
The electric train that appeared before came again , and it still crashed into Kaguya, but this time, in the shadow of the electric train, there was another Kamen Rider in the form of a train!


Kaguya didn't react at all.

He barely held the Electric Masked Holy Sword across his chest, and the next second he was hit by the terrible train.

What was even more fatal was that a train slash came with the train, slashing him hard and sending him flying!

"It's Kamen Rider...DarkDecad-e!"


A shocking explosion suddenly spread in the forest.

In the fireworks, Kaguya flew backwards, released her final form in mid-air, and turned back to her Legend basic form. She rolled on the ground for several weeks and lay on her back.

He was covered in smoke, as if he had been severely injured, but also as if nothing had happened.

After a long time, he let out a long breath, sat up suddenly, and turned his head back in a charming manner.

As the smoke gradually disappeared, a Kamen Rider who was exactly the same as Kaguya's previous Den-O form appeared in front of everyone!

It was Lin Feng who used the Den-O final form driving card to transform.

At this moment, he pulled out the card in the driver and also restored the basic form.

At the same time,

Jiutang Rinyin and others, as well as Minato, all rushed here, including Atropos and Cloto who were secretly observing, all looked shocked and looked at the scene in disbelief!

"These two people seem like!"

"So, is this the one who showed up later the real Dark Decade?!"

"The one at the beginning seems to be called Legend, but their powers and appearances are so similar!"

"One is gorgeous, the other is dark, completely different styles, similar looks, what is the relationship between the two of them?"

Everyone has a lot of questions in their hearts, including Kaguya himself.

After seeing Lin Feng appear, his mind was full of surprise and surprise, especially when his eyes were locked on the driver on Lin Feng's waist, a strong sense of déjà vu came to his mind.

Is it the Decade driver?!

No, this color and this fluctuation are completely different from Decade.

I remember they said before that there is a Kamen Rider called DarkDecade.

Could it be him?

Not only is the name so similar to Decade, but the appearance is almost the same.

If he is a high imitation of Decade, then the DarkDecade in front of him is more like an unpainted first edition!

Compared with the colorful Decade, DarkDecade is like the root of everything. Source!

But in the history he knew, there has never been such a Kamen Rider!

Such news could not help but stir up a storm in Kaguya's heart!

But what shocked him the most was his ability!

This mysterious knight actually also had the same legendary knight deck as him.

His was the Electric King Alchemy Card.

Although the opponent's was not the type of Alchemy Card, the power of the card was not weaker than his own!

From the power of the electric car slash just now, it can be seen that it directly beat him back to the basic form.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the power is terrible!

And, if the guess is correct, the extremely gorgeous power he sensed last night was also from Dark Decade!

It seems that he really came to the right place today!

Kaguya dusted off the white smoke on his chest, stood up again, and said to Lin Feng:

"I didn't expect to meet such an interesting knight here, but why did you stop me? That woman should be your enemy, right?"

As he said that, he pointed at Lachesis behind Lin Feng.

After a short period of observation,

Lachesis's group was the villain who made trouble with Cammy, which was equivalent to the enemy who prevented Baotaro from becoming gorgeous.

Logically speaking, they were also the enemies of Kamen Rider, so shouldn't Dark Decade also regard them as enemies?

After hearing this, Lin Feng looked back at the trembling Lachesis:

"Enemy? Not really. On the contrary, no one here can touch her."


Lachesis looked at Lin Feng and fell silent for a moment.

"Oh, so that's how it is? Then things are getting interesting, because I have to get rid of her here too."

Kaguya pointed at Ichinose Takarō who was still fighting not far away and said:

"I want him to grow without any obstacles, so I must eliminate the enemies."

After he finished speaking, he took out a card from the card box and chuckled:

"We just compared Den-O's strength, so now I'll play with you with this, Henshin"

【ChemyRide! G-G-G-Gorgeous Ex-aid】

With the game light effects flashing around her body, Kaguya immediately turned into the basic form of Kamen Rider EA! Except for the silk on the left shoulder and the skirt on the right side of the waist, the rest of the parts are exactly the same!

Seeing this scene,

Lin Feng was about to take action when he heard the system broadcast sound immediately!

