Outside the Taiqin Cinema Village, Lin Feng walked slowly along the deserted path towards the lounge.

"System, collect task rewards"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Zero-One series card set! 】!!!

Lin Feng paused, and impatiently took out a set of cards, which were the various forms of driving cards and attack driving cards of Kamen Rider 01, the founder of the famous Reiwa Kick!

As the elder brother of Reiwa, although Master U-Mei has many Hades scenes, and the overall plot is listed as one of the four Hades of the Knights, this Master is too good at fighting, and the combat power of various forms is enough to make people feel amazing!

There are the most handsome metal cluster locusts, 02 that can predict the future, and the hell locusts that can shake the space-time structure just by the aftermath of the transformation!

Just by looking at it in his hand, Lin Feng has the idea of taking out each form and using it! After putting the cards away,

Lin Feng, who was in a very good mood, walked along the stairs, and his steps were much lighter.

At the same time, in the lounge, after dozens of minutes of communication,

Jiutang Rinyin and Ji Yesheng gradually talked more deeply.

Maybe it was because the topic was about Lin Feng.

But it was better than sitting together, awkwardly looking at each other.

At this moment,

Jiutang Linyin suddenly received a call.

When she saw that the contact's name was Minato-sensei, she immediately realized that something was wrong.

"I have something to do, I have to go out for a while, sorry."

Ji Yesheng smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay, we'll continue our conversation when you come back."

Jiutang Linyin walked out of the lounge, thought for a while, and walked a little further away. After making sure that an ordinary person like Ji Yesheng would not hear the conversation, he answered the phone.

"Teacher? What happened?"

【"Kyudou! Cloto has come to Kyoto!"

As soon as Minato's voice sounded,

Kyudou Rin's expression immediately became solemn.

"What's going on now? I heard some fighting going on over there!"

【The Malgan created by Cloto is fighting with Baotaro. Your two seniors and I are stopping Cloto! I'm talking to you because I want you to be more alert. There may be other Malgans that haven't appeared yet. I can't help you now!

Before Lin Feng left, he told Minato to protect Jiutang Rinone, but now he is too busy to do it, so he can only remind Jiutang like this.

"OK, I understand.

Jiutang Linyin nodded solemnly.

"If you need help, tell me. If Brother Lin Feng comes back, I will tell him everything."

【"Okay! Then be careful!"

After hurriedly explaining,

Minato immediately hung up the phone.

Jiudou Rinyin also ended the call, but she found that her phone screen suddenly went black.

"What's going on? Is the system stuck?"

Jiutang Rinyin was confused for a while, and suddenly, the black screen lit up, and a dark red liquid ball that seemed to have life appeared on her mobile phone screen.

Just as Jiutang Rinyin was curious about what this was, a line of subtitles slowly appeared,

【Jiutang Linyin, my name is Yake, do you know where your brother is now?】


Jiutang Linyin frowned.

Was this a prank text message sent to her?

"What's going on? Looks like I need to change my phone."

Jiutang Rinyin didn't pay attention to that, turned off the screen, turned around and walked up the stairs, and returned to the lounge. The life that called itself Yak was still active in her phone.

This series of strange events made Jiutang Rinyin feel a little ominous.

She frowned and returned to the lounge, but saw the middle door open in the corridor.

"Miss Jiye?!"

Back in the lounge, it was empty.

Jiye Sheng seemed to have changed his clothes and left again?

But where would he go at this critical moment?

At the same time, outside the Taiqin Cinema Village,

Jiye Sheng was anxious and hurried, looking at the message on the phone screen, his expression showing some expectation and happiness,

"I didn't expect my brother to be released from prison so soon....Wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

Coincidentally, just as she left,

Lin Feng appeared, and the two of them just passed by each other by coincidence.

On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Minato, Ginkgo Renka, and Tsuruhara Senmaru were still holding back Cloto together.

On the grass not far away,

Ichinose Takaradarou, who had transformed into the basic form of Kamen Rider Gotchard, was fighting with Jungle Margan!

"Ah!!! These branches grow back after being cut off, it’s so annoying."

During the battle, Jungle Malgan used his long-range advantage to interfere with Baotaro’s movements, making many of his close-range attacks ineffective.

Even when he just released the Knight Kick, it was directly blocked!

"Do you know how powerful I am?! This move will tear you apart!"

