At the Kyoto Police Station, a police car carrying a prisoner slowly drove out of the station.

When the car turned into a hidden street,

Cloto suddenly appeared from the alley.

The policeman operating the steering wheel had no time to turn, and the vehicle rushed straight past.

When everyone thought that a tragedy was about to happen,

Cloto swiftly took a step back, dodged the collision, and then kicked the side of the police car.

The powerful kick actually kicked the police car sideways on the spot and hit the wall heavily! The violent collision made the front-seat policeman who was driving inside unconscious on the spot, and the car lost power!

Cloto lifted her veil, came close and pulled open the side door of the police car.

She looked at the two handcuffed prisoners in the car and ordered in a cold voice:

"Get off immediately."

This unpleasant tone, coupled with the fact that it was said by a woman, made the two prisoners immediately angry:

"Who do you think you are? I'll break your neck!"

"Wouldn't it be better to set her on fire?"

These words, which sounded extremely threatening to ordinary people, excited Cloto at this moment:

"Finally I found two malicious humans...!!!"

The purpose of her trip was to find a human who could devour Kemi, create a corresponding Malgan, and then create trouble for Lin Feng, and also find time to create a level 10 Kemi for herself.

So, she immediately took out two Kemi cards and handed them over:

"Choose one for yourself."

The prisoner in the flowered shirt grabbed one at random.

"Card? What does that mean?"

Before he could finish, Cloto immediately performed alchemy and merged the Kemi in Kemi Card with it!

【Jungle Malgan]!

The appearance of a level 9 Jungle Boy after being devoured by Malice!

""Oh oh oh! I feel the power surge up!"

Jungle Malgan just roared excitedly, and the unconscious policemen in the police car woke up one after another.

Seeing that the group of policemen were coming to arrest him,

Jungle Malgan mercilessly killed all three policemen!

Kloto retracted his gaze with satisfaction and looked at the other prisoner wearing a hood.

"Then I'll give you the remaining one."

The man lowered his head and took the card handed to him by Cloto.

He looked at the pattern on it and muttered to himself:

"Level 1 lightning battery?...Electricity, fire? Hehehe..."Very good, what I want is fire!!!"

At the same time,

Lin Feng and his group have started today's activities.

The first place they came to was the Uzuma Film Village 393, Japan's leading period drama theme park, which was built together with the Kyoto Photography Studio.

Because everyone set the goal of the school trip to experience the culture of the times, and the theme park, as the filming location of domestic TV dramas and movies in Japan, just has the characteristics of each era, so coming here can meet multiple needs at the same time.

For example, Kajiki and Baotaro are going to look for UFOs, but Jiutang Rinyin wants to go to the haunted house for adventure.


Lin Feng became a tool man and was forcibly pulled in front of the haunted house by Jiutang Rinyin.

Of course, Ginkgo Renhua also came with them.

"So, why should I go into the haunted house with you?!"

Ginkgo Lianhua was almost crying.

"I'm afraid of ghosts! Linyin-chan, please let me go!"

Jiutang Linyin snorted, revealing a proud little expression.

"You wanted to come with Teacher Lin Feng, so there is nothing I can do. After all, Teacher Lin Feng listens to me."

Ginkgo Lotus looked back at Lin Feng pleadingly, and Lin Feng could only watch and pretend not to care about his own business.

He knew that Cloto had also come to Kyoto and would create Margan here.

If he was not with Jiutang Rinyin, he was worried that the plot would change and Jiutang Rinyin would be in danger.

So he had no choice but to follow him into the haunted house.

"Ah!!! Forget it! It's just a haunted house! With Teacher Lin Feng here, it's no problem!"

Ginkgo Lianhua was determined to be a light bulb for this, but she had to pay a price. She had already started praying that the ghosts inside would not be too scary.

But the result was...

As soon as the three of them entered the haunted house, screams immediately rang out from Ginkgo Lotus's mouth.

"Ah!!! Ahhhhh!!! I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it anymore!"

However, what made Lin Feng speechless was that there was another Jiutang Linyin beside him who was clapping and cheering while laughing devilishly:

"Hahaha! It's very funny! It's not scary at all, Sister Lianhua, look!"

Jiutang Linyin opened the hand that was covering her eyes and pointed forward.

The next second, a ghost poked its head out and immediately appeared in her field of vision.

"Ahhhhhh! No no, I have to leave here!"

Ginkgo Lianhua's expression was distorted with fear, and she ran away with a pale face.

Lin Feng glanced at Jiutang Linyin who was laughing so hard that her stomach hurt, and he completely understood what she was having fun with.

Seeing others showing scared expressions was the purpose of coming to the haunted house....

