"The battle won't end so easily!"

I saw Kado Kado reaching behind him again and slowly taking out a brand new driver touch screen, which was the famous K-21 touch screen!

In the corner, Kaito Daiki saw this scene and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

So far, he has only seen two people who can make Kado Kado take out the K-21.

Lin Feng is the second one.

However, when this thing is taken out, the battle should be over directly.

At the same time,

Ichinose Takarō and others passed through the diffuse smoke and dust and returned to the park.

Then they saw Kado Kado holding brand new equipment, ready to continue fighting.

The originally relaxed mood was raised to the throat again.

"I mean, this guy has too many hidden cards, doesn't he?"

Zhi Jianjinghua couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Who is he? At least we watched DarkDecade gradually develop new strength, but this guy showed off his trump card right away. I was a little scared...."

Mainly, in the Gochard world, apart from the previous Zein, other enemies, although���There have been some who are very strong and abnormal, but their upper limits can be seen at a glance.

This time, there is someone who is just like DarkDecade, whose upper limit is unclear.

In this way, the battle between these two people will make the audience very nervous, and the feeling of constant reversals makes it hard not to be nervous!

"However, Kamen Rider Decade seemed to be hesitant about whether to use his new power.

Ichinose Takarō was puzzled.

"Could it be that using this new power will come at a great cost?"

Kamen Rider Kamen Rider's fingers tightly grasped the K-21 touch screen, his expression still struggling.

This form was one of the few powers he didn't want to use, and it was as important to him as the Kamen Rider Den-O Pilot Card in the card box!

Every time he used it, Kamen Rider Kamen Rider had to risk being looked at with strange eyes, but now!

Lin Feng put too much pressure on him.

Perhaps, he might not be as sweaty as he was when he faced Oma Zi-O, but it was true that apart from the K-21 touch screen,

Kamen Rider Kamen Rider didn't know what other power he had to fight Lin Feng!

He took a deep breath and comforted himself in his heart.

It was a bit abstract, but the power was strong enough to definitely reverse the situation!

"Code, can win the battle, no matter how ugly it is!"

Thinking of this,

Kadoya Shi suddenly opened his eyes, no longer hesitated, removed the K-touch screen on his waist, and then clicked a series of patterns on the K-21 touch screen!

However, at this time, Lin Feng looked at his hard eyes and had begun to laugh, because this legendary senior was about to open a store to sell cards!

【W、OOO、Fourze, Wizard. Gaim, Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid. Build. Zi-O、Zero-One!】

【FinalKamenRide! Decade! Complete21!】


Surrounded by a series of mechanical sound effects like announcing the names of dishes, the logo of Decade Knight appeared in front of Kadoya Shi, and then all the Kamen Rider driving cards held by Kadoya Shi appeared in the air, forming a vortex around a circle.

Finally, all the cards appeared in the form of flipping cards in various parts of Decade armor, and above his forehead, two cards were superimposed together to form the tallest head in the history of Kamen Rider.

The cloak behind him was mainly magenta, and it was covered with driving cards of various Kamen Riders!

This Kamen Rider, whose image was extremely abstract and looked like a vendor reselling cards, was the Decade God Lord 21 form!

During the period when Kadoya Shi had just completed his transformation, the park that had turned into ruins was silent, but the next second,

Lin Feng almost couldn't hold it back.

Fortunately, he was quick to hold back and didn't laugh out loud, but the God Lord 21's anti-sky shape was simply too eye-catching.

"I go...Is this playing Jenga?..."

Haidong Dashu covered his eyes.

"Not to mention Kadoya Kadoya himself, even I, who only saw it a few times, find it hard to accept......."

Ichinose Takarō and the others standing on the periphery were about to burst out laughing, but at this moment, Ginkgo Renka suddenly discovered a huge problem.

"Everyone! Don't laugh too quickly. To be honest, if we only talk about who has more cards, DarkDecade does not seem to be as good as the Jenga master on the opposite side. He has 21 cards on his chest, all of which are in their final forms, and there are a lot of cards on his cloak. If each card represents a power, DarkDecade is in trouble!"

After she brought this up, the smiles on everyone's faces did disappear.

Now they were laughing at Decade's abstract form, but what if this abstract form won in the end?

Wouldn't they become clowns?

Thinking of this, everyone hurriedly looked at DarkDecade anxiously, and Lin Feng at this time was no longer immersed in the matter of whether his appearance was funny or not.

