At night, in the restaurant Ichinose Kitchen,

Lin Feng and Jiudou Rinyin walked in, looked around, and asked:

"No one here tonight?"

"That's right!"

Ichinose Takarataro, who entered the house first, laughed excitedly:

"I called you here because no one is here! When mom was here, she never asked me to have supper, saying that eating too much at night is bad for my health, but I happened to be too hungry tonight, so I had to go against my mom's advice!"

After resolving the previous battle,

Baotaro invited Lin Feng and Jiutang Rinyin.

Lin Feng happened to have never been here, so he agreed.

Moreover, he also wanted to witness with his own eyes how dark the dark cuisine of this evil alchemist was, and how terrible the man who could make the legendary puff meat bun was.

Therefore, they came

"Jiutang, Teacher Lin Feng, you guys take a seat first. I have called my seniors and Teacher Minato. They should be here soon. I will go prepare the ingredients first. I will show you my cooking skills tonight!"

After watching him enter the kitchen,

Jiutang Linyin turned around and said to Lin Feng:

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Suddenly, Lin Feng was the only one left in the room.

In this case, he decided to solve the system's task.

"System, collect rewards"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, rewards are being drawn...】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Storious series pilot deck! 】


Another Saber Kamen Rider, and the final villain Boss, Stellus' pilot card!

Lin Feng was a little surprised. His recent luck was a little outrageous!

Kamen Rider Storious, as the strongest existence in the Saber world view, only weaker than the Fantasy Omnipotent Book, its strength is almost the same as that of a series of popular characters such as E-General and K-General. It has the power of starbursts, although it will be a little slower, but in the original work, it has a real performance of destroying the earth.

In this respect, it is even more eye-catching than E-General and K-General.

It's a bit of a pity that the leather suit of this final boss is really a bit drawn.

If it can be a level or two more handsome, it can compete with Reiwa's current most all-round charismatic hostile character.

However, Lin Feng is already very satisfied to get its power, and he is not greedy.


"His period is dead~ Hey! Teacher Lin Feng!!!"

Lin Feng had just put away the deck when a familiar voice of coquetry sounded in his ears.

It was Ginkgo Renhua who was called by Ichinose Takarō, and Tsuruhara Senmaru who followed behind.

When Ginkgo Renhua saw Lin Feng, she pounced on him as if she was attracted by a succubus, hugged Lin Feng's neck and rubbed against him.

"Teacher, teacher! I caught several kemis today! Please praise me!"

"Okay, okay, you're not a pet, stop rubbing against me."

"Please don't~ I finally get to see you once a day, let me hold you for a while~"

Gingko Lianhua had just finished expressing her feelings when she was pulled aside by a force the next second.

Turning around, she saw Jiutang Rinyin walking over with a cold face.

"What are you doing? Why are you pulling me?"

Ginkgo Lianhua asked innocently.

Although Jiutang Linyin had a dark face, she still didn't understand what happened. Perhaps this was why she could be so close to Lin Feng after being stared at coldly by Jiutang Linyin many times. She was too slow to react.

"Brother Lin Feng is very tired today, let him rest for a while"

"Is that so? Okay...Then I will give the teacher a shoulder massage!"

So, under Jiutang Rinyin's eyes that wanted to"murder",

Ginkgo Lianhua started to touch Lin Feng again. Tsuruhara Sawamaru on the side was obviously accustomed to this scene.

He even sometimes suspected that whenever Ginkgo Lianhua died strangely, he could immediately identify the murderer.

In this way, the strange atmosphere lasted for a long time, until Ichinose Takaruo came out with a large plate of food.

"Everyone, it’s time for supper!"

""Oh, oh, oh! It's so rich!"

As the atmosphere group, and the person who was second only to Ichinose Takarō in liveliness in the small group,

Ginkgo Renhua was very supportive and immediately came over to show her support.

However, when she saw wisps of strange green air rising from the food, her talkative mouth froze in mid-air for the first time.

"Forehead...Baotaro classmate, I'm not questioning you,...Can you really eat this food?"

"Hey! Don't underestimate me! I am determined to create an original menu that will conquer everyone's taste buds! Believe me, come and try it!"

Seeing how confident Ichinose Takarō was, everyone hesitated but finally picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

The result was as expected, they could eat it, but the taste was weird!

Even Lin Feng himself almost couldn't hold it in.

That weird taste was something he had never tasted in any food or dish so far.

