Bang Bang Bang!!!

In the mirror world,

Lachesis, who has transformed into the Queen Ant Malgan, keeps urging the oval organ in his hand to shoot out a large amount of acid!

Ichinose Takarō does not have a suitable targeted Kamika for the time being, so he can only use the basic form Steam Locust for the time being, dealing with Lachesis while looking for weaknesses!

On the other side,

Jiudou Rinyin transformed into Kamen Rider Femme, using the Advent Card to summon a weapon, the Wing Slash Sword, and fought with Asakura Take in close combat.

Although the Wing Slash Sword is very long and has a length advantage in the fight,

Asakura Take is experienced in combat after all, and does not care about his own injuries at all. His strength and skills are far superior to Jiudou Rinyin. After only a few confrontations, the King Snake caught the flaw and chopped him off with a sword!


When Ichinose Tarotaro saw Kyudou Rinne being knocked down and his attention was diverted,

Lachesis also seized the opportunity and hit him with several rounds of acid, blowing him away!

Looking at the two people falling to the ground in a mess,

Lachesis couldn't help but taunt:

"As expected, the daughter of an alchemist master really knows nothing about fighting."

"The master's daughter?"

Bao Tailang was a little confused.

He was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Jiutang Rinyin in surprise.

She was the only girl present except Lachesis!

As for the master

"Huh? So you didn't know yet?"

Lachesis showed a sickly smile:

"The man who gave you the driver, Jiutang Fengya, is her father.~"


Ichinose Takarō reacted slowly, but this also made him understand why Jiudou Rinyin

, who was the same age as him, was so much ahead of him in alchemy. However, Jiudou Rinyin paid attention to another key point in Lachesis' words:

"So, you know where my father is, right?!"

Lachesis’ smile became more distorted:

"certainly...It's just that you can't find him anymore~ Because my sisters and I killed him a long time ago~"

At that moment, the words from Lachesis's mouth were like a bomb exploding in Jiutang Linyin's mind.

Her shrunken pupils trembled wildly, like an earthquake:

"You said my father...He's dead? How could he be dead?...How can it be..."

Jiudou Rin'in's faith collapsed in an instant, and she became completely dejected.

She was trying to stand up despite the pain in her body, but she immediately lost all her will to fight and sat there helplessly.

However, this was exactly what Lachesis wanted to see.

She was a yandere and had always witnessed the pain of others!

"Hahahaha~ This expression distorted by despair is just awesome! Hahaha!!!"

"Stop laughing! How can I enjoy fighting if my prey loses the will to fight?"

Qian Cang Wei snorted unhappily, then directly pulled out the Advent Card from the card box and inserted it into the snake staff!


Boom boom boom!!!


Takeshi's contracted beast, the venomous snake king, emerged from the ground with a bang, twisting its winding body, spewing out scarlet snake tongues, and rushed towards Jiudou Rin and Ichinose Takarō at an extremely fast speed!

"Jiudou! Get out of the way!!!"

Ichinose Takarō saw Jiudou Rin'in didn't react at all in the critical moment, so he had to push her to the side with all his strength!

But even so, the impact of the Viper King was still too terrifying.

Its impact was like a bomb, instantly blowing away everything in the range!

And Jiudou Rin'in also crashed into a mirror due to the pushing force, and was directly ejected from the mirror world!

As the smoke and dust slowly dissipated,

Lachesis's face suddenly changed:

"Cough cough cough! What are you doing?! Everyone is gone!"

Qian Cang Wei raised his poison sword and pointed it at her, saying coldly:

"If you don't want me to target you, then don't point fingers at me here, I'm very irritated."

As he said this, he went to look for Jiudou Rinyin.

Although Lachesis was unhappy, this was the mirror world after all, and she had seen the fighting power of the king snake.

Before completing the plan, it was better not to conflict.

Then he turned around and went to another direction to look for Ichinose Takarō.


At this moment, in the real world,

Jiudou Rinyin, who was ejected here, curled up in a corner, hugged her knees, and sat quietly.

She didn't cry or speak.

She didn't know how long it took until a call came:

"Hey, are you sitting here waiting to die?"

Jiutang Rinyin raised her head stiffly and looked forward.

The figure walking in front of her with the moonlight on his back was Kamen Rider Dark Decade.

She lowered her head indifferently and said lightly:

"Are you here to kill me? Then do it."

Lin Feng's eyes fell on Jiutang Linyin's somewhat thin body through the goggles.

He felt distressed, but he could do nothing.

"So, is the mere fact that your father is dead such a big blow to you?"

"It's that big..."

Kyudou Rinyin smiled self-deprecatingly, but her voice gradually became trembling:

"Do you know what death is? It means I will never see him again, forever...."

She hugged her knees tightly and lowered her head, as if she didn't want to cry, and recalled the past bit by bit:

"I still remember that when my father heard me say that I wanted to be an alchemist, he told me that the most important thing for an alchemist is to abide by the rules. So, I always believe in following the rules, but...But he broke the rules and disappeared. He betrayed not only the school, but also my daughter."

"Ah...I was thinking that when we meet again, I will complain to him harshly, but now, there is no chance."

As she spoke, Jiutang Linyin couldn't help sobbing.

She covered her face, suppressed the sound of crying, and pretended that she didn't care at all, as if this would make her less painful.

Lin Feng looked at her, then slowly retracted his gaze and looked into the distance again:

"I don't know what you said, but if you don't act now, you will really die here."

Jiudang Rinyin followed his gaze and saw

Asakura Takeshi who had emerged from the mirror world and was looking for him step by step.

"It doesn't matter."

There was no confidence in Jiutang Linyin's voice.

A vague figure emerged in her tearful vision. She subconsciously wanted to catch him, but in the end, she suppressed her inner thoughts and left only a miserable smile, like a person who fell into the abyss and lost the last hope.

"My life has no meaning anymore."

Hearing this,

Lin Feng heaved a heavy sigh of relief:

"Is it really meaningless? You are an alchemist, right? Have you forgotten the feeling of success when you first learned alchemy after trying so hard many times?"

"Have you forgotten that although your father has left you, the expectations he has placed on you have never changed?"

"Have you forgotten that you may also be an important person in someone else's life?"

"Jiutang Lingyin."

Lin Feng said softly, turned his head, and his eyes met her trembling eyes that were raised again.

"Those are the meaning of your life."

After the voice fell,

Lin Feng carried the card box sword and walked straight towards Qian Cang Wei.

"People living in this world can be selfish, but they cannot be selfish forever. Those you love and those who love you are waiting for your response. Don't let them down."

Listening to the consolation in her ear,

Jiutang Linyin looked at the figure in front of her reflected in the moonlight, and a strong throbbing and familiar feeling surged into her heart.......

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