"how come...Why is it so?"

Jiye Sheng shook his head in a trance.

If Jiye Jian said that he was joking,

Jiye Sheng would definitely believe it immediately.

However, her brother slowly took out a Kemi card, which was a level 1 lightning battery of the Creation Attribute, which was the one that Cloto gave him!

This scene was also captured by Cloto who was hiding in the dark.

"What a good malicious intent! Brother and sister killing each other, an interesting scene! Let me see it!"

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!!!

Orange-yellow electric current emerged from the thunder battery Kmika.

It frantically tried to break free from Jiye Jian's hand, but in the next second, it was directly swallowed up by the malicious intent gushing out of Jiye Jian's body!

The two quickly merged and turned into the battery Malgan!

""Burn up, sister, burn up!!!"

Jiye Jian released a large amount of electric current frantically, which ignited the combustibles around him and quickly formed a circle of fire that surrounded Jiye Sheng!

He did not take into account Jiye Sheng's subconscious fear of fire, but���Because of my sister's frightened expression,

I gradually became excited.

"Hahaha...Hahahaha! Burn it, burn it! Let me see your beautiful burning scene!"

Outside the factory door,

Lin Feng saw the tragedy that had happened, sighed helplessly, and took out DarkDecade directly from the system space and hung it around his waist.

"This was born...I really want to beat you so hard that even your own mother won't recognize you."

As he said this, Lin Feng picked up the driving card and was about to transform, but an unexpected scene appeared again.

Suddenly, Yak's voice rang out.

【I haven't seen such strong malice for a long time. Lin Feng, let me help you. 】

The next second,

Lin Feng clearly saw that

Ji Yesheng, who had collapsed in the fire circle because of fear, slowly stood up, and around her waist, a dark red liquid substance emerged out of thin air, and the black, red and white Ark-One driver was firmly tied to her waist!

At the same time, Ji Yesheng's eyes lit up with scarlet fierce light, and her whole temperament suddenly changed.

Obviously, Ark was attached to Ji Yesheng!

"Himeno Sword..."

Ji Yesheng murmured, his voice mixed with Yake's rough voice.

"Unforgivable bastard, I have believed in you all these years....You are the one who should disappear!!!"

Ji Yesheng screamed madly and pressed the button of the driver hard, and the whole person was swallowed up bit by bit by the dark and rich malice!


【Singurise! Destruction! Destruction! Despair! Destruction! 210ConclusionOne.】

As the mechanical sound sounded, countless dark red fonts symbolizing hatred and destruction began to gushed out around Jiye Sheng like a fountain. The suffocating dark power surged like a wave. Together with the words, they kept entangled with Jiye Sheng, like a chain dragging her into the abyss. Behind her, the phantom symbolizing the Ark satellite emerged, wrapped in waves of blood-red arcs, and completely merged with Jiye Sheng's body. The white, black and red armor suddenly formed!

Kamen Rider Ark-One, descended here!

""Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Bang bang bang!!!

Amid Ji Yesheng's eardrum-piercing screams, blood-red shock waves, like Shinra Tensei, continued to explode far and wide. The energy fluctuations that represented countless malice instantly suppressed the malice in Battery Malgan.

Even Cloto, who was watching from a distance, was shocked by this power.

His heart was pounding, and his hands and feet were like lead, unable to move!

Everything in the entire factory was blown away, and all the blockers were smashed to pieces!

In the blink of an eye, the ceiling was overturned, and the area of hundreds of meters was directly cleared. Countless cracks spread on the ground under his feet!

"What is going on?!! Such substantial malice erupted from this girl?!"

Kroto's heart was already in turmoil, and even his breathing was slightly stagnant!

In the distance,

Minato and others who were still looking for Ji Yesheng saw the shocking movement and the surging malice in the factory from afar.

They were uneasy and rushed over here quickly!

They thought it was the terrible Malgan, but they didn't know that

Malgan was almost scared to death just now

"Kill, kill, kill you!!!"

Ark-One, under the control of Jiye Sheng's instinct, walked towards her brother step by step.

Jiye Jian, the pervert who wanted to see his sister burn the previous second, was leaning against the wall this second, and the whole person was trembling!

Even the consciousness that was swallowed by malice was much clearer at this moment! But it was too late.

Jiye Sheng's anger was far beyond his imagination.

