"Dongjing TV station urgently broadcast an advisory message: At 4:06 this afternoon, a violent explosion occurred in the park near Furasu High School. Then the entire Neon was split in two by a force that has not yet been detected. Undersea volcanoes are turbulent, and ocean currents are injected into the cracks. Disaster is coming......."

"The International Aid Agency has issued an emergency evacuation notice. Due to drastic changes in Neon territory caused by unknown forces, all residents are advised to evacuate to the front shelter immediately!"

"Hello everyone, this is International Broadcasting and Television Station. I believe everyone has heard about Neon’s territory being destroyed by unknown forces, but to see the exact extent of the destruction, please watch the on-site report!"

"Friends, friends, I didn't plan to start the show today, but have you heard about what happened to Neon? Hahaha, God has eyes, God has eyes, everyone, open the champagne, maybe Neon will be wiped off the face of the earth starting tomorrow!"

"The Eagle Sauce Embassy in Beijing issued a notice asking all Eagle Sauce residents to return home immediately! The embassy will be closed immediately! In addition, the cost of returning home is at your own expense, and we are not responsible for any accidents on the way!"


A few minutes after the upheaval, the news of Neon's situation had spread all over the world, while in Furasu Park, the two parties were still staring at each other from a distance.

Kadoya Kadoya stood at the starting point of the crack, stumbling and swaying.

The Diend in his hand had been cut in half by the sword of the fantasy omnipotent Saber. There was still scorching heat and rising white smoke on the cut surface, and Kadoya Kadoya's body was also filled with arcs of electricity and smoke. If he had not experienced too many battles and his will was strong and firm enough, he would have been lying on the ground and canceled his transformation.

Lin Feng transformed into a fully-powered holy blade, slowly raised the flaming sword in his hand, and pointed it directly at Kadoya Kadoya.

"I said that no matter how this battle develops, I will go all out, so I will also give you the opportunity to go all out, and this is your last chance."

Kadoya Shi frowned, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, endured the huge pressure, slowly straightened his back, flipped his right hand, and a final control card appeared in his hand.

He looked down at this card that had accompanied him through countless battles, big and small, and most of the time he relied on it to decide the outcome.

For the first time, he felt unconfident, but what could he do?

Things have developed to this point, and he can only rely on this card.

Kadoya Shi closed his eyes, gently inserted it into the Decade driver panel on the right side of his waist, and then slapped it hard!

【FinalAttackRide! D-D-D-Decade!!!】

"Oh ah..."Ahhhhhhh!!!"

As Kazushi Kazushi took a run and jumped up, all the driving cards on his body lit up and flew out one after another, forming a spiral channel in the long distance between Kazushi Kazushi and Lin Feng. Every time Kazushi Kazushi passed a layer, the energy wrapped around his feet became hotter and hotter. In the end, the amazing energy fluctuations expanded, and the earth was overturned. The air was rubbed to produce curls of white smoke.

He completely transformed into an extremely hot and dazzling meteorite, falling from the sky above the surface towards Lin Feng with the power to destroy everything!

Looking at the rapidly approaching meteorite in the air,

Lin Feng could even feel that it had turned the earth into an extremely hot baking tray from a long distance, but these had no effect on him. He still silently fulfilled his promise and inserted the strongest card into the driver!

【FinalAttackRide! S-S-S-Saber!】

【Superhero's special move is revealed! Liehuo draws his sword! Superhero's special move! Heroisforever! 】


At the moment the chanting sounded,

Lin Feng stood in place holding the flaming sword Liehuo.

A magnified version of the fully-opened holy blade suddenly appeared behind him.

Then, the shadow opened his hands, and a phantom of Kamen Rider No. 1 and a phantom of the Red Ranger stood on the earth like a huge god.

Even if they were thousands of meters away, they could still be seen clearly!

The fully-opened holy blade phantom behind Lin Feng suddenly squeezed his hands and kneaded No. 1 and the Red Ranger together to form a huge ball of light!

The size of the ball of light was about the size of the meteorite that Kadoya Shi turned into, but the light it emitted was more dazzling than the sun in the sky.

At the moment of its formation, everyone subconsciously turned their heads and chose to dodge.

Then, there was only a muffled sound!


Immediately afterwards, the entire Neon, the entire Yazhou, and even the people of the entire earth felt a moment of tinnitus!

The unbearable feeling made them suffer, but what was even more painful was that the white light, like a nuclear explosion, swept across the world in just a few seconds!

