"Have you finally remembered the meaning of life?"

Lin Feng's voice reached Jiutang Linyin's ears.

Her eyes flickered and she nodded:


Lin Feng's words made her remember a lot.

Jiutang Linyin looked up at the clear moonlight in the sky and fell into memories again.

"Ten years ago, when my father was still alive, I sat in his arms and he asked me with a smile what I wanted to do when I grew up....I said, I hope to create a world where everyone can live happily, just like my father did."

Lin Feng, who was about to start empathizing with her, suddenly twitched his mouth, and inexplicably felt that someone was whispering to him from behind.

A fox god: Steamed buns? Thinking about me?

A raccoon cat: Wow, a fellow traveler! You should also participate in the desire contest!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng hurriedly shook his head.

The dark work with the most boomerangs in the Reiwa series, it is better not to be resurrected, it is too scary

"That was the first and original meaning of my life."

Jiutang Rinyin said, as if she gradually remembered the happiness she had in the past, so she laughed:

"Later, I really became an alchemist. The first alchemy I learned was the technique of making objects float. I showed it to my father at that time, and he said that I would definitely become a great alchemist who could surpass him. That was the second meaning of my life, because I wanted my father to be proud of me. Later..."

Her eyes moved slightly, and a lovely blush quietly appeared on her cheeks:

"Later, my father left, and I met a man, a very good man. He took me in, took care of me, taught me to study, and taught me alchemy. Gradually, I discovered that my life was not so dark, and the life I was living now seemed pretty good, so he became the third meaning of my life. Just like you said, I can't die easily, and I can't let him down."When

Lin Feng heard this, he touched his nose quietly, as if to cover up his guilt, and as if he was happy to know that the person he valued, in turn valued him.

But just as he was thinking this,

Jiutang Linyin suddenly stopped talking, looked over here, and his face looked a little serious:

"So, I really want to ask, why did you do this after saving me and helping me find the meaning of life?"

Feeling the sharpness of Jiutang Linyin's eyes, Lin Feng slowly put away the smile on his lips.

"You said you were the destroyer of the world, and you never stood on the side of us alchemists before, but today, why did you suddenly help me, a person who has nothing to do with you?"

Lin Feng pondered for a while and asked:

"Then I want to ask you first, why did you speak up to help me in the park this morning? Although those guys' sneak attacks will not affect me, I heard your call."

Jiudang Linyin narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Because I feel like you are a person."

Lin Feng clenched his fists

"Oh? Tell me about it."

"He is the man who gave my life a third meaning."

Jiutang Rinyin paused for a moment, then said in a more serious tone:

"I like him."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked her up and down:

"you...Looks like he's a little too old, right?"

"I will graduate from high school this year, it will be soon"

"Then I wish you the best. I was hoping that everything I did today would leave a good impression on you, my little beauty, but now it seems to be in vain."

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, but this action was seen as a deep disappointment by Jiutang Linyin:

"It seems...You're definitely not the one I'm looking for."

"Um, how do you say that? How did you know that?"

"If he had heard what I said just now, he would have hit me hard on the head and told me not to think too much, but your answer is completely different."

Looking at Jiutang Rinyin's serious face,

Lin Feng shook his head with a bit of a smile.

This little girl almost tricked him.

If Lin Feng hadn't known that she was serious and her words were full of traps, he might have been tricked by her.

But Lin Feng couldn't be exposed, and he also had his own reasons.

Because the real enemy behind Gochard has not appeared yet.

You know,

Gochard's villain is far from being as simple as it seems in the early stage.

Everything is related to a Kamen Rider nicknamed"Golden Egg".

This Kamen Rider, the power and D Ecade is similar, and can also summon other Kamen Riders.

When he appears in the TV series later, he is likely to face more powerful unknown enemies.

If Lin Feng is exposed now, those enemies behind the scenes are likely to attack him, but this is not the worst case.

The worst case is that it affects Jiutang Rinyin.

Jiutang Rinyin has no self-protection ability now, and Lin Feng himself cannot follow her 24 hours a day.

