The hot spring hotel is very large, divided into layers and areas.

Because they want to take a hot spring bath, they pay more attention to privacy, so Lin Feng and his group chose to live on the same floor.

Because there are so many people, almost everyone on the first floor is occupied, except for one room, which is said to be occupied by a girl, so everyone has no worries.

They are all students of the same school, and there is a teacher like Lin Feng, so everyone is more assured about taking a hot spring bath.

As a result, the boys stayed in the pool for almost an afternoon, and the girls stayed even slower, until the evening.

Lin Feng had been dealing with the work arranged by the school, and he stretched his waist and went to take a hot spring bath until the students finished.

Because there was no one, Lin Feng was more relaxed and went into the men's pool naked.

Only then did he realize how comfortable this hot spring was.

No wonder those guys stayed for most of the day before coming up.

And just when Lin Feng was stretching his body and mind, the girl who lived in the last guest room, Ji Yesheng, appeared in the men's hot spring room at some point.

She also yawned with a tired face, took off her clothes in a daze, and then planned to go down to the pool to take a hot spring bath.

But before Ji Yesheng had the chance to get into the water, he saw a tall figure in the misty vapor that filled the room. The next second, a sudden male voice woke Ji Yesheng up instantly!

"Baotaro, Kajiki, why aren't you sleeping so late? Are you taking a bath again?"

Hinako Jiye's breath suddenly stopped, her eyes widened, and she froze in place with a look of horror.

Man, man?!!!

Isn't this a women's pool?

Why is there a man?!!!

Because of excessive fatigue from a day's work, her nerves were a little sensitive.

She was frightened and thought she had met a perverted pervert or something.

She was in a panic and her heart was beating very fast.

However, the man who spoke saw that there was no response, so he stood up from the hot spring, walked out step by step, and walked towards Himeno Jiye.

At this time, seeing the figure gradually becoming clear in the mist,

Himeno Jiye was more certain that the other party was a man, so he quickly turned around and prepared to run away, but unexpectedly his feet slipped and the whole person fell directly to the ground, with an extremely crisp and loud buttocks.

""Hiss, it hurts!"

Ji Yesheng quickly covered her mouth, looking at the figure gradually emerging from the mist with tears in her eyes. Her strong paranoia made her imagine her next fate.

But what she never expected was that when the figure completely walked out of the mist, when her sight moved from top to bottom and finally locked onto the hideous dragon,

Ji Yesheng's breathing stagnated and she fainted!


Lin Feng walked out of the mist, looked at the woman who fell to the ground, screamed, and then fainted , and felt terrible.

What was going on?

How did a woman come into the men's bathhouse?

And fainted here?

At first he thought it was Ichinose Takarō and Kajiki, after all, they were the only men on this floor.

But when he came out, he found that the situation was much worse than he thought.

Moreover, why did she faint directly?

Monster, where is the monster?

Lin Feng was puzzled, and looked down.

His frown immediately relaxed.

Lin Feng claimed the title of monster.

But then again, this girl seemed familiar?

Lin Feng changed his clothes, took a closer look, and immediately recognized her.

"What a coincidence!...I didn't expect to meet you here, Himeno Sei."

It was the Gotchard Kyoto chapter. When the protagonists went to the haunted house, they met a young lady dressed as a ghost.

The several battles in the Kyoto chapter were closely related to her, but I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

In addition,

Himeno Sei is the same person as Miken Saki in the Ultraman Pavilion next door, but the difference in makeup is really too big. It's not an exaggeration to say that they are two different people.

Totani makeup artist, you deserve to die!!!

Well, since she fainted in the men's bath, let's send her back to her room as soon as possible.

If another man comes later, I'm afraid there will be another misunderstanding.

Fortunately, Himeno Sei had the room card of her room hanging on her wrist, so she was not unable to get in.

And just when Lin Feng was about to take action,

Himeno Sei suddenly woke up, and the whole person dragged back on the ground,

"You, you, you, don't come over here! I'm fine, I can move by myself, if you come over I'll call, I'll report to the well"

Lin Feng was stunned at first, then he was amused,

"So you didn't faint, then it's okay, you can leave by yourself."

How could he faint so easily? After all, he is an adult, and he wouldn't be scared if he had never seen a dragon.


Lin Feng's reaction made Ji Yesheng confused.

"What do you mean? You let me go but you stay here?"