Like everyone else, he also began to carefully examine Kamen Kadoya's current combat power.

God Lord 21 possessed the power of all Kamen Riders in the drama before Kamen Rider 01, except for Oma Zi-O! Including the main rider, the second rider, the villain rider, the special warrior, etc.!

It may not be comparable to Oma Zi-O, but it can definitely surpass Chonghuang Zi-O!

However, long before the battle began,

Lin Feng had predicted that Kamen Kadoya would use the power of God Lord 21, so his countermeasures had already been prepared.

Facing Kamen Kadoya who was approaching step by step from a distance, he drew another driving card from the card box,

"I didn't want to use this power, but I respect you, Kadoya Shi...I hope this card can imprint my name in your memory forever, Henshin."

After saying that, Lin Feng turned the card over, inserted it into the drive, and then pushed it down steadily with both hands.

A burst of extremely sacred chanting, like the will of God, echoed in the ears of everyone in Furasu!

【FormRide! Saber! SuperHeroSenki! 】


As the sound fell, a huge white driving book fell behind Lin Feng.

The cover of the book was printed with densely packed figures, too numerous to count, and the figure standing in the front was something Kamen Rider had never seen before!

But when the driving book was opened, some figures on it that didn't look like Kamen Rider startled Kamen Rider and instantly revealed an extremely terrified look!

"Super Sentai?!! How do you have the power of a super Sentai?!!"

Lin Feng smiled and looked back.

"Are you surprised? But I think it's just right to hit you with it."

Kazushi Kado's mouth twitched wildly, and he was shaking unconsciously as he held Diend's hand!

The big tree in the corner was already stunned, as if struck by lightning, and stood there in a daze.

"Super Sentai...How is it possible? Who is this guy? Why did he get the power of the Super Sentai?!"

Thinking back then,

Haidong Dashu took great pains to combine the power of some Super Sentai villains to create a huge machine, and went to outer space to fight against the Super Sentai and Kamen Rider.

Putting aside the power of the Kamen Rider led by Kamen Kadoya, the Super Sentai side highlighted a seemingly plain and unpretentious one, but in fact, each skill contained the power to destroy the world!

What's more, it's like this now.

There are so many figures on the book that I can't even count them.

I thought that Kamen Kadoya's God Lord 21 would crush DarkDecade in terms of quantity, but now it seems that someone else was crushed!

At this moment, the huge white shadow of the driving book was like a beautiful scroll that was completely opened behind Lin Feng.

In addition to depicting countless warrior images, on the other side of the driving book, there were also two distinct marks 45 and 50!

At this time, as a transformer, Lin Feng could feel the power in the driver.

It was no longer as simple as simply driving the cards.

It began to burst out too much amazing energy, and even Lin Feng couldn't tell at once whether it was the power of the card or the power from the so-called [inheritance].

But then again, when Lin Feng saw the densely packed figures, he felt that the possibility of the source of power being [inheritance] was still higher.

Finally, the figures of those warriors rushed out of the driving book one after another, and merged into Lin Feng's body one by one, transforming his body armor into a brand new colorful white armor!

And this moment is the moment when Kamen Rider Saber Super Hero Wars, the movie version, comes!

At the same time, it is also the common, unique, ceiling-level true god of the two major series of Kamen Rider and Super Sentai! There is no objection! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Lin Feng has always wanted to use this power. All the driving cards of the Saber series were obtained after Lin Feng's first battle, but to fully open the Saber form, a matching one is required.

���Only when facing powerful opponents can it show its strength.

Otherwise, facing those powerless opponents, it may not even need to meet them and be killed directly!

At first, Lin Feng imagined that the opponent was an enemy of the level of Oma Zi-O, but now it seems that he may not be able to wait until that time.

He only hopes that the opposite Decade Lord 21 form can satisfy Lin Feng's hungry heart!

However, at this time, Lin Feng glanced at Kadoya Shi who was eager to try, and he suddenly laughed.

"Do you think this is the end?"

On the other side,

Kazushi Kadoya, who had been fully prepared mentally, could no longer hold back after hearing this.[]

"What else do you want?"

This sounded a little aggrieved.

But Lin Feng still had some things to do, for example, he hadn’t used Legend’s built-in function of summoning two clones yet.

Since this battle had to be fought to the end, he should really go all out.