Therefore, it is best not to expose the true identity for the time being and not to involve Jiutang Rinyin in trouble.

In order to ensure that there is no rollover, Lin Feng has to be cautious.

"It doesn't matter. Since you are not, there is nothing to talk about."

When Jiutang Rinyin said this, her tone became much colder.

Before, when she doubted Lin Feng's identity, she had always communicated with Lin Feng in a soft tone, but now that she knew it was different from what she had imagined, she immediately changed her attitude.

This also made Lin Feng shake his head helplessly.

Sure enough,

Jiutang Rinyin was still Jiutang Rinyin.

She picked up the Kamen Rider Femme cassette beside her, hesitated for a moment, and then handed it to Lin Feng:

"Do you need this?"

"Hmm? You don't need it anymore? You don't want to keep the equipment that can transform you into Kamen Rider?"


Jiutang Linyin stroked the card box and shook his head in certainty:

"This is not the power I pursue. I pursue only alchemy. Although this power is strong, if I rely on it, my alchemy will not improve at all, so I would rather give it up."It was a very bold statement, which not only reflected his confidence in his future, but also strengthened his lifelong pursuit.

Jiutang Linyin has grown up again, and I am very pleased.

Lin Feng reached out to take her card box, and then gently squeezed it with his palm.

The extremely hard card box immediately broke into countless pieces and fell to the ground.


Lin Feng did not hesitate at all.

After solving everything, he summoned the dimensional wall and stepped into it, disappearing here.

The next second, the mirror next to Jiutang Linyin suddenly twisted, and only a mechanical sound effect was heard!

【VenomMariner! Fever!


Lachesis, who had transformed into the ant queen Malgan, was hit by several missiles with long tail flames and was directly blasted out of the mirror world!

Bang bang bang!!!

The exploding fireworks engulfed her, and Lachesis's figure appeared in the ashes!


I saw Ichinose Tatarō coming out of the mirror world right after him. He had transformed into Kamen Rider Gtochard, the Venom Submarine Form.

It was with the power of this form that he successfully solved the Lachesis Ant Queen Malgan.

Looking at the liberated ant army Kemi, he quickly picked up the blank alchemy card, put Kemi in it, and shouted excitedly:

"Gtocha! I captured a Pokémon...No, I have conquered the magical Kemi!"


Lachesis struggled to stand still, his face full of anger and unwillingness.

He turned his head and looked around.

After a brief shock, he snorted disdainfully:

"It turns out to be another piece of waste. I thought I could make good use of it and complete my plan!"

"Lachesis, let's go first."

At this time,

Atropos' voice came from the rooftop.

Lachesis saw that his two sisters were waiting for him, and he also realized that things had come to this point and could not be reversed.

So he gloomily merged into the darkness and left here with his sisters.

Ichinose Takarō looked at them and grinned:

"Always say harsh words...I always feel like they're so scary...."

""Hey! You finally came out!"

A sudden call came from a distance.

Ichinose Takaruo saw that it was Lin Feng. Just as he was about to greet him, he saw a shadow rushing out and crashing heavily into Lin Feng's arms. It was Jiudou Rin.

Seeing this,

Ichinose Takaruo left quietly and tactfully.

Lin Feng touched Jiudou Rin's head helplessly and asked:

"What happened? Were you injured in the battle?"


Jiutang Linyin closed her eyes, shook her head gently, and a light blush appeared on her face:

"I just miss you..."Ouni-sama."

Lin Feng put his arm around her shoulders and didn't know what to say.

The girl's words were still ringing in his ears, so he couldn't.

Because Lin Feng was worried that she would do something out of line.

Although Lin Feng didn't think he was a serious person, he still had to follow some rules.

It was his, and it would always be his. Don't worry, take your time.

"Then go home, I'll cook today"


However, at this time,

Ichinose Takarō, who had originally left, suddenly returned and shouted to the two of them:

"Teacher Lin Feng! Jiutang, let's go to my restaurant for a midnight snack together?!"......

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