"His aunt died~"

The door of the photo studio opened, and

Lin Feng walked in with the sound of wind chimes.

Looking up, he saw Jiutang Linyin standing in the aisle, seemingly waiting for him.

"Brother, why are you so late?"

"I encountered some troubles on the road again."

Lin Feng explained as he put on his slippers:

"On the way back, Margan appeared again, and he, Minato, and Ichinose Takarō solved the problem together, so we were a little late."

Kyudou Rin'in's originally somewhat resentful expression became relieved because of these words.

"So you're not hurt?"

"Me? Of course I'm fine."

Lin Feng tapped her head and walked towards the restaurant with a smile:

"Don't worry, is dinner ready?"

"OK, you can eat it directly, but it may be a little cold."

"It doesn't matter."

Looking at the delicious food, it didn't matter if the temperature was a little off.

Lin Feng just had an appetite and ate happily.

Seeing this, Jiutang Linyin turned and walked towards the bathroom:

"Brother, I'm going to take a shower first. I'll be out of the shower in a while, so help me blow dry my hair."

Lin Feng made an OK gesture and didn't answer.

Jiutang Linyin walked into the bathroom, but after a while, he poked his head out again and said hesitantly:

"Do the clothes in the basket above the washing machine need to be washed?"

""Hmm? Oh, yes, I forgot to wash them this morning. Can you help me put them in the washing machine?"

Lin Feng answered casually, but Jiutang Linyin blushed when she looked at the basket, because there was a piece of cloth with four corners under the pile of clothes, which was really eye-catching.

It's not that she hadn't helped Lin Feng wash clothes before, but at that time she just stuffed them into the washing machine without paying much attention.

Recently, she inexplicably cared more and more about these things, especially when she saw Lin Feng preparing to wash his underwear and coats together, she couldn't help but want to meddle in other people's business.

"Underwear should be washed separately...Or hand wash, yes, that's right."

Jiutang Linyin said to herself, and after finding a suitable reason in her heart, she stretched out her little claws towards the cloth with a hot and blushing face.

Half an hour later,

Jiutang Linyin came out wearing a white shirt.

She fiddled with her wet hair. Seeing that Lin Feng was already sitting on the sofa and ready, she walked over and sat on the carpet in front of him.

Woo woo woo——————

The hair dryer started working.

Lin Feng skillfully lifted Jiutang Rinyin's hair and dried it.

From time to time, his eyes unconsciously glimpsed the white and shiny long legs under the loose shirt.

Fortunately, Jiutang Rinyin started to find topics to chat and slowly diverted Lin Feng's attention.

"The new student...His name is Ichinose Takarō, right? How did he do in the exam?"

Lin Feng pondered:

"I don't know. Anyway, Minato is teaching him. I guess we'll know the result tomorrow."

"Humph, it's definitely not that easy to pass."

Jiutang Rinyin suddenly snorted:

"He is a layman who knows nothing. He has to face an exam when he first comes into contact with alchemy. Even if he passes, the method he used is not within the rules."

Lin Feng laughed when he heard this:

"You are still so abiding by the rules? But, Rinyin, do you know? Sometimes you really can't be so old-fashioned. I'm not talking about you as an alchemist, but you as a human being."

Rinyin Kudou slowly bent her legs together.

She hugged her knees and was silent for a long time.

She didn't know how to respond to Lin Feng, because she didn't know how she should live her life.

It's just that her father once left her a sentence"obey the rules", which she still remembers.

Speaking of which, she is a little envious of Takarō Ichinose.

At least he has the dream he wants.

Just when Rinyin Kudou's sad mood sank to the bottom,

Lin Feng's warm big hand suddenly rubbed her head and comforted her softly:

"Don't worry, Rinyin, I will always be with you until you find the path you should take in life."

Jiutang Rinyin finally smiled, she closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek against Lin Feng's palm like a kitten.

Originally, this warm atmosphere was very comfortable, but Jiutang Rinyin suddenly stretched out her legs and asked with a cunning tone:

"Bro, does it look good?"



"Well, we should go to bed."



""Pfft, I'm just teasing you~ Let's go, I'm going upstairs to sleep!"

