"Senior Ju, you have played your cards, now it is my turn."

Looking at the driving card that Lin Feng took out from the card box,

Ju Shuo was completely panicked. His special move was neutralized, and the AP value he could use now was not enough to support him to release FourCardCmobo again!

All he could do was watch the sword coming towards him!

【FinalAttackRide! B-B-B-Blade! Royal Straight Flush!

When the majestic sound effect sounded, five walls of undead beast cards burning with golden flames fell heavily to the ground, and each side of them was filled with majestic golden energy!

When Lin Feng held the Reawakening Sword with both hands, pressed his body down, and rushed out through the light wall at an extremely fast speed, the truly terrifying imperial pressure fell on everyone's heart! They couldn't help but hold their breath!

Boom boom boom boom!

Lin Feng's figure, which was like a Titan and full of oppression, collapsed on the spot with every step he took, and spider-web-like cracks spread wildly around. The whole park seemed to be like an earthquake, and it seemed to be constantly stepping on everyone's heart!

When the five light walls were all penetrated,

Lin Feng's body had already risen with an inextinguishable golden flame, exuding supreme majesty and momentum, and he mercilessly swung the Reawakening Sword at the already sluggish Ju Shuo!!!

Boom boom boom boom!

Like thunder surging in the sky, the earth-shattering explosion sounded straight into the sky.

The energy impact generated by the golden sword energy instantly turned into a golden storm, crushing the earth recklessly.

At that second, when the reawakening sword chopped at Ju Shuoya, a dazzling white light suddenly bloomed, like a nuclear explosion expansion, blinding everything.

Everyone subconsciously avoided this scene!

After everything was settled, the final result of the collision between the two no longer needed to be witnessed by everyone, because Ju Shuoya's painful screams sounded the next moment.

Everyone who came to their senses quickly saw that in the rolling smoke and dust,

Ju Shuoya had been blown away by Lin Feng's sword. The whole person was like a kite with a broken string, falling from one end of the park to the other end of the park, and finally fell fiercely into the ground, smashing an unfathomable pit. The whole person could not move in the pit, accompanied by a large amount of blue electric current. Because the physical strength could not support it, he had to automatically cancel the transformation and turned back into a human appearance!

Returning to the other side,

Lin Feng slowly straightened his back with his back to everyone, picked up the Chongxing Sword with one hand, and then stuck it into the ground in front of him. He quietly looked at Ju Shuoye who was in great pain in the distance. He was like a god of war, with great momentum!!!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task! The system reward has been sent to the warehouse, please check it in time!】


Ju Shuoye was lying on his back, a mouthful of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

He turned around with difficulty, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Lin Feng with horror.

This guy was a complete monster!!!

I'm afraid I'm going to die here today!

In the distance,

Sima Nicole and Mie finally came back to their senses from the shock.

They looked at Ju Shuoye, who was lying there unable to move, and couldn't help but feel sad.

Thinking back to the time when Ju Shuoye told them about his beautiful vision of changing the world, who could have expected that this would turn against each other so quickly?

The huge reversal still left some pity for Ju Shuoye in their hearts, but there was no way.

Since they were determined to be enemies, it was useless to pity them.

All they could do was support Lin Feng, and

Ju Shuoye...


, there was a sound of footsteps on dead branches and leaves.

Beyond the diffuse smoke and dust, a strange yet familiar figure walked into everyone's sight.

"That is..."

Simoniko narrowed her eyes, then suddenly widened them and exclaimed:

"Sakurai Yuto?! The mysterious man?!! How could he be here?!!"

Lin Feng's eyes also fell on him.

He was not surprised by his appearance.

After all, Sakurai Yuto had been observing the surroundings for more than a while.

Ju Shuo also saw his appearance.

The despair that had been weighing on his heart suddenly had a glimmer of hope. He forced a smile.

"You came at the right time...."

Sakurai Yuto looked at his miserable state and said in a heavy tone:

"I was there, but I didn't make a move."

Ju Shuo was silent for a moment.

"Are you also shaken?"

Sakurai Yuto understood what he was talking about.

It was Lin Feng's revelation of Zein's true intention.

But he and Tachibana Saku also knew all this.

"I know that Zein controls all materials, and if he wants to know the evil in the hearts of human beings, he must destroy all human beings...."

Sakurai Yuto fixed his gaze on Lin Feng who was not far away.

"DarKDecade has never appeared in my memory. He is not the Kamen Rider in my timeline, so I want to see what his power is...."If it's not Zein, I'm afraid it can't be defeated."