Lin Feng snapped his fingers,

The Legend Knight icon reappeared, and then, with Kamen Rider Saber's mouth twitching wildly and his extremely desperate gaze,

Kamen Rider Saber Fantasy Almighty and Xross Saber, one TV final form and one TV strong form, appeared at the same time!

At that moment,

Kamen Rider Saber looked at the three quietly standing figures from afar, as if he saw three gods descending into reality!!!

Moreover, the three of them are really gods!!!

The weakest one is the god who shakes the galaxy, the slightly stronger one is the god who controls the entire fantasy world, and the most powerful one is the god who suppresses the knight world!

A god who would not even be included in the estimation of the debates on the forum in the previous life!

Now, you tell me, I want to fight these three? ? ?

Kamen Rider swallowed hard.

His mental journey had never been so rough and bumpy.

At this moment, he fell all the way to the bottom of the valley. The breath emitted by Lin Feng's figure who became the Three Pure Ones in One Qi made him unable to even lift his head!

""Hey! Shi!!!"

Haidong Dashu's voice suddenly came from the side.

Kado Shi saw the anxious look on his face and was touched for a moment.

He didn't expect that his seemingly unreliable good friend would still worry about him at this time.

He only heard Haidong Dashu shouting loudly:

"Will he win?! Shi?!!"

Kadoya Shi sneered,

"Guaranteed death, brother!"

Haidong Dashu:...

Just when Kamen Rider thought that Kaito Daishu's hesitant expression meant that he was going to stand up and face Lin Feng's attack with him, he suddenly said something shocking:

"If that's the case, I'll leave first. I don't want to die yet. Bye!"

Then, under Kadoya's gaze, he cast his last guilty and pitiful look, then opened the dimensional wall and disappeared on the spot.

"Hai~Dong~Da~Shu......If I can trust you again, I will not be called Kadoya Shi!!!"

Kadoya Shi cursed angrily, turned his head, and looked straight at Lin Feng who was waiting for him in front of him.

"So what? Who will win or lose is still unknown!!!"

He just kept���Take out a driving card and insert it into the driver on the right side of your waist, then press it hard!

【Final Attack Ride! Di-Di- Di-Diend!!!】

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

With the sound of mechanical sound, densely packed driving cards formed a rotating channel, floating in front of Diend in Kamen Rider's hand.

This is one of the abilities of Decade Lord 21, which can use the abilities, weapons and ultimate skills of any Kamen Rider at will!

And at this moment, the ultimate skill of Diend, after the addition of Lord 21, the number of cards soared to an unprecedented level.

The round of card channels formed, the accumulated terrifying energy shook and tore the surrounding space apart!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng understood Kamen Rider's determination.

In this case, he had to go all out.

"Go ahead, use all your strength to defeat him."

Lin Feng gave the order to the fantasy omnipotent Saber beside him, and saw it continuously pressing the driving book on its waist!

【The ultimate move! All the swords of Liehuo are drawn! Almighty kill! GrandFinale!】When the sacred chanting sounded, all the power of the holy swords and the books of control were boiling and surging in the body of Fantasy Almightyber!

He clenched the flaming sword Liehuo in his hand, and as if wings grew on his back, he aimed at the blue beam shot by Kadoya Shi at an extremely fast speed, and swung out a sword energy wrapped in flames with all his strength!


The red and blue energy waves exploded at the moment of contact, and at the same moment, an invisible wave expanded rapidly at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and all obstacles touched were instantly disintegrated and collapsed!!!

"Get out of the way!!!"

Ichinose Takarō cried out in fear, but the next second, a galaxy-like brilliant light protected them firmly!

Jiutang Rinyin and the others looked up and saw that it was another clone summoned by Lin Feng before,

Xross Saber came in front of them and blocked all the shock waves!

At the same time, after the beam fired by Kadoya Shi was cut by the sword energy, his figure was directly locked by the fiery sword energy of the fantasy omnipotent Saber, and in the blink of an eye, he was hit on the spot!


Suddenly, the sky was bright, and the white light that covered the field of vision was like the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

The entire Neon was split in two by the sword energy, and a huge hole was torn open.

The heavy clouds in the sky dissipated at that moment, followed by a column of fire rising into the sky. The volcanoes under the sea of Neon erupted one after another!

This attack alarmed most of the earth!......

My mother: Sun 1

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