【Ding! Kaguya is detected to be hostile to the host! Mission triggered!】

【Mission objective: Defeat Kamen Rider Legend】

【Mission Reward: Random Kamen Rider Pilot Card! 】

After glancing at the mission panel,

Lin Feng became more determined.

He slowly pulled out a pilot card from the card box and tapped the side with his finger:

"I'm sorry, I don't have anything more fancy or anything like that, but with this card, I can beat you, Henshin!"

【FormRide! Ex-aid MutekiGamer! 】

With the game light effects flashing around him, Lin Feng immediately turned into the invincible player form of Kamen Rider EA!


Seeing Lin Feng, who was shining with golden light,

Kaguya's eyes widened immediately.

He really didn't have the card of the invincible player, because the power of this Kamen Rider was too strong.

Even if he wanted to transform, it would be very difficult.

The final forms of the old Heisei era were all in his pocket, but he could never get the few from the new Heisei era and Reiwa.

As a result, today, he saw them in this parallel world!

But this made Kaguya feel very unhappy.

Usually, he showed off his skills and style in front of others.

When was it someone else's turn to slap him in the face?

Of course, he couldn't let Lin Feng steal his limelight so easily!

"Ah...Bluffing, I want to see if your power is real or not!"

After saying that, Kaguya took out the Gashacon Destroyer with her backhand, and the moment she transformed into sword mode, she ran out at the same time.

When she came in front of Lin Feng, she held the hilt of the sword with both hands and slashed down with all her strength!


The exploding electric sparks stirred, but under the smoke,

Lin Feng did not move at all.

"Aren't you clear enough about the characteristics of invincible players? Your attack is ineffective against me!"

Lin Feng punched out casually, and

Kaguya flew backwards dozens of meters!

Then, Lin Feng did not miss any opportunity and immediately chased after her and launched a crazy offensive!

Looking at the electric sparks constantly splashing in the forest and

Kaguya being beaten by Lin Feng,

Lachesis felt a sense of relief, but she also understood that this was only temporary.

After taking a deep look at Lin Feng's back,

Lachesis chose to get up and turn around to escape from here.

Although she didn't know why Lin Feng wanted to protect herself, if she didn't take this opportunity to escape, (to read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) either Black Steel Spana or Ichinose Takararou, who had freed his hands, would definitely target her.

Instead of being beaten again at that time, it is better to escape now.

As for the words of gratitude ,...We'll talk about it later! []

On the other side,

Black Steel, who was focused on the battlefield, canceled his transformation and returned to the Alchemy Academy.

"What is going on? Wasn’t the one at the beginning really Dark Decade?"

Minato glanced at him speechlessly:

"This is obviously not the case. The one with coquettish behavior can't be the ruthless and taciturn Dark Decade."

"So why are their powers so similar?"

"Isn't the power you use similar to that of Baotaro?"

Minato's question stumped Black Steel Spana:

"You mean, their powers come from the same system?"

"The cards used are uncertain, the only thing that is certain is that the style of the driver is definitely borrowed from each other."

Hearing this, several people locked their eyes on the waists of the two.

After comparing for a while, everyone nodded in agreement.

And it is obvious that the Legend driver borrowed from DarkDecade, but the direction of rotation is different from the outer shell.

But other than that, he is still the world destroyer that always amazes people!


Another fist, the fist wrapped in golden light hit Kaguya's chest heavily!

Kaguya flew backwards like a cannonball, and barely stopped after crashing into several giant trees!

Although she was severely injured, this blow also opened up the distance.

Kaguya took the opportunity to quickly pull out the card and throw it into the driver!

"In that case, I’ll use this to fight you!"

【ChemyRide! G-G-G-Gorgeous! Tycoon NinjaForm】

Tai Li's deck was recently acquired by him, and this was his first time using it!

But unfortunately,

Lin Feng still had the final form driving card that crushed his power!

"I told you you can't, you can't"


The dark general holding the Blade of the God of War is back!

Dark green airflow surrounds him, and the already depressing battlefield becomes even colder!

Kaguya clenched his fists, feeling unhappy.

He asked for flowers

, but now he could only grit his teeth and swallow his anger.

Before the battle, he had never thought that the opponent had all of these powerful decks.

Apart from feeling frustrated, there was no other word to describe his current mood!

"Damn it, take this from me!"

