In the underground parking lot,

Simon Nico looked at the person in front of her in surprise,

George Karisaki, a genius scientist from Phoenix, who completed the Kamen Rider Revice system through the Sin Seal.

She had heard of this person before. Although he was a scientist who became famous during the Reiwa period, he seemed to be a fanatical fan of Heisei Kamen Rider in private.


Thinking of this,

Simoniko was suddenly stunned:

"So, the previous rumor is true?"

As early as when she decided to join Zein and carry out the plan to resist the Foundation X Kamen Rider Outsider, she heard that there were many capable scientists among the members of her faction, and the Zein actuator, because of its special nature, requires a person who knows the history of all Kamen Rider series to start making it.

Among them, the most likely person is George Karisaki.

So, he appeared in front of her at this moment, could it be that the Zein actuator has been completed?!

George Karisaki showed his signature crooked smile, and then snapped his fingers to the subordinates beside him:

"Take it out, our Miss Simoniko should have guessed it."


The safe was opened, and

Simoniko looked over curiously.

There was a white drive quietly lying in the box, and a key was placed next to it.

This doesn't seem to be a drive under the Revice system, right?

After all, George Karisaki was the manufacturer of the Revice Knight System.

It was indeed a bit surprising that the Zein drive was not made with the Revice system.

"I didn't use the Revice system because that thing requires the user to have a demon in their body, but when I was making the Zein actuator, I was asked to create a carrier for advanced artificial intelligence, so I chose the Knight system from a well-known technology company."

Seemingly seeing Simoniko's doubts,

George Karisaki answered truthfully, and this answer made Simoniko immediately understand:

"You borrowed the technology of Hiden Intelligence?"

As the president of Huanmeng Company, she is familiar with several companies that are at the forefront of scientific research like her.

Hiden Intelligence is a giant among them. Even ordinary people know this.

What's more, the original body of the person who came to find her, Xiu Magia, is the product of Hiden Technology.

"Bingo! However, before it can be officially launched, we still need some things."

George Karasaki said with a smile:

"The Kamen Rider Chronicles cassette you have."

Simon Nicole looked slightly surprised:

"Could it be that you intend to allow this driver to use the power of all Kamen Riders?!"

George Karisaki shook his head and smiled:

"That's not the plan, that's the ultimate goal."

Siman Nicole was completely shocked.

She has always been very clear about the importance of the"Kamen Rider Chronicle" cartridge she holds.

This cartridge records the history of all the Kamen Riders in the past.

Whatever she wants, she can extract from the cartridge, but the problem is that she is not the only one in the world who owns this cartridge. Many people who have participated in the Chronicle game also own it.

So the cartridge was sealed at the beginning to prevent people from misusing it at will.

And now,

George Karisaki has created the Zein driver that can fight against the Outsiders. If it can really use the power of all Kamen Riders, it will provide a huge help to their side to defeat the Outsiders!

But at this time,

Siman Nicole remembered an important thing.

Not long ago, the man named Lin Feng, whose actual identity is the unfathomable Kamen Rider Dark Decade, once warned her about Zein.

If Lin Feng is right, then what will happen if the Zein driver can use the power of all Kamen Riders ? No....She must think about this seriously.

"I won't say more."

George Karisaki didn't care what she was thinking.

After handing her the safe, he took out a business card from his pocket:

"After you inject the data of"Kamen Rider Chronicle" into the driver, take the driver to the address on the business card, where the person who needs the driver is waiting for you."

Simoniko took it and looked at the address on the business card, and a few question marks popped up in her head:

"Human Foundation Research Institute?...Why does it sound familiar?..."

At the other end of the city, in a secret dark room inside the church, a strange light flickered continuously.

The eldest sister Atropos sat on a high stool, her feet dangling in the air.

She should have been a cute child, but the dark power surging around her made people stay away.

She manipulated the dark alchemy to merge the liquids with different lights above the beaker.

The second sister Clotho, standing in the shadows beside her, looked at her expectantly:

"Atropos, now that we can fight against Gotchard's power, we are almost there, right?"

Atropos glanced at her and smiled slightly.

"As you wish, this driver can also be used for powerful multiple refining. If you use it, it will be even more powerful."

Kloto suddenly became excited and said with a ferocious expression:

"I'm already looking forward to the moment when I beat up DarkDecade!"

