""Taji Balasang! Why are you just watching? Have you really betrayed humanity?"

Hearing Mie's question,

Lin Feng, who was sitting on a bench nearby, almost couldn't hold back his anger.

OMO, right?

Damn, you really made a replica of the world's dark painting.

Unfortunately, this taji Balasang can't say pineapple pineapple.

Seeing this, Lin Feng sighed and decided to be a good person to the end and explain it thoroughly.

"Zein's original purpose was to completely eliminate the malice in the hearts of humans, so he created a whole set of plans. This plan includes defrauding the power of all Kamen Riders, which are the cards you see. Its idea is to use the power of Kamen Riders to eliminate the humans with malice in their hearts."

As he said, Lin Feng looked at the Destroyer,

"This is why you trust Zein, because you have all been misled by it. It is taking advantage of your desire to protect humans, recruiting accomplices, and then implementing its plan."

Then he looked at Simoniko.

"What I said can be proved by one thing. Simon Nicole, if nothing unexpected happens, Tachibana Saku has already asked you to restart the forbidden game"Kamen Rider Chronicles", right?"

Simon Nicole, who had been shocked, suddenly came back to her senses and nodded repeatedly in response:

"Yes, yes! I was wondering why Mr. Ju Shuoye asked me to restart it. That game would obviously have a huge impact on mankind."

Lin Feng snapped his fingers.

"This is Zein's goal. By opening this game to more people, more people can be led into the evil path, so that Zein can naturally eliminate this large part of the human race."

Mie finally woke up from his confusion at this time.

"So, the power of Kamen Rider has become a tool to expel humans?!"

When everything came to light, the people who had been sitting there could no longer sit still.

Clap, clap, clap!

A loud round of applause of"970" suddenly sounded, and

Ju Shuo also stood up with a fake smile on his face, clapping as he walked out of the pavilion.

"You are indeed worthy of being called DarkDecade. You have defeated multiple outsiders in a row. I think I underestimated you. But have you ever thought about a question? Why did Zein make such a plan? Let me tell you!"

He pointed at the sky, the earth, the surrounding flowers, trees, and tall buildings, and said in a cold voice:

"That's because, in the near future, everything will be destroyed because of humans. Isn't such a hellish future worth saving? This is what Zein did when he predicted the future!"

"On the contrary, Tian Gang!"

Lin Feng laughed disdainfully.

"An artificial intelligence created by humans, in order to save the future, chooses to destroy humans. Can you really believe this kind of anti-Tian Gang words? How many times have we heard the prophecy of the end of the world from ancient times to the present? Did the Qianxi Year Crisis occur on January 1, 2000? Did the prophecy of my God come true in 2012? Did the prophecy of Hamageddon come true in 2020?"

As he spoke, Lin Feng gradually put away his smile and clenched his fists slowly.

"The fate of mankind can only be controlled by mankind itself. You might as well believe that I am a god rather than an artificial intelligence. Kowtow to me twice and I will bless your body to never have pineapple pineapple da!"

Ju Shuo's mouth twitched repeatedly.

This series of evidence really made him speechless.

As for what the hell is pineapple pineapple da?

Why does it sound so familiar?

"In this case, no one can convince anyone......."

As he spoke, Tachibana Saku took out his driver and a card that sealed the undead beast.

"Today, you must leave something here. I will definitely get your power!"

He inserted the card into the driver first, then hung it around his waist. After the belt was tied and locked, he pulled hard and flipped the card!



A huge blue electric current card wall flew out from the driver, with a square shape engraved on it.

This was the symbol of the transformation stag beetle (Ace of Diamonds) used by Tachibana Sakuya.

When the card wall passed by him, the power of the stag beetle undead beast merged into his body, forming a red and silver armor, and the head was in the classic OMO shape.

This was Kamen Rider Garren.

"Originally, I didn't intend to use this power here, but today, I respect you."

After the words fell,

Ju Shuo also smiled sinisterly and took out the awakening fusion device, put it on his left arm, and took out the sea snake undead beast (diamond) and the giraffe saw shovel undead beast (diamond K) in his right hand, inserted the former into the awakening device, and then brushed the latter on the side.

【Absorb ueen EvolutionKing! 】

The next second, a total of thirteen undead beast cards were wrapped in golden energy and flew into the air, and finally all merged into Tachibana Sakuya's body, causing his armor to completely change its appearance. Each undead beast card turned into a square and was imprinted on his body!