Kaguya pulled out the attack control card and inserted it into the driver!

【Gorgeous Attack Ride! Ninja Strike! 】

Accompanied by a large number of gems and golden particles flashing, Kaguya's gorgeous final attack descended!

He rotated the double-edged sword in his hand, and poured endless energy into it. After forming a huge green shuriken, he threw it at Lin Feng with all his strength!

Looking at the shuriken that was constantly enlarging in his eyes,

Lin Feng chuckled and raised the sword in his hand.

He didn't even plan to use the driving card, but just brewed the power in his body, turning it into a dark green streamer that quickly wrapped around the sword body.

When the shuriken arrived in front of him, the sword light flashed!

The crisp metal cut fell, and the huge shuriken was directly split into two on the spot by the dark green sword energy cut by Lin Feng, and cut into two halves!

And the sword energy has not stopped moving forward, hitting Kaguya at an extremely fast speed, blasting him away, and continuing to move forward!

Until it hit the dragonfly Malgan who was shaking its wings in the air!

That's right,

Lin Feng's sword spanned most of the forest and hit two people in succession.

Dragonfly Malgan and Kaguya exploded at the same time!

The former fainted on the spot and was separated from Camie, while the latter was beaten back to his basic form and rolled on the ground in a mess, no longer looking gorgeous.

Ichinose Takarō, who didn't know what happened, hurriedly sealed Camie into the card, then ran to the Alchemy Academy and looked at the current situation in confusion:

"Huh?! What's going on? Isn't that Senior DarkDecade?! I was deceived before?!"

Jiudang Linyin said in a deep voice:

"Only you were deceived. I noticed something was wrong with him when we were in the restaurant. The one called Kaguya was not Dark Decade at all. He was Kamen Rider Legend."

"Legend? Then why didn't you point it out to him at that time, Jiutang?"

Jiutang Linyin glanced at him speechlessly:

"Just because you feel that something is wrong with him, you want to see what he does. If you had pointed it out to him at the beginning, would you still be able to see the current battle?"


Ichinose Takarō scratched his head:

"But actually what he said at noon was quite right.���, I think Mr. Kaguya doesn't have any bad intentions, right?"

At this time, Minato spoke:

"Jiutang is right. No matter what, we have to see what he is going to do next. Now is a good opportunity to observe them. After the battle is over, we can talk about other things."

Black Steel Spana carried the wrench sword and said in a deep voice:

"It's almost over, the battle will soon be decided."

In the forest, the falling leaves and rolling sand made the battle situation complicated and confusing.

Kaguya covered her chest with pain and forced herself to get up from the ground:

"You, if you have the guts, let's compete in basic form! Let me see how strong you really are!"

Hearing this,

Lin Feng wiped the sword, sheathed it, and sneered:

"You are so grown up, but you can still say such boring words? In a world where the strong prey on the weak, whoever has the bigger fist wins. Fairness does not exist. If you don’t have more cards, you can’t do it."

Kaguya clenched his teeth, full of anger, but he couldn’t refute it at all.

He also understood that he was probably beaten unconscious, so he lost his original elegance and said such embarrassing words.

But the next second,

Lin Feng suddenly released the final form and said:

"Although your request is unreasonable, I still decided to fulfill your wish and let you truly understand how big the gap between you and me is."

As he said this, in the eyes of Kaguya who was gradually becoming incredulous,

Lin Feng took out the reward of the last mission, the Kamen Rider Legend Driving Card!

You said you wanted to use the basic form for comparison, so I'll use your basic form, right?

Lin Feng smiled evilly, tapped the side of the card with his finger, and threw it directly into the driver!


【KamenRide! Legend】

Just like the scene when Kaguya transformed, golden particles scattered all over the sky, dazzling gems, huge clock phantom, all of these converged and merged into Lin Feng at the moment when the mechanical sound effect disappeared, forming a golden armor!

At this moment, Lin Feng's transformed Kamen Rider Legend appeared! When

Black Steel Spana saw this scene, he felt bad, because some memories that were still burning in his heart made him feel embarrassed.

The feeling of being hacked and beaten by Lin Feng on the spot was like yesterday! He was too familiar with what was going to happen next! However, this became the last straw that completely broke Kaguya's defense!


A few...

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