Atropos shook his head when he heard this:

"DarkDecade is not our target at the moment. According to Lord Gryon's latest instructions, you will continue to collect Kemi, especially level 10 Kemi. I heard that some of them have already appeared in Kyoto."

Kloto frowned:

"Kyoto? It seems to be quite far from us. If I go there, you won't be in trouble, right? DarKDecade, that devil, exploits you every day."At this time, the third sister Lachesis came in from outside with a smile:

"Don't worry, Cloto, I heard that the devil will also go to Kyoto these days."

As she said this, her expression became serious again:

"The class he is leading at school is going on a graduation study trip to Kyoto. Atropos and I should be more relaxed by then. You will be alone in Kyoto, so be careful."

Kloto snorted:

"At worst, I can just not let him know that I'm going to Kyoto. It's okay, don't worry.

Lachesis nodded, and then took out a long silver strip from his pocket.

"Atropos, I have recovered the small fragment dropped by the defeated dragonfly Malgan. Do you want to use it now?"

Atropos pointed to the potion that had been placed next to him.

After Lachesis put the fragment into the potion, the energy in the fragment immediately turned into the last liquid and merged into the sphere in the air.

Then, a silver-black driver with a pull rod and a display screen slowly revealed its prototype.

At this moment, the three sisters showed some excitement.

"Atropos, what is this drive called?"


"Ah~ I'm already looking forward to its transformation~"

The next day, on the train to Kyoto, in a carriage reserved by the school,

Lin Feng and Minato looked at the chattering students and couldn't help but sigh,"Long live youth!"

"Are all the people here? Do you want to call out the names again?"

Lin Feng asked casually.

Minato looked at the list in his hand and then at the students below.

"It should be complete, everyone has signed...."

He looked at Lin Feng and remembered that Ginkgo Renhua and Tsuruhara Senmaru also wanted to go to Kyoto.

"Those two students, don't they take the tram?"

Lin Feng came to his seat and sat down heavily, sighing.

"The school is too stingy. They didn't reimburse them, so they had to go their separate ways. But we agreed to meet at the Kyoto Hotel, so don't worry."

"That's good, there won't be any other problems."

Then, Minato turned around and gave some instructions to the students:

"......Anyway, you can start to rest now. When we get to the station, Teacher Lin Feng and I will wake you up."

"Yes! Thank you, teachers!!!"

Among the chattering students, there was no voice of Jiutang Rinyin. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This girl was too excited last night and didn't sleep well.

As a result, she got up early in the morning and fell asleep on the tram.

Lin Feng turned his head to look at her uncomfortable posture, smiled helplessly and dotingly, and then let her head rest on his shoulder, which made her feel much more comfortable.

However, Lin Feng didn't notice that Jiutang Rinyin, who was sleeping, laughed secretly.[]

"System, collect yesterday's mission reward."

After fighting with Kaguya yesterday, I didn't have time to process the system's reward.

Now I'm taking advantage of the free time in the car to collect it as soon as possible, so as not to forget it later.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. Rewards are being drawn....��

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning 1 Kamen Rider Sword series card set! 】

Kamen Rider Blade, the fifth work of the Heisei era, is similar to Gotchard, the fifth work of the Reiwa era, in many places. Even the two protagonists' difficult acting skills are comparable.

However, in the same way, there are many classics in Blade.

Among them, the final form of Kamen Rider Blade, the Emperor Sword, is regarded as the ancestor of the ancestral forms.

With a royal flush, it has never lost a game.

It has also played a famous scene of beating Wang Xiaoming.

Overall, it is also a set of high-quality cards.

Just when Lin Feng had just put the reward into the card box, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the aisle, and then two excited faces came over.

It was Ichinose Tarotaro and his good friends, Camie Succubus and Kajiki.



Just as the two were about to speak,

Lin Feng immediately shut up and pointed at Jiutang Linyin who was sleeping beside him.

"Keep your voice down."

The two immediately understood what he meant. Kajiki opened the magazine in his hand, then lowered his voice and pointed to a picture on a page and said:

"Teacher Lin Feng! Is this you?! You accepted an interview with this magazine?!!"

Lin Feng glanced at the magazine and smiled slightly:

"Luck, just luck"

"This is not a fluke!"