The entire Neon land turned into a bottomless pit, all the Neon people disappeared, and most of the Yazhou continent turned into ashes, and eventually it affected the whole world!

All the places covered by the white light were razed to the ground, and the world structure seemed to be reshuffled at this moment....

But the next second, those blind and tinnitus-stricken people came to their senses and continued their work as if nothing had happened.

The world was not reshuffled, the neon lights were not razed to the ground, and even the cracks that spanned the entire world did not exist.

There was only a shockingly large pit in the park next to Furasu High School.

Kadoya Shi was slumped on the side, his eyes full of fear, his face covered in cold sweat, and the touch screen of the God Lord 21 in his hand was scrapped under the current.

"Hey, hey, hey! What happened just now? How did Kamen Rider Decade lose so quickly? ? ?"

In the distance, Ginkgo Renka asked the people around her in confusion, but everyone looked puzzled.

Jiudou Rin, who had a keen sense of perception, untransformed and came to everyone's side, saying:

"Our memories seem to have been deleted."

Emi Kyoka and Minato nodded.

"Indeed, there is a strange sense of dislocation. Whose hand is this? Could it be done by DarkDecade?"

Black Steel Spana frowned.

"Doesn't that mean DarkDecade is also an alchemist?"

Ichinose Takaroutaro exclaimed.

"Is this true?! Could it be that DarkDecade senior has actually been watching us all along?!!"

Hearing this, everyone present looked at each other in bewilderment.

In fact, the reason why the world was not restarted was that when Lin Feng transformed into the full-opened holy blade, he directly pulled the earth into the fantasy world, similar to the blank driving book, which was opened somewhere on the surface and would bring that part of the area into the fantasy world.

However, Lin Feng pulled the entire earth in, and the real world that was pulled into the fantasy world would return to its original state when it returned to reality after the battle.

So, this is why the earth was not restarted.

As for why people all over the world, including Ichinose Taro and the others, lost their memories, it was because Lin Feng used the power of the full-opened holy blade to expand the alchemist's ability to remember clearly to the world, so that everyone forgot the catastrophic scene.

All this was done, of course, so that the civilians could continue to live, otherwise they would always have nightmares about the destruction of the world, and if they did not die, their spirits would collapse.

At the same time, in the corner of the park,

Atropos looked at Kazushi Kazuya, who was unable to fight again, with some despair, turned around and walked back into the void,

"As expected, I still can't defeat that guy?......Lord Gryon, when will I see you again?..."

Crunch, crunch, crunch!

The harsh sound of gravel underfoot made Kamen Rider Kamen Rider raise his head slightly.

In front of him, at the edge of the pit,

Lin Feng's figure, with his back to the sun, looked scary and cold.

It was a sunny day, but Kamen Rider Kamen Rider felt a cold sweat coming out of his body.

"You didn't kill me......"

Lin Feng pulled out the card from the drive and restored it to its basic form.

"There is no point, because you will not die."

As a world destroyer, Kado Shi also has the characteristic of being very difficult to kill, that is, as long as there are still people who remember him,

Kado Shi can be reborn infinitely.

Kaito Dashu has already run away, and the people in the worlds that Kado Shi has traveled to also remember him.

Killing Kado Shi is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Therefore, Lin Feng does not intend to do such boring things.

The most important thing is...

"I won this battle."

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The system reward has been issued. Please check it in time! 】

After glancing at the system prompt,

Lin Feng smiled slightly, turned around and left silently.

Just as he was about to walk into the dimensional wall, (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Kazushi Kadoya struggled to climb out of the big pit,


Lin Feng heard the voice and stopped to look sideways, only to see Kadoya Shi raised his finger and pointed at him.

"I have remembered your name. I will continue to stay in this world and will be more fully prepared. Once I have the chance, I will challenge you again....I hope you don't forget my name, Kazushi Kadoya."

After hearing this, Lin Feng did not stop and stepped into the dimensional wall. He disappeared completely from Kazushi Kadoya's sight.���

He didn't know whether Lin Feng would remember it, but he would definitely stay.

Lin Feng's battle today aroused Kadoya's competitive spirit and fighting spirit that had not been aroused for many years.

Although the previous blow that destroyed the world still made him break out in a cold sweat, fear and bellicosity were not contradictory. It was just that one should not be stupid and reckless.