So far, the never-before-seen King form of Kamen Rider Garren has appeared!

Looking at the golden emperor form of Kamen Rider Garren in front of him,

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh.

When he read the original Kamen Rider Sword, he was looking forward to the emperor forms of the other two knights.

Now he has not only seen it, but also seen it with his own eyes, and even became an enemy.

That subtle feeling is indeed indescribable for Lin Feng.

【Ding! The host is detected to be provoked, and the task is automatically triggered!】

【Mission objective: Defeat Tachibana Sakuya/Kamen Rider Garren】

【Mission Reward: Random Kamen Rider Series Card Set! 】 Lin Feng glanced at the system mission that suddenly popped up in his field of vision, and a playful arc appeared on his lips. In this case, he would use this card to deal with Senior Tachibana.

"Is this the final form obtained by fusing with a superior undead beast? Your strength cannot compare to his."

Lin Feng smiled and took out a driving card from the card box and displayed it in front of him.

When the pattern on it appeared in Ju Shuo's vision, his expression immediately became exciting, even though he was extremely confident!

"Blade?! How is this possible?! Why do you have Kenzaki's power?!"

Although they are both emperor forms, the gap is also very large.

As a knight system developed by Director Karasuma, it involves a very important mechanism, that is, the fusion coefficient.

As Kenzaki with the highest fusion coefficient, his emperor form is fused with a full thirteen undead beasts, but this is not normal. The normal situation is like Tachibana Sakuya's current state, the emperor form that is fused with the giraffe ash alone!

Then the gap is naturally obvious.

Blade's emperor form that can be completely fused with thirteen undead beasts must be more powerful than Garren's king form!

Therefore, Tachibana Saku at this time is not only shocked, but more nervous and fearful!

"Impossible! Blade's Emperor form, you can't have it!"

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know when the sword hits you later."

Lin Feng sneered and turned the driving card over, then threw it into the drive!


【【Kamen Rider! Blade! King Form】


At the moment when the mechanical sound sounded from the driver, the golden air wave exploded directly from Lin Feng, the surrounding ground collapsed directly, and the surrounding airflow became even more chaotic! The thirteen spade-type undead beast cards visible to the naked eye turned golden and surrounded Lin Feng.

Their appearance was clearly visible, turning into golden reliefs, one by one fitting on Lin Feng's body, firmly embedded in the body surface, forming a majestic and noble golden armor!

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

The air wave ripples kept spreading around Lin Feng, as if the emperor had descended here, and the fearful sense of oppression made people completely unable to straighten their backs!

Just standing there was like an insurmountable mountain. Facing him, you didn't even have the courage to look him in the face!

This is the Emperor Sword! Kamen Rider Blade, Emperor Form!

Lin Feng raised his hand and the Reawakening Sword was formed in the flash of golden light.

Lin Feng slowly raised it and pointed the tip of the sword directly at Ju Shuoye who was already shocked not far away. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He took a step forward and said with a playful smile:

"Senior Ju, are you ready to be beaten up?"

""You should be the one who gets beaten up!!!"

Ju Shuo also roared and rushed out.

At the same time, he mobilized the energy in his body to gather into the gun [King Awakening Device] tightly held in his hand. [] A dazzling golden light burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and endless energy quickly gathered in the barrel, and the energy fluctuations spread wildly!

When the energy accumulated to the peak limit, Ju Shuo also pulled the trigger suddenly, and the muzzle of the gun shot out dazzling golden light bullets like small suns like an explosion!

For a moment, the whole space was shaking, and the energy ripples brought by the shock wave swept in all directions!

In just a blink of an eye, countless light bullets hit Lin Feng fiercely!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

If Garren hadn't turned into a king and started The gun fired bullets, so now he fired howitzers!

The deafening explosion sounded throughout the space, and the smoke and dust like small mushroom clouds slowly rose up. The power of the explosion was no weaker than the attack that Lin Feng had used to kill him in seconds! Even the aftermath was terrifying!!!

But the next second, an incredible scene appeared.

Even such an amazing attack that had the power to shatter everything did not cause any damage to Lin Feng who was standing there!

After the billowing smoke dissipated, the dazzling golden figure still stood there, unshakable.

If it weren't for the white smoke rising from his armor, outsiders wouldn't even be able to tell that Lin Feng was attacked!

"How is this possible?! How could it not have any effect? !"

Ju Shuo's eyes under the mask were full of fear and shock.

This time Lin Feng did not use any means to interfere with him.