Kajiki was extremely excited, but he had to lower his voice, so that his face flushed red:

"This book,"The Extraordinary Planet Kyoto Special Edition", is the most popular supernatural magazine in Japan! I spent a lot of effort to publish a small article in this magazine, and you! Dear Mr. Lin Feng, you were directly interviewed by the magazine and occupied a full ten pages! This is not a fluke! This shows that you are very capable!"

Lin Feng was a little amused, because this matter could indeed be considered a misunderstanding.

In the final analysis, due to the recent Kemi breaking seal incident, abnormal situations occurred frequently all over the world.

In order to cover up this chaos, the Alchemy Alliance sent a special reporter to arrange a pretentious interview.

The person being interviewed was Lin Feng.

The Alliance gave Lin Feng a set of words to evade the interview. He just needed to attribute those abnormal events to illusions and not involve Kemi.

So, by mistake, Lin Feng became famous in this magazine.

However, Lin Feng did not expect that he would be visited by Kajiki because of this matter. He just knelt down on the aisle, knelt down to Lin Feng on the spot, and pleaded:

"Teacher Lin Feng! I beg you to join us in the graduation trip to Kyoto! If you are here, we might be able to discover more supernatural events!"

Ichinose Takarō on the side also nodded repeatedly.

He and Kajiki had already formed a team.

According to the school's requirements, they needed to have a goal to participate in the graduation trip.

Their goal was to explore supernatural events, so they found Lin Feng.

But, unfortunately,

"I'm afraid I can't promise you this.��"


Kajiki was very frustrated. Lin

Feng pointed at Jiutang Rinyin beside him and said with a smile:

973"Because your classmate Rinyin has made an appointment with me in advance, so I can't join another team."


Ichinose Takarō hugged his head, his face full of pain:

"I should have expected that Jiudou would come to you earlier! I should have told you a few days ago! Ahhhh!"

At this time,

Minato came over, grabbed Ichinose Tatarō and Kajiki by the collar and dragged them back.

"You two boys, don't stand there blocking the road. If you need help, I can help. Teacher Lin Feng is just a supervisor and doesn't have time to fool around with you."

"Woohoo! Teacher Lin Feng, that's my idol!"

""Woo woo woo! If I were a girl, Teacher Lin Feng would definitely agree!"

Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and his head was full of black lines.

These two guys are tired of living, right?

They dare to make any jokes....

After a while, nothing happened.

The train drove smoothly towards Kyoto and arrived at the station after about a few hours.

When I got off the train and left the station,

I saw through the gate that the two seniors had been waiting here for a long time.

"Teacher Kobayashi~~~"

Ginkgo Renka instinctively wanted to act like a spoiled child and ask for a hug, but before she even got close, she was glared back at by Jiudou Rinyin.

Embarrassed, she could only change the subject and look at the listless Baotaro beside her.

"What happened to Ichinose-san?"

Tsuruhara Senmaru also picked up the tablet and asked:

"Wasn't he excited to come to Kyoto? It felt like something had happened.

Ichinose Takarō seemed to have lost his soul.

"In the morning, when I left the house, Hong Pa Wan cried and wanted to follow me, but I refused....I can only refuse!"

Jiutang Linyin crossed her arms and looked at him strangely.

"Why don't you just put it in the Kamika?"

Ichinose Takarō was shocked.

"This is a school trip....How can I bring it? This is a course in school."

Lin Feng was speechless when he heard this.

"You never followed the rules before, but now you remember to follow the rules. What? Do you want to be a three-good student?"

At this time,

Kajiki, the only one who didn't understand, came over.

"What are you talking about? What is Bombawan, what is Kamika?"

Tsuruhara Senmaru immediately realized that Kajiki was not from the Alchemy Academy, and quickly changed the subject:

"Nothing! Everyone, Ginkgo Renhua and I found a hot spring hotel nearby. How about staying there for the next few days?!"

"Hot spring hotel?!!" Not only Jiudou Rin, but also the listless Ichinose Takarō became excited when they heard about hot springs. Kajiki even exclaimed:

"Okay, let's go to the hot spring hotel. I heard that there have been UFO sightings recently, so we can go and verify their authenticity!"

At this time, Cloto, who was wearing a conspicuous outfit on the top floor of Kyoto Station, lifted the black veil on his head and fixed his eyes on Lin Feng's back.......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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