Somewhere in the void of Furasu, the three dark sisters who hid themselves in the Ouroboros world were watching Ichinose Takarō's actions.

"Atropos, why don't I go with Clotho?"

Lachesis looked at Jiutang Rinyin:

"That female student seems to have some skills. If I go to help Clotho, maybe I can get the driver faster."

Atropos heard this, hesitated and shook his head:

"Even if Clotho can't defeat her with bare hands, she can still use the nearby Kemi to transform into Malgan. Even ordinary alchemists can't be her opponents. It's no problem to leave it to her. We will go to the city to collect the liberated Kemi later. They will be of great use later."

Just as the three sisters were preparing to act separately,

Lin Feng's sudden appearance stopped them.

"Who is that?!" Just as the three sisters of Minghei were beginning to feel suspicious, they saw Lin Feng transform into Kamen Rider Agito through the card!

"That guy merged with Kemi to form a single compound?!"


Compared to the violent emotional fluctuations of Lachesis and Clotho, although Atropos looked young, she had the best control over her emotions.

After the shock at first glance, she observed carefully:

"That person didn't have the aura of a Kami, and his appearance after transformation didn't match the characteristics of any Kami, so he shouldn't have been created by a Kami."

After Kami was created, alchemists often performed various fusions to maximize the use of the power of various Kami, such as single refining, which is to fuse with a Kami to transform into another form.

Malgan is a type of single refining, but Malgan is created passively through malice, and cannot communicate with Kami.

There are higher levels, such as double refining, triple refining, etc., but these all require the alchemist to be of a high enough level, otherwise he will only be bewitched by the power of Kami and become Malgan.

Hearing this, Lachesis asked again:

"Will it...Did someone create a new alchemy card?!"

Kemi Cards, also known as Alchemy Cards, are cards that seal Kemi's power.

Kemi itself is man-made, so if an alchemist is high enough, he can create a brand new Kemi, but that level of power is too unimaginable.

So Atropos was not sure:

"I don’t know either, but if it is really a new alchemy card, then it must be a completely new system. The identity of this person who suddenly appeared may not be simple...."

Hearing this, Cloto asked:

"Should I go there now?"

"No hurry, just read on....Have you noticed that they seem to be fighting among themselves? That person doesn't seem to be here to help them."

Atropis calmed the two sisters' worries and said:

"This is actually a good opportunity for us. If it is really an alchemy card of the new system, collecting data now is just the right time to prepare in advance. Maybe we can also learn from his special usage of the driver...."

At the same time, on the other side, Minato, who had been secretly following Jiudou Rin and Ichinose Takarō, was also watching this scene in secret.

Just as he was in doubt, a deep and solemn voice sounded beside him:

"this person...Were they sent by the Alchemy Alliance?"

Minato turned around and looked a little surprised:

"Black Steel Spana?...I was also doubting whether this person was the real one, but when I saw you, I thought you were sent by the Alchemy Alliance, right?"

Black Steel Spana, with his hands in his pockets, looked cold and aloof:

"Have you seen the card in his hand?"

Hearing that he did not respond,

Minato did not ask any more questions. He turned his head and looked at Lin Feng who had completed the transformation. The fear in his heart increased.

"Both the card and the driver are incredibly powerful....Kemi's refining skills are almost insignificant in front of him."

"So, he didn't use any kind of Kemi refining method?"

Facing Black Steel Spana's question,

Minato pondered for a long time and suddenly turned back to look at him:

"Do you know the legend of the Alchemist of Dawn?"

Hearing this,

Black Steel Spana's face suddenly changed:

"You mean, he's Kamen Rider? That's not a funny joke...."


Just as the two were discussing, in the distance, at the moment when the dimensional wall was broken, a body with rising heat waves appeared in front of Ichinose Tarotaro and Jiudou Rinyin.

The heavy black armor, dark golden lines, a face like a barcode, a body with amazing explosive power, and a dark golden driver dotted in the black at the waist!

Lin Feng felt the surging power, and then, with a burning gaze at Ichinose Tarotaro, he ordered in a cold voice:

"Give me the driver in your hand." Ichinose Takarō was still in shock the previous second , and then he suddenly stepped back and held the driver tightly in his arms:

"This is an important thing that someone entrusted to me! I can't give it to you!"


Lin Feng sighed helplessly:

"So you mean to let me rob it?"

Hearing this,

Ichinose Tatarō knew that he had no way out.

He wanted to protect the driver in his hand and had to defeat the man in front of him!

With this thought in mind,

Tatarō placed the Gtochard driver on his waist according to the action in his memory. The silver belt immediately popped out and tied it around his waist!

Then, he pulled out the first two Kemmy cards, Locust 1 and Steam Train, and inserted them into the driver one after another!

【Hopper1! Steamliner!】


【Gotchanko! Steam~Hopper! Hopper——hopper——】

Two shadows of Kemi cards fell on both sides of Baotaro's body. Under the operation of the Dust Escape gesture that he learned from a certain internet celebrity named Chen Zhe, the Kemi cards were synchronized and refined by the driver, causing Baotaro's body to undergo a huge change!

At the moment when the mechanical sound effect fell, a scene that almost made Lin Feng unable to hold back appeared.

Ichinose Baotaro turned into a blue locust lying on the ground!

""Hey?!! How did I become like this?!"

Ichinose Tatarō, who had turned into a locust, jumped excitedly, as if he was still not used to this body. He jumped up and the pipe on his head sprayed steam, which helped him to come to Lin Feng in the blink of an eye.

What greeted him was Lin Feng's instinctive whip kick!


The kick wrapped with blue-black energy hit Tatarō's waist fiercely, kicking him dozens of meters away like a ball, smashing the stone pillar heavily, and pressing him under a pile of rubble!

"It's really ugly...."

Lin Feng shook his head in disappointment:

"If that's all, I'll have to take your drive back."

"Wait a minute!"

Ichinose Takarō, who was trapped under the rubble, struggled hard.

He gritted his teeth, as if he was trying his best:

"I can do better, I can't give up yet!"

Suddenly, he had an idea and thought of the push rods on both sides of the driver.

It seemed that manipulating that thing could change the shape!

【Gotchanko! 】 (Synchronous Transformation)

The sound effect of the driver was heard again, and in a dazzling white light, Baotaro's body was transformed again.

This time, he finally turned into a human form.

The swirling air waves around his body blew away the gravel, and the firewood burning on his chest was like the fuel tank in a steam train.

The blue armor on his whole body embodied the elements of steam trains and locusts.

This looks like a high school student.

"Senior, it’s time to go!"......

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