In the city full of tall buildings, a huge figure rose into the sky and descended here.

Passersby who were watching from far and near all stopped and watched this scene in shock.

The various videos of mysterious heroes that had been circulating on the Internet seemed to have been verified one by one today!


Kamen Rider Blackxs' voice became louder after he became huge.

He took a step forward, covering hundreds of meters at a time, and came to Lin Feng from the end of the street, mocking him confidently:

"Now that I have become huge, your attacks are just tickling me!"

If it were placed on other sets, this kind of gigantic situation might have different results, but in the Knight's Shed, especially the gigantic characters in the theater version, there is generally only one end, that is, being kicked into pieces by the Knight Gang.

Of course, Lin Feng can't mobilize so many people now, but when it comes to getting rid of Blackxs, hehe, Lin Feng has so many ways that you can't count them!

"You don't really think that I can't do anything to you just because you've become giant, do you? Stupid idiot."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Feng took out an attack control card from the card box and threw it into the driver.

Seeing Lin Feng's move, Blackxs did not dare to neglect it.

He also pressed the dial on his belt and rotated the driver, intending to end everything with this attack!

【FinishTime! BarlckxsTimeBreak! 】

Accompanied by the mechanical sound effects that spread throughout the city, a huge dark green dial shadow opened behind Blackxs.

The shadow was like wings, constantly vibrating, and strands of blood-red waves flowed out of it, continuously flowing into Blackxs's right foot!


He accumulated all his strength, leaped up, and soared into the sky. His figure that covered the sky and the sun performed a knight kick and fell straight towards Lin Feng!

Buzz buzz buzz!

The strong wind pressure echoed in the sky.

Blackxs performed a knight kick with his huge body. The whole person was like a huge burning meteorite, with the momentum of destroying everything, and he was reckless in destroying everything within the range of Lin Feng!

At that moment, even the people watching from a distance couldn't help but ask in their hearts, what kind of existence is it that requires such a huge figure and desperately fights with all their strength? No one even saw the figure of the other party.

It can't be a normal-sized target, right ? However, if they knew that the target was Lin Feng, and he was still unmoved at this moment, people might think that Lin Feng must be crazy.

The fact is that Blackxs's self-righteous attack was nothing in Lin Feng's eyes.

He felt the pressure on his body getting stronger, but he inserted the card into the drive without panic.

【Attack Ride! The End of The World! 】

The passionate recitation sounded,

Lin Feng looked up into the air, raised his palm and opened it!


He saw a dark red magic circle composed of countless nodes, which instantly flew out from Lin Feng's palm and quickly enlarged in front of him, finally so big that everyone in the city could see it!

At the same time,

Kamen Rider Blackxs's Knight Kick finally fell, and collided fiercely with the huge magic circle!

Boom boom boom——————

It was like thunder from the sky, making people dizzy and tinnitus, and the ground under their feet shook violently.

The moment the two huge objects touched, they created such a terrible momentum!

But the real unexpected thing was still to come. The knight who was so powerful that he even squeezed the space madly began to fade slowly when facing the magic circle!

That's right!

It faded!

From the original blood-red color of the rising flames, it slowly turned into a rusty brown, and the root of everything was the huge magic circle!

"How is this possible?! DarkDecade, what have you done?!"

Blackxs, who also felt something was wrong, began to panic, because he found that his power was being eroded, so the power of the Knight Kick was gradually weakening!

In this regard, Lin Feng just chuckled.

The magic circle he released was once used by Stellius to erode and destroy the entire earth!

At that time, even the earth was almost destroyed.

Now, how can you, a mere you, resist the power of this magic array?!

Lin Feng flicked his finger slightly, and the huge magic circle exploded instantly.

Kamen Rider Blackxs, whose Knight Kick had no power at all, was immediately blown away.

After smashing several buildings in succession, he fell heavily into the collapsed ground and became embarrassed!

