In the lounge,

Ji Ye Sheng saw the magazine in Jiu Tang Lin Yin's hand and asked quickly:

"That! Wait a minute! Is the"Special Edition of the Extraordinary Planet Kyoto Alien World" in your hand the latest issue? Can you lend it to me?"

Jiudang Rinyin looked down.

She was bored in the hotel last night, so she borrowed it from Kajiki to read.

In fact, it was mainly to read the pages of the interview with Lin Feng.

There were many modeling photos of Lin Feng on it. I have to say, he was too handsome.

Later, she fell asleep in her room and forgot to return it, so she kept it with her.

Now she is guarding here and cannot return it to Kajiki, so why not let her have a look.

"This is not mine, so be careful when you look at it."

Ji Yesheng took it with a smile and nodded repeatedly:

"Don't worry, I won't damage it."

Seeing the magazine, she even forgot the pain in her waist for a moment, and sat up and read it with relish.

"I didn't expect you to like this magazine, we are like-minded."

Jiudang Linyin sat down beside him and shook her head in denial:

"I just took a look and didn't like it that much."

Ji Yesheng was not embarrassed, but took the initiative to recommend it:

"It's okay, you'll like it after reading it a few more times! There are a lot of strange stories in this magazine! And there are often interviews with celebrities from home and abroad. My dream is that one day, I can also be interviewed by this magazine!"

As he was talking, Ji Yesheng quickly turned to the part where Lin Feng was interviewed.

Looking at the handsome makeup photos coming towards him, Ji Yesheng was immediately attracted:

"The Alchemy Alliance's spokesperson made an important speech regarding the recent frequent UFO phenomena....Wow, this guy speaks very well! Nowadays, there are not many guys who are both talented and handsome. Let me see his name....Lin Feng, um, Lin Feng......"

Slowly, Ji Ye Sheng, who was talking to herself, realized that something was wrong.

She stood there in a daze, opened her mouth in some doubt, and looked stiffly at Jiu Tang Lin Yin:

"Wait! Isn't this the person who just..."

"Yes, it's him, and also my brother, Lin Feng."

Ji Yesheng took a deep breath, and his originally calm face suddenly turned red with shame!

"he...Is he so amazing?! He can be interviewed by this magazine?!!"

Jiudang Rinyin didn't know what this meant, but judging from the reactions of Kajiki and Jiye Sheng,

Brother Lin Feng seemed to have become a superstar.

Jiye Sheng's heart was pounding at this time, and he felt terrible!

Thinking of such a famous person helping her apply ointment, massaging her waist, and even being seen naked by the other party, Jiye Sheng felt ashamed and embarrassed to the point of tapping her toes!

She just wanted to cry now.

If she had known earlier that Lin Feng was so amazing, she would definitely not have treated him with that attitude yesterday and today!

I don't know if there is a chance to apologize later!

When Jiye Sheng kept talking about Lin Feng in his heart, he had already come to the location provided by Ximan Nicole.

Across a street, from a distance, in the small park, in the pavilion, in addition to Ximan Nicole, there were two people waiting for him.

"Destroy, and...Senior Tachibana, I never expected this."

Lin Feng guessed that he might be targeted by the well-intentioned party, but he didn't expect these people to come so quickly, and he didn't expect that

Tachibana Saku was also in Kyoto.

However, what disappointed Lin Feng was that Zein, the heavyweight figure, didn't seem to be present.

"Miss Simonicole."

Lin Feng quickly approached the pavilion and greeted her from a distance.

Several people in the pavilion stood up and came over with polite and friendly expressions.

"Mr. Lin Feng, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence."

Siman Nicole took the initiative to extend her hand to Lin Feng, and the two shook hands briefly. Then, she introduced Lin Feng:

"This is Mr. Sakuya Tachibana, Director of the Human Foundation Research Institute....You have seen the guy next to him, Mie."

Ju Shuo also extended his hand to Lin Feng with a smile on his face:

"I have heard your story, Mr. Lin Feng. You transformed into Kamen Rider Dark Decade and defeated many evil enemies. I have admired you for a long time! Please take a seat here!"

The four of them sat down one after another.

The atmosphere seemed harmonious, but in fact it was turbulent.

Lin Feng did not like to beat around the bush, so he said directly:

"What do you three want to talk to me about? Just get straight to the point. I still have to lead my students to complete the school trip course and can't waste time."

Hearing this,

Ju Shuo said without any hesitation:

"I want to invite you to join us, and under Zein's leadership, we will eliminate all the malice in this world. Miss Simoniko should have told you about this, right? But because you are so powerful, I am here to solemnly invite you again."

Sure enough.