Jungle Margan waved his arms and threw out a large number of green moon blades to cut Ichinose Tatarō! Just as

Tatarō was thinking about how to resist, the vehicle-type level 7 Gold Charge rushed out and smashed all the moon blades!

""Golden Charge, why are you here?"

Baotaro asked, and the next second, Golden Charge turned back into an alchemical card.

At the same time, the level 3 mechanical crab in Baotaro's card box also flew out!

Only then did Baotaro realize that these two were the best match!

"So you want me to use you?! Come on!"

Ichinose Takarō grabbed them with great interest and inserted them directly into the driver.


【Mechanichani! Golddash Gotchanko! GoldMechanichor! 】

As the two Komi were refined by alchemy, they turned into a thick and strong set of golden armor, which was embedded on Ichinose Tatarō!

Seeing Tatarō change his form again,

Jungle Margan became a little impatient:

""What are you doing, kid? You keep changing, what are you doing?"

As he spoke, a large number of branches swarmed out, trying to repeat the same trick and continue to restrict Baotaro's movements!

But this time it was different.

In this form, Baotaro's whole body was surging with electricity, and the crab claws on his shoulders were extremely flexible, easily blowing all the countless branches to pieces!

"It's my turn to fight back now!"

Baotaro pushed the driver and changed into wild form again, becoming a fusion of a motorcycle and a crab. He moved flexibly around Jungle Margan and used his powerful pincers to cut off all the branches on his body!

Finally, he clamped Jungle Margan's body firmly with two pincers, and then Baotaro directly pulled the driver, changing from wild form back to human form, and performed a knight kick that was sure to hit!

【GoldMechanichor! Fever! 】

The exciting mechanical sound effects rang out, and

Ichinose Tatarō's kick wrapped in lightning caused the Jungle Margan to explode on the spot, creating a huge dent in the grass. Smoke and dust surged, and the aftermath spread, causing Clotho in the distance to stop moving!

""What a waste!"

Cloto snorted coldly, and then stopped entangled with Minato and others. She put on the veil, used alchemy to escape into the darkness, and left the scene.

The purpose of her appearance this time was to take advantage of Lin Feng's absence to see if there was a chance to take down Baotaro's driver, but she didn't expect that the Malgan she made was so vulnerable.

In this case, she could only retreat temporarily, otherwise when Lin Feng came back, she might not be able to get away.

Seeing this scene, (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Minato and others also breathed a sigh of relief, and Ichinose Baotaro lifted his transformation and rushed over,

"Teacher, seniors, are you all okay? Where's Cloto?"

Minato used alchemy to erase the memory of the criminal who used Kemi to become Malgan, and then said solemnly:

"We are all fine, but the problem is not completely solved...I got the news not long ago that in the police car hijacked by Cloto, besides the one lying on the ground, there was another criminal whose whereabouts are unknown."[]

Ichinose Takarō's expression tensed.

"Wouldn't he have turned into Margan too?"

Becoming Margan wasn't the most troublesome thing.

The most troublesome thing was not knowing where that person had gone.

"It is very likely, and I currently only know the criminal's name is Himeno Ken."

Minato opened the tablet, and a notice from the Kyoto Police Department appeared on it.

Looking at this notice,

Baotaro fell into deep thought.

"Ji Ye Jian? Why does it sound so familiar?..."

Just when everyone was silent, not knowing what to do next, they heard Jiutang Linyin's voice coming from afar.

"Everyone! Something happened!"

Minato frowned slightly.

"Aren't you accompanying the injured girl? Why are you here?"

Jiutang Linyin took a breath and said quickly:

"She's gone! It seems like she went out while I was away!"

Ichinose Takarō consoled him:

"It shouldn't be a big problem, right? Maybe he's just hungry, so he goes out to eat something?"

Jiutang Linyin shook his head repeatedly.

"No! Have you watched the news? The escaped prisoner, Ji Ye Jian, is the brother of the girl I protected!"

After this, everyone finally realized the danger.

If her brother is really Malgan, and Ji Ye Sheng left to find her brother, then

Ji Ye Sheng must be unsafe!

"Time seems to be running out. Let's go and search along the route where the police car was stopped. It must be nearby! If you find Malgan, notify each other immediately. Don't act rashly. Put your own safety first!"

""Okay, teacher!"

After the plan was made, everyone immediately split up and acted separately.

At this time,

Kajiki, who came from the Uzumasa Film Village after realizing it late, looked at the people running away with a confused face, and a few question marks slowly appeared in his head.

