The sirens of police cars echoed over the streets.

After receiving a call from Tatarō and the others, Minato led the police to the Asahi training hall and handed over the defeated and defused Golem Gōri to the police for disposal. After watching them leave,

Ichinose Tatarō sighed and looked at Uncle Asahi with a heavy tone:

"Uncle, I want to talk to you about wrestler G"

"I know this."

Ah Xu smiled reluctantly, pointing at Lin Feng and said:

"Your teacher told me before that if you leave Wrestler G with me, someone more terrible than the mafia will come and take it away....After the battle, all my memories of that guy disappeared."



Lin Feng looked at the somewhat sad Ichinose Baotaro and shook his head:

"Some things are iron rules, and we have to do them for the sake of social stability."

"I know...But I still feel..."


Uncle Axu patted Baotaro on the shoulder and comforted him:

"Don't worry, young man! It's too early for me to give up wrestling! Maybe I can start from scratch comfortably after this time!"At this time,

Lin Feng walked up and handed over a photo:

"This is for you"

"This is..."

Everyone gathered around curiously and took a closer look. It turned out to be a photo of Uncle A Xu and wrestler G.

However, the people in the photo were doubled and the color was dim.

Although they could tell who they were, it was definitely not a well-taken photo.

"Teacher Lin Feng, I understand what you mean, but isn't this shot too...Weird?"

Baotaro scratched his head, hesitant to speak.

Hearing this, Jiutang Rinyin stepped out to explain:

"It is precisely because this photo is strange, dreamy, and does not seem to exist in reality that it can be handed over to the person concerned with confidence, allowing them to have some memories while also allowing them to stop thinking about Kemi.

Ichinose Takarō suddenly realized:

"Is that so? So, Teacher Lin Feng always carries a camera with him, and it also has this function...Then I will become a photographer in the future! Leave photos for those who like Kemi but cannot live with Kemi!"

Lin Feng said jokingly:

"Forget it, you should first improve your academic performance and get into a good university before you think about that."

"Ah!!! I will definitely get into a good university!"

After saying that, they put away their smiles, looked at Uncle A Xu again, and said solemnly:

"Uncle, walk slowly"


Just as Ah Xu clutched the photo and walked towards the training hall, the wrestler G in Baotaro's pocket flew out automatically and wanted to follow him, but was scolded by the uncle in mid-air, stopping his action.

"Don't come over here! This is no longer the place for you to stay!"

The uncle clenched his fists and said heavily:

"I am very grateful to you, because of you, I can realize my dream again, goodbye...Wrestler G, I will keep this photo forever. If there is a day in the future, we will meet again."

Wrestler G, who was hanging in the air, stood at the door and muttered to himself sadly.

Baotaro grabbed it in his hand with empathy and promised solemnly:

"I will definitely create a future where humans and Kemi coexist harmoniously. By then, Wrestler G will come back to see the uncle, right?"

Lin Feng patted his head with satisfaction:

"Once you have made up your mind, work hard to achieve it. Your dream will come true one day."


Ichinose Takarō calmed down and readjusted his state:

"Next, let's continue to collect Kemi! I will fight for every minute and every second to move towards that goal!"

Hearing this,

Ginkgo Lianhua suddenly remembered something:

"I do have some new information about Kemi. Rinyin, come with me, will you?"

Jiutang Rinyin was surprised.

She would actually take the initiative to seek cooperation with herself?

Is this true? Doesn't she know that I want to tear her apart?

"And me, and senior, let's go together!"

Baotaro came over with a curious look on his face, but was pushed away by Ginkgo Lianhua:

"No, you can't go! Because the information I found about Kemi is that it's in a hot spring hall. We girls can go together, but how can you two boys go?"

"Ah? Are there any Camis who like to take a hot spring bath?"

Just when Baotaro was full of doubts,

Lin Feng smiled and exposed Ginkgo Lotus's disguise:

"Actually, you just want to go to the hot springs, right? I remember you whispered this to me a few days ago."

"I! No! Absolutely not!"

Ginkgo Lianhua blushed and said stubbornly:

"Linyin, you have to believe me, there must be Kemi in that place, let's go together!"

Ginkgo Lianhua knew that she couldn't stay there any longer to prevent Lin Feng from revealing her true identity, so she pulled Jiutang Linyin and ran away.

"Hey! Wait! Bro!"

