"This is impossible!!! This is the first time I have used my power in other parallel worlds, how could you have my card?!!!"

Kaguya was completely panicked, and she was so panicked that she didn't know how to fight Lin Feng. The opponent's strength and unfathomable depth were completely beyond her expectations.

Even her own power became the opponent's card.

Could it be that what she did before was predicted by Lin Feng?

Wouldn't he be a clown?!!

Lin Feng felt the extraordinary power in his body, let out a long breath, and then smiled, looking at his body with great satisfaction.

Yes, it is gorgeous, and it is perfect for decorating my strength.

As for Kaguya who broke through the defense,

Lin Feng only had one thing to say:

"Golden egg boy, I still have more powerful cards that I haven't used on you yet, so just be happy~"

Kaguya looked at Lin Feng, who was covered in gold, and the frustration in his heart became even stronger.

He gritted his teeth and stood up, trying to calm the turbulent power in his body.

Things have developed to this point, and all the so-called talking skills are useless.

Now the only way to prove that his genuine product is no weaker than the pirated one is to use his fists to break the previous doubts!

"Oh? Have you finally calmed down?"

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled:

"But unfortunately, it was a little late."

The biggest taboo in a battle is emotional instability, especially when they have similar strength and fighting styles.

Whoever breaks through the defense first will lose.

Kaguya also understood this, so he no longer responded to Lin Feng, but just clenched his fists, mobilized all his strength, and poured it all into his feet. Then he suddenly exploded, and the whole forest shook for a moment. This powerful boost made him rush out like a cannonball.

During the attack, Kaguya took out the legendary Magnum rifle and pointed it at Lin Feng and kept pulling the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang!"June 13"!!

A large number of golden light bullets covered Lin Feng.

Lin Feng dodged and moved freely in the light rain.

All the light bullets hit the ground around him, creating sparks and smoke.

In this environment with obstructed vision,

Kaguya clenched her fists, gathered the surging power together, and attacked directly in the center of Lin Feng's face!

It must be said that Kaguya, who had calmed down, was still in good fighting spirit.

She first used long-range attacks to make smoke bombs to block her vision, and then attacked at close range. Surprise the enemy.

After a set of procedures, the opponent who was not prepared for defense might have been injured.

But unfortunately, his opponent was Lin Feng.

In Lin Feng's eyes, everything Kaguya did was within his expectations.

Facing that powerful punch,

Lin Feng simply drew out the card box sword, wrapped the golden wave belonging to Legend on the sword body, and then slashed directly at him!

Bang! Bang!!!

The fist against the blade, the result is unquestionable. No matter how hard the fist is, under the condition that the two have the same form, the lethality of the blade far exceeds that of the fist!

So Lin Feng's sword not only knocked over Kaguya's fist, but also added another hideous sword mark on his chest, knocking him dozens of meters away, erupting with an amazing shock wave, smashing the soft soil deeply!

Kaguya, who was kneeling on one knee in the pit, saw through the smoke and dust , and silently took out the last driving card from the card box.

He looked sideways, and his fingers were pinched tighter and tighter, as if injecting his last hope, and inserted it into the driver with force!

"This is my most powerful attack!"

【Gorgeous Attack Ride! Le-Le-Le-Legend! 】A magical and loud mechanical sound effect spread, followed by several golden holographic projection card walls that descended one after another.

The card walls were dotted with gorgeous gems, and they all showed a noble aura.

Kaguya took a deep breath, and then gathered all her strength at the bottom of her feet, and released it in an instant!


In just a moment, the collapsed land shattered and exploded on the spot, and Kaguya's body leaped into the sky.

The card walls followed in time, locking onto Lin Feng and extending!


" Haa...

"Too careless, you are still far from it."

Lin Feng casually inserted a driving card into the driver!

【AttackRide! Invisible!

At the moment when the mechanical sound sounded,

Kaguya's knight kick landed accurately.

Lin Feng just stood there, opened his arms, and then in the shocked eyes of everyone, he turned into a gray shadow and disappeared on the spot.

""Oh no!"

At that moment, when he saw the target he had hit,

Kaguya's heart was dead, and even his breathing stopped for a moment.

He knew that he had lost this duel from beginning to end.

So the next second, another mechanical sound effect sounded from behind him!

