"Hey?!! Classmate Baotaro is actually a Kamen Rider?!"

Ginkgo Renka and Tsuruhara Showan ran outside the wrestling hall and looked at the figure fighting with the gorilla Margan, their faces full of shock and surprise

"Yeah, I didn't expect it at all."

Even Tsuruhara Senmaru, who was usually speechless, was amazed.

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng helped to smooth things over:

"He never found the chance. I remember he wanted to say it last night, but he seemed to have forgotten."

"Those are not important anymore, just...Classmate Baotaro seems to be at a disadvantage." After transforming into Gtochard, Baotaro's attack was very swift, and every punch and kick hit the gorilla Malgan fiercely, but the latter was not moved at all. Baotaro's attack was like tickling, while the gorilla Malgan's attack, with one punch, Baotaro would be knocked out immediately!

"Let's try this trick!"

The gorilla Malgan seized the opportunity when Baotaro lost his balance, suddenly rushed into the inside, hugged him from bottom to top, then spun Baotaro around, aimed his waist at his raised knee, and smashed it down hard!

""Spinning back smashing technique!"

There was only an extremely crisp snapping sound, and at that moment, Baotaro's lumbar spine was severely injured.

He collapsed to the ground and wailed in pain.

Although he did not cancel the transformation, the blow just now penetrated the armor and hit his bones directly.

The lumbar spine is the most important and fragile part of the human body.

Baotaro lay on the ground for a while, losing all his ability to resist!

"Baotaro classmate!"


"High school students!"

Seeing this scene, everyone, including the uncle in the wrestling gym, ran over anxiously, but the gorilla Malgan chased after him, intending to get to know everyone in one go.

At this time,

Black Steel Spana, who followed in the dark, took a step forward with a wrench sword, and directly blocked the way of the gorilla Malgan!

"Iron steel!"

【Valbarado's surprise attack! 】

Bang bang bang!!!

The spanner sword wrapped in purple energy waves fiercely slashed at the abdomen of the gorilla Malgan.

As a large number of electric sparks exploded, this heavy blow immediately pushed it back!

"Where did this bastard come from again! How come he is more of a villain than me?!"

The gorilla Malgan angrily vented his anger on the wall beside him and punched it through.

Then, he gradually retreated backwards with some indignation:

"There are outsiders here today, I will come again next time! Ah Xu, wait for me!"

Seeing the gorilla Malgan disappear,

Black Steel Spana also stopped chasing and canceled the transformation.

He turned his head and glanced at Lin Feng, then looked at the Camie in the hands of the wrestling gym owner.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw Ichinose Tatarō, who was knocked to the ground, standing up and saying:

"No! That Kemi is the boss's team partner, you can't take it away!"

Black Steel Spana smacked his lips unhappily:

"Since you are so capable, then win the battle yourself next time." He took a last look at Lin Feng and said


"Soon, in a few days, I will come to you in person, and our business should be settled."

After the voice fell, the figure of Black Steel Spana slowly went away and disappeared in the alley.

Jiutang Linyin came to Lin Feng and squeezed his hand:

"Brother, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, let's get Baotaro into the house and have a rest first."

He had heard Black Steel Spana's harsh words so many times that his ears were almost calloused, but it was useless because this guy had never defeated him before, he just couldn't swallow his anger and kept pestering him.

If he really wanted to make a break,

Lin Feng didn't mind showing his true identity and beating him up.

At this time, when everyone was carrying Ichinose Baotaro into the house, the dimensional wall on the top floor of the building not far away opened, and the man in the black windbreaker appeared again. He was still playing with the driving dial in his hand, looking around, as if looking for someone. After a while, there was still no result, he frowned and snapped his fingers:

""Where is Jiachen?!"

The next second, a group of golden monsters holding scepters quickly walked out of the dimensional wall.

They were robots equipped with AI intelligent systems and completely obeyed orders. Jiachen! They had appeared in various occasions many times and belonged to many organizations such as Oma Zi-O and the Time Management Bureau!

This group of Jiachen came to him, knelt on one knee, and said respectfully:

"Hello, Captain Xianyue. May I ask what you want me to do for you?"

(Xianyue, his real name was not revealed in the Legend of Reijido. After the Hundred Worlds invaded the Gochad World, the official added his name.)

Xianyue murmured to himself:

"I sensed a power similar to that of Kamen Rider Legend here. Since he refuses to join Hundred, let's use similar power to eliminate him! Now, go find him for me!"


After receiving the order, the group of Jiachen immediately disappeared from the spot, flew to various places, and searched carefully bit by bit.

Standing on the high ground, Xianyue, one of the four people of Hundred Worlds, quietly waited for the locked target to appear.

"Legend...Wait for me, wait for me to come back, and I will execute you immediately!"

(This is the connection to the Legend of Reijido, and he will be introduced in advance later.)


Inside the factory,

Ah Xu asked while applying the plaster to Baotaro:

"So, the Kami you are talking about is the thing attached to the doll?"

"Yes, and the person who turned into a monster also had it."

After Lin Feng explained, he pretended not to understand and asked:

"That person seems to be very familiar to you, what is his background?"

A Xu took a deep breath, a little bitter:

"Golem Gangli was a professional wrestler before. Once he got angry, no one could stop him. Not only his opponents, but also the audience would be injured by him, so he went to prison."

"Huh?! This is too bad, isn't it?!"

"yes...I was a highly anticipated rising star in the training hall, but he injured me and made me unable to compete again. So when people heard about these things, they started to be afraid of him and no one came to train with me anymore."

The uncle paused for a while and said:

"However, I was unwilling to give up. I just wanted to train young people who could shoulder the responsibility of the future of wrestling. This place was a fortress of dreams for me. So at that time, this guy appeared in front of me."

The uncle smiled and picked up the puppet of wrestler G:

"Somehow, I felt a strong spirit of professional wrestling from this doll. My dream now is to fight with him in the ring, just once! Don’t look at me like this now. Back then, I was a masked wrestler who was very popular among fans, the Masked Asahi!"

As he said this, he looked at the posters and photos on the wall, as if he could still remember the enthusiastic scene when he was praised by fans and his name was shouted by them.

Those voices seemed to have never disappeared.

"It seems...Mr. Asu's dream is very similar to my Gtocha's. We both want to create a future of peaceful coexistence with Kemi!"

Ichinose Tarotaro seemed to be inspired. He stood up, walked in front of Asu, and said seriously:

"I will help you protect this training hall and defeat the golem Gangli!"


A Xu forced a helpless smile on his face:

"But if you want to defeat the Golem Gangli, you have to find a way to crack his special moves. I could have taught you these....But my old body..."

He was already nearly 50 years old, and could no longer perform those high-intensity moves as easily as he did in the past, let alone teach a novice, which was even more difficult.

However, at this time, the puppet in his hand was pulled by strong emotions, and the wrestler G hidden in it flew out automatically and drilled into A Xu's body!

"this...What's going on! I feel full of strength now!!!"

Unexpectedly, the old man who was originally extremely old and decadent, seemed to have changed into a different person in the next second. He looked several decades younger and his body became extremely sturdy and strong.

He put on a green mask, jumped up, and stood directly on the ring!

The completely unexpected scene shocked everyone present!......

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