Looking at the figure with blond hair, wearing a retro robe and a katana on his waist,

Lin Feng recognized his identity at the first time.

Destruction, in the original work of Kamen Rider 01, was the boss of the Thunder Station.

He originally died in a spin-off of 01, but was also resurrected in the Outsider Gaiden.

"I forgot to introduce her. This is Mie, who is considered our partner."

Simani could introduce Lin Feng because he didn't know her:

"If he were here, you wouldn't have to do anything, just let him handle it."

Mie walked towards Eagle Malgan step by step, muttering cold words in his mouth:

"In a world undergoing changes, besides the threats that have been resurrected, is there such a strong gathering of malice?...Even Zein didn't predict your existence, but that doesn't stop me from eradicating you from this world."

"What are you talking about?"

The eagle Malgan flapped his wings angrily:

"I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for him! Today I'm going to take revenge on him and make him���"His face was twisted with fear!"

As he said this, he was about to rush towards Lin Feng again, but the next second,

Mie threw the sword at his waist directly, like a dart, and stuck it in front of Ying Malgan, blocking his way forward.

"I said, eradicating malice is my job, you don't need to bother the Kamen Rider who was born for goodwill to do it yourself."

Listening to Mie's words,

Lin Feng suddenly laughed.

Didn't he expect that he could be called a knight born for goodwill?

This sounds good, but unfortunately, they don't understand that Lin Feng himself never intended to be a positive character.

Everything he did was to become more powerful and more interesting, that's all.

Of course,

Mie didn't know what Lin Feng was thinking.

After he expressed his point of view, he took out the forced sublimator from behind and put it on his waist.

With his other hand, he pressed the secret key button and then inserted it into the driver!


【Forcerise! StingScorpion! BreakDown.】

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical sound effects, a purple poisonous scorpion drilled out from the ground, and its huge scorpion tail inserted into the chest of Metsu, and then its entire body climbed onto Metsu's body, turning into pieces of purple armor attached to the body surface.

Kamen Rider Metsu, here we go!

"What? Don't come and ruin my plans!"

Seeing that Mie had changed his form,

Eagle Malgan knew that he couldn't take Lin Feng away without defeating him, so he took the initiative to attack, and his iron-like wings and arms slapped forward! Swish , swish, swish!

A series of fine steel feathers shot towards Mie like raindrops, and the dense number made it impossible for people to hide! Mie raised his hand and the purple energy quickly gathered in his palm to form a briefcase crossbow!

He pulled the lever, accumulated huge energy, and also shot out a rain of arrows to fight back! Bang bang bang!...

"Damn it!!!"

Malgan, the Eagle who was attacked by the sneak attack, retreated continuously and fell to the ground with difficulty.

Mie immediately pulled the wrench of the driver, preparing to release the final blow!

【Scorpionsability! Sting! KabanShoot! 】


The thick scorpion-tail-shaped purple energy arrow suddenly shot out from the briefcase crossbow. The sound of breaking through the air was terrifying.

Eagle Malgan felt a strong threat. He instinctively shook his arms and flew into the air, dodging this fatal attack at the critical moment!

"You, you wait for me! I will be back again!"

After saying these harsh words that were not so confident, Eagle Malgan fled away in a panic.

Seeing this scene, Mie had no choice but to cancel the transformation and return to Lin Feng and Simoniko.

"It seems that you have to be careful from now on."

Hearing Mie's friendly reminder,

Lin Feng smiled slightly:

"It doesn't matter, his trouble to me is not worth mentioning. Now, it's time to talk about your business."

Siman Nicole's eyes lit up:

"So, you are willing to have a deeper discussion with me?"

Lin Feng was a little amused:

"This lovely lady, although you may be excited, your words don't have to be so strange."

Simaniko was stunned for a moment, then blushed and scratched her head a little embarrassedly:

"Sorry, sorry, I mean...We can talk, um, just talk"

"Let's go, I have something to ask you."...

Meanwhile, in the X-Lab of the Consortium,

Ekor and another staff member, Joseph, operated the instrument and conducted a lot of research.

On the bed in front of them, the recently resurrected Scourge, covered with wires, was being used as an experimental subject for analysis.

"Zein, the entity will appear soon."

Ekor glanced at Joseph beside him and asked:

"If we leave it alone, mankind will surely perish, right?"

Joseph laughed.

"Therefore, the only thing that can save humanity is our Outsider Plan."

At this moment, the natural disaster who had been lying motionless on the bed suddenly sat up:

"Zein, is he really that powerful?"

Joseph was very sure:

"Of course! How can a character who is valued by the top management of our consortium X be ordinary? So, now I order you to get rid of Zein!"

"I won't obey anyone's orders!"

Tian Zai unplugged the wires on his body, grabbed his own driving book on the table, turned around and planned to leave here, but at this time, Ekol suddenly said:

"Where are you going? Don't you want to see your only friend?"

The Scourge paused, turned his head and looked at Ekol, his voice slightly cold:

"What are you talking about?"

Ekel crossed his arms and smiled.

"You know what I'm talking about. The only person in this world that you care about is that person....Fei Daolian, right?"

Ekol paused and continued:

"Now, obey the orders of our consortium X, and I can let you meet Fei Daolian again."

It must be said that this condition really moved Natural Disaster.

As Ekol said, he didn't care about the world at all.

As Megiddo, he didn't care about anything else except fighting. It wasn't until he met Fei Daolian that he found some fun in living.

Therefore, this time when he was resurrected, his main purpose was to find Fei Daolian.

However, there were so many people in the sea, and after the final battle with Stellius, no one knew where the many swordsmen went. It was too difficult for a monster like him to find Fei Daolian in a swaggering manner.

Natural Disaster let out a long sigh and looked back at Ekol:

"So, your order is for me to kill Zein?"



Ekol shook his head.

"Zein, you don't need to consider it for the time being. There is a person who is hindering our consortium's X operation, and he is your main target."

As he said, he opened a tablet and showed a picture on it.

The picture was Kamen Rider Dark Decade.

"This Kamen Rider is your current target. Kill him and I will tell you where Fei Dao Lian is.

Then, Ekor pulled up a map and said:

"The area above is where DarkDecade often appears. We have locked the approximate area, and the rest depends on your luck. If you are lucky enough, you may leave here and run into him soon."

Then, Ekor smiled and said:

"Waiting for your good news, natural disaster"

"Ah...I'll be back soon." As soon as he finished speaking,

Tianzai violently punched through a wall of the laboratory, strode out, and left the building of Consortium X.

Watching him disappear,

Joseph said in a heavy tone:

"According to the plan, the destroyed Megiddo has been resurrected, and Shanyi will definitely take some action, but is this really okay?"

He looked at Ekol:

"We used the same method to revive Kamen Rider Metsu before, but the plan failed and he betrayed us and followed Zein....Don't worry? Can the Scarlet Lotus you mentioned really control natural disasters?"

Ekel smiled confidently:

"Believe me, even if Fei Dao Lian cannot control the natural disaster, it is not a big problem. Because as Zein's birth date approaches, someone will definitely be restless."

Joseph was puzzled at first, and then laughed excitedly:

"That's right...And that guy Yake is here....Hahaha!"

"Let's wait and see the show."......

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