In a world with slightly dim colors, there are flasks floating in the sky one after another.

The flasks are mixed with various substances, which seem to be able to refine something magical.

At the top of the world, there is not just blue sky and white clouds, but a snake biting its tail.

Its appearance is just like the Ouroboros in mythology, weird and mysterious.

Suddenly, a space was torn apart.


Ichinose Takarō was ejected from the steam train station, and he and the locusts turned into streams of light, merging into the cards suspended in midair.

"It hurts! Where is this place?..."

Ichinose Takarō looked around at the strange environment in confusion, and then he discovered that the steam train that brought him here and the green locust that was inexplicably close to him had turned into two cards!

In addition, there were rows and rows of other cards in the air, and each of them was emitting mysterious fluctuations!

"Bravo...Everyone is so lifelike!"

Before Ichinose Takarō could touch the card, he heard other people's voices coming from behind:

"Can you feel Kemi's soul?"


Ichinose Takarō turned around abruptly, only to find that he didn't recognize the person in front of him:

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

Jiutang Fengya did not answer him, but continued to explain:

"The fact that you can come here proves that Locust 1 and Steam Train have recognized you."

"Recognize me?"

Ichinose Takarō's expression suddenly became abstract, although it can still be seen that he is happy.

"So that's what you mean. I understand it!"

Jiutang Fengya looked at the child in his memory and saw that he had grown up to this age.

He felt relieved and inexplicably guilty.

The girl in his family should be this old now, right?

He shook his head, ignored the sadness in his mind, and focused on the most important thing at the moment.

"Baotaro, then I'll entrust this driver to you."

Looking at the orange lunch box handed over by Jiutang Fuga, an inexplicable attraction made him take it:

"What is this used for?"

"This, is the hope for the future."

Hearing this,

Ichinose Takarō just felt that he had taken on a great responsibility.

The hope for the future, it sounds very important, right?

At the same time,

Lin Feng, who had crossed the dimensional wall from the real world to the Ouroboros world, also observed this scene from a distance.

This was a historic scene.

The new generation of Kamen Rider of Reiwa got his power!

But to Lin Feng's surprise, the system's task broadcast also sounded at this time!

【Ding! It is detected that Ichinose Tarotaro has obtained the Kamen Rider Ctochard Driver, and the system triggers an emergency mission!】

【Mission objective: Teach a lesson to the naturally evil alchemist, Ichinose Takarō!】

Mission Reward: Random Kamen Rider Series Driving Card!...Hahaha!

Lin Feng almost couldn't hold back the next second after seeing this task panel.

Is the system starting to make trouble?

Although Ichinose Takaruo is indeed known as the chief disciple of the Evil Sword Immortal and a sorcerer in the eyes of knight fans, he didn't expect the system to use this as an excuse to issue a task.

The point is, he is his nominal teacher!

Of course, no matter what, this task must be accepted.

After all, if you think about it carefully, it is reasonable for a teacher to teach his students, right?

Moreover, Lin Feng certainly would not miss the random knight card rewarded by the system, so he could only sacrifice Ichinose Takaruo a little!

However, just when Lin Feng was about to make a move, the three sisters of Minghei took the lead!

Ichinose Takaruo was still reminiscing about the past with Jiutang Fuga in the distance.

The next second, the voices of opposition from the three sisters of Minghei suddenly rang out:

"Finally found...Now all you have is despair!"

Turning his head, he saw the void twisted, and the three dark sisters with extremely strong rage came directly to kill him without saying a word!

""Bao Taro, get out of here!!! I'll stop you here!"


A violent explosion rose up.

In the smoke and dust, Kudou Fuga pushed Ichinose Bao Taro away and fought against the three sisters of the Dark Black alone with a sword in hand.

Although the situation was unfavorable, he had no choice but to do so.

"No, I can't leave you alone!"

"You need to protect that driver! If it falls into the hands of these people, the whole world will be in danger of destruction!"

As soon as the voice fell, the three sisters of Minghei immediately joined forces to release alchemy to burst out a strong energy impact!

Jiutang Fuga tried his best to resist, but now he is no match for the evil alchemy!

He can only try his best to explain everything to Ichinose Takarō!

"Boy! From today on, you are a Kamen Rider!"

Kyudou Fuga raised his right hand, and the red ring on his middle finger shone with dazzling light.

The next second, the orange lunch box in Ichinose Tarotaro's hand was automatically worn on his waist, tightly fitting together!

It was at that moment that a flash of inspiration came to Tarotaro's mind.

It was the image of a knight with his back to the light, and the driver was on his waist!

Kudou Fuga turned around, blocked all the damage with his body, and nodded heavily with a gratified smile on his face:

"The future is up to you, Takarō Ichinose"

""Hey! Uncle you!!!"

Before Baotaro could say anything, the explosion that filled his entire field of vision made him lose consciousness.

At the same time, the Kemi cards floating in the sky began to be unsealed one after another, and rushed out of the Ouroboros world with Baotaro!

When he came to his senses again,

Ichinose Baotaro was back to where he had just left.

"Ichinose! Where have you been? Where is that steam train?"

Jiudou Rinone, dressed in alchemist costume, ran over from a distance, only to find that Baotaro was standing there in a daze, staring at the orange lunch box in his hand as if he had lost his soul.

"I seem to be a Kamen Rider..."

Ichinose Takarō kept recalling the scene just now and confirmed his thoughts again:

"I was entrusted with something very important."

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

Before the two of them could figure out the current situation, they suddenly saw cracks in the sky, and golden streams flew out from them.

They were living magical creatures!

She knew the basic knowledge of alchemy, so she recognized these creatures at a glance!

"The missing 101 Kemis were all released?!!"

"Kemi? Are those their names?"

Taotarō looked at Locust No. 1 and the steam train in his hands, as if he realized that he had come into contact with something extraordinary.

Just as he was thinking about how to use this power, a huge gray dimensional wall suddenly appeared, followed by footsteps getting closer and closer from the other end.

Lin Feng's figure was gradually reflected on the dimensional wall, just like a shadow play.

Only a vague outline could be seen, and the real appearance could not be seen clearly at all.

But what shocked Ichinose Taotarō and Jiudou Rin was that the figure seemed to wear a camera-like thing on his waist, and then inserted a card into it and said softly:


Because it was his first transformation, Lin Feng inserted the card into the drive very neatly, and then pushed both sides with both hands. Suddenly, the black and blue Decade logo appeared!

【Kamen Ride! Dark Decade!

As the sound effect of the low devil's low hum sounded, several gray images immediately appeared around Lin Feng. They changed back and forth several times and merged on Lin Feng's body surface to form a gray armor.

Then, several black cards were ejected from the blue gem in the center of the driver, forming a barcode state and inserted into the top of the head one by one. Like injecting soul, golden cross stripes immediately appeared on Lin Feng's armor. At the same time, the goggles turned into a deep blue, and the gem light shone between the eyebrows!

At the moment of transformation, the invisible air wave expanded and spread, and the dark smoke slowly rose, even the sunlight behind it was swallowed up and covered!

Then, a powerful impact force shattered the gray dimension wall like glass!

And the appearance after the transformation was completely exposed to the incredible eyes of Ichinose Takara and Jiudou Rin!

The horrible breath alone was frightening, and now looking directly at Lin Feng's figure, the sense of oppression was even stronger!

"As expected of an outsider character, his power is much stronger than expected!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath, feeling the surging power in his body, his blood was boiling!

While Lin Feng was excited, everyone who saw this scene openly or secretly was stunned!......

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