Lin Feng smiled and didn't respond.

If it's not Zein, it can be defeated?

When you can really use the power of Zein, this sentence will be overturned again.

A mere artificial intelligence, what's there to be afraid of?

But Lin Feng didn't care about these, but

Simon Nicole did.

She came to Lin Feng anxiously and asked Sakurai Yuto:

"Sakurai Yuto, you used to fight as Kamen Rider Zeronos, right? Shouldn't you protect humans? Why did you help Zein destroy humans?!"

Sakurai Yuto looked at her, his eyes full of sorrow and vicissitudes,

"Yes, I am indeed that kind of person, but after Zein sorted out all the timelines, he found that in all the timelines where I existed, there was no future where I could protect the people I love, which means...All my future has turned into hell. And all this is because humans will lose control in the near future. I came back from that hell just to stop humans from losing control."

"So, I have to do this."

Lin Feng casually stuck the Reawakening Sword into the ground and sat on a bench beside him with a bored look.

"Another person who blindly follows artificial intelligence...I will not comment on anything else, but there is only one thing, you have all fought all the way as Kamen Riders, right? Now, you regard the great knight power that once protected mankind as a tool to destroy mankind. You have long gone against the original intention of your own fighting. It can even be said that you are no longer worthy of the title of Kamen Rider."

After the voice fell, the park fell into a long silence.

Everyone was silent.

Lin Feng's words kept echoing in their ears, but the road they had already embarked on could no longer be turned back.

Sakurai Yuto helped Tachibana Saku up from the ground. The two of them locked their eyes with Lin Feng and said word by word:

"Time will prove everything. Who is right and who is wrong will be proved in the future....I lost today, but Zein didn't. When Zein wakes up, he will come to you in person to find out everything!"

After saying that, in the sky behind the two of them,

Zeronos's tram came rushing over.

The tram took them both into the carriage, and then the engine roared through time and space and disappeared into the park.

A great battle finally came to an end.

The many reversals made people exhausted, especially Mie. At this moment, he had begun to feel a little confused.

Just as Lin Feng said before, he had been fooled by Yak once before, and now he was fooled by Zein again.

If Lin Feng hadn't revealed everything, he would have become an accomplice in destroying mankind again.

Thinking of this, Mie, who was filled with guilt, staggered to his feet and came forward, bowing deeply to Lin Feng.

"Thank you Mr. Lin Feng today. I apologize for any offense.......Goodbye."

Simani saw it was leaving and wanted to ask it where it was going, but she felt it was inappropriate and could only watch it leave helplessly.

"Mr. Lin Feng, what should we do?"

With no idea what to do next,

Simoniko asked worriedly, but Lin Feng gave her a ruthless answer:

"What does it have to do with me?"

Seeing Lin Feng walking away after he finished his transformation,

Simoniko hurriedly followed him.

""Stop! Mr. Lin Feng!"

She stood in front of Lin Feng and said with a wronged look:

"I really had no idea about what happened today. If I had known that his purpose was to attack you, I would definitely not have called you! I was really deceived! Please don't get angry, okay!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As she spoke, Simonicole kept waving her hands like a lucky cat, and her aggrieved expression made it easy for people to be shaken.

But unfortunately, she misunderstood.

Lin Feng flicked her forehead, then walked around her and continued to move forward.

Simonicole covered her forehead in a daze, pouting as she continued to follow.[]

"What I said has nothing to do with me. It's not about you.���, but what is in my heart. Tachibana Sakuya and Sakurai Yuto, and even Zein's destruction of humanity, have nothing to do with me. However,"It has nothing to do with me" does not mean that I will not take action."

Lin Feng glanced at Simon Nicole and smiled,

"I won't spend time trying to stop Tachibana Sakuya and the others' plans. I'm only responsible for destroying them. I don't want to get involved in those intrigues, which is why I rejected you when we first met."

Siman Nicole still felt that it was not appropriate.

"But no matter what, to fight against Zein we must have a leader, a spiritual leader is also a leader, if you take the position, maybe we can win over many allies together!"

Lin Feng glanced at her, a little speechless,

"Are you using me as a gimmick? You really have an idea."

Simaniko laughed shyly.

"hey-hey...You are very famous now. It is said that Consortium X has started to contact you, which means you are very popular. If you can become the leader, our team will definitely grow quickly!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath, waved his hand after a long time, and said:

"It's up to you, spiritual leader or something, as long as it doesn't interfere with my life, I don't care. But I still want to remind you, don't think too much, there are people who do things like saving the world, if you lose your life because of this too great ideal, then it's really not worth it."