Lin Feng looked back at her.

"What? Sprained your ankle? Can't you leave by yourself?"

Ji Yesheng frowned, her expression becoming somewhat unhappy.

She thought that if she fainted on the ground, she could let Lin Feng know that this was a female pool, but this guy not only didn't understand, but continued to stay here.

Could it be that this pervert was waiting for other girls to come to him? And then do something improper?!

When she thought of this,

Ji Yesheng's sense of justice exploded, and she even forgot that the stranger she was facing was also in danger:

"Sir, this is the women's pool. If you are a normal person, please go to the hot spring next door. If you are not, I will report it now."

"Women's pool?"

Lin Feng smiled and pointed to the sign hanging on the wall.

"Why don't you take another look and see whether this is a men's pool or a women's pool?"

"Of course this is a woman......"

Ji Yesheng's mouth was fixed in mid-air.

When she saw the big word"male" on the wall, she was stunned at first, as if petrified, and then her face turned red with shame, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into immediately.

How could this be a male pool? ? ?

Didn't I see it when I came in?!!

Lin Feng also sighed helplessly and reminded him friendly:

"Miss, don't stand there in a daze. Your towel has fallen off. Do you want others to see you again?"

Ji Yesheng looked down and blushed. She wrapped herself in the towel awkwardly, picked up her clothes, and fled from the hot spring room. She quickly returned to her room. Then she jumped out again the next second and came to the men's bath. Lin Shenshen bowed:

"I'm sorry!"

After apologizing,

Ji Yesheng returned to her room and leaned against the door, wanting to cry but unable to.

This would be the most embarrassing day of her life!

"How could it be so outrageous!!!!"

After the misunderstanding, the first day in Kyoto was finally spent smoothly.

The next day, when Lin Feng was taking Jiutang Rinyin and others to complete the school trip,

Simon Nicole (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) also arrived in Kyoto in a special car.

She followed the address on the business card George Karisaki gave her and came to the Human Base Research Institute.

Looking at the huge plaque, she subconsciously tightened the safe in her hand, and the worry and tension in her heart increased a bit.

On the way here, she had made many predictions in her heart.

Once she found that things were not going well, she would leave immediately!

"Miss Sima"


The door of the institute opened, and

Mie, holding a samurai sword, walked out with a polite smile.

"You are finally here. Please come this way."


Following Mie, the two entered a secret hall. In the middle of the hall were some research instruments.

A man in a suit was typing on a computer keyboard.

Mie gestured and introduced:

"That person is the director of the Human Foundation Research Institute, Ju Shuo.

After he finished speaking,

Ju Shuo also stood up from his chair and turned to look over.

""Hello, Miss Simoniko."

He nodded to Mie, indicating that he could leave first.

Mie did not hesitate, turned around and walked out of the hall with trust.

Simoniko walked forward, looked her up and down, and then nodded repeatedly with some surprise:

"It really is you, Kamen Rider Garren."

Yesterday, after getting the name of the Human Base Research Institute from George Karisaki,

Simon Nicole looked for relevant clues, and then found Tachibana Sakuya. She knew that as the person who holds the"Kamen Rider Chronicle" cassette, the Heisei Rider naturally knows everything, but she didn't expect that the Kamen Rider Garren who participated in the Modern Extreme War would come out again.

But then again, if it is him, then it shouldn't be a big problem, right?

After all, this is also a hero who saved the world.

Thinking of this,

Simon Nicole handed over the safe and said respectfully:

��Mr. Tachibana Sakuya, according to Mr. George's request, the data program of"Kamen Rider Chronicle" has been implanted into the Zein actuator, and it will be given to you now."

Tachibana Sakuya's eyes flashed with a strange excitement. While taking the box, he gestured to the cards placed in a circle around him.

"Thank you very much. Of course, we also have to thank George Karisaki. Thanks to him, almost all the Kamen Riders have lent their power to us."

Shimaniko looked at the carefully preserved cards around her in confusion.

"this...What did you mean by that just now?"

Ju Shuo also smiled and introduced himself with some pride.

"This is the research result of our Human Base Research Institute. Using the Undead seal card and the driver card made by Daishocker, we finally developed a new technology to seal the borrowed power of Kamen Rider in the Zein disk."

Hearing this,

Simon Nico nodded secretly.

Just as she had guessed before, the function of the Zein driver was indeed to use the power of all Kamen Riders.