The series of howitzers clearly hit him!

But it did not cause any damage!!!

He had expected that Blade's emperor form would be very strong, but he did not expect it to be so ridiculously strong, so strong that Ju Shuo began to doubt his life!

"As a former companion, don't you know that the Emperor Sword's defense is almost impossible to break?"

Lin Feng said leisurely, walking out of the smoke, dragging the Heavy Awakening Sword with a contemptuous smile on his face......

Emperor Sword, basic defense value 200 tons!

Coupled with the bonus effect of the DarkDecade driver and Lin Feng's own strong human physique, this defense power is even more than 300 tons!

Even if Ju Shuo has the highest output power in the emperor form, it is useless if it can't break the defense! It is even exaggerated to say that looking at the entire history of knights, there are only a handful of Kamen Riders with an output power of more than 300 tons!

And those few are all ceiling-level characters, not the power of a Garren emperor form!

At this time, facing Lin Feng's constant and strong ridicule,

Ju Shuo also gritted his teeth and raised his hand, and saw five undead beast cards wrapped in brilliant golden energy flew into his hand!

"Then can you still block this move?!!"

These five cards are Ace of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, King of Spades, King of Hearts, and King of Clubs!

In addition to the first guide card, the other four are a combination of cards that are equivalent to bombs.

This is Garren's last resort in the emperor form! It is also the strongest attack!

I saw Ju Shuo also raised the King Awakening Device, and the five cards slid into the card reader one by one, and mechanical sound effects sounded one after another!

【FourCardCmobo! 】

As the low mechanical sound effects resounded, five golden undead beast card walls fell in front of Ju Shuoya one by one!

He held the King Awakening Device tightly with both hands, pressed his body down, and the muzzle began to accumulate golden energy continuously! Like a huge vortex, all the energy between heaven and earth gathered at the muzzle, and countless golden ripples expanded around Ju Shuoya, and the violent fluctuations continued to tear the surrounding space!

As the trigger was pulled, the beam of light that destroyed everything rushed straight to Lin Feng with an unmatched posture!

The extremely hot light wave, like a laser cannon, completely covered the area tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters long in front of Ju Shuoya, and Lin Feng didn't even have any room to dodge!


Lin Feng still stood there, without any resistance!

Is he really going to withstand this attack?!

All the people watching the battle, their hearts were in their throats at this moment!

But at the critical moment, when the dazzling beam of light was about to cover Lin Feng, an invisible wave suddenly expanded from Lin Feng, and then the world seemed to freeze for a moment.

When everything returned to normal, the golden light wave of destruction directly blasted a long gully in the entire park! It was like a gun combed a middle part for the park! The energy wave involved in the gully continued to burn everything around it, and the diffuse smoke and dust made people breathless!

"Humph, Emperor Sword, won't it be defeated by my gun in the end?!" 1.6

Ju Shuo also confidently put away his gun. He seemed to have seen the scene of Lin Feng collapsing on the ground, but when the smoke and dust cleared, there was no figure in the long ravine!


The sudden change made everyone dumbfounded.

Ju Shuo's heart also jumped suddenly. Like a cat with its fur standing on end, he turned back in horror!

When he raised his head again, Lin Feng really appeared behind him!

"Are you looking for me? Tower crane, sang?"

Lin Feng's voice was heard by everyone, but it set off a storm.

How did he do it?!

It is impossible to avoid the shock wave of that range!

At this time,

Simoniko, who had been staring at Lin Feng, suddenly exclaimed:

"It's the ability of the Ten of Spades!!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone saw that a golden relief on Lin Feng's left shoulder lit up!

That was the Ten of Spades, the relief of the Scarab Undead Beast!

And the fact that it lit up at this moment proved that its power was being activated.

It was one of the most buggy skills in the Knight system, time stop!

Previously, the lag that everyone felt was the effect of the Scarab's activation!

Sima Nicole was very excited and had completely turned into an off-field commentator:

"Fusion of thirteen undead beasts and fusion of one undead beast are indeed not of the same order of magnitude!"

Fusing thirteen means that Lin Feng can use the abilities of thirteen undead beasts at any time, while fusing one means that he can only use the ability of that one.

Therefore, facing such an attack that can destroy everything,

Lin Feng did not panic at all, because it could not hit him at all!

At this moment,

Lin Feng slowly pulled out the final attack control card from the card box, and tapped his finger gently on the side:

"Senior Tachibana, you have played your cards, now it's my turn"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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