It can only be said that Takarō's talent in dark cuisine is ridiculously high!

""Hey? I suddenly realized, why didn't Mr. Minato come?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng almost spit out a mouthful of anger.

If the food was delicious, it would be fine for you to say this, but in this state, it is hard not to suspect that you are saying this to frame your mentor!

Ginkgo Lotus swallowed the food in his mouth and then explained:

"Minato-sensei hasn't come back from the Alchemy Association yet. He sent me a message on the way."

"Ah this...Well, then."

Lin Feng thought that the matter was over, but he didn't expect Baotaro to suddenly say:

"Then I'll put his portion in the refrigerator and bring it to him tomorrow!"


Lin Feng really couldn't hold it back this time and laughed out loud.

He could already imagine Minato's expression when he ate Baotaro's loving cooking tomorrow.

Minato: Damn it, you can't escape the fifteenth day, right? The evil alchemist intends to use dark cooking to deceive his master and ancestors!


At the same time, in a secret laboratory in the consortium X peripherals, in the corridor, the door opened,

Haidong Dashu leaned against the wall and shouted to the person who came out, saying:

"Ekol, King Snake is dead."

The person he called was the staff of Consortium X who had delivered the Kamen Rider Odin card box.

Hearing what Kaito Daishu said,

Ekol turned around and said after a moment of silence:

"Come with me"

"Where to go?"

"Inside the laboratory."

Haidong Dashu heard this and quickly followed:

"Could it be that you can still revive the king snake?"

Ekol shook his head.

"The death of Kamen Rider King Snake this time is a real death, no data is left. The result of the war 20 years ago was that the mirror world was closed and the real world was restarted, so he was able to survive, but this time he is completely dead, at least I can't revive him with my means."

"What are you going to do? King Snake should be a very important part of the Outsider Plan, right?"

Haitong Dashu remembered that they had talked about the importance of King Snake in their previous chat.

As the only one who stood to the end with his own strength after the Knight War was opened again, he was one of the weapons against Kamen Rider Zein.

But now, this weapon is gone.

Consortium X should not have no reaction at all, right?

Ekol looked back at him, then took out Odin's card box from his pocket and said:

"We will make anyone who hinders Consortium X pay the price....There is still a lot of data left in it. Now that the King Snake has been killed, we will wake up other outsiders and get rid of those who are hindering Consortium X."

As he said this, he inserted the cassette into a device in the laboratory.

As the device was running, the energy in the cassette was quickly released.

Then, a small red and black book tied with chains quickly formed on the printing table next to it.

The small book exuded a strong ominous aura, as if it was an innate disaster that existed in this space.

"This is..."

Haidong Dashu had just asked a curious question when Ekol opened the little book.

【Desast! 】(Natural Disaster)


When the small book was opened, a large number of book-shaped stones poured out from the book and gathered on the bed beside it, gradually piling up into a body.

The body slowly emerged, a dark monster with a head like a scarlet skull.

"Its name is the natural disaster, a Megiddo that should have disappeared and died."

Ekol introduced it like this:

"Next, we will use our technology to continuously wake it up, and then let it deal with the mysterious Kamen Rider, Dark Decade."

When he finished speaking, the lights in the laboratory suddenly flickered for a while.

Haidong Dashu looked at this strange situation and felt something was wrong in his heart:

"What's going on? Is your consortium X also running out of power?"

Ekel chuckled twice and said:

"It's not a power shortage, it's probably related to a parallel world."

"Parallel world?!"

Haidong Dashu was a little surprised:

"What did you do that would involve a parallel world?"

Ekol pointed at the Scourge lying there:

"They were supposed to be dead, and using the power of the mirror world to revive them is equivalent to involving the laws of two worlds at the same time. Therefore, during this period, other parallel worlds will naturally be attracted, and everyone will have an impact on each other. The Zein (goodwill) system also has the ability to observe parallel worlds, and this situation is no longer a rare thing."

Hearing this, Haidong Dashu was speechless and didn't know how to answer.

Back then, in their era, the ability to travel through other worlds was completely a magical skill!

What about now? Anyone caught on the street can travel through parallel worlds.

It's too outrageous

"Well, let's wait for the awakening of the natural disaster. I believe he will bring us surprises."

At the same time, a dimensional wall passed by the roof of the building of Consortium X, and a strange man in a black windbreaker with a crest on his face walked out slowly while throwing the dark green driving dial in his hand:

"this...Is it a new parallel world?"......

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