"What is going on?! Wrestler Camie is possessed by an uncle?!"

Ichinose Tatarō's surprise represents the thoughts of everyone, but it is indeed possible.

Just like Camie is attracted to human malice, when human desires are strong enough,

Camie will resonate with human emotions and achieve a positive fusion effect!

This is what we see now!

After being possessed, Ah Xu stood on the ring and shouted to Tatarō:

"Come on, my friend, come to the stage, from now on you will be my partner!"


Ichinose Takarō entered the ring with great enthusiasm.

He clenched his fists and said very seriously:

"This new possibility of Kemi made me understand what I must do! Come on, uncle! Please give me more advice!"

However, before this, no one could have imagined that this training would take a whole day.

The screams of Ichinose Tatarō were continuously heard throughout the factory. The ultimate move of the golem that was imitated by Axu tortured his lumbar spine again and again.

He tried to find a way to break through the ordeal again and again.

Although it was stupid, it was the best way for him to master the core.

Tatarō also knew that he was not a person with high talent, so perseverance was his only means!

Lin Feng took all of this in his eyes.

He, a traverser, witnessed this scene with his own eyes. He had nothing to say except sighing.

Such intensity would be a challenge for any normal person. In fact, the consequences of this are enough to paralyze the whole body and end up lying in bed unable to move for the rest of his life.

But who is he? Ichinose Takarō!

He can train just by applying a plaster, he is simply a superman!

The sorcerer's extraordinary physical fitness also came in handy at this time, and he can even be called the most muscular male protagonist in Reiwa.

How was the Iron Gochard in the middle period forged? It was forged like this time and time again.

This kid's success has never been a surprise.

In this way, time passed quickly overnight.

Regardless of whether you have grasped the skills to crack the ordeal or not, today you will face the golem Gangli head-on and have a real duel with him!

"Mom, if the club activities end early today, I will come back early to help you!"

"Okay, be careful on the road!"

The next morning, after saying goodbye to his mother at the restaurant,

Ichinose Takarō did not go to the Alchemy Academy, but went directly to the Asahi Wrestling Hall as agreed.

Just as he was gathering his courage and looking forward to the duel, a Kachen holding a trident appeared in front of him, blocking his way, and then said to the void beside him:

"Captain Crescent Moon, I found the target you mentioned."

"Who is it? Is it the new Malgan?

Ichinose Tarotaro put the driver on his waist vigilantly, ready to fight at any time.

At this time, a familiar dimensional wall unfolded behind him.

He was about to call Dark Decade's name, but the figure who walked out of the dimensional wall made him open his eyes wide.

"Not DarkDecade senior?! But how could it be..."

"Who is DarkDecade?"

Xianyue, one of the four people from the Hundred Worlds who walked out of the dimensional wall, played with the driving watch in his hand and said coldly:

"I am the captain of the Hundred Worlds Organization. Now I need your power. Give me all your drivers and cards, and I can spare your life."

"Sure enough! Another one is here to snatch the driver!"

Ichinose Takarō took out the Kamika from his pocket and inserted it into the driver:

"I have something important to do today. If you want to fight, come on. I don't have time to waste with you! Henshin!"

【Hopper1! Steamliner! Gotchanko! Steam~Hopper! Hopper——hopper——】

Seeing the transformed Baotaro rushing over,

Hundred sneered and raised his finger:

"Since he won't give it to me, I'll just grab it."

""Yes! Let's go together!"

More than a dozen Jiachen holding tridents rushed towards Baotaro at the same time, and the quiet street suddenly became chaotic!

Bang bang bang!!!

The trident in Jiachen's hand is not only sharp in close combat, but can also release light bullets and lightning attacks from a distance!

Although Baotaro had been prepared, he still fell into a disadvantage quickly because of the difference in numbers!

"What kind of monsters are these? Why don’t my attacks have any effect? "

When I faced Malgan before, those were beings that had merged with humans.

Even if the attack hit them, there would be feedback, no matter how small the impact was.

But the monster that surrounded me was just like a robot. No matter how strong the force was, it couldn’t cause any harm to them!

"These are the elites of my subordinates. They have no sense of pain and emotions. If you want to continue to consume them, they will let you know what cruelty is."