【Final Attack Ride! Le-Le-Le-Legend】

The same card wall fell from the sky, but in the dazzling gold, wisps of dark breath rose quietly.

Even when Lin Feng passed through the card wall, the energy wrapped by the Knight Kick was dark blue.

The strange and cold power made people feel like they were falling into the abyss!

However, when this blow fell on him,

Kaguya felt an extremely piercing pain.

The violent and raging power began to spread from his chest to his whole body, pulling his body wantonly, making him feel unbearable pain, and finally drowned in the amazing explosion!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

The deafening explosion echoed over the forest.

The moment Lin Feng's Knight Kick collided with Kaguya, a huge mushroom cloud of flames soared into the sky like a pillar of fire. The billowing smoke rolled, and was swept by the endless aftermath ripples, blowing away circles of sand, gravel and wood chips. The surrounding trees were all blown to pieces on the spot by the terrible shock wave, leaving only a root, lying there quietly!

Amidst the astonished gazes,

Lin Feng's kick sent Kaguya flying nearly a hundred meters away. Like a kite with a broken string, she slid down the horizon to the end of the forest, collapsed to the ground helplessly, and her transformation was cancelled, returning to her original human form.

The former splendor and elegance were gone, and

Kaguya became pathetic and embarrassed.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission! 】

Lin Feng landed steadily. In the fireworks, he slowly turned around and looked at Kaguya in the distance. She walked towards him step by step.

After stopping in a place where both parties could see each other,

Kaguya's body began to gradually become blurred.

"Ah~ah, it seems that the dimensional curtain system has finally reached its limit."

Kaguya was able to come to this world, on the one hand, relying on the fluctuations left by Hundred, and on the other hand, relying on the dimensional curtain device that Kaguya built himself, which can travel through and observe any parallel world.

At the moment, his body became illusory, which means that the energy support power of the device has reached its limit, and he will be forcibly summoned back.

Thinking of this,

Kaguya reluctantly sat up and looked at Lin Feng from a distance:

"DarkDecade, you are very strong, so strong that it is beyond my expectation, but I am not a person who will give up easily. My goal is to make all the knights' powers become gorgeous and then turn them into my cards! And you!"

Kaguya smiled and raised her hand to point at Lin Feng:

"One day I will come to you again, until I defeat you and turn your power into my card!"

Faced with his bold words,

Lin Feng leaned against a tree trunk and chuckled:

"If you can do it, just try it. I will beat you up in different ways."

Kaguya wanted to speak again, but she couldn't.

Her body finally broke apart like a ball of data, turning into particles all over the ground that slowly spread out and disappeared.

Seeing this, Lin Feng did not stop. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, Ichinose Takaradaro on the hillside shouted:

"Senior, wait a minute!"

He ran up to us and said excitedly:

"Senior! I have improved a lot since you taught me last time. Please teach me some real skills this time!"

"Want me to teach you?"[]


Looking at the expectant expression on Ichinose Takarō's face,

Lin Feng chuckled, and then punched him in the stomach unexpectedly!

"Senior! Ah!!!"

Baotaro, who was unprepared, curled up on the ground in pain like a shrimp.

Lin Feng looked down at him and said coldly:

"This is a lesson for you. Don't trust anyone easily, including your friends, teachers, and even relatives. They may become your unexpected enemies."

Hearing this,

Baotaro struggled to sit up and looked at the people in the Alchemy Academy on the hillside:

"How come?...Everyone is so nice to me, how could they become my enemy?"

However, when he turned around and looked at Lin Feng again, the latter had already torn open the dimensional wall and disappeared into the forest.


Ichinose Tatarō lay on the ground helplessly.

He probably understood what Lin Feng meant by reminding him.

It was probably to say that there would be people like Kaguya who would suddenly get close to him, and he should be cautious about the hidden enemies around him.

But being vigilant like that was not his style at all.

It seemed that he still had a long way to go.

Thinking of this,

Tatarō shook his head and put these thoughts aside.

Now, he still had one most important thing to do.

That was that he had not seen the ending of Riku and his father with his own eyes.

Riku had already learned that his father was Malgan and threatened Tatarō's life.

Could they go back to the past?

After the battle, everyone in the Alchemy Academy also focused their attention on this matter.

They came to the river and quietly watched two figures, one tall and one short, in the distance.

Riku's father, clenching his fists tightly, staggered to Riku and knelt down on one knee....