"Forget it, let's look for my UFO, UFO! Come out! UFO!"

Jiutang Rinyin chose the direction to look for it near Taiqin Film Village.

She felt that Ji Yesheng would not go too far.

At the same time, she was also worried that if she went too far,

Lin Feng would not be able to find her when he came back from outside.

Sometimes you have to say that you have a telepathic connection.

Jiutang Rinyin just thought of Lin Feng, and the next second, Lin Feng called.

At the moment she was about to answer the call,

Yak, who was hiding in the phone, quickly found Lin Feng's location through radio waves.

""Brother! Are you back?"

Jiutang Linyin asked anxiously:

"Are you OK?"

【I'm fine, but where did you go? Didn't I tell Ji Yesheng to rest in the lounge?】

"Yes, but I went out to answer a phone call. It was Minato-sensei who called and told me the news of Margan’s appearance. I was afraid that Miss Himeno-sensei would hear it, so I walked away. I didn’t expect that she was gone when I came back.

Jiutang Rinyin looked full of self-blame:

"Judging from the current situation, she may have gone to find her brother Ji Ye Jian, but her brother is a prisoner who escaped from the police. Miss Ji Ye Sheng is likely to be in danger....Brother, I'm sorry!"

In the lounge,

Lin Feng silently knocked on the handle of the sofa next to him.

"OK, I know what happened. You don't need to apologize or be nervous. I should know where she is. I will contact you with her location after I find her."

【Okay, brother, then be careful, her brother might be Malgan】

"I understand. Let me put it this way for now."

After hanging up the phone,

Lin Feng realized that the plot should be moving on to the next part, which is the part where the brother and sister show filial piety to each other, which is also a small highlight of Gotchard in the early stage and a small God-like episode of the plot.

However, in view of the several times he had met Ji Yesheng before,

Lin Feng felt it necessary to save her.

He couldn't let her beastly brother affect Ji Yesheng himself.

Thinking of this,

Lin Feng snapped his fingers, and the dimensional wall appeared in front of him, and at the other end was a factory building.

In his memory, that was where the brother and sister confronted each other.

However, what Lin Feng never expected was that as soon as he stepped into the dimensional wall, a familiar voice came from his mobile phone the next second.

【Kamen Rider DarkDecade, I finally found you.】

Lin Feng paused, took out his phone with a surprised look, and then saw a ball of dark red liquid floating on the screen that should have been black.

That was the life form of Yak after he became a concept god.

But why did it appear in his phone?

【Your name is Lin Feng, right? Don't be surprised by my existence, let's talk about something. 】

Lin Feng sneered twice, then turned off the screen directly and ignored Yak. (Nono's)

What he has to do now is to deal with Ji Yesheng's affairs.

Yak, although he doesn't know how this guy was found, his existence is not that important at the moment.

Not long after Lin Feng walked into the factory, he saw two familiar people from a distance.

One of them was Ji Yesheng.

At this time, she seemed to have some back pain. She leaned against the pillar and stood up with the help of the pillar.

Not far away, the man with a gray hood and a gloomy atmosphere was Ji Yejian, her brother.

Ji Yesheng said with a smile on his face:

"I have always believed that you are innocent. After all, how could such a gentle brother set a fire? So I pray every day, hoping that you can be released from prison as soon as possible. By the way, brother, I have something to tell you...."

Ji Yesheng suddenly became a little shy.

"I seem...There is someone I like."

However, the next second,

Ji Yejian's voice came out coldly:

"I did it."

Ji Yesheng's smile suddenly stopped.

She looked at her brother who was walking out slowly with a stiff expression, her eyes full of doubts, but Ji Yejian's voice was so firm.

"I was the one who started the fire back then."

Ji Yejian walked to the opposite side of Ji Yesheng while playing with the lighter in his hand.

"When I was young, people around me always said that I was amazing for protecting my sister all by myself, so...I have to play the role of your good brother all the time, and the pressure is really great, but..."

Ji Yejian picked up the lighter, lit the flame, pointed it at Ji Yesheng, and showed a distorted expression on his face.

"When I saw the burning flames, my restless mood immediately relaxed. So the will-o'-the-wisp fire we saw when we were young might have been set by me casually, right? But it's a pity that I didn't burn you to death back then."

These shocking words completely panicked Ji Yesheng.

His original respect for his brother gradually turned into anger and hatred.

"how come...so..."......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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