Lin Feng shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

This girl's preferences were really very different from others.

""Let's go, Teacher Kobayashi."

Jiutang Linyin smiled happily and took Lin Feng's arm.

The natural movement even made Lin Feng subconsciously stunned.

Wait, this girl wants to come to the haunted house to play.

Could it be that she intends to persecute Ginkgo Lotus and then take the opportunity to get promoted?

Lin Feng took a look at her smug little expression and was completely convinced of his guess.

This girl is really jealous!

"Ah!!! Hiss, sorry, sorry!"


Ginkgo Lotus' voice came from the front again, but this time it was not a frightened scream, but words of apology.���

Coupled with the sound of a heavy impact on the stone,

Lin Feng and Jiutang Linyin realized that

Ginkgo Lotus might have fallen.

The two of them quickly put away their smiles and chased after her, only to see two figures pressed together.

The one on top was Ginkgo Lotus, and the one on the bottom seemed to be a girl.

"Sister Lianhua, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I knocked down the staff member!"

Jiudang Linyin stepped forward to help Ginkgo Lianhua up, and then saw that the girl underneath had hit her back on the stone and was in great pain.

""I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't see you just now, I'm really sorry!"

Ginkgo Lianhua kept apologizing, almost kneeling down to the other party.

Seeing that the situation could not be solved for the time being, Lin Feng walked over and hugged the girl.

"Why don't we go out first and check the situation at the rest area. If it's serious, go to the doctor immediately."

""Okay, okay, get out now!"

For a moment, the terrifying atmosphere of the haunted house disappeared.

The three people ignored the ghosts that were still threatening them and walked out of the haunted house and came to the resting place for the staff.

Lin Feng put the girl on the sofa and took off the ghost mask on her face.

However, when the face under the mask appeared,

Lin Feng was stunned:

"Is it you?"

The girl was also stunned at this time, her originally pale face instantly turned red, and she shook her head repeatedly in panic.

"No, it’s not me, it’s not me!"

Lin Feng looked at her actions and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Wasn’t this girl Ji Yesheng?

Of course, he understood why Ji Yesheng refused to admit that it was him.

Wasn’t it because of the misunderstanding last night?


Lin Feng did not expect that he would meet her. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although he knew that Ji Yesheng worked in the haunted house, there were many haunted houses in Taiqin Film Village.

Before crossing over, he would not deliberately remember the names of the haunted houses when watching the drama, so Lin Feng felt that he would not meet her by chance.

But in the end, it was just such a coincidence.[]

"What's wrong? Do you two know each other?"

Gingxing Lianhua came over curiously, while Jiutang Linyin showed a suspicious look.

Lin Feng did not directly expose Ji Yesheng, so he evaded the question:

"It's okay, I may have seen it wrong."

Then he asked Ji Yesheng:

"How is your waist? Does it hurt?"

Ji Yesheng blushed, nodded, and said in a voice as weak as a mosquito:

"It's ok, not particularly painful"


After Lin Feng pondered for a while, he looked at Lianhua and Linyin.

"Why don't you two ask for leave for her first? The haunted house has a shortage of staff, so we must report it and say that we accidentally knocked her down. I will bear all the expenses and responsibilities."

"Teacher Lin Feng..."

Just as Ginkgo Lianhua was about to be moved, Lin Feng immediately interrupted her:

"If you feel touched, we'll talk about it later. Just do what I say first."

Gingko Renhua and Jiutang Rinyin looked at each other.

(aefj) finally left obediently.

After the two disappeared,

Lin Feng turned around and looked at Ji Yesheng with a smile.

"Don't be embarrassed, I didn't see anything yesterday, and that thing never happened. What's important now is to check the injury on your waist. Turn over and let me see it."

Jino Shengxiang refused, but he did feel some pain at the bottom of his lumbar spine, and he couldn't straighten his waist for a while.

No matter how shy he was, he couldn't ignore his body.

Well, let him take a look. If there was any problem, go to the hospital immediately.

"you...Don't take my clothes off casually...Just look at the waist area."

Hearing this, Lin Feng subconsciously replied,

"I saw everything last night, so what's there to be afraid of?"

Ji Yesheng immediately became anxious, and he was extremely embarrassed and angry.

"You just said you didn’t see it!"

Lin Feng directly held down Ji Yesheng’s body and scolded him harshly:

""Don't move! I saw the wound!"

He lifted her clothes at the waist, and there was a large area of bruises and swollen purple blood clots underneath, which contrasted sharply with the surrounding white skin.

But fortunately, it was not on the lumbar spine, and it might have just scratched the edge, so it was not a big problem.