In just a moment,

Ark-One came to Battery Malgan like the god of death, raised his right fist, and swung it straight down!


A punch hit Battery Malgan's chest, and the wall behind him shook!


With the second punch,

Battery Malgan struggled to release the current to resist, but to no avail, and his whole body was directly embedded in the wall!

Bang!!! (agfe) With the third punch, the wall exploded, and Battery Malgan shot out backwards, flew backwards to the ground in a burst of explosions and fireworks, and after rolling on the ground for several weeks, he returned to his original appearance in a mess.

Da Da Da...

Ji Yejian struggled in fear.

He knelt on the ground and begged for mercy from Ark-One.

""Sheng, Xiaosheng, sister! I'm sorry, it was my brother's fault just now, let me go, let me go!!!"


The shrill fist, without any hesitation, went straight to Ji Yejian's tearful face.

Just the wind of the fist, his face was squeezed and deformed.

If the fist hit, the head would turn into a ball of paste.

However, the fist did not fall.

Lin Feng blocked in front of Ji Yejian and grabbed the fist with one hand.

Of course, he didn't transform now, why could he block it?

Because Ji Yesheng stopped at that moment.

"Forest...Mr. Feng...Step aside..."

Ji Yesheng's voice trembled as he spoke word by word, but Lin Feng did not respond. Instead, he looked at Ark-One's scarlet eyes and said coldly:

"Yak, get off her."

However, Ji Yesheng continued to roar madly.

"Mr. Lin Feng!!! Please get out of the way!!! Let me kill him, kill him!!!"

Lin Feng silently loosened his fist, then stepped aside, exposing the Jiye Sword to Jiye Sheng again.

"Well, if this is what you really think, then I won't stop you."


The fist fell again, but stopped again.

This time it was Jiye Sheng herself who stopped in front of Jiye Jian.

Her body was shaking, as if she was crying.

"Why, why did you stop me?! Why don't you let me kill him?!!"

Obviously, when the anger surged to her brain, she was interrupted by Lin Feng's appearance.

When Ji Yesheng wanted to kill Ji Yejian again, she woke up and could no longer do it.

"If you kill the first person, there will be no turning back."

Lin Feng kicked Ji Yejian aside casually, looking at the man who had turned into garbage from birth with contempt.

"If you kill someone, you will become the second her. Is that the result you want? Ji Yesheng."

When her name came out of Lin Feng's mouth,

Ji Yesheng was struck by lightning and froze in place. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She didn't expect that Lin Feng knew that the monster was her, and she didn't expect that Lin Feng knew her name.


Lin Feng not only knew it, but also saw her crazy behavior just now, and even wanted to kill her brother.[]

Panic, self-blame, guilt...

The complicated emotions made Ji Yesheng's spirit gradually unable to bear the side effects brought by Yake's possession, and the whole person collapsed on the ground

"But what is the trust I have had for so many years? My brother has wanted to kill me since he was a child and wanted to watch me burn in the fire. What is my life worth?"

Lin Feng stood in front of her and placed the"Special Edition of the Extraordinary Planet Kyoto Alien World" in front of her.

"I saw the article you posted there. So, are you going to deny even this, the thing that once made your life full of joy?"

He slowly opened the page and read the words aloud softly.

【If my contribution can be published in the magazine, then I will believe for the rest of my life that incredible things are real.】

"Ji Yesheng, this is your life."

As Lin Feng's voice slowly fell, the dark clouds that covered the sky disappeared, and the warm sunlight fell on her body.

Ji Yesheng stretched out her hand tremblingly, and the moment she touched the magazine, her transformation state was directly lifted and she returned to her original appearance. At the same time, the Yak attached to her body also broke away.

Ji Yesheng held the magazine tightly in her hand, and then raised her head to look at Lin Feng with a crying voice, her voice full of pain,

"Yes, sorry....Mr. Lin Feng, let you see me like this..."

As soon as the words fell,

Ji Yesheng fainted because her mental and physical strength had reached the limit.

Lin Feng held her in his arms, wiped away the tears from her eyes, and carried her to a safe place in the corner of the wall and put her down.

"Is it painful? Then have a good sleep, it will be fine after a good sleep."

After saying that, the expression on Lin Feng's face suddenly changed.

He turned his head to look at Ji Yejian who was kicked away by him.

Ji Yejian, who should have been unconscious, actually got up from the ground in a strange way.


