
The tinnitus-like sound continued to echo over the park, and everyone's attention shifted from the two Malgans to Kamen Rider Odin who walked out of the mirror.

Black Steel Spana looked at this scene with some doubt.

Walking out of the mirror?!

Is it some special ability of Kemi?

"What are you? Are you also Malgan?"

Black Steel Spana asked tentatively.

He always felt that the figure in front of him would give him feedback, and it was indeed the case.

Odin crossed his arms and folded his chest. There was no emotion in his tone. He was like a machine, talking to himself:

"My name is Odin, Kamen Rider Odin, I am the one who controls the mirror world"

"Masked Rider...Odin?"

Black Steel Spana looked him up and down, his eyes fixed on the card box with the Phoenix engraved on its waist.

He could feel that the thing also stored cards, but they were not Kamikaze cards or Alchemy cards.

So, the other party should be a Kamen Rider.

But, what about the mirror world?

Then he heard Odin continue:

"Once upon a time in the mirror world, the knights fought each other to fulfill their wishes. Eventually, the Knight War ended and the world became a pure land without fighting. But now, the mirror world has restarted and the battle has started again!"

"Knight War?"

Black Steel Spana frowned slightly.

"So, you want to challenge me to a fight?"


Odin denied:

"It's not me and you, but them and you."

As it said that, it raised its hand and pointed at the two humans in the distance.

They were the incarnations of the poisonous mushroom Malgan and the submarine Malgan.

After being defeated, the Kemi in their bodies was extracted and they returned to their original appearance.

At this time,

Odin came in front of the two of them, stretched out his hands, and handed them two card boxes, one with a tiger head and the other with a bull head.

"Now, you have the qualifications to become a Kamen Rider. Accept your fate and fight until you become the last one standing....Become the last person and you will gain the power to fulfill all your wishes."

"Make it all happen..."

"All wishes?!" The two men who had just finished a battle and transformed into Malgan but were beaten up by Black Steel Spana and Baotaro, the desire to fight in their hearts was ignited again at this moment!

On the one hand, they were unwilling to accept it, and on the other hand, it was the so-called opportunity to realize their wishes!

The two of them excitedly grabbed the card box handed by Odin, as if they naturally understood what to do, and pointed the card box at the mirror beside them, and then a silver drive flew into their waists!


When they inserted the card box into the drive, a mirror cracked, and then, a gray phantom flickered and merged into their bodies, forming two different sets of armor!

It was Kamen Rider Teppei and Kamen Rider Da Ya!

At this moment, all the spectators, both openly and secretly, were shocked.

After the mysterious Dark Decade, there was actually a Kamen Rider who used a power system that had never been seen before?!!

What on earth is going on?! Is it true that

Odin can realize all wishes ?!

In the corner far away, Jiutang Rinyin, who saw all this, took out a white card box from her pocket in shock.

The shape of the card box was the same as that of Da Ya, Teppei and Odin, and it was branded with a golden bird pattern!

This was exactly what Odin found her and gave her not long ago, but Jiutang Rinyin did not expect that this thing could actually transform into a Kamen Rider!

And what she wanted to say to Lin Feng before was also related to this thing!

At this time, Jiutang Rinyin slowly clenched the card box in her hand, and the emotions in her heart gradually became more complicated.


"Hehehe...Hey! You guy over there, you felt great beating me up, didn't you?!"

Kamen Rider Da Ya, who had just transformed, walked towards Black Steel Spana arrogantly:

"Now I'm also a Kamen Rider, it's my turn to beat you up!"

As soon as the voice fell,

Kamen Rider Da Ya's movements suddenly accelerated.

He pulled out his axe from behind and swung it at Black Steel with great force!


The sound of metal collision rang out, and sparks from the friction of weapons kept splashing, but Black Steel Spana was obviously unable to do it, and even his arms began to tremble slightly!

Because the opponent's strength far exceeded his expectations!

Before, when he was still the poisonous mushroom Malgan, his strength was very strong.

Now that he has transformed into a Kamen Rider, his strength has been raised to a higher level, and he is using a heavy weapon like an axe.

Black Steel Spana immediately fell into a disadvantage and had to look for other opportunities!

But there was more than one person on the other side.

When Black Steel and Kamen Rider Da Ya were in a stalemate,

Kamen Rider Tiebing in the distance raised his gun in his hand and pulled the trigger directly. A series of fire bullets hit Black Steel's chest fiercely, blowing him out!

"Such an interesting battle, of course I have to get involved~"

"Oh, then let's see who can get rid of that guy first!"

Da Ya and Tie Bing, who reached a consensus briefly, rushed out at the same time. The two gathered all their strength and punched Black Steel Spana together!

But, bang bang!!!

A dull sound exploded, and the two punches did hit the target. Because the power of the explosion was concentrated on one point, the ground under the feet of the three people collapsed on the spot, the bricks collapsed and shattered, and the gaps spread wildly!

However, when Da Ya and Tie Bing looked up, the target was not Black Steel, but Kamen Rider Dark Decade who suddenly walked out of the dimensional wall!


Before Kamen Rider Da Ya and Kamen Rider Teppei could be surprised,

Lin Feng, who had transformed into Dark Decade, snorted coldly, and the surging power in his body suddenly surged out. His body shook slightly, and

Da Ya and Teppei were immediately shaken away, retreating dozens of meters before barely stopping!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh.

The power of the Decade series is indeed extraordinary.

While accumulating more knight control cards, his power in the basic form is also improving.

Before, it was very difficult to withstand the full force of the two knights, but now it is as easy as tickling!

If I wait until the day when all the knight cards are in my hands,

I'm afraid I can fight against Oma in my basic form!

"Who are you? How dare you ruin our good thing?"

Hearing the provocation of Kamen Rider Tiebing,

Lin Feng looked back at Black Steel Spana who was slumped on the ground, smiled and said:

"It seems that you are very weak. Are you overwhelmed by these two little hooligans?"

Heigang snorted disdainfully:

"What are you pretending for? I think you are in the same group with them, right?"

You beat me up before, and now you are here to save me?

Are you kidding me?!

"That's right, I'm not here to help you, I'm just here for fun."

Lin Feng's eyes passed through Kamen Rider Daya and Kamen Rider Teppei, and fell on Kamen Rider Odin at the back.

He was very curious why Odin appeared in Gochard's world, after all, Dragon Rider Kamen Riders didn't have the ability to travel through time and space.

Moreover, what Odin said before was also very concerning.

【Once the Knight War ended...Now the mirror world is reopened...】

This obviously meant that someone was behind all this.

In this case,

Lin Feng had to investigate the whole story.

Just as he was thinking this, the system's task announcement rang in his ears:

【Ding! The Outsider Project has been detected, the mirror world has been restarted, and the Knight War has resumed! Mission triggered!】

【Mission objective: Defeat Kamen Rider Odin!】

【Mission Reward: Random Kamen Rider Pilot Card!】

"Outsider Project?!" Lin Feng was stunned for a moment when he heard the system report beside him!


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