"sorry...I'm sorry, Riku. It was Dad who did something wrong. It was Dad who ignored your thoughts and disregarded human lives. I became such a bad person. I'm sorry...."

The atmosphere of sadness gradually spread.

Ichinose Takaratō untransformed and came to the crowd.

Minato looked at him and said in a deep voice:

"This time, you let Kemi and the little boy get together without any care, which has caused the relationship between their father and son to break down. This is a case of Kemi disturbing the order."

Baotaro's expression was complicated, and the frustration in his eyes showed his sadness.

All this was not what he wanted.

He just hoped that the boy could realize his wish, but he didn't expect that it would make a father hate Malgan and become evil, and he didn't expect it to go this far.

At this time,

Lin Feng, who had regained his human form, finally arrived at the scene.

He pointed at Kemi, the cactus behind Riku, and said:

"Things are not over yet, look behind Riku."

Following the direction pointed by Lin Feng, everyone saw the cactus that appeared behind Riku at some point, and the difference from before was that a cute little flower grew on its branch.

Then, a voice rang out from the tablet in Tsuruhara Senmaru's hand:

"It is said that after the thorny cactus releases its thorns, there is a very small chance that it will begin to bloom, just like now."

After hearing this explanation, Jiutang Linyin immediately thought:

"So, when the contradictions are released and resolved, will the flowers that symbolize beauty bloom?"

Lin Feng came closer, touched her head, and said with a smile:

"Maybe, but I think the relationship between Li Jiu and his father will definitely not get worse."

As Lin Feng said, after picking the flower, Li Jiu turned to look at his father and said:

"Dad, go and atone your sins, no matter what method you use."

Li Jiu's father looked at him, his eyes unconsciously reddened.

"Dad, don't worry, I will always wait for you, because I know you are always thinking about me, it is really too hard, so I will study hard in the future, but you must also give me time to relax."

Li Jiu said gently, and then handed the flower to his father.

At that moment, Li Jiu's father's tears finally burst, sad but relieved, he hugged Li Jiu tightly in his arms

"Okay, okay, Dad promises you that Dad will atone for his sins in any way."

Seeing this scene predicted by Lin Feng, everyone laughed unconsciously.

This is what everyone wants to see.

When the contradiction disappears, the relationship can become closer, and everything will be meaningful.

Jiutang Linyin let out a long breath, then turned to look at Lin Feng:

"Brother, take a photo of them and include Cactus Kemi as a final commemoration."

Hearing this suggestion, Ichinose Takarō immediately responded:

""Okay, okay! This suggestion is exactly what I thought of! I believe that Mr. Minato will not object, right?!"

Minato shook his head helplessly:

"I object, so what? You all agree....Go 3.4, Lin Feng"


Lin Feng took off the camera from his neck and walked slowly towards the father and son.

��Everyone in the Alchemy Academy was deeply moved, especially Jiudou Rinyin.

Seeing such family love, no matter how many times, he would think of his father and himself.

For Black Steel Spana, who was standing at the end, such a scene made him feel strange and puzzled.

Originally, in his current memory, he remembered everything about his parents and his childhood clearly, but why did he feel painful and uncomfortable when he saw this scene?

It was like a...For those who have lost both their parents

, is this an illusion?

"Come! 3, 2, 1! Click! Done!"

Lin Feng pulled the photo out of the camera and shook it.

When the screen was dry, a dreamy image appeared on it.

It seemed real and illusory, as if it had existed before, but also as if it had never existed.

For Li Jiu, this was the best souvenir.

At the same time, in the underground parking lot of Huanmeng Group,

Sima Nicole hummed a little tune, got out of her car, and walked towards the office upstairs.

Suddenly, a group of fully armed soldiers suddenly surrounded her.

"Ah this..."

Simoniko's expression suddenly became nervous.

She raised her hands and said to herself in a cute and frightened manner:

"This is my company...."

The next moment, the side door of a van not far away opened, and a familiar figure walked slowly towards her carrying a suitcase:

"I'm very sorry, Miss. I need to confirm your identity."

He picked up the tablet, scanned Sima Nicole, confirmed the information, and said with a smile:

"West���Miss Nicole, your goods have arrived."

She stared blankly at the person in front of her and shouted in surprise:

"George Karisaki?!"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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