【Ding! Yak's strong hostility is detected, and the mission is automatically triggered!】

【Mission objective: Defeat Kamen Rider Ark-One!】

【Mission Reward: Random Kamen Rider Pilot Deck x1! 】 After glancing at the mission panel in his field of vision,

Lin Feng finally woke up from his intoxication with power.

He raised his head, and his pupils lit up with a scarlet and terrifying light.

That was a look that was even more chilling than Ark-One's eyes!

Ark, who had been beaten up before, was not a human being and did not have the seven emotions and five senses of humans, but at this moment, it actually raised a sense of fear that it should not have!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every time Lin Feng took a step, the scarlet and sticky fluctuations spread across the land like maggots on the tarsal bones, as if to turn the entire world into hell.

The breath of destruction burst out from Lin Feng, shaking circles of dark air waves.

This is the real god of death, the god of death who rings the bell of hell!!!!

Lin Feng's steps suddenly stopped.

He mobilized all his strength and gathered it on the tip of his right fist. A dazzling dark red light condensed, and the vortex formed by the explosion seemed to tear the space apart.

As Lin Feng swung his fist in the air, he blasted out layers of scarlet air ripples in front of him, rolling and tumbling towards Ark-One!

Even though the two sides were separated by dozens of meters,

Yak still felt the horror of the fist wind that was enough to destroy everything!

Like countless locusts, flapping their wings, flying across the border, overturning everything they passed by, and all the bricks and rubble were caught in the storm!

In just a blink of an eye, the whistling fist wind came in front of Yak!


Boom boom boom boom——————

Like an air cannon exploding, the shocking fist wind enveloped Ark-One's entire body. The latter raised his arms and mobilized energy to form a dark red protective shield, but it only lasted for a moment!

The next second, Ark-One was blown away on the spot. In the earth-shaking shock wave, he was shot out with the rubble all over the sky, penetrating one wall after another, and piercing through the buildings on the entire street!

In the smoke and dust, Ark-One did not know how long he had been flying, and then he turned back in the air. His legs were inserted into the ground like iron pestles as a buffer, and he slid for a long time before barely stopping!

The sound that shook the entire street quickly attracted a large number of passers-by.

Some of them were angry, some were confused, and some were confused.

But when these people passed through the broken walls and saw Lin Feng standing at the end, they were all frightened by the tyrannical aura of the scarlet figure. They either turned around and ran, or their faces turned pale, or they collapsed directly to the ground, trembling all over!

Minato and the others looked at this scene and felt a headache.

Originally, when they were in the city, they had to erase the memory of passers-by.

But Lin Feng's big show had doubled their workload!

However, in the end, this was already a good thing.

Lin Feng was just scaring people and hadn't hurt anyone.

If he really turned into a demon with a twisted mind, that would be the worst case scenario.

"The power of the predecessors...So strong!

Although Ichinose Takarō was no longer surprised by the various BUG forms of his mysterious senior, every time he saw this kind of powerful scene, he still felt excited.

Would he have such a day?

Become a Kamen Rider as strong as his senior?


Just like his senior said before, he must keep working hard towards that goal.

He must become a strong Kamen Rider!

The strong resonance merged into his body without him realizing it.

Deep inside his body, a blue egg with arrow patterns on it was shaking slowly.

"DarKDecade...This power, is it really not enough to defeat it?..."

Ark-One struggled to get up from the ruins, looking at his instinctively trembling hands.

The punch just now had caused him to end up like this. If he continued to fight, Ark could not predict what would happen.

Once, when it possessed Is and became Kamen Rider Eden, it fought against the Hell High Leap Locust.

But at that time,

Is's transformed Kamen Rider Eden was a level stronger than the Kamen Rider Ark-One he was now.

Moreover, Fei Dian or Ren, who became the Hell Locust, was always facing the difficulty of running away.

Therefore, there was still some hope of winning that battle, but it was different now.

He had no advantage. His proud ability to predict and print props was useless in front of the Hell Locust's power to easily destroy everything.

If he wanted to minimize the loss, all he could do was run!

Thinking of this,

Ark did not hesitate at all.

His body left countless afterimages at an extremely fast speed, and he turned around and planned to run away!

