"That's it? He claims to be the master of the mirror world, but this is the end?"

Lin Feng tilted his head slightly, and taunted him. Kamen Rider Odin, who appeared from behind and attacked him, snorted coldly and disappeared again.

This time, he teleported to the front and chopped down Lin Feng's chest twice!

Bang bang!!!

The exploding sword energy caused continuous explosions, but Lin Feng was still not affected at all.

Even though Odin released a large number of golden feathers, creating an explosion of dozens of meters that enveloped Lin Feng, when the smoke and dust cleared,

Lin Feng was still standing there, motionless!

"How can this be?!"

"Ah...Do you know what true invincibility means?"

Lin Feng brushed off the white smoke on his chest and looked at Odin with a rebellious look:

"This is called invincibility. None of your attacks can cause any harm to me. Let's save our energy and see how many of my moves you can take!"


The moment the words fell,

Lin Feng also used the ability to move freely in the game field, teleported to Odin's front and punched him!

Crack! Bang!

A dull sound spread, and

Lin Feng's fist was wrapped with brilliant golden light, smashing Odin's unparalleled saber blocking his chest, and then his fist landed on his chest!

Hundreds of tons of power pressed towards Odin's body in an instant, and the entire space even twisted into ripples in that instant, causing Odin to fly straight backwards on the ground after a brief stiffness, leaving a trace of hundreds of meters, and finally crashed into the building, submerged by the collapsed rubble!


For a time, smoke and dust filled the air. My god, gravel and sand were swept by the air waves and kept spinning and expanding like a sandstorm!

The whole park was shaken at this moment!

Haidong Dashu, who saw this scene, was already numb.

He swallowed hard, shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

Sure enough, he was too ignorant.

Although he had expected the strength of the invincible player transformed by Lin Feng, this expectation was still too shallow.

After all, he had only heard of this form in rumors, and did not expect this form to be so strong!

That's Odin!

The strongest Kamen Rider in the Mirror World!

Not only was the golden saber smashed by a punch, but he was also beaten away so embarrassedly.

This power is no longer horrible!


Haidong Dashu's eyes fell on Odin who was slowly getting up from the rubble in the distance.

He knew that Odin still had a trump card that he hadn't used yet, the skill that could manipulate time!

I wonder if the invincible player who was rumored to have invincible power could resist the limit of time?

Just as he was thinking this,

Odin stepped out of the smoke and dust and stood in front of Lin Feng again.

Although his posture was still as calm as before, the situation had changed, and his confidence seemed a little ridiculous.

"Unrivaled Power...Being able to make me immune to all attacks is indeed powerful, but if it is the power of time, how will you deal with it?"


There was a sound of drawing a card, and

Odin pulled out a card with a clock pattern from the card box on his waist.

With his other hand, he took out his scepter and stuffed the card into it!

【TimeVent! 】

When the mechanical sound sounded, the whole world became quiet in an instant.

The wind stopped, the river stopped, the birds fluttered, and even the tiny dust in the air was locked, unable to move at all!

The only one who could move was the master of this world,

Kamen Rider, Odin!

Looking at Lin Feng, whose time was stopped by him in the distance,

Odin took out another Advent Card from the card box and muttered to himself:

"This is the end."

【FinalVent! 】

As the summoning sound sounded,

Odin's contracted beast, the strongest monster in the mirror world, the golden phoenix, was burning with eternal flames, and it came quickly from a distance!

Its blazing flames were enough to burn the heaven and earth, and everything in its path was annihilated and melted into ashes!

Trees, houses, and the earth all turned into debris and floated towards the sky, but just as it was about to collide with Lin Feng,

Odin clearly saw that

Lin Feng, who was supposed to be motionless, suddenly raised his hand and pulled out a Final Driving Card from the card box!


At this moment, the master of the mirror world could no longer remain calm.

Manipulating time was his strongest and most terrifying trump card, but this trump card didn't work?!!

