""Hey, hey, hey! Look, that Kamen Rider really has hidden powers!"

Ginkgo Renka's voice attracted everyone.

After seeing Kadoya transform from his basic form into his god card form, their faces turned calm and confident, but now they are a little nervous.

"Wow, that guy is really generous, he actually hung nine cards on his chest, so pretentious!"

Zhijian Jinghua sighed and complained,

"It's just that the shape is a bit abstract."

Black Steel Spana crossed his arms and said:

"It seems that his new form can use the power of multiple Kamen Riders at the same time. I wonder how DarkDecade will deal with it."

Minato is still the supporter,

"Isn't it the same with DarKDecade? Every time we think that's his strongest power, he will be able to pull out a bunch of unexpected powers next time. Wait and see, I think my intuition is not wrong."

Ichinose Takarataro clenched his fists and shouted:

"DarkDecade senior! Come on!"

Kadoya looked back and smiled.

"It seems that your students have deep feelings for you, but it's a pity..."

He drew out the card box sword again, wiped it,

"If you had interrupted my transformation just now, maybe you still had a chance, but now."

He smiled and shook his head at Lin Feng.

"You are going to lose."

Lin Feng let out a breath, opened the card box and slowly pulled out a driving card.

"This is just the beginning. I have all the power you have, and I am stronger than you."Henshin"

, he nodded his finger on the side of the card and showed it to Kazushi Kadoya.

Under the sunlight, a roaring lion was reflected on the card, and under the lion was a golden figure!

Kazushi Kadoya's smile and movement suddenly stopped, and his eyes were vigilantly staring at Lin Feng's next move!

He inserted the card into the drive, pushed it down violently with one hand, and finally wiped his hands casually, standing there with his waist slung across his body. The gorgeous golden light instantly enveloped Lin Feng!

【FormRide! LegendaryLegend】

After the magical and pleasant mechanical sound sounded, the Legend Knight logo immediately appeared behind Lin Feng. At the same time, a large number of dazzling gems scattered all over the sky, and countless golden shadows changed back and forth around Lin Feng. Finally, in the dazzling golden light, all merged into Lin Feng's body!

The golden and black armor, the streamers on the left shoulder and the skirt on the right waist all showed the power of this figure, and the gems embellished on the center of the eyebrows and the chest made him look even more noble!

But it's not over yet.

As Lin Feng snapped his fingers, countless cards appeared out of thin air, enlarged into shadows surrounding his body, and each of those cards flashed a gorgeous golden light, and the characters on them were all clearly visible.

It was during this process that Kazushi Kadoya felt a strong sense of uneasiness, because the number of cards summoned by Lin Feng had far exceeded him!

"This guy...Could it be?!"

The cards surrounding Lin Feng kept turning around, as if countless dimensional worlds merged together and poured into Lin Feng's body.

Finally, the phantoms of the cards turned into real cards, falling from the sky and continuously inserted into Lin Feng's body!


A circle of airflow mixed with golden energy particles vibrated.

It was not as powerful as the previous Decade God Card form, but it was extremely luxurious and dazzling, and people were completely attracted by the figure in the center of the airflow!

Kamen Rider Legend said (wreath) form, and it made a gorgeous appearance here!


Seeing this, Ichinose Takarō couldn't help but take a few steps forward.

"Good, so handsome! Why can’t I help but want to celebrate?!!"

Minato breathed a sigh of relief, with an expression of surprise on his face.

"I thought DarkDecade would use the same power as his opponent, but I didn't expect that this power would completely surpass his opponent, right?!"

Edami Kyoka counted carefully and said in shock:

"I just counted, there are about 25 Kamen Rider cards in the wreath on DarkDecade's neck! And, it includes Kamen Rider Gotchard of Takarō Ichinose!"

"This is normal. DarkDecade has beaten up Tatarō so many times, it is impossible that there is no such thing."

Black Steel Spana's words were met with contempt from Tatarō Ichinose.

"Haven't you been beaten up so many times by your predecessors? Why isn't your name on it?"

Black Steel Spana's face darkened, and he raised his fist as if to beat him up, but at this time Ginkgo Lotus suddenly shouted,

"Stop arguing, look, the second battle over there is about to begin!"

Kamen Rider Kamen Kamen Rider walked around in a circle, looking at Lin Feng's current form in doubt.

His originally calm heart had already been in turmoil!

A total of twenty-five cards!

Including many Kamen Riders that he didn't have!

What is the origin of this guy?!

