"should...Is it around here? Why can't I see Malgan?"

Ichinose Tatarō walked back and forth at the entrance of a factory many times.

He, Lin Feng, and Jiudou Rinyin came here according to the location displayed by the instrument, and then they separated and no one could find any trace of Malgan.

Just when Tatarō was wondering if the position locked by the instrument was wrong, a familiar figure actually walked out from a piece of glass!

"Ah~ I didn't expect that one of our protagonists would come so quickly.~"

"It's you! Lachesis from the Dark Three Sisters?!!"

Ichinose Tarotaro quickly sent a message to Lin Feng and Jiudou Rinyin through the equipment in his hand.

At the same time, he took out the Gtochard driver, ready to transform at any time!

"You're making Malgan again, aren't you?! Hand over Kemi!"

"Ah...Don’t be so impatient~ If you have the ability, come in and play~"

After saying that, Lachesis once again used her magical power to get back through the floor-to-ceiling mirror!

""Hey?!! Someone actually went into the mirror?!!"

Ichinose Takarō was stunned.

He lay in front of the mirror, looking left and right, up and down, but he didn't find any clues!

At this time, Lin Feng and Jiutang Rinyin finally rushed over!

"Baotaro! Where's Margan? What are you doing there?"

"No, it was Lachesis! Lachesis just got into this mirror!"

Ichinose Takarō tried his best to explain:

"The Malgan we detected should be Lachesis, she is in the mirror now!"

Lin Feng pretended to be ignorant and questioned:

"Are you dazzled? How can a person get into a mirror?"

"no...Teacher Lin Feng, you have to believe me!"

"Brother, it is indeed possible.

Jiutang Linyin suddenly spoke, causing Baotaro and Lin Feng to look at her.

Then, she hesitated and took out the card box that had been hidden in her pocket.

Lin Feng's pupils suddenly shrank, but he quickly suppressed them.

"Rin, what is this?"

"This morning, when I was out capturing Kemi, I met the Kamen Rider who called himself Odin."

Jiudang Rinyin looked at Lin Feng and explained:

"At that time, I said I had something to tell you, and that was for this. Odin said, I was chosen, and this card box was given to me, but I always wondered what it was for, so I didn't use it. Later, when I saw that battle, I knew its function. After using it to transform into a Kamen Rider, I should be able to pass through this mirror and reach another world."

Lin Feng looked at Jiutang Linyin's flickering eyes for a long time, and asked:

"So, do you want to use this cartridge to fight now?"

"Although I don't know why Lachesis can pass through the mirror, now I am the only one who can open the passage and find Malgan. Brother, I want to give it a try."

Jiutang Linyin slowly tightened the card box in his hand, looking very serious.

Lin Feng sighed when he heard this, but after thinking about it, he nodded heavily:

"Well, if you make such a decision, I support you, but remember, don't be stubborn. If it doesn't work, exit the mirror world and we will discuss it in the long run."


After Jiutang Linyin got Lin Feng's approval, her eyes showed a hint of joy, but deeper inside, it was obvious that she was still hiding something.

However, Lin Feng did not ask further because the time was not right.


Linyin picked up the cassette and pointed it at the mirror according to the actions of other people in her memory. The next second, the silver transformation belt flew out of the mirror and was tied tightly around her waist!

"Oh! That's amazing! The belt can actually appear by itself!"

Ignoring Baotaro's surprise,

Jiudou Rinyin inserted the cartridge into the drive and said coldly:


" Hunshin!"

The interlaced phantoms quickly attached to Jiudou Rinyin, forming a set of pure white armor.

She held a sharp blade in her hand, and her cape was raised behind her. Her figure was like a noble and pure angel.

"So handsome! What should I do if I suddenly feel a little envious of Jiutang?"

""Stop talking nonsense!"

Jiutang Rinyin complained speechlessly, holding the ribbon on Baotaro's neck with one hand with some disdain, and then moved his mind slightly, and rushed towards the mirror!


There was a sound of light and shadow shuttle, and the figures of Jiutang Rinyin and Ichinose Baotaro disappeared in front of the mirror at the same time!

Seeing this scene,

Lin Feng let out a long breath, frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought.


In the mirror world,

Lachesis, who was the first to return here through the passage, looked at Asakura Wei not far away and said:

"The person you are looking for will be here soon, so be prepared."

Asakura stood up, his hands in his trouser pockets in a cool manner:

"Is it necessary to do this? Why do you want me to open the mirror world? Are you worried that I can't deal with the two students outside?"

"Of course not."

Lachesis' eyes moved slightly:

"I am on guard against the Kamen Rider named DarkDecade"

"DarkDecade? Never heard of it."

"If you had heard of it, you wouldn't have questioned my actions.

Lachesis said solemnly:

"That guy, who calls himself the World Destroyer, acts strangely and appears and disappears mysteriously. If we are not on guard against him, our plans may be ruined. But if we are in this mysterious mirror world,...There should be no need to worry, right?"

Although Lin Feng cooperated with the three sisters of Minghei, in fact, everyone knew each other very well.

It was impossible to say that you help me and I help you 100%, and what Lin Feng did in the past few times was obviously not on the same side as them.

Therefore, in order to ensure that there would be no major mistakes in this plan,

Lachesis could only be cautious.


Suddenly, the mirror twisted again, and two figures turned into streams of light one after another. They were the transformed Jiudou Rinyin and Ichinose Takarō!

Asakura Wei saw the card box on Jiudou Rinyin's waist, and his eyes suddenly lit up:

"I finally found you, Kamen Rider Femme"

"How is it? I didn't lie to you."

Lachesis chuckled and took out a Kemi card from his pocket.

The card contained a Level 5 Ant Corps!

"Be infected by darkness~"

As a strong malice surged out of Lachesis' body,

Ant Corps Kemi was immediately entangled and swallowed, attached to Lachesis, and transformed into Ant Malgan!

"It's you after all!"

Ichinose Takarō took a fighting stance and shouted to Jiudou Rin'on beside him:

"Let’s go together, Jiutang, and take Kemi back!"

"I don't need you to order me!"

When she saw Asakura Takeshi,

Jiutang Rinyin seemed to be pulled by an inexplicable force and developed a strong hostility towards him, as if a voice kept saying in her ear,

【Ta-ta, ta-ta! Keep ta-ta until the last moment!]


Jiudou Rinyin could not participate in this battle, but after she was chosen, the bewitching voice kept coming back to her.

If she didn't fight, the voice would continue, which would have a huge impact on her life.

Therefore, Jiudou Rinyin had no choice but to pick up the card box and participate in this cruel knight war!


Asakura Takeshi, who was standing opposite her, had to find the last knight and have this final showdown!

"Oh? It seems you heard that voice too."

Asakura smiled morbidly, he took out the card case from his pocket, pointed it at the mirror beside him to summon the belt, and then quickly inserted it into the card case!


The worst knight, Kamen Rider King Snake, appears!

He walks towards Jiudou Rinyin, pulls out the Advent Card from the card box, and inserts it into the Snake Staff Summoning Machine!

【SwordVent! 】

After the mechanical sound was heard, a flash of light appeared in the dark sky, and a poisonous sword with spiral fangs flew into Asakura Takeshi's hands!

He held the poisonous sword, twisted his neck, and approached Jiudou Rinyin step by step:

"Come on, this last battle, let me feel the pleasure!"......

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