However, its idea had already been seen through by Lin Feng, so at the moment it acted,

Lin Feng directly grasped Ark-One's figure through the air!

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

A shocking scene appeared.

As Lin Feng's momentum continued to rise, the endless death energy in his body burst out like a tsunami.

In an instant, one-tenth of Kyoto began to shake.

People clearly saw that this world was disillusioned, day and night were reversed, the earth turned and the sky spun, and finally, everything turned into debris and disappeared.

Everyone came to a closed space.

This is the ability of the Hell Locust, the Hell Sublimation Space.

Here, no creature can escape unless Lin Feng takes the initiative to release it.


Ark, who had just run out less than a hundred meters, was directly locked in the space, without any room to dodge.

When it reacted,

Lin Feng had already come behind it.

In this place without any light, the scarlet armor on Lin Feng's body burst into a heart-pounding light.

Monster, a pure monster, no one can deny this

"Yak, you have no chance to escape. Fight with me, maybe there is still hope."

Lin Feng's playful words were extremely harsh in Yak's ears.

It finally understood what humans meant by yin and yang.

But on the other hand,

Lin Feng's words were also correct.

Being trapped in this space, it really had no room to hide and could only fight!

Yak raised his right hand, and several small mechanical arms stretched out from the inside of its arm, firing lasers continuously in mid-air, printing out a weapon out of thin air, the program-sublimated locust sword!

ArK-One raised his hand and gripped the hilt tightly, scanning the central core in front of his drive!

【Finalrise! FinalStrash】

When the mechanical sound sounded,

Ark-One finally launched its first attack.

It pushed its speed to the limit, and rushed to Lin Feng with a series of afterimages.

The program-sublimated locust sword in its hand was raised high, and a large amount of metallic energy gathered to form a huge silver metal moon blade!

Looking at the attack that was rapidly magnified in front of his eyes,

Lin Feng pressed down his body, poured all his strength into his legs, and then suddenly burst out, like a propeller, giving Lin Feng a very high acceleration. At the same time, this shock wave also smashed the ground under his feet on the spot, turning it into a huge meteorite crater!

Lin Feng's figure with a scarlet glow was like a spider hunting its prey. It jumped a hundred meters away and directly met the silver moon blade falling from the sky!

In the dark space, everyone saw a long blood-red stream of light flashing, like a meteor full of destructive breath. In the blink of an eye, it came in front of Ark-One and broke its moon blade with two fists!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!

The endless crisp sound of metal collision spread throughout the world.

Lin Feng was like a berserker, punching out blood-red fist shadows with his fists. The silver moon blades continuously exploded with sparks, and scarlet air waves rippled and vibrated. The aftermath of the attack even raised gravel and dust all over the sky!

Seeing this scene, people seemed to have made up crazy sounds in their minds,

Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!! (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The speed of the fist was still increasing!

The blood-red fist shadow even began to counter-press the silver moon blade.

As the afterimages increased, it might increase by dozens of punches in one second!

Such pressure gradually made Yake feel unbearable, and he even gradually began to move sideways and retreat, and was defeated by Lin Feng's bombardment!

Until a certain moment, []


A sound like a bell rang out, and everyone saw that the fist shadows in the sky suddenly dissipated.

Lin Feng, who had fallen into madness, pulled his right fist back, and a blood-red vortex quickly formed. The fist shadows that had been blasted out in the sky before turned into pure energy and gathered over, becoming this strongest blast!



The extremely clear breaking sound echoed in everyone's ears.

The next second, they saw that the unstoppable blood-red fist wind smashed the silver moon blade into slag on the spot. The terrifying force it caused even directly crushed the locust sword held by Ark-One!

Ark was completely dumbfounded. How could the power produced by the same company be so different?!!

"It’s not over yet!"

Lin Feng laughed heartily.

At this moment, he was already immersed in the feeling of hitting his flesh with fists.

Such a hearty fight, of course, can’t stop here!

He just took out the final driving card from the card box, quickly inserted it into the driver, and pushed it violently!


【HellRiseCharge! HellRisingImpact! 】

When the mechanical sound effect burst out from the driver, a wave of air suddenly exploded around Lin Feng, and the strong malice visible to the naked eye was transformed into substantial terrifying destructive energy, which gathered from his limbs to his chest like a tide!