"Don't you understand what true invincibility means? No skill you think can work on me, that's what true invincibility means."

Lin Feng, with golden light all over his body, sneered as he inserted the card in his hand into the driver.

At the moment when the golden phoenix descended, he pushed the driver down with force!

【Final Attack Ride! HyperCritical Sparking! 】


Lin Feng's figure turned into a ray of golden light and dissipated on the spot, teleporting to Odin's surroundings, kicking him continuously!

Hit words burst out one after another, and the special effects of the game's critical hits soon overwhelmed it. All that could be seen was Lin Feng's transformation into a golden phantom, constantly moving his position and attacking Odin's entire body!

This caused Odin, who was completely unable to fight back and defend, to no longer be able to maintain this world where time had stopped.

With a"click" sound of the mirror breaking, time started again.

Everyone looked at the center of the battlefield with a blank face, only to see that on one side, the impact of the golden phoenix fell directly into the air, creating a huge crater!

On the other side, Odin, who was blown up all over, was hit by the knights' kicks that Lin Feng couldn't remember the number of times. After a short delay, the terrifying explosion directly engulfed him!

As the Haidong tree who understood what was happening the most in the audience, he only saw that the situation that should have been at a disadvantage due to the time stop suddenly changed!

Boom boom boom boom���!!!

The earth-shattering explosion sounded into the sky. This was the value of the delayed kick of the invincible player!

The delayed kick could accumulate all the attacks during the activation of the special move, and then burst them all out in one breath!

In order to prevent the kind of enemies that have the ability to self-repair in battle, the large amount of dazzling golden fluctuations released at this moment kept tearing Odin's body apart. The shock wave of the explosion expanded wildly in a semicircle, blowing away most of the things in the park. It was a terrifying scene like a small engineering explosion. For a while, dust filled the sky and blocked the sun!

When the people who were blown away stood up again, they saw that in the center of the battlefield, in the sunken and shattered pit, the figure of Kamen Rider Odin had disappeared without a trace.

It seemed that his body was directly destroyed by the explosion just now, and turned into debris and drifted away with the smoke and dust!

Lin Feng slowly stood up, and the system's broadcast echoed in his ears:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for defeating Kamen Rider Odin, mission accomplished! 】

Ignoring it for the time being,

Lin Feng looked back and confirmed that the unconscious Ichinose Taro was not affected by the explosion just now.

Then, he directly opened the dimensional wall, stepped into it, and disappeared into the park.

As he left, the park, which was originally destroyed, was miraculously self-repaired and returned to its original state.

This is the role of the game field that Lin Feng opened when he turned into an invincible player.

At that time, it was a replica of a game venue that was exactly the same as the real park.

Everything destroyed in the battle would not affect reality, so once the field was lifted, the unaffected park reappeared.

The change in the environment also, to a certain extent, made everyone come back to their senses from the shock of the previous battle.

After all, the scene that was like a disaster was still too shocking, and it was difficult for people to forget the terrible power of Lin Feng.

At this time,

Black Steel Spana looked around and confirmed that Lin Feng had left here.

He looked at the still unconscious Taro, and finally chose to take him with him and walked towards Jiutang Rinyin together.

"Jiutang! How is it? Is everyone okay?"

Minato's voice suddenly came from a distance.

Jiutang Rinyin looked back with a puzzled look:

"Teacher Minato? Where's Brother Lin Feng? Isn't he the one who brought the antidote?"

"This is what happened. I learned about your situation in advance through the mobile group. I happened to be close to the college at that time, so I went to get the antidote and came to you. Your brother...It should arrive in a while."

"Well, let's detoxify everyone first." Jiutang

Linyin clenched the white card box in her hand, and after a change of expression for a while, she stuffed the thing deep into her pocket, as if she didn't want others to find out about it. After all the injured had taken the antidote and recovered, she silently looked at the place where the battle had taken place for the last time, and then took a heavy and worried step and set off on the road back to the Alchemy Academy. But in the corner, the person who had not left slowly appeared.


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