On the street, watching Ichinose Takarutarou's figure quickly disappear at the end of the street,

I saw Xianyue's face as gloomy as water, with murderous intent in his eyes. He slowly took out the space-time drive from behind, put it on his waist, picked up the Blackxs dial in the other hand, inserted it into the side of the drive, and rotated it one circle!

"DarkDecade, you totally pissed me off...I don't want your power now, I just want you to die! Henshin!"

【RiderTime!! Kamen Rider Barlckxs!!】

As the driver rotates, a huge dark green dial shadow floats behind it, like a throne, or like huge wings, mixed with the fluctuations of the power of the law of time, integrated into the body of the crescent moon, and formed pieces of armor on the surface of the body!

Kamen Rider Blackxs, officially debuts!

As a knight made by replicating Kamen Rider BlackRx,

Blackxs uses the rotating shadow sword as a weapon, and possesses the power and styling characteristics of Kamen Rider BlackRX and its three forms, Mechanical Knight and Bio Knight! Even the name is taken from the plural of the three forms of BlackRx!

The reason why he can be so high-end in the Zi-O movie is also inseparable from the original BlackRX.

After all, the latter is set as the strongest knight of the Showa era.

As long as the sun does not die, the son of the sun will never die.

Once he becomes the King of Creation, he can even raise his hand to destroy the earth!

There is nothing wrong with the remake of Kamen Rider Blackxs being more high-end, right?

However, the person he is facing now is Lin Feng, and it happens that Lin Feng has the perfect means to restrain him!

"I didn't expect to use this card so early, but now that you're here, I have to use it."

Lin Feng took out the Kamen Rider Storious Pilot Card he got from the last mission from the card box, and used Stellus to fight"another Stellus", is that okay?

Moreover, he used the power of the Reiwa Knight.

The opponent was only immune to the Heisei Knight, and it was completely ineffective against the Reiwa Knight!

In every aspect, it perfectly restrained Kamen Rider Blackxs!

At this time, the eyes of the crescent moon also locked on the card in Lin Feng's hand through the goggles.

The strong ominous premonition made him immediately issue an order:

"Everyone, take action!"

At once, a large number of Jiachen rushed out from the dimensional wall, holding tridents, and rushed towards Lin Feng regardless of everything!

Seeing this dark crowd,

Lin Feng smiled contemptuously, his tone calm:


【KamenRide! Storious! 】

Instantly, as the low and hoarse sound sounded, a huge black book fell behind Lin Feng and slowly opened.

At the same time, six black devil wings also suddenly spread out on Lin Feng's back!


As the distorted waves spread, the scattered light in the sky reflected Lin Feng's gradually lengthening shadow on the ground, as if it was a dark abyss connected to hell.

Skeleton arms stretched out from the ground, and the scene became extremely terrifying for a while!

The terrible aura gushing out of Lin Feng even made the Jiachens, who were robots, slow down their movements!

Although they are robots, they are equipped with AI systems that are not inferior to human intelligence.

In addition to obeying the orders of their masters, they are even smarter than humans under normal circumstances. With such strong energy fluctuations, how could they not feel suffocation and oppression?!

Soon, the wings behind Lin Feng closed and wrapped around him. The surrounding black water that was flowing upstream gathered back and wrapped Lin Feng into a pitch-black cocoon.

When this huge cocoon exploded again, the energy fluctuations that swept in all directions crushed everything around it!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The Jiachens exploded one after another, like a salute to celebrate the birth of the devil.

All the Jiachen who tried to besiege Lin Feng turned into fireworks and debris in the blink of an eye and floated into the sky!

And this was just the moment when Kamen Rider Storious was born!

A terrifying demon that can truly destroy the world!

At this moment, Xianyue

, who had observed many parallel worlds and witnessed countless powerful existences, saw this scene in front of him, and a layer of fine cold sweat broke out on his forehead unconsciously!

The sense of oppression is too strong!

So powerful that even the sun's light will be swallowed up by his darkness!

This guy...Where did he get the power from?!

He worked hard to get the transformation ability of Kamen Rider Blackxs, but he ended up traveling to a parallel world and was suppressed!

Is it really because he is not lucky enough?

The previous Kamen Rider Legend had already made his scalp tingle and he was troubled.

Now there is a Dark Decade, who is even more ruthless than the former!


I can't stay here!

Xianyue calmed down and didn't let himself continue to fall into panic.

As the knowledgeable head of the organization, he should have flattened the world, but now he was going to be flattened so easily by others?

Absolutely not!

"It's just a bluff! I'll expose your disguise now!"

Masked Rider Blackxs drew out the Shadow Sword, gathered strength under his feet, and took a step forward!

The power that easily shattered the surface of the earth caused it to explode, and he swung the sword with both hands at Lin Feng with all his strength!

Buzz buzz buzz! The

Shadow Sword, which kept making noises, gradually emitted a dazzling light, as if it was wrapped in a circle of extremely dazzling silver-white energy ripples, and slashed a huge crescent-shaped light blade at Lin Feng's body!

At the same time,

Lin Feng, who was feeling the power in his body, slowly raised his head.

His left eye suddenly flashed, and the omnipotent catalog of the Book of Magic quickly emerged.

All the information about Blackxs and the attacks he released was scanned and recorded, but in an instant, all the flaws in his body and attacks were firmly grasped by Lin Feng!

He raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and dark red energy condensed in his hands, and he gently pushed forward!


I saw that a deafening explosion sounded immediately, and the silver-white���The crescent slash collided fiercely with the dark red fluctuations in Lin Feng's palm, and countless energy ripples burst out like electric arcs, and the layers of shock waves became more and more terrifying like waves!

But this attack did not shake Lin Feng at all!

Even in the eyes of Kamen Rider Blackxs, the energy condensed on his whirling shadow sword was gradually swallowed by the dark red fluctuations in Lin Feng's palm, which instead helped it expand into a ball of energy!

"Just found out? Too late!"

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, his palm shook violently!

Boom boom boom boom!

The dark red energy body instantly exploded in a hemispherical rotation. With Lin Feng's standing position as the center, everything within a radius of 100 meters was torn apart, collapsed, and blasted away fiercely!

In the light wave, the unstoppable Kamen Rider Blackxs flew straight backwards like a kite with a broken string, all the way to the end of the street, smashing the huge building, and falling into the collapsed rubble!

Lin Feng looked at all this indifferently, gathering black energy in his hands, forming his beloved sword, Biergamet, he slowly lifted it up, straight to the rubble at the end, and Kamen Rider Blackxs climbed up again.

At this moment, the latter's chest was beating with angry breathing, and the face under the mask had begun to twist with anger!

"I didn't intend to use this power here, but...You forced me to do this!"

After the words fell, the extremely angry Kamen Rider Blackxs removed the light green driving dial on his right wrist, turned it around, and then pressed the button above the dial heavily!


Buzz buzz buzz!


That green dial is exactly the dial of Kamen Rider J, one of the Three Black Households of the Heisei Era.

Through its power, Kamen Rider Blackxs can even achieve indirect gigantism!

This is the case now. After being fused with the green energy, Blackxs' body uncontrollably swelled on the spot until it was as terrifying as a building tens of meters high!

Perhaps it was because of the confidence brought by the difference in size, he who had just been beaten up immediately felt that the situation was settled!

"DarkDecade! Die!!!"......

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