Lin Feng put her clothes down and told Ji Yesheng what he saw truthfully.

"You are in this state now, don't go to work, apply some plaster and take a rest."

As he said this, he went to the medicine box on the table next to him and rummaged around, and finally found the ointment suitable for bruises.

Seeing this, Ji Yesheng exclaimed:

"I, I don’t want to apply the plaster! You don’t need to apply it to me!"

Lin Feng glanced at her speechlessly:

"Don't worry, I have no bad intentions towards you. I am just worried that you will be disabled and blackmail me for money."

After saying that, he pressed Ji Yesheng on the sofa with a little force, ripped off her clothes roughly, and began to apply medicine to her.

At first, Ji Yesheng was still struggling, but when Lin Feng's hand fell on the soft flesh around her waist, the numbness immediately made her lose the ability to resist.

She could only watch Lin Feng rubbing her wound with tears in her eyes.

"You bastard, can't you let those two girls help me?!"

Lin Feng paused, unable to defend himself.

"I said I forgot, do you believe me?"

"Men's mouths are full of lies!"

Ji Yesheng complained with gritted teeth, and then he buried his face in the pillow angrily, as if he didn't want to see Lin Feng again.

After a long time, Lin Feng finished a round of massage, and without saying a word, he quietly got up and left the lounge, closing the door.

After confirming that there was no movement beside him,

Ji Yesheng raised his head, rustled, and came to the floor-to-ceiling mirror with great difficulty to check the injuries on his back.

"His massage...Seems to be useful..."

The original large bruises have begun to subside, and the swollen blood clots are no longer spreading.

At least the injury has stabilized.

Ji Yesheng groaned and climbed back to the sofa. He was no longer so resentful of Lin Feng.

After all, his injuries were not caused by him.

Although he looked at his body, at least he really helped him relieve the situation.

It's even.

Outside the door,

Lin Feng, who left the lounge, met Jiutang Rinyin who came back, but Ginkgo Lianhua didn't seem to be there.

"The senior went to buy food, saying she wanted to apologize, and the leader of the haunted house had already asked for leave for her, so she can rest for the next two days."

As she spoke, Jiutang Linyin pointed to the lounge and asked:

"How is the situation?"

Lin Feng sat down in the corridor and waved his hand.

"There is no big problem, it has been dealt with, but I may not be able to accompany you to continue your study for the time being.

Jiutang Linyin sat down beside him without complaint.

"It's okay, let's go after the senior sister comes back."

Lin Feng nodded, and at this moment, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

After answering the call, an unexpected female voice came from the other side:

【Mr. Lin Feng, do you have time now? 】

Simon Nicole?

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and replied:

"Yes, what's up?"

【I'd like to make an appointment with you to meet in Furasu tomorrow, is that okay?】

"Tomorrow? I'm in Kyoto these days and can't go back for the time being."

【Huh?! You're in Kyoto? What a coincidence! I'm here too!】


【That...Do you have time now? 】

Lin Feng heard some noises on the other end of the phone, which seemed to be a man's voice.

This made Lin Feng realize that something was wrong.

After hesitating for a while, he replied:

"Yes, let's arrange a place."

【OK, I'll send you the address.

After hanging up the phone,

Lin Feng glanced at the address on his phone.

After a long silence, he stood up and said to Jiutang Linyin:

"Linyin, you may have to stay here alone to guard her, I have to go out for a while.

Jiutang Linyin saw the seriousness of Lin Feng's expression, but she did not ask, but nodded obediently:

"I know, I will do whatever you want me to do."

Lin Feng smiled and rubbed her head, then left. On the way out,

Lin Feng called Minato again and asked him to come and take care of Rin, and he quickly rushed to the location provided by Ximan Nicole.

Jiutang Rin didn't know where Lin Feng was going.

She thought for a while, then pushed the door and entered the lounge.

Ji Yesheng, who was lying on the sofa, instinctively raised his head and looked over.

After finding that it was Jiutang Rin, a relaxed smile suddenly appeared on his face:

"Hello, my name is Ji Ye Sheng."

Jiu Tang Lin Yin also smiled reluctantly, and then got straight to the point:

"Lin Feng, he was called away by someone. Did you ask him to do something?"

Ji Yesheng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head:

"No, and I don't have his phone number....We really don't know each other."

Just because you see someone naked doesn't mean you know them!

It's ridiculous, but it's true.......

Jiutang Linyin nodded in response and turned to leave, but when she was about to leave, Ji Yesheng suddenly called out to her:

"Um! Wait a minute! Is the"Special Edition of the Extraordinary Planet Kyoto" in your hand the latest issue? Can you lend it to me?"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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