"Life is only a few decades long, and the most important thing is to live the life you want."

After hearing this, Simoniko pondered for a long time and finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I'll listen to you and put these things aside for now. Where are you going next? Going back?"

Lin Feng nodded,

"Go to the Taiqin Museum, my students are all there."

Siman Nicole smiled when she heard this and quickly invited:

"Let's go, I'll take you back, we're on the way."

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

"Aren't you going back to Furasu? Aren't we on the same route?"

Simoniko pointed to the tall buildings in the south of the park and said:

"I have to go there first, to the branch of Huanmeng Group that I opened in Kyoto. Recently, I heard that a talent has emerged in the branch. This time, I came to send Zein actuator to Senior Tachibana, and on the other hand, to bring that talent back to the headquarters in Furasu and give him a promotion."

Lin Feng's eyes widened, his expression surprised,

"As expected of a wealthy woman who made over 100 million yuan a year by being a professional gamer in high school, now she has a branch company?"

Simoniko smiled a little embarrassedly. She was a little shy when Lin Feng suddenly performed.


She suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"How do you know that I earned over 100 million yuan a year when I was in high school?"

As for the identity of a professional gamer, everyone would know it if they just checked the shareholders of Dream Group online, but few people know that I earned over 100 million yuan a year when I was in high school.

She didn't know Lin Feng before.

Lin Feng realized that he had let the cat out of the bag, so he said casually:

"Just think that I have been paying attention to you for a long time. Where is your company's special car? Let's go."

In the previous life, I chased Kamen Rider EA, so I watched her grow up, right?

This should be true.

It is true, but when it fell into Simon Nicole's ears, she had some wild thoughts, thinking that Lin Feng had been paying attention to her secretly.

This huge information made Simon Nicole shy, covering her hot face and escaping into the van.

"Mr. Lin Feng, you are too direct.~~~I'm so shy.~~~"

When Lin Feng heard this disgusting voice, he felt terrible.

What is this girl talking about?

Why can't I understand? ? ?

The episode passed, and the two of them took a van parked outside the park and went all the way to the Huanmeng branch.

Simone took Lin Feng inside to sit for a while.

Because the blush on her face had not faded, and she didn't dare to look directly into Lin Feng's eyes, the employees of the entire company thought that their boss's wife was going to have a man.

Even when Lin Feng was sitting in the tea restaurant drinking tea, there would be a group of gossiping employees whispering.

Lin Feng could never have imagined that a casual remark of his would make the situation so strange.

Until, not long after,

Simone came down from the stairs with two people.

She came closer and introduced the two people beside her:

"This is Mr. Lin Feng, also my..."

The man standing next to her interrupted with a smile:

"On the way here, I heard that this is your boyfriend, right? Hello, my name is Tianjin Gai"

"Oh~ I said he's not my boyfriend~"

Simoniko's face turned red again because of Tianjin Gai's outrageous words. She covered her face and rushed out.

Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and he had no idea how this rumor came about....

But then again,

Lin Feng is very familiar with the person in front of him.

Tianjin Gai, nicknamed Lao Qian and the Dad Maker, his catchphrase is the classic one, Senpa Sentou!

The famous scene of the dad-making in the original 01 is unforgettable.

He appeared again in Kamen Rider Outsider, and also updated a new form.

Lin Feng didn't expect that he would meet him in this form.

In this case, if Lao Qian didn't betray, he was afraid that he would have no chance to fight this Senpa Sentou.


Lin Feng reached out and shook Lao Qian's hand. The two of them briefly met, and

Lao Qian then introduced the woman next to him.

To be precise, it should be the woman Xiu Magia, who is also Lao Qian's secretary.

After a few simple chats, they got on the van together.

Simoniko planned to take Lao Qian back to the headquarters to take up a senior position, and Lin Feng got off the car halfway.

Although he didn't know how the rumors about him and Simoniko started,

Lin Feng still enthusiastically explained to her,

"If you have any problems that cannot be solved, you can come back to me."

However, unexpectedly, this sentence was misunderstood by Simon Nicole again. She was so shy that her whole head was steaming and she almost fainted on the spot.

Lin Feng was helpless. This is what happens when you are too charming.

Let's see what deck you get after completing the task.

"System, collect task rewards"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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