Looking at Jiutang Linyin's disappearing back,

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, what a nagging person......

The next day, in the Alchemy Academy,

Lin Feng and Jiutang Linyin heard a burst of extremely excited cheers as soon as they arrived at the corridor.

""Gtocha! I succeeded, Minato-sensei!"

When I entered the hall, I saw that it was indeed Ichinose Takarō who was shouting.

What he meant by success was that the weight of the two Kamikas was balanced.

At this moment, the dancer on the scale was equal to the sickle mantis, but the method used was not alchemy.

It was his sincerity.

"Hey?! Teacher Lin Feng, Jiutang, you are all here?! Look, I succeeded!"

Ichinose Takarō boasted excitedly:

"I asked them last night, one to lose weight and the other to gain weight, I didn't expect it to be successful!"

Jiutang Linyin curled her lips and wanted to complain, but when she thought of what Lin Feng said last night, she could only shake her head helplessly.

Lin Feng next to him patted his shoulder and said:

"Sometimes your train of thought may be abstract, but it is indeed quite genius."

I can only say that the Gochard group, on average, is: Amazingly intelligent!

"All right, Baotaro."

Minato put away the smile that could not be suppressed on his lips and pronounced seriously:

"Although the method you used was not regular, it was successful, so from now on you are a real alchemist."

As he said this, he took out a blue ring and threw it out:

"Keep it, this is your proof"

"Oh!!! Gtocha!!!"

This kind of energetic shouting early in the morning inevitably attracted some other people, such as the two seniors.

"Who is shouting in the academy? Huh? It seems to be a strange face."

The door opened and two more figures walked in.

Judging from their attire, they were obviously students of the Alchemy Academy.

Ichinose Takarō immediately rushed over and said respectfully:

"Hello, seniors! My name is Ichinose Tarotaro, and I’m a freshman at the Alchemy Academy. My wish is to be friends with all the Camies!"

Hearing this, the cute senior quickly responded:

"Hello, my name is Ginkgo Renhua, and his name is Tsuruhara Senmaru! Since you like Camie so much, I have one here, do you want to buy it? I can give you a discount, it’s a bit cheaper~"

Ginkgo Renhua shook the Level 2 Mischief Magician in her hand and looked at Baotaro expectantly, but obviously, what was reflected in her pupils was not Baotaro’s face, but the dazzling gold coins.

She had become a money-grubber.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly rang in her ears:

"Xiao Lianhua, how did I warn you before?"

"Hmm?! Is that Boss Xiao's voice?!!"

Ginkgo Lianhua turned her head and saw that it was indeed Lin Feng waving at her.

""Xiao~ Boss~ I miss you so much~"

She ran to Lin Feng in a pretentious and coquettish manner, hugged Lin Feng's arm and began to act like a spoiled child.

Jiutang Linyin's eyes were slightly cold, and an inexplicable jealousy surged in her heart.

Fortunately, Lin Feng pulled Ginkgo Lianhua's ears and pulled her away, otherwise Jiutang Linyin would definitely be sulking again.

"You girl, we just didn't see each other on Saturday and Sunday, don't mess around, everyone is here, be careful of the impact."

After teaching Ginkgo Lotus a lesson, Lin Feng introduced to Ichinose Takarō:

"She is another student of mine. She is a money-grubber. If she wants to sell Kemi to you in the future, don't agree. Otherwise, don't blame me if you get cheated."

"Hehe, don't worry, Teacher Lin Feng, I won't measure the Camie with money, I will get their recognition myself!"

Ichinose Takarataro said this, turned his head and looked at Minato, and asked:

"I want to become partners with all the Camies as soon as possible, so I want to start with the one with the worst temper! Do you have any recommendations?"

Hearing this,

Minato and Lin Feng looked at each other, and then he pulled out a Camie from his arms and handed it over:

"Let's start with this."

Looking at the brand on the card,

Ichinose Takarō gradually became curious:

"Sunny Bushido?...I will definitely take it down and become its partner!"

Minato smiled and patted his shoulder to encourage him, then looked at everyone and said:

"Okay, everyone is ready to go and continue collecting more Kemi!"


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