He forced the last bit of strength in his body, looked at the end of the smoke and dust, and slowly walked towards his figure.

The threat to his life spread wildly from such a small person.

He regretted provoking this demon with more than one origin, but there was no room for looking back.

Lin Feng looked at it from a distance, smiled softly, and said in a hoarse and evil voice:

"The ending of your story is decided by me."

Finally, the driving card was inserted into the driver, and Lin Feng pushed it down with both hands!

【Final Attack Ride! Open The Story of The End! 】 Empty, empty, empty!

After the mechanical sound effect rang out for a few seconds, nothing happened.

Blackxs's aroused tension suddenly eased for a moment. He even began to find hope and wanted to find an opportunity to escape.

But the next second, a black dot suddenly appeared in the cloudless sky.

The black dot slowly enlarged.

Finally, under the stunned and trembling gaze of countless people, the black dot turned into a huge stone sword hundreds of meters long!

Like the judgment of God, the stone sword slowly fell from the sky, aiming directly at the Kamen Rider Blackxs who staggered to his feet!

He couldn't utter a word with his dry throat. He could only mobilize the last energy in his body with reluctance and despair in his heart, and condense a huge blue barrier, trying to use it as a shield to block the huge blade!

However, he overestimated himself.

The stone sword summoned by Lin Feng easily pierced the blue barrier, and was unstoppable. It penetrated his chest and penetrated it into the ground bit by bit!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

The earth-shaking sound spread throughout the city, just like the scene when an earthquake comes.

The gravel and dust that swept everything were wrapped up by the air waves into layers of waves. In an instant, they covered the surrounding thousands of meters of land!

And Blackxs's body was engulfed by the huge mushroom cloud and fireworks in the smoke and dust that rushed straight into the sky. It was like a nuclear explosion. It disappeared in the blink of an eye!

After the huge stone sword turned into dust and collapsed little by little,

Lin Feng came to the center of the explosion, the edge of the huge pit, and looked over. At the bottom of the pit, in the center of the spider web-like cracks that spread wildly,

Kamen Rider Blackxs, with electric currents all over his body, had a hideous through-wound on his chest.

He lay there powerlessly, without a breath.

Crack! Bang!

After a few cracking sounds, the dial and driver on Blackxs' waist exploded at the same time, turning into fragments and scattering all over the ground, while his body turned into energy particles, drifting into the sky little by little.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission! 】

Lin Feng took the broadcast sound into his ears, and silently took a deep look at the distant sky.

On the other side of the world, it seemed that a figure was planning to come, and

Lin Feng was looking forward to his arrival.

With this thought, the dimensional wall emerged, and Lin Feng disappeared on the ruins.

At the same time, in the Axu Wrestling Hall in the distance,

Gtochard in the state of an alien knight was beating the gorilla Malgan with the wrestler G who was possessed by a real person! At this moment,

Ichinose Takararou's body suddenly twisted, and the original monster appearance finally changed back!

Feeling the power return to his control,

Takararou's confidence increased greatly, and he directly closed the trigger of the driver, and then opened it again!

"Uncle, let me take care of the finishing work! Watch me finish it off with the final blow!"

【AntWrestler! Fever!

Ichinose Tarotaro gathered all his strength, and at the same time he launched himself, he transformed into wild mode and quickly approached the gorilla Malgan.

At the moment when the attack was about to fall on him, he changed back to normal form and performed a full-strength knight kick!


The gorilla Malgan suffered an unbearable heavy blow, and his body flew backwards immediately, crashing straight into the wall of the training hall, and slid down limply, and with a violent explosion, he released the fusion state with Kemi!


As Baotaro shouted, everyone who had been paying close attention to the duel cheered at the same time!

Jiutang Rinyin looked around with concern until she saw Lin Feng leaning against the door of the factory.

She was relieved.

Lin Feng also gave her a thumbs up at this time.

The two looked at each other and laughed together.......

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