Has he traveled to more worlds than me?


This doesn't seem to be the form of Dark Decade itself!

Kamen Rider Kamen Rider Kamen Rider suddenly discovered something strange, that is, the card styles on Lin Feng's body at this time are not the specifications for controlling cards, so, is he using the power of other Kamen Riders?

Lin Feng did think about using Dark Decade's God Card form at the beginning, but suddenly reacted and found that he seemed to have not drawn his own God Card card yet....

In desperation, Lin Feng could only use a more violent card, which was Legend's wreath form control card.

This form was completely useless against Decade's old ten-year god.


Kazushi Kadoya himself obviously didn't think so.

"A very rich form, very similar to a certain abominable guy I know."

Lin Feng of course knew who he was talking about,

Oma Zi-O, but in terms of oppression, Oma's Black Gold was even better, and Legend was a real rich form, gorgeous, elegant, and luxurious!

"Therefore, your golden outfit inspired me to defeat you."

Looking at Kadoya Shi taking a fighting stance,

Lin Feng asked with a smile:

"Is it because the little devil of kidney deficiency slapped you to death by the pond?"

Kadoya frowned.

"What are you talking about? What pond?"

Lin Feng was a little depressed, but he thought about it again.

If he was beaten to death by the pond, he would not appear here.

It seems that he has experienced other timelines.

However, there is no difference. They are all Kamen Rider Decade.

"Forget it, I don’t want to understand those weird words you said. Now I have only one goal, to defeat you!"

The moment the voice fell,

Kamen Rider poured all his strength into his feet, and then burst out in one breath. The whole earth collapsed into a huge pit, and his figure rushed out like a cannonball, attacking Lin Feng! Bang bang bang!

The sound of fists and feet spread, and Kamen Rider's attack speed increased suddenly. When he came in front of Lin Feng, the sword blade and fists and feet were intertwined back and forth. Lin Feng's response was much more difficult than before, but he still did not give Kamen Rider a chance to break the defense!

Lin Feng continued to use various parts of his body as weapons , seemingly bloated and inconvenient to move, but the attack speed is abnormally fast. The afterimages of the counterattacks are dazzling, and the shock waves are stronger and stronger. The park is full of winds, and in the blink of an eye, it is swept by layers of heat waves and turned into a pile of ruins!

As the close combat cannot be determined, after several rounds, the two of them quickly retreated and distanced themselves. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then I saw Kadoya Shi take the lead in raising his hand to take off the K touch screen on his waist and press a button on it!

"You can take on punches and kicks, but can you take on this?"

【Faiz! KamenRide! Blaster!

After doing all this, he inserted the K touch screen back into his waist. At the same time, he held a final driving card in his right hand.

At this moment, a shocking scene appeared.

All the cards on the chest of the Decade God Card form turned over, and then turned into the burst form of Kamen Rider Faiz.

Immediately afterwards, a projection clone of Faiz's burst form appeared next to Kamen Rider Kamen Ride!

"Hey! Isn't this cheating?!"

The loud-voiced Ginkgo Lotus couldn't help but shout,

"After using the ultimate move, he can also summon other Kamen Riders to help?!!"

When the others saw this, their expressions became gloomy.

Their own strength was already terrifyingly strong.

Now they had to summon helpers. How could they still play?


Lin Feng just chuckled.

"I also know this trick, and it will surprise you."

After saying that, Lin Feng took out the card box gun from his waist. With a thought, the card box gun immediately turned into the Legend Mask Sublimator, which is also a firearm that can insert cards.

Then, Lin Feng took out his own driving card from the card box, and the next second, the driving card turned into the alchemy card used by Legend!

When he inserted the driving card of Faiz's burst form into the sublimator, a scene that stunned everyone appeared!

【Final Chemy Ride! Go-Go-Go-Gorgeous! Faiz Blaster Form]

With a loud mechanical announcement,

Lin Feng directly transformed himself into Kamen Rider Faiz Blaster Form!

Moreover, there was a golden pendant hanging on his chest, and there were also ribbons and skirts on his waist and shoulders! The originally very simple Faiz Blaster now added full of dignity and magnificence, which was completely different from the original!

More importantly, the power of this form has also undergone a drastic change!

As one of the final forms that was once rated as the lowest in value, Blaster Faiz has never been regarded as a high-powered character.

Now, after the Dark Decade driver, Legend's special transformation, and the double terrifying Buffa bonus, the Blaster Faiz transformed by Lin Feng has skyrocketed in power!