He followed the guidance of this energy, raised his fists, and instantly burst out with an extremely dazzling blood-red light, like the blood-red sun in this space, slowly rising into the sky, illuminating everyone!

If the real sun is warm, then this purple blood sun at this moment is bitingly cold!

This is the beauty of hell!

At this moment, the hell sublimation space constructed by Lin Feng also began to tremble, and the surging momentum on his body had an impact on the surrounding���The air was hit by a huge force, and the people who sensed it instinctively wanted to escape, away from this battle that could affect their lives, and away from the demon Lin Feng!

When they sensed something, they subconsciously turned their heads and looked at Lin Feng with fear, but found that his figure flickered, and the whole person had turned into a residual image and shot straight out.

When he reappeared, he had come in front of Ark-One and blasted the blow that condensed the power of destroying the world!


Buzz buzz buzz!!!

The deafening explosion sounded gradually with Ark-One as the center.

Everyone clearly saw that the ground behind Ark-One was pierced by Lin Feng's punch mixed with endless violent energy, and a bottomless crack was directly cracked, like a huge canyon, and the sand and dust that rose into the sky rushed straight into the sky like a tsunami!

Immediately afterwards, a continuously rotating semicircular shock wave began to spread from the position where Lin Feng and Yak were standing, with the attitude of crushing everything. The scarlet light waves were mixed with electric arcs, and in the blink of an eye, it covered and expanded to the entire space, and finally, crack!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the mission is completed! The reward has been distributed to the system space! Please check it in time! 】

After everyone's vision fell into a blank, the hell sublimation space was shattered, and people returned to reality again.

When they subconsciously looked in a certain direction, they found that the target place had become a huge circular pit ruins.

Several high-rise buildings exploded, and steel bars and cement mixed with stone bricks and rubble flew everywhere.

This made people who saw this scene wonder, has the Third World War begun?

America sent a little girl this time?

Minato and others who were near the explosion were all urging alchemy at this moment, forming four arrow-shaped energy walls in front of them.

The outermost layer was Ichinose Takaradarou who had transformed into a golden mechanic.

They formed five layers of walls and finally carried the aftermath of the explosion.

Even if this wasted all their strength, at least they were protected.

"Bao Taro, are you okay?"

Minato saw that Bao Taro was unable to hold on, so he immediately canceled his transformation and went forward to ask about his physical condition.

"I'm fine."

Ichinose Takarō swallowed his saliva and waved his hands in a state of shock.

At this moment, he was sweating profusely and his eyes were trembling.

The previous scene was firmly engraved in his mind and could not be dispelled for a long time.

Because it was too terrifying!

He stood in the front, so he took in all the power of Lin Feng's punch.

It was hard to imagine that it was a picture created by a human punch!

He had thought about catching up with his predecessors in this life, but now it seems that it is just a fantasy!

""Is the battle finally over?"

Jiutang Linyin murmured to himself. Upon hearing this, everyone hurriedly looked towards the center of the battlefield.

As the smoke became thinner, a figure on the ruins gradually appeared.

Who else could that scarlet figure be except DarkDecade?!

As for the other one,

Kamen Rider Ark-One, his figure had long disappeared, leaving only Himeno Ken lying on the ground with wounds all over his body.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart tightened instinctively.

Could that guy have been beaten to death?

Although he was a criminal, and a fugitive who beat up the police, if he was beaten to death here for no reason, it would be difficult for them, the alchemists, to report to the police.

However, it was also true that the shock wave just now was so difficult for them to resist. It was expected that Himeno Ken was just an ordinary person.

Minato had even begun to think about how to clean the police's memory so that they would not pursue the matter.

As a result, suddenly,

"This person is not dead"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

When they looked up, they saw DarkDecade casually throwing the Jiye Sword at them like garbage.

They hurried forward to catch it, and then looked at DarkDecade in confusion.

"He is not dead, but his mind has collapsed. He has just been possessed by a special life form called Yak. He paid a huge price to resist my attack. He should become an idiot or a psychopath."

In a corner of the Internet,

Yak's figure quietly emerged......


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