But at this time, Tachibana Saku suddenly denied it:

"No, not all knights. Unfortunately, only the power of all the Knights of Justice can be used."

Because Zein is the leader of all good AI, it cannot use the power of the evil knights who carry malicious intent.

This is indeed a pity for Ju Shuo.

But then again, the power of the Knights of Justice is more than enough.

Ju Shuo also connected the Zein driver to the computer that was running the program, and then, the big screen slowly displayed a picture.���The golden word Zein appeared.

Obviously, the Zein system was being injected into the driver.

Then, as long as the program of"Kamen Rider Chronicle" was started, it could be officially put into use.

At the same time,

Mie, who had been guarding outside the hall, suddenly became dazed.

Then, when he woke up again, he found himself in a dark red data field. He was very familiar with this place. This was the field of"Ark", the gathering of all malice!

【Mie, you are both an artificial intelligence and have a heart, what do you want? 】

The familiar voice echoed in his ears at the right time.

Mie slowly raised his head and replied coldly:

"Needless to say, Yake, my purpose is to monitor the malicious people like you who exist in the world."

【Really? Then you must not make the mistake of monitoring the target.】

"What do you mean?"

【Since you don't understand, I'll let you learn....】

As the words fell, dazzling golden light flashed before Mie's eyes, and scenes were injected into Mie's mind.

【Without your knowledge, Consortium X used various technologies such as Orphino, Mirror World, and Shumagia Intelligence to resurrect a large number of evil Kamen Riders, including King Orphino, King Snake, Natural Disaster, Dream, etc. You should monitor them. Once this group of outsiders gathers, they will bring unspeakable destruction to the world. Mie looked serious, but then said with confidence:

"But don't forget that Zein is an existence that eradicates malice, no matter what the outsiders do.���Gather, Zein will lead everything, the time of Zein's birth is coming soon, you see..."

He raised his hand, and the Zein actuator and key, created by the data stream, slowly appeared.

"The Zein carrier has been completed. As long as a suitable transformer is found, everything will be reversed and the Outsiders will be destroyed in one fell swoop!"

【So...Where is Kamen Rider Dark Decade?】

Mie's expression was stunned for a moment.

【As far as I know, DarkDecade doesn't seem to have joined your side, right? In your opinion, is DarkDecade an evil Kamen Rider or a righteous one?】

【In the data I detected, DarkDecade has dealt with evil monsters and beaten up the Kamen Riders you think are righteous. Is Zein sure to deal with such an existence?

Mie was silent, because he had also thought about this question for a long time.

Since that day when Lin Feng rejected Simon Nicole's invitation, he has been thinking about this matter.

If he must say it,...(Zhao)

"Anyone who goes against Zein's will is an enemy."

【Hahaha...Destroy, have you not discovered that you are now trapped in the same vicious circle as before? When you destroyed Xunlei Station, you trusted me so much, and now you trust Zein as much as you do.......It seems like you haven't grown at all.】

There was a lot of disappointment in Yak's voice.

【In this case, let's wait and see. I'm going to find DarkDecade. In my opinion, he is the most important person to change the world. 】

After the voice fell,

Yak disappeared completely, and

Mie's consciousness also left the dark red data stream and returned to his body.

He was still thinking about what Yak had just said in his mind, and he felt that he needed to find someone to decide the matter.

Because he was also sure of this, thinking of this,

Mie pushed open the door and walked in.

Tachibana Sakuya, who was still typing on the keyboard, and Sima Nicole, who was standing next to him, looked over curiously.

""Mie, what happened? Why are you so anxious?"

Mie explained the conversation between him and Yake with a serious face.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the hall became strange, and

Sima Nicole's worries gradually became stronger.


Ju Shuo also sat on the chair and after pondering for a long time, he said:

"I have heard the story of that Kamen Rider, although I don't think he is that strong, but since Ark intends to win him over, let's go and join in the fun."

Simaniko heard the deep meaning in his words and asked quickly:

"So, are you planning to win over DarkDecade? What if he doesn't agree?"

Ju Shuo also showed a creepy smile.

"Everything can be discussed. We are just talking. Miss Sima Nicole, don't worry about him."


Sima Nicole did not realize that she was deceived.

She relaxed her vigilance and was firmly fixed by Ju Shuoya's dangerous eyes.......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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