Yak's belt went to his waist, so Yak also attached to him.

Ji Yejian raised his head, revealing his iconic scarlet light, then tilted his head to look at Lin Feng, and said in a cold and low voice:

"Why are you trying to stop me? According to your human theory, shouldn't this man die?"

Lin Feng looked gloomy, with anger gathering on his face.

"Damn it, but is this the reason why you possessed her and guided her inner evil to materialize?"

Yake laughed.

"I'm helping her. What you're doing is just letting the hatred in her heart continue to accumulate."

Lin Feng heard this, his eyes were gloomy, he hung the DarkDecade driver on his waist, pulled out the driver card violently and threw it into the driver, and pushed it down with one hand!

He has now reached a state of rage, not to say that he is sympathetic to women, but that Yak's attitude of playing with people's hearts makes him very unhappy!

Indeed, if Ji Yesheng had not had malice in her heart,

Yak would not have possessed her and turned into Ark-One, but there is one thing, in this world, all human beings have malice in their hearts, no matter what it is about, about whom, as long as it is a person, a living person, there will be malice.

However, this malice can be resolved and hidden, these are all ways to save mankind, but the method of releasing malice that Yak adheres to is not the right way to save mankind.

That will only turn a human into a revenge machine, and then there will be no turning back.

Therefore, Lin Feng cannot accept Yak's approach

, so he must let it understand that the people around him are not the tools of the Great Master that he can easily possess and turn into monsters.

【KamenRide! DarKDecade!

After the transformation,

Lin Feng suddenly felt that fighting with Yak in the basic form was not satisfying, so he thought about it, opened the card box, took out another driving card, and inserted it into the driver!

"Didn't you want to talk to me before? If you can avoid being beaten up like this today, I will chat with you!"

【Kamen Ride! Hell Rising Hopper!

When the low mechanical sound sounded,

Yak felt a familiar and frightening power.

He felt incredible. How could this once-short-lived form appear in Lin Feng's hands?!

What is the origin of this person?! Lin Feng's driver seemed to explode inside. Countless terrifying electric currents, mixed with scarlet blood, surged in all directions. This black and red energy fluctuation that seemed to be able to destroy the world invaded and collided with the surrounding space-time structure. For a moment, the whole world trembled. The pressure that was even more terrifying than when Yak transformed, burst out like a tide with Lin Feng as the center!

【Progrise! Hells energy as destroy the world HELL Rising HOPPER! HEAVENor HELL it doesn't matter.】


A loud noise rose into the sky.

From a distance, it could be seen that a dark red locust that seemed to have crawled out of hell, carrying the breath of destruction and pressure, kept jumping around Lin Feng! The earth was smashed into big holes, and the people of Kyoto even felt a big tremor! Kroto, who was shocked by Ark-One at the beginning, opened his mouth wide, stunned, and stood still!

"What kind of power is that?!"

The huge hell locust, like a ball of pure energy, drilled directly into Lin Feng's body, and then, a set of black and red armor slowly emerged and was embedded in various parts of the body.

Surrounded by waves of devastating shock waves,

Kamen Rider 01, the hell high-jump locust form, descended!

"Is this the power of the Hell Locust?..."

Lin Feng's fists clenched slowly.

He clearly felt a force that was enough to destroy reality and time and space, gushing out from his body continuously!

It was indeed the strongest form of 01. In terms of setting, it was a BUG form that 02 could not compare to.

However, due to the side effects of the original exclusive secret key, the Great Master could not use it all the time.

Now, the driving card used by Lin Feng, after systematic improvements, could allow that violent force to be used completely by Lin Feng!

Therefore, it could also exert the most complete strength!

This heart-pounding and trembling force also almost made Cloto in the distance kneel down! This aura was no less than that of

Gryon, the boss of the three sisters of Hades! At the same time, Minato and others who finally arrived at the scene were directly suppressed by the pressure and looked at Lin Feng's back with horror. It was not until they saw the belt around his waist, which was a familiar style, that they finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"Senior's new power is so terrifying! It feels more terrifying than the Malgans I've seen before!"

If Ichinose Baotaro had to face Lin Feng at this time, he would not only turn around in fear, but at least he would have no confidence at all!

Because Baotaro had heard the wailing of the Kamika in his hand, and they didn't want to stand on the opposite side of such a person!

"Yes! This power...Very strong!"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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