"It's okay, you go with her, I just have some things to deal with."

After hearing Lin Feng say this,

Jiutang Linyin was slightly relieved.

Besides, Ginkgo Lianhua was not with Lin Feng, so she didn't have to worry about her house being robbed.

"this...They left, what should we do? Senior, do you have any news about Kemi?"

Ichinose Tarotaro helplessly sought Tsuruhara Senmaru's advice.

Coincidentally, Tsuruhara Senmaru did have some.

He picked up the tablet and opened a map:

"In this area, Kemi's fluctuations have been retrieved before"

"Really?! Then let's go now! Teacher Lin Feng, do you want to come with us?"

Facing Baotaro's invitation, Lin Feng declined:

"I'll forget it. I have some personal matters to deal with. See you later."

As he said that,

Lin Feng left first.

After watching his figure disappear,

Ichinose Taro and Tsuruhara Senmaru started to act.

But to their surprise, they met an acquaintance again on the road, who was also their senior, Black Steel Spana.

However, this time, in addition to him, there was a stranger beside him.

This stranger attracted a lot of attention because he had a pair of green, overlapping swords inserted behind his waist.

"Senior Kurogan?"

Ichinose Takarō called out tentatively.

Kurogan Spana unexpectedly stopped in front of him, but he was not looking for him, but for Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng...I should be with you, right? Where are the others?"

"Teacher Lin Feng separated from us. He said he had some personal matters to deal with....Um, no, what do you two want to see him for?"

Baotaro looked at Heigang, then at the stranger beside him.

Hearing his words, the stranger immediately introduced himself with a smile:

"You misunderstood. I am not looking for your friend. My name is Fei Dao Lian, and I am a swordsman of the Sword of Truth."

Hearing this, Tsuruhara Senmaru, who had been silent all this time, said with some surprise:

"The Sword of Truth, is it the ancient organization that is said to have been passed down for thousands of years?!"

Fei Daolian nodded with a little pride:


"Uh, Sword of Truth, is it very powerful?"

Faced with Baotaro's doubts,

Black Steel Spana snorted coldly and explained:

"As the oldest swordsmanship inheritance organization in the world, any swordsmanship school can find its inheritance in the Sword of Truth, which is as profound as the history of our alchemy."

"Ah! Is that so? That's really amazing! I didn't expect Senior Kuroko to be so aloof, but he's still friends with members of other organizations. It seems like you don't have any friends as rumored."

Listening to Ichinose Takaradarou's words, Kuroko didn't know for a moment whether he was scolding him or praising him. Anyway , he was a little annoyed to hear a junior's evaluation like this. Fortunately, Fei Daolian took the initiative to explain:

"Actually, we were not friends before. It was Mr. Black Steel who, through the relationship of the Alchemy Association, sent an invitation contract to our Sword of Truth, asking for a kendo teacher to teach him swordsmanship. I happened to be nearby, so the organization sent me here."

"Oh, so that's how it is. I didn't expect that Senior Heigang is so hardworking in private."

"you...Why do I feel uncomfortable when I hear you talking?"

It seems that Heigang Spana has seen Baotaro and Lin Feng stay together for a long time, and he feels that they both dislike each other.

Now every word Baotaro says to him sounds like a sarcastic tone, and the more he listens, the more uncomfortable he becomes.

"Mr. Fei Dao Lian, let's go, don't waste time here."

Black Steel Spana, with a head full of black lines, walked past Bao Taro, but then turned around and left a sentence:


If you meet Lin Feng, tell him to go back to his photo studio and wait for me to come to him in person.���

Ichinose Takarō was confused by the vague words and could only ask Tsuruhara Senmaru for help:

"Senior, why is Senior Heigang so hostile to me?"

"No, he is just being cool in his daily life"

"So what did he mean when he asked me to convey this message to Teacher Lin Feng?"

Tsuruhara Kamaru pondered and said:

"Maybe it has something to do with their previous feud? Anyway, it's a grudge between the two seniors, so let's not get involved. Let's go, we're almost there to search for Kemi."

Ichinose Takarō took a deep look at the gradually disappearing Kurogan and Hidoren.

He always felt that something was going to happen, but he wasn't sure.

He just hoped that these seniors wouldn't hurt each other....

It involves some plots of The Outsiders, in which Fei Dao Lian is one.

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