
At this time, the man in the white suit hiding in the dark could no longer remain calm when he saw Lin Feng transform into DarkDecade!

But soon, he shook his head and denied it:

"No, that's not Kadoya! That's not Decade either!"

How could Kaidong Daishu mistake the appearance of his good friend, bah, good husband, bah, good comrade!

Decade has pink lines, while this Kamen Rider is as black as a devil, with dark gold as embellishments, and exudes a strong ominous aura all over his body!

Compared with Decade, it is more stressful, and you don't even dare to look directly into those indigo eyes!

If my guess is correct, this should be the first generation of knight system developed by Shocker in the legend, DarkDecade!

But according to history, shouldn't this thing have been destroyed?

Why is it still here?!

Kaidong Daishu frowned, and he thought again, could it be the work of Consortium X? After all, they can even reproduce an existence like Odin, so it may be possible to revive DarkDecade. However,

Kaidong Daishu did not dare to confirm it 100%, because DarkDecade's power is still above Decade.

A knight who was destroyed because he was too strong, is there really anyone who has the ability to revive it?


This person was not resurrected?

While Haidong Dashu was thinking,

Lin Feng also fell into deep thought because of the system's words.

""Outsider Project?!"

Lin Feng muttered to himself, somewhat doubtful.

As a tokusatsu fan, he certainly knew what this was.

Kamen Rider Outsider is a short story produced by Toei, similar to the Ultraman Ultraman movie series next door, except that Kamen Rider Outsider cannot reach the level of a movie due to the length of the film, so it can only be said to be a spin-off.

The similarity between it and Ultraman Ultraman Ultraman is that it continues some of the original settings and develops a new world view and plot together. It also creates a new enemy, a cleansing system named Zein, which is named Kamen Rider Zein after it is materialized.

This Kamen Rider was originally derived from the setting of Kamen Rider 01, and is an existence that is opposed to Ark. It can be understood as the opposite of malice, goodwill.

It was the X Foundation that awakened it, but the X Foundation did not expect that goodwill would get out of control, causing the subsequent goodwill to become an existence against all mankind.

Therefore, in order to fight against goodwill, the X Foundation resurrected a group of outsiders.

The outsiders here refer to those who were supposed to be dead or non-existent. The villain Kamen Rider, among them, Odin of the mirror world is on this list.

Kamen Rider Odin is now reopening the Knight War, and it is also instructed by Consortium X.

If so, everything makes sense.

Because the organization of Consortium X does have the ability to break the restrictions of parallel worlds and gather many Kamen Riders together.

This point can be understood by any special effects fans who have been following Kamen Riders from the Heisei period to the present. It's just that Lin Feng didn't expect that just as the plot of Gochard was about to unfold, the Outsider Plan was also joined in.

It seems that Gochard's worldview will not be so stable in the future.

Maybe some of the slickers who pass by other worlds will come here.

Lin Feng retracted his thoughts and refocused his attention on the present.

The more violent the world turmoil, the more Lin Feng needs to strengthen himself.

The more power he has, the better he can face the chaotic situation.

Thinking of this,

Lin Feng pulled out the card box sword from his waist and wiped it, and then walked silently towards Kamen Rider Daya and Tiebing. Seeing this, the two people on the opposite side were also unambiguous, and they also stepped out and rushed straight towards Lin Feng!

"You two should just go and take a rest, you are not worthy of me taking action at all."

Lin Feng said indifferently, and took out a driving card and threw it into the drive!

【AttackRide! Invisible! 】


In an instant, Lin Feng's figure disappeared from the spot.

The attacks of Kamen Rider Daya and Kamen Rider Teppei were in vain, but then another mechanical sound sounded!

【AttackRide! Slash!】

Bang bang bang!!!

Lin Feng reappeared behind the two and used another driving card to enchant the card box sword. He then slashed several times in succession. The sword light flashed with a black afterimage, and the exploding electric sparks spread over Da Ya and Tie Bing.

The incalculable damage instantly tore through their defenses, causing the two to cancel their transformation on the spot and fall to the ground!

"This guy..."

When Black Steel Spana saw this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he was amazed in his heart:

"This guy has become stronger again!"

Before, Lin Feng had to rely on the power of other knights to reach this point, but now his basic form is so powerful, it is hard to imagine what he will become when he uses other Kamen Rider cards?!

And Heigang's idea will soon be confirmed.

Odin passed by the fallen Da Ya and Tie Bing, and came straight to Lin Feng, saying:

"You are very strong, come and join my Knight War. Be the last one standing and you will have the chance to realize all your wishes!"

Faced with its invitation,

Lin Feng responded very straightforwardly:

"I am not interested in wishes or anything like that, but I am very interested in beating you up."

Odin looked at Lin Feng in silence for a long time, then said indifferently:

"You are not my opponent"


Lin Feng smiled and took out a Knight Driving Card from the card box, tapping the side of the card with his finger:

"Looking at this invincible card, tell me again? Henshin!"

【KamenRide! Ex-aid! MutekiGamer!

When the card was inserted into the drive, a dazzling light instantly burst out from Lin Feng's body.

The originally black armor was quickly covered with a brilliant golden color.

His figure moved in the sky, like a���The falling meteors were dazzling!

When Lin Feng successfully transformed into an invincible player, a circle of game fields opened up, covering everything on the scene.

From then on, Lin Feng would show his truly invincible figure!

At this moment, even the cold and mechanical Kamen Rider Odin unconsciously put down his arms in front of his chest, and the whole person became cautious and alert.

"The power of fun...However, even if you and I are both golden, you are still not as fast as me!"

Odin's voice fell, and he did not need to use the Advent Card to summon, and his hands directly pulled out two golden sabers from his back!

These were taken from the indestructible feathers of the golden phoenix, and their sharpness was the highest in the original book!

Odin, holding two swords, suddenly raised his head, and the whole person disappeared directly on the spot.

When he reappeared, he came behind Lin Feng without any sign!


Jiutang Linyin, who had been watching the battle, called out subconsciously.

The inexplicable worry in her heart made her do such a move.

What she didn't expect was that

Lin Feng heard her call, but was unmoved, just watching her quietly.

Then, the golden double swords that were enough to tear everything apart were wrapped in golden energy and chopped at Lin Feng without reservation!

At that moment, dazzling sparks exploded, and the surging golden energy ripples erupted wantonly. The terrifying shock wave spread, raising layers of dust on the already broken ground, and the smoke and dust swept in all directions like a tsunami!

Jiutang Linyin's face turned pale on the spot, her pupils trembled, her fists clenched tightly together, and her eyes were fixed on the center of the battlefield!

However, a scene that shocked her again appeared.

She originally prayed that Lin Feng would not be seriously injured by the sudden attack, but she didn't expect that when the smoke and dust dispersed,

Lin Feng was standing there unharmed.

The golden double swords that chopped on his body from behind raised white gunpowder, but Lin Feng's body did not leave any knife marks!


At this moment, not only Kamen Rider Odin himself was stunned, but even the Haidong tree in the distance widened his eyes!

He had seen the power of Kamen Rider Odin before, and he could withstand its attack without any injury?

Could it be that this invincible player...

"Haipamu Iron Chicken...Hypa...Could it really be the power of that Kamen Rider?!!"

Hadong Dashu understood everything, but it was still incredible, because even he didn't have that driving card, why would this mysterious Kamen Rider Dark Decade have it?!

This was completely beyond Haidong Dashu's cognition!......

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