stage of power accumulation. The power inside his arm gushed out like a spring with the vibration!


The terrifying force immediately blasted Kazushi away, and the bursting air wave expanded wildly in the center of the two people.

The ground under their feet collapsed instantly into a big pit, and the spider web-like cracks spread to the surroundings without limit.

Jiutang Rinyin and Mammoth Malgan in the distance were all affected and were blown away, not to mention the others.

They all fell to the ground with a wail, revealing a long leg with white and black silk!

Kazushi, on the way back, brought a series of smoke and dust, and his body directly crashed into the rockery in the center of the park, firmly embedded in it!

"So strong! This guy!"

Haidong Dashu had used the dimensional wall early to block the incoming air waves, and saw the whole process of Lin Feng and Kazushi's collision clearly!

That's why he was so shocked and incredible!

As Kazushi's good friend, Decade, after the driver's evolution, has increased his strength by more than one level!

His Neo-Diend is good at close combat, and it is normal that he can't beat Lin Feng with fists, but Decade can't beat him either, which can only mean one thing,

Lin Feng is too strong!


The rockery was shattered by the huge force, and

Kazushi walked out slowly from it. While kneading his right wrist, he twisted his neck, his eyes passed through the smoke and fell on Lin Feng, who was standing in the distance and slowly putting away his smoking fist.

His heart was also full of shock!

The previous admiration for Lin Feng was all...���To put it bluntly, at that time he only regarded Lin Feng as an ordinary enemy that could bring him fun, but now, he had to change his previous view and regard Lin Feng as a Boss who needed a strategy to be conquered!

"DarkDecade is just as violent as the legend says.......I underestimated you before. You do look capable, but that was just a warm-up. Now, let's get down to business."

Kamen Rider Kadoya always has one face no matter who he meets.

He is shocked in his heart, but always arrogant and presumptuous on the surface.

This is why he is called one of the kings of forcing.

However, his arrogance is not for no reason.

He has his own capital, such as the card box that looks thin but is actually a bottomless pit.

He slowly put away the card box sword, folded it, opened the inside of the card box, looked at the driving cards placed inside, and began to think about what card to use to deal with Dark Decade not far away.

In the end, he chose to give up transforming into other Kamen Riders, and instead took out another thing similar to a driver panel from his back, K-Touch!

""I was originally planning to transform into a certain Kamen Rider, but then I remembered that Kaito Daiki seemed to have suffered a loss at your hands before, so I'll change my way to fight you, but don't accuse me of bullying you~"

As he said that, Kadoya shook the K touch screen in his hand confidently, then began to insert a K card into it, silently clicking on the pattern on it,

【Kuuga, AgitΩ, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva! 】

As a series of familiar sound effects sounded,

Kadoya pulled open the driver at his waist, took off the central panel of the Decade driver with his backhand, inserted it to the right side of his waist, and finally buckled the K touch screen as a panel!

【FinalKamenRide! Decade!】

As the sound effects fell,

Kamen Rider Kamen Ride's body began to change rapidly.

Originally pink as the main tone, it changed to silver and black.

His own driving card appeared on his head, and a row of final form cards of the nine knights of the old decade appeared on his chest!


The hot energy ripples exploded under the air wave, and all the gravel and dust around were dispersed.

Kamen Rider Decade, the God Card form, entered everyone's field of vision!

As the first ancestor form in history to hang the predecessor knight on his body, the power of Decade's God Card form is indeed not to be underestimated.

Moreover, although it is always said that the shape of this form is very abstract, when you face it directly, you have to say that it is very oppressive!

Kamen Rider Kamen Ride wiped the card box sword in his hand again, and his tone became more confident.

"You had the chance to interrupt me just now, but you didn't. Although this makes you more graceful, it will also be the reason why you lose this battle."

"Really? I don't think so."......

My mother: Sun 1

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