Xianyue stood aside and watched the show leisurely.

Although Jiachen and others were miscellaneous soldiers, they were also powerful fighters he pulled from several powerful organizations.

Their combat power level was even stronger than many Kamen Riders.

How could a mere Gtochard be their opponent?

But the slap in the face came quickly. As soon as

Xianyue finished speaking, the next second, a dimensional wall exactly the same as the one he used before appeared out of thin air.

It was like a bulldozer, directly blasting away all the Jiachen who surrounded Baotaro and helped him out!

"Poor younger generation, why are you entangled in irrelevant things again?"

"Senior! Is it really you this time?!"

Bao Tailang stared at the dimensional wall, and only when Lin Feng transformed into Dark Decade and really appeared did he breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng did not care about his reaction, but directly set his eyes on the crescent moon in the distance.

"Huh?! This is...Decade?! No!"

Xianyue stood up in doubt and slowly approached.

He frowned and looked up and down in disbelief at this familiar yet completely different figure:

"You are...DarkDecade? A Kamen Rider Never Seen Before..."

"You don't know me, but I know you, the captain of the Hundred Organization, an existence from another world."

To be honest,

Lin Feng did sense a strange breath yesterday, but at that time his attention was on the training of Baotaro, and he did not deliberately investigate anything.

Until this morning, when he found that Baotaro had not arrived at the wrestling training hall as agreed,

Lin Feng immediately understood that something had changed, so he came all the way here.

Unexpectedly, the change was him.

Hundred Worlds, also known as the Hundred Organization, comes from the Gochard X Legend Gaiden.

The Gaiden reveals a parallel world similar to Gochard, where there is no Cammy, but a Kamen Rider named Legend.

In the outside world, he is a new character that has been marketed since the early days of Gochard.

Later, everyone realized that he was not Brother Xiao Ming, but a brand new existence.

The plot of that Gaiden is simply It only reveals how Legend was born, and his enemy, the Hundred Organization.

There are four cadre-level people in the organization. The first one to appear in the spin-off is the man in the black windbreaker in front of Lin Feng.

And he actually has another identity, that is, the final boss in the original Kamen Rider Saber, Stellius!

Of course, this is fake, it’s just that the actors who play the two of them are exactly the same, just like Stellius in a parallel world, but he has become the captain of the Hundred Organization!

In addition, he also has a powerful power similar to Stellius.

He can transform into Kamen Rider Blackxs who appeared in the Zi-O movie!

This Kamen Rider has a very special ability.

He Immune to all the power of the Heisei Riders!

In the movie, when the little devil reached the end of the kingly road, he obtained the Oma form of Zi-O, and it took the combined strength of the Heisei Twenty Riders to kick Zi-O to death.

You can imagine how powerful it is!

Of course, it is not just immune to the power of the Heisei Riders. Kamen Rider Blackxs himself also has the ability to crush the Supreme Emperor Zi-O.

The value of over a hundred tons and the skills of immunity to physical damage are all the basis for his cards!

Even if he seems vulnerable when facing the siege of Kamen Rider Gtochard and Kamen Rider Legend, it does not mean that his strength can be underestimated, because the combat power of Kamen Rider Legend has not been very intuitively certified.

If he is set to match or even surpass What about the existence of Decade and Zi-O?

Then Blackxs is definitely not weak, he was just beaten up by the stronger ones.

But then again, the reason why Lin Feng was surprised was not because he was afraid of Blackxs's power, but because, according to the original plot line of Gochard, it should be Ichinose Takarō who traveled to the world where the Hundred Worlds organization was located and met Kamen Rider Legend, instead of the current situation where the captain of the Hundred Worlds, Xianyue, came directly to the door and robbed Takarō of Gochard's power!

It is hard for Lin Feng not to suspect that someone did something behind the scenes, causing the plot to change, otherwise, everything is hard to explain.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sorted out all his thoughts, but the system's task broadcast appeared in front of his eyes!

【Ding! Hundred's captain, Crescent Moon, is detected, intending to seize the power of Kamen Rider Gtochard! Mission triggered!】

【Mission objective: Defeat Kamen Rider Blackxs!】

【Mission Reward: Random Kamen Rider Pilot Card!】......

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