In the eastern part of Furasu, on the rooftop of a bank building far from Furasu High School, a man in a white suit was leisurely leaning against the fence, spinning a blue pistol in his hand.

Suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he looked down and saw a yellow curly-haired man with a shotgun in his bag, looking around and breaking into the bank.

"Asakura Takeshi, is it him?..."

The man in the white suit muttered to himself. Not long after he finished speaking, the sound of shotgun blasts was heard from the bank downstairs.

Apparently, a bank robbery had begun.

The man changed his angle and looked inside the bank.

He saw the man he called Asakura Takeshi, asking the bank teller to help him put money into his bag.

But at this moment, the sirens suddenly sounded.

It was only a minute since the robbery.

The speed of the police's response exceeded Asakura Takeshi's expectations.

Just as he was hesitating about how to get away, a tinnitus-inducing sound rang out.

Asakura Takeshi subconsciously looked at a floor-to-ceiling mirror not far away.

A dark golden figure appeared in the mirror.

"Masked Rider...Odin?"

"We meet again, Asakura, this time, are you ready to accept your fate?"

Asakura Wei silently looked at the police cars gradually gathering outside.

At this moment, he had no choice.

""Give me the card box!"

Hearing this, Kamen Rider Odin smiled, raised his hand and threw out a purple card box, which Asakura Wei caught steadily.

Then, in front of everyone, he recovered his past memories and transformed into Kamen Rider King Snake again!

The man on the rooftop witnessed all this, and finally locked his eyes on Kamen Rider Odin's card box. He muttered to himself:

"The Outsider Project...Is it finally starting?..."

(It is the short film made by Toei in recent years, Outsiders. Because there are many Kamen Riders who use cards in it, and they are all new characters and new forms, so some of the plots are integrated with Gochard. It doesn't matter if you haven't watched the original series of Outsiders.)


"ah~~~Damn Lin Feng!"

In the west of Furano Island, in a famous park in a city, this should be a lively place, but because of the lamentations and resentments of the three sisters of Minghei, it has become full of malice.

The three of them walked aimlessly on the road with dark circles under their eyes, talking non-stop, all complaining about Lin Feng.

Because of his devilish behavior, the three sisters worked as coolies for a whole night, and barely finished the paperwork that Lin Feng had to handle as a teacher.

In Lachesis' words, this kind of behavior is better than letting her be Lin Feng's RBQ, which can be fun.

Handling paperwork is worse than hell!

"Stop shouting, Lord Gryon's plan has to be carried out, so let's split up."

After Atropos finished speaking, he turned around and walked in a certain direction, and then Clotho and Lachesis also separated one after another.

Gryon's so-called plan was to let them collect as much data on Kemi as possible.

How to collect it? Of course, to find Kemi and let them merge with malicious humans to become Malgan!

With this purpose in mind,

Lachesis didn't walk in the park for long before he saw a malicious figure.

It was a depressed man with a mushroom head.

He stared at the passers-by around him with gloomy eyes, as if he imagined everyone to be enemies who laughed at him.

""Your malice is really good~ Release it as much as you can and destroy everything~"

Lachesis smiled evilly, and immediately took out a newly obtained Kamika from his pocket, then threw it hard and threw it towards the mushroom-headed man in the distance.

The next second, his overwhelming malice tightly bound the flying card and merged with the level 5 poisonous mushroom sealed in the card, turning it into the poisonous mushroom Malgan!

For a moment, all the people in the park were panicked, and the quiet scene became chaotic.

Everyone fled around like headless flies!

"you...You are all laughing at me, right? Laugh, I will make you laugh non-stop!!!"

The ugly and ferocious poisonous mushroom Malgan roared and flapped the mushroom-shaped organ on his head.

The organ continuously spewed out a large number of purple-green spores.

The spores were like tiny germs, which soon spread through the air and penetrated into the bodies of passers-by around them, making a mushroom grow on their heads.

At the same time, they laughed uncontrollably!

But that laughter was full of pain, and many people's faces were full of tears!

And this is what the poisonous mushroom Malgan wanted to see.

He hoped that all those who laughed at him would die with a smile!

"You are not allowed to use Kemi's ability like this!"

The sudden questioning attracted the attention of the poisonous mushroom Malgan. Ichinose Tarotaro, who came here after being sensed, quickly put the Gtochard driver on his waist and inserted Hopper 1 and the steam train into it one after another!

"That's it, poisonous mushroom Malgan! Henshin!"

【Hopper1! Steamliner! Gotchanko! Steam~Hopper! Hopper——hopper——】

"You kid, are you doing acrobatics over there?!"

Seeing someone trying to stop him, the poisonous mushroom Malgan immediately released more poisonous mushrooms to attack.

The moment Ichinose Takaradarou finished transforming, he used his superior jumping ability to dodge and directly threw the poisonous mushroom Malgan to the ground, punching and kicking him!

However, these attacks were blocked by the huge umbrella-shaped organ on the top of the poisonous mushroom Malgan's head.

The originally powerful damage was buffered by layers and had no effect!

"Get out of here!"

The poisonous mushroom Malgan kicked Baotaro away with one foot, and his arms were frantically���Hitting the organs on top of your head!

"Laugh, laugh, laugh, die with laughter!!!" An endless stream of energy poured out from the organs on top of its head, transforming into a large number of poisonous fungi.

Those poisonous fungi kept shrinking inwards and condensed into a huge energy ball. Accompanied by surging electric currents, the entire ball suddenly shot out like a missile!

"Oops, I have to dodge it!"

Ichinose Tatarō tried to dodge the attack immediately, but he didn't expect that the poisonous mushroom Malgan would release black mud from his arms, slowing down his movements!

The result was that the huge energy ball that he couldn't dodge hit Tatarō hard!


The shocking explosion occurred instantly, and the blast wave engulfed Tatarō's figure.

In the fireworks, he powerlessly lifted the transformation, and even the series of Kamikas he had collected before were scattered all over the ground!

He himself was eroded by the poisonous mushroom Malgan's toxins, and purple-black lines spread on his face. He gradually lost his strength and couldn't even stand steadily!

"Get moving...Move now!"

Ichinose Tarotaro was extremely anxious.

The poisonous mushroom Malgan was approaching step by step.

If he didn't act, not only would he not be able to save everyone, but he might also die here!

Just when the poisonous mushroom Malgan's attack was about to fall, a chant suddenly sounded.

【All things are born to transform this thing! 】

Then, all the metal products in the park turned into steel arrows and attacked, directly forcing the poisonous mushroom Malgan back!

"Teacher Lin Feng, is that you?!!"

Bao Tailang looked back at the person who had just performed alchemy in surprise, and he instantly breathed a sigh of relief:

"Teacher, you came just in time, that's great!"

Lin Feng looked at Baotaro who looked relaxed.

This time, he did not respond to Baotaro's request, but said with a slightly cold tone:

"If you can't even get past this, you don't even have the qualifications to call me teacher....Kamen Rider, you shouldn't fall here so easily."

The smile on Ichinose Takarō's face suddenly stopped, and he lowered his head in silence.

Although he understood that Lin Feng was encouraging him, he really couldn't think of any other way to resolve the current situation.

Lin Feng also saw Takarō's difficulties, so he kindly gave him some advice:

"The Kamika that Minato gave you is still there, right? Why don't you use the Sunshine Bushido?"

Hearing this,

Ichinose Takarō, who had been silent, suddenly brightened up!......

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