In the distance, Ichinose Takarō and the others breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Kadoya leave. The protracted battle was finally over. This was probably the longest battle Lin Feng had fought so far. 0Please send flowers0 0And the strength of the opponent was also worth talking about. However, when gods fight, mortals suffer. They looked at the park that had become a ruin and sighed. Just when they were about to turn around and leave, a delicate voice called out from not far away,

"Jiutang Rinyin!" With the help of Ginkgo Lotus, Jiujiu Shizuna came over reluctantly.

"Now, you should admit that I won, right?"

Looking at the proud look on her face,

Jiutang Rinyin ignored it, then pulled her over, turned around, and looked at the scar on her back.

With the help of the healing elf Kemi, the originally hideous wound was reduced to a completely healed mark, but the scar was still a little obvious. For a girl who loves beauty, it might be sad, but looking at Jiujiu Shizuna's current expression, she completely regarded it as a medal of honor.

Seeing this situation, the people on the side left tacitly.

Their affairs were all related to Lin Feng, and they had heard about it in school before, so it would be better for them to solve this problem by themselves.

Jiutang Rinyin said coldly:

"Now that everything is alright, let's go back. I want to go home too."

"Go home?"

Kujiu Shizuna glanced at the sun that was about to set, and quickly reacted, following Jiudou Rinyin's steps.

"I want to go back too! You're not going to Brother Lin Feng's new home, are you? I want to go too! Where is his new home? Forget it, you definitely don't want to tell me, I'll just follow you and we'll know when the time comes......."

While Shizuna Kujiu kept chattering, she secretly glanced at Rinne Kudo with her peripheral vision, trying to see some fluctuating emotions on her face.

Whether she was angry because of what Shizuna Kujiu had done before, or because she was upset because she was now talking about a lot of things related to Lin Feng, at least there should be an expression, right?

However, all the way down,

Shizuna Kujiu kept talking to herself, her mouth was almost dry, but

Rinne Kudo still had a cold and stern face, without any change in expression.

"I said...Stop!"

Unable to bear it any longer, Jiujiu Shizuna finally found a vacant space and stopped in front of Jiudou Rinyin.

She put her hands on her hips and stared at Jiudou Rinyin with anger on her face.

"What's wrong with you? I saved your life before, and you don't thank me, but why do you keep ignoring me? Is this how you treat your benefactor?"

Jiudang Linyin glanced at her,

"First, if you hadn't saved me, I wouldn't have died, and you wouldn't have been hurt."

"second......Thank you."

After the words fell,

Jiudou Rinyin walked around the petrified figure of Jiujiu Shizuna and continued to move forward.

Jiujiu Shizuna, with a frown on her face, came to her senses and asked angrily:

"You must be so grumpy because I took Brother Lin Feng away from you, right?!"

As soon as these words came out,

Jiutang Rinyin stopped immediately, she turned her head and looked at Jiujiu Shizuna with a playful expression,

"It was taken away by you? Where did you come to this conclusion?"

""Hey! You still don't admit it, right?"

Jiujiu Shizuna got excited and ran to Jiudou Rinyin and started talking.

"First of all, when I first came this morning, I snatched the lunch box you made for Brother Lin Feng in front of him. Aren't you angry?"

Jiutang Linyin crossed his arms and chuckled.

"Um...I'm not angry, because in the days you don't know, I not only often cook for Brother Lin Feng, but I can also often eat his dishes. Today at noon, I just let a sister who suddenly appeared eat a lunch box. Why should I be angry?"

Jiujiu Shizuna's expression began to be wrong.

She slowly realized that something was wrong.

"So, what happened next? When we were on the road and Brother Lin Feng wanted to take me to visit various clubs, didn’t you run away in shame?"

Jiutang Linyin laughed again,

"I just wanted to take advantage of that break to make him another lunch box, because it was almost time for the afternoon class, and if I didn't leave early, I would be too late. You can go back to the office and take a look. Besides, I think the second lunch box I made is even tastier than the first one."


Jiujiu Shizuna was a little panicked.

She took a deep breath, pointed at Jiutang Rinyin, and said:

"Well, then the news of me and Brother Lin Feng being so affectionate has spread all over the campus, right? Everyone is saying that you are the one who got dumped! How can you not be angry at all?!"

Jiudang Rin finally nodded in the expectant eyes of Jiujiu Shizuna, but her next words made Jiujiu Shizuna dumbfounded.

"I'm angry, of course I'm angry, but what I'm angry about is, why do rumors like this come up every now and then? And they have no influence, and they're not challenging to me at all, it's really boring~"

Looking at Jiudou Rin's outstretched hands, Jiujiu Shizuna was completely furious!.....


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