Lin Feng smiled when he heard this, and he knew that this was the purpose of these people.

But his answer would not change.

"Since Senior Tachibana knows that Miss Simoniko invited me, then you should also know my answer....I will not join you."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the pavilion began to change.

Ju Shuo also rubbed his palms, with a forced smile on his lips:

"Are you really not going to consider it? You have fought against those evil knights many times in such a long time. You should be very clear about their harm. It will be a good thing for the world if you can solve these troubles with us."

Lin Feng still smiled calmly, looked at him, and uttered three words lightly:

"Not interested."

After the words fell, the atmosphere in the pavilion became completely stiff, and

Ju Shuo's smile disappeared from his face, becoming gloomy and gloomy, but Lin Feng didn't care at all, and stood up and said:

"If that's all, I'll leave first, Miss Sima Nicole, let's meet again next time. Goodbye."

Sima Nicole sighed in her heart with great regret.

Sure enough, Lin Feng was just like he said before, he would never join any side.

It seems that this time they will return empty-handed.

Just when Sima Nicole was about to leave with Ju Shuoye, Mie, the silent Ju Shuoye suddenly said in a cold voice:

"Mr. Lin Feng! You can choose not to join us, but I have to install a surveillance camera for you before I can let you leave!"

Ju Shuoye's words immediately made the confused Ximan Nicole angry:

"Senior Ju! This is not within the scope of what we agreed on before, right? You promised me that you would invite Mr. Lin Feng out, but you only wanted to invite him! What about installing surveillance?!"

After hearing this, Lin Feng stood still with a smile that he had expected.

Ju Shuo also narrowed his eyes slowly, his eyes fixed on Lin Feng's back:

"We have received intelligence that the malicious gathering, Yak, may come after Mr. Lin Feng soon. So in order to prevent it from possessing you and wreaking havoc everywhere, we need to make you a personal positioning and monitoring device to monitor your every move. This is also for world peace.


Simoniko was about to ask, but Lin Feng asked back:

"If I don't agree, what are you going to do?"

Ju Shuo also sighed and pointed at Mie Zhao beside him:

"Since you won't obey, I can only force my way in. Mie, leave it to you to handle."

Siman Nicole stood in front of Lin Feng, with her arms outstretched to protect him behind her, staring at Mie:

"Didn't we agree before coming here not to conflict with Lin Feng?"Mie, what are you and Senior Ju doing?!"

Before Simoniko could finish,

Lin Feng raised his hand and pressed her shoulders, slowly pulling her behind him.

"Their purpose is to fish me out and then"


Lin Feng glanced at Ju Shuoye who was smiling sinisterly, and Mie who looked helpless.

"Their original intention was to attack me if I didn't agree. It was only because you were the only one who could contact me that they didn't tell you all the plans. In other words,...You've been cheated."

Hearing this, Sima Nicole was completely anxious. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But why? Senior Ju, Lin Feng just didn't agree to join us, why did you attack him? Mie, who had never spoken, replied coldly:

"Zein is the god who commands everything, and Lin Feng may become an obstacle in Zein's calculations! So it is Zein's will to deal with Lin Feng! Miss Sima Nicole, we can't do anything about it!"

Lin Feng sneered, he turned around and looked at Sima Nicole and asked:

"Was there anything wrong with what I said in your company that day?"[]

Sima Nicole looked dazed, her eyes full of bitterness and regret, hating herself for not having any hope before!

Treating the words of an artificial intelligence as an imperial decree was simply stupid!

��Sorry, Lin Feng, it's my fault. If I hadn't called you out, the situation wouldn't have become so ugly now!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng turned around and stared coldly at Mie who was approaching step by step.

"There's no need to apologize. These two came to me on their own initiative, saving me the trouble of going to their homes....Since you want to fight, I am happy to accompany you."

After the voice fell,

Lin Feng raised his hand, holding only the DarkDecade driver!

Seeing the situation develop to this point, Mie knew that the battle was inevitable, and he could only take out his forced sublimation device and wear it around his waist!

"Mr. Lin Feng, although we got along well before, I cannot disobey Zein's will!"

Mie picked up the secret key, pressed the button on the side, inserted it directly into the drive, and finally pulled down the lever with force!


【Forcerise! StingScorpion BreakDown.】

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical sound effects, a purple-silver poisonous scorpion broke out from the ground, came to the front of Mie, and then fiercely inserted its huge scorpion tail into Mie's chest.

Then, its entire body turned into armor and climbed onto Mie's body, turning into a set of purple-black armor attached to the body surface.

Kamen Rider Mie, appeared again!