However, at this time, Kadoya Kadoya has not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Even if you can become Faiz's final form, what does it matter? We have two people on our side!"

After saying that, he did not stop and directly inserted the final driving card in his hand into the Decade panel on the right side of his waist, and then slapped it heavily!

【FinalAttackRide!-F-F-Faiz! 】

Buzz buzz buzz!

Kazushi picked up the cartridge gun, and the Faiz projection clone took out the crimson cannon.

The muzzles of the two guns began to accumulate endless photon blood energy at the same time!

The terrifying fluctuations caused the ground under his feet to crack a little bit, and the dust and heat waves began to expand continuously!

But in the face of such an exaggerated scene,

Lin Feng just spread his hands calmly,

"I didn’t say I can’t summon~"

Instantly, Legend’s knight logo appeared behind Lin Feng, and the flashing golden phantom finally stopped on both sides of him. Among the scattered gems,

Faiz’s basic form and Faiz’s accelerated form appeared at the same time!!!

"Oh my god! One Qi becomes three pure beings?!!"

Kadoya Shi was dumbfounded and stood there,

Kaito Daishu who was hiding in the corner almost popped his eyes out, and

Ichinose Takarō and the others in the distance gasped!

"Hey! This is the real cheat, right?!"

Senior Tsuruhara Senmaru couldn't help but complain, and everyone agreed! It was outrageous enough that

Decade summoned one, and now Lin Feng can actually summon two?!

Moreover, it seems that he can summon them at will?!

Kadoya Shi took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

"So what?! The clone you summoned is not the same final form! To me, it poses no threat at all!"

Hearing his somewhat exasperated voice,

Lin Feng laughed and said:

"Is there really no threat? My clone can move at will~"

When Kazushi Kazuya heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he was about to pull the trigger to shoot the photon blood energy cannon that had been accumulated in his hand.

But at the critical moment, the Faiz acceleration form on the left side of Lin Feng's body suddenly moved!

He raised the accelerator on his arm and clicked it lightly. With the hum of the engine, an amazing airflow heat wave began to rise around the Faiz acceleration form!

【StartUp! 】

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

Faiz's accelerated form disappeared at the moment the sound sounded, and Kamen Rider Kamen Rider pulled the trigger of the cartridge gun in his hand at the same moment, but immediately afterwards, a full twelve crimson spirals locked onto his body.

At the moment when the energy cannon from his muzzle was fired, he himself was hit by a classic crimson twelve-combination knight kick!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A series of explosions exploded on his body, and the huge mushroom (Qian Nuo's) cloud fireworks that soared into the sky engulfed him on the spot. The terrifying shock wave expanded wildly, and the photon energy cannon fired from his muzzle was also deflected because it was hit by the knight kick! It brushed past Lin Feng's body and shot outside the park

, instantly collapsing an entire building!!! The clone projected by

Kamen Rider...

When Kadoya Kadoya resisted the Twelve Crimson Attacks in shock and anger, he looked up again and saw that the basic form of Faiz summoned by Lin Feng was already holding a motorcycle sword and slashing in front of him!

【ExceedCharge! 】

The mechanical sound sounded, and

Faiz's basic form swung out an energy slash wave.

When it hit Kadoya Shi, it did not explode, but instead bound him to the spot, unable to move!

All of this was to pave the way for Lin Feng, who was the last to make the move.

At this moment, he held the crimson cannon that exploded Faiz, aimed at Kadoya Shi, and accumulated a full-strength attack!

【LegendFinalAttackRide! Ba-Ba-Ba-BlasterForm】

Boom boom boom boom!!!

With no room to dodge, Kadoya was engulfed by the pouring photon blood energy cannon at the last second when he tried his best to break free from his restraints! The deafening explosion spread from the park to half of Furasu. The huge pillar of fire that soared into the sky illuminated half of the sky. The layers of heat wave shock waves were like a tsunami, destroying all the buildings in the park in the blink of an eye!

Mammoth Malgan was killed instantly, and Jiutang Rinyin took everyone to the outside of the park in time, thus escaping the disaster!

When the aftermath dissipated, they raised their heads and looked forward again.

The originally huge, prosperous and lively park was razed to the ground. There was a huge pit in the center of the flat ground.

Lin Feng stood outside. The basic and accelerated forms of Faiz beside him disappeared.

He looked quietly at the inside of the pit. The Kamen Rider God Card Decade, who was covered in green smoke, was......

My mother: Sun 1

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