In the president's office of Huanmeng Group ,

Lin Feng looked out the French window at the scenery outside and sighed.

"I didn't expect that this company would fall into your hands now."

Sima Nicole, who was sitting at the desk operating the computer, looked up:

"I feel like, Mr. Lin Feng, you know this place very well?"

"unfortunately...I know the two presidents of this group, no, I think it should be several presidents."

Lin Feng smiled at the surprised Sima Nicole, then sat on the sofa beside him and said:

"Okay, let's talk business now. What is your purpose in looking for me?"

Simaniko tapped on the computer keyboard, and then a virtual screen opened opposite Lin Feng, with a string of subtitles and a figure similar to Kamen Rider appearing on it.

"Before that, I think I need to explain to you what Zein is and how it was born."

"You may not know that there was a next-generation technology company called Feidian Intelligence. They created a satellite called Ark. This satellite later fell, but because it was deliberately implanted with a lot of human malice, a plan to destroy humanity was created. Although Ark's entity was destroyed in a series of battles, it has become a conceptual god, always existing on the Internet, and even rooted in the heart of any life that can generate malice."

"Therefore, in order to fight against malice, a system called goodwill, or Zein, was born. In order to change and eliminate the malice in the world, it constantly learns and at the same time wins over many righteous Kamen Riders to work together, and this is the group I am currently in."

Siman Nicole looked at Lin Feng seriously:

"We know that your identity is Kamen Rider Dark Decade. This is also the conclusion Zein came to after searching the major networks and monitoring equipment in the entire city. If your powerful strength can lend us a hand, I believe that the maliciousness can be wiped out soon!"

"This is all I want to tell you."

Lin Feng looked at the shadow of Zein composed of golden data in the air.

He tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest of the sofa.

After a long time, he suddenly asked:

"Simone, can you tell me why I should listen to the orders of an intelligent system?"


"In other words, why would you believe the words of an intelligent AI again?"

Looking at Sima Nicole's blinking eyes,

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said:

"Since you said that intelligent AIs have betrayed humans before, why do you still believe in them unconditionally now?"


"I have made it clear that I cannot help you."

Lin Feng shook his head:

"I still say that I will not trust an artificial intelligence system to save humanity, nor do we need a system to be the savior. Humans should be their own saviors. Controlling their own destiny is the real pursuit of mankind. Any external force can only be used as an auxiliary or tool. If you want to trust a tool, you might as well serve me as the master and I will save you. How about that?"

As he said, Lin Feng suddenly laughed:

"Anyway, you already know that I am Dark Decade. Do you think my power would be weaker than an artificial system?"

"Ah this..."

Sima Nicole scratched her hair in confusion, not knowing how to answer.

Seeing this,

Lin Feng knew that it was useless to say more, so he stood up and prepared to leave:

"Thank you for your invitation. If you need me for other cooperation in the future, I will still consider it. Let's forget about this matter. Goodbye."

"Hey, hey, are you leaving now? Why don't you sit down and have some tea?"

Simaniko was at a loss and wanted to keep him, but Lin Feng's words made her too upset, and even her position was a little unsteady.

How could she convince Lin Feng to help her?

Simmaniko looked thoughtful, and her expression gradually became solemn.

Could it be that Lin Feng meant that

Zein was not completely for humans?


Lin Feng left a few hints for Simoniko to understand on her own.

He didn't have time to help those people prove the truth bit by bit.

There was no need to worry about what would happen.

Just wait for it to appear and blow it up directly.

After leaving Huanmeng Group,

Lin Feng went all the way back to the photo studio.

It was time to go home to sort out the ingredients and make dinner.

I promised Linyin that I would cook for her myself, and

I couldn't break my promise.

Not long after Lin Feng returned home, Black Steel Spana and Fei Daolian appeared on the street outside the door.

"Here we are. This is it."

Heigang looked at the photo studio in front of him with a complicated expression, and a strong feeling of memories came to his mind.

"Photo studio?"

Fei Daolian was a little surprised:

"The person you mentioned who has been crushing you, could he be a photographer?"

This afternoon, when the two of them were fighting in the kendo hall,

Black Steel Spana mentioned many times that he had an old enemy whom he had never defeated.

Unexpectedly, he would be in the photo studio.

This was a bit unbearable.

But Fei Daolian could understand a little, because he had also suffered a mental breakdown due to similar things.

A novelist, a half-baked swordsman, ended up being far better than himself in all aspects.

The strong jealousy made him lose himself for a time.

In comparison,

Black Steel Spana was much better.

Although he could feel the anger on his sword from his fight in the afternoon, it was not resentment, but hatred for himself.

After Fei Daolian's training this afternoon, maybe Black Steel Spana could really break through his inner demons.

"No matter what kind of work he does, it is an indisputable fact that his swordsmanship is better than mine, and today I want to break this fact."

Black Steel Spana's eyes were firm, he picked up the wrench sword in his hand and strode into the duel.

Fei Daolian did not follow him in.

It would be better for the parties involved to handle this long-cherished duel themselves.

So he sat down on a nearby bench and waited, because Black Steel had an appointment with him that after the duel, the two of them would go for a drink together.

Perhaps it was because they had many similar experiences that they got along unexpectedly.

And when he wasn't paying attention, a boy with a gloomy face followed Black Steel Spana into the photo studio....


The wind chimes rang,

Lin Feng wiped his hands and walked outside:

"Dear customer, we are closed today. Please come back tomorrow to take pictures...."

Looking at the figure in the living room,

Lin Feng sighed helplessly:

"As expected, what was supposed to happen finally happened."

Black Steel Spana stared at him coldly:

"Are you ready to be defeated by me?"

Lin Feng was amused:

"Are you ready to run away in disgrace again? But to be honest, I have no ill will towards you. People have different talents. Isn't it normal that you are not as good as others? Why are you so persistent?"

Hearing this, Black Steel Spana said in a deep voice:

"Just because I am persistent, I insist. People live in this world for only a few goals, money, status, power, or to become stronger, and defeating you is one of my goals to reach a stronger level."

Hearing the seriousness in his words,

Lin Feng could only give up persuading him.

Moreover, what Heigang said was right.

Everyone has their own pursuits.

If he thinks so, then Lin Feng will fulfill his wish and beat him up again.

However, at this moment, another figure appeared at the door of the living room.

Lin Feng looked closely and found that it was the guy who had been following him before.

He said with a gloomy look in his eyes:

"Lin Feng! No one will interfere with us this time, right?! Now, I am officially challenging you to defeat you and become a stronger alchemist!!!"......

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