Looking at his pair of yellow compound eyes,

Lin Feng sighed in disappointment:

"I have warned you before that you have been deceived by artificial intelligence once, and now you are repeating the same mistake, Mie, you have really not made any progress in all these years."

Lin Feng has no good feelings towards Mie, but he doesn't hate him either.

This is all without considering the original plot of 01.

In addition, his armor is indeed a little handsome, so Lin Feng didn't intend to attack him personally.

But seeing that his advice didn't work and he was still stubborn, he could only beat him up to wake him up.

Lin Feng raised his hand to push Sima Nicole away, then pulled open the drive with both hands, opened the card box on the side of his waist, pulled out his driver card, tapped the side with his fingers, and said in a faint voice:


【KamenRider! DarKDecade! 】

Looking at Lin Feng surrounded by phantoms,

Tachibana Sakuya, who was sitting in the pavilion, showed a somewhat surprised expression.

"This guy's power is really similar to Decade...However, he seems to be more violent than Decade. If you can get his card...Then the power of Zein......!"

As he spoke, Ju Shuo also curled up a sinister smile, staring at the driver on Lin Feng's waist with eyes full of greed!

""Let me see what the power of the driver is!"

After saying that,

Mie seemed to have received a signal to take action. He immediately took out his briefcase bow and arrow, pulled the lever to accumulate purple electricity, and shot out a large number of arrows!


The harsh sound of electricity came, and

Lin Feng watched the arrows continue to enlarge in his eyes, and then calmly changed the card box into a gun form, and continuously pulled the trigger to shoot light bullets and arrows in the air. Collision exploded!

For a moment, the energy aftermath rippled, smoke and gravel flew everywhere, and the next second, Mie jumped out, and his back foot suddenly burst out with all his strength, like a sharp arrow bursting out.

He planned to seize the gap when the smoke blocked his vision and catch Lin Feng off guard.

As a result, when it rushed out of the smoke, the whole person was immediately scared and sweated!

Lin Feng actually predicted his movement and directly blocked its path.

He pressed the card box gun against his chest, and at the same time pinched the driving card with one hand and threw it into the driver!

【Blast! 】

The moment the sound sounded, the card box gun transformed into countless clones, and pulled the trigger at the same time, shooting countless dark blue light bullets!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!

For a moment,

Mie's body was like exploding fireworks, and dazzling fire lotuses continued to bloom. The whole person was bombed and flew backwards. He directly canceled the transformation in mid-air and fell heavily in the pavilion, at the feet of Ju Shuo!

Seeing this scene, not only Sima Nicole was stunned, but even Ju Shuo's expression became wonderful!

Ten seconds, less than ten seconds!

The two sides just met, and

Mie was killed instantly!

As we all know,

Mie is a ruthless person who can use the basic form to fight against the old trick in the later stage, and he is not inferior in physical skills!

It can be said that he is the strongest among all the Shumagia!

If not for this,

Ya Ke would not choose him as the first person of the Thunder of Destruction!

But such a ruthless character was killed instantly by Lin Feng in one encounter!


Mie struggled to get up from the ground, his face becoming very ugly.

"Why? Why do you have such a powerful force, but you are unwilling to help us solve the evil in this world? Aren't you also a human? Helping us is changing the future of mankind!"

The same question, in fact, Sima Nicole is also very curious.

Although Ju Shuo also attacked Lin Feng because he was unwilling to join the army,

Sima Nicole also cared about the reason why Lin Feng denied Zein.

She could choose not to ask, but if Mie asked, she would definitely listen carefully.

"Change the future of mankind?"

Lin Feng sneered and came to the bench beside him, sitting down with a casual manner, with an arrogant attitude that did not take everyone seriously at all.

He raised his hand and pointed at Ju Shuoye in the pavilion. Every word he said next made everyone's scalp numb.

"Do you really think that the so-called Zein is only for fighting evil? Have you forgotten that Zein's purpose is to eliminate all the evil in the world, including the evil hidden in the hearts of humans that has not yet been revealed."

Mie's expression froze, he noticed something was wrong,

"What do you mean by this? Zein's purpose, is it related to all mankind?"

Lin Feng and Ju Shuo also looked at each other from a distance, and their smiles gradually became playful.

"Because Zein's ultimate goal is to destroy all of humanity." As soon as these words came out, it was like a bombshell exploding in the park.

Simoniko was struck by lightning, and she stood there in shock!

Unable to believe all this, she looked at Tachibana Sakuya in shock, and the first thing she said was the classic golden sentence:

"Tajibala-san! Why are you just watching? Why don't you refute? Have you really betrayed humanity?!!"

��Feng: Damn, where did the alarm come from? ? ?.....3..


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