"Senior! It’s time to attack!"

Ichinose Takarō leaped up and suddenly shot out like a locust, punching Lin Feng in the chest!


Lin Feng grabbed the fist with one hand, then chuckled and said:

"Call me senior? Do you expect me to be gentle?"

"No! Because I can feel that you are also a Kamen Rider, right?!"

Ichinose Takarō said sincerely:

"Although I don't know why you need this driver, I'm sorry, I really can't give it to you!"


Baotaro's other fist also attacked from the side, but was still caught by Lin Feng with one hand.

Now his two fists were broken apart and completely fell into Lin Feng's control.

"You are right, I am indeed a Kamen Rider, but do you know what this title means?"


Lin Feng suddenly raised his right leg and kicked Baotaro in the abdomen.

The incredibly strong force instantly knocked him back, and he barely stopped after dozens of meters on the ground!

"The weight of the title of Kamen Rider is not something that a high school student like you can bear, and this power is not something you should master, at least...I didn't feel the faith I should have from your fist."

As soon as Ichinose Taro stood up from the ground, Lin Feng's attack followed one after another, and another whip kick came.

Taro raised his arms to block, but Lin Feng's strength was like a mountain, crushing him unstoppably.

Taro was kicked sideways and embedded heavily in the wall, slowly sliding down!

"Even at this point, are you still unwilling to give up?"

Lin Feng's voice once again reached Baotaro's ears.

The figure who was slumped on the ground, panting and exhausted, was still tenacious and unmoved.

"Senior, you are right. The weight of the title of Kamen Rider is indeed unbearable...."

Baotaro looked at his palm and slowly clenched it:

"But! I can't give it up! Not only because it was entrusted to me by others, but also because I can feel that this is my Gtocha (aura, similar to something that must be done, destiny)! Now I may not really be able to bear the title of Kamen Rider, but I will work hard to get recognition and become a qualified Kamen Rider! This is my belief!"

After the voice fell,

Ichinose Takarō stood up again with his own will.

He quickly pulled the wrenches on both sides of the drive to perform a secondary synchronization and release the strongest power of the two Camies!

【SteamHopper! Fever! 】

Accompanied by the mechanical sound effects, steam was seen gushing out of the boiler on Baotaro's chest. At the same time, he raised his right leg, switched to wild mode and rushed towards Lin Feng. The moment he got close to Lin Feng, he switched back again, condensing all of Kemi's energy to perform a knight kick on Lin Feng!

The figure that was rapidly enlarged in his eyes caused Lin Feng to smile with a little relief, but that was not enough!

Lin Feng quickly pulled out the final control card from the card box on his waist and threw it into the driver on his waist!

【Final Attack Ride! Dark De-De-De-Decade! 】

Accompanied by the passionate sound effects,

Lin Feng clapped his hands and leaped into the air.

Ten holographic card-shaped light walls quickly descended between him and Ichinose Takararou. His right foot was wrapped in dark energy, and the more card walls he passed through, the more terrifying the energy became! The whole person was like a meteorite flying in reverse, kicking towards Takararou with a blazing air wave!

Boom!!!!! The two knight kicks collided in the blink of an eye, and the black and blue energies eroded each other. A deafening explosion sounded and spread. Lin Feng's knight kick instantly broke Takararou's defense, interrupted his kick, and then hit his chest! The tyrannical energy still violently invaded his body, causing him to be engulfed in the exploding fireworks!

There was a blinding flash of light, and the flames with black smoke swayed on the ground around them. The air waves expanded layer by layer and lasted for a long time! The exploding fireworks rose up, and Ichinose Takarō shot out from the smoke and fell heavily to the ground in the distance. He rolled over in a mess, and the electric current on his body surface was agitated, and finally disintegrated with a bang!

Lin Feng slowly stood up and stood there unharmed.

It was obvious that the winner had been decided.

【Ding! The host has completed the mission. A random Kamen Rider driving card is being drawn....】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Saber series driving card! 】

When the system's announcement sounded,

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel surprised.

He actually got the power of the legendary evil sword fairy in his first draw.

Kamen Rider Saber's combat power is enough to rank among the top in the knight's combat power ranking, because his Super Hero Wars form is a ceiling-level form that includes a series of powerful knight powers such as Oma Zi-O!

In addition, it also includes the power of all super teams before the next-door Shed Sentai system and the Zenkai Sentai!

In addition, Saber's fantasy omnipotent form in the original work is also a god-like existence, and because the fantasy world is set to be a space that is more vast than the universe, the fantasy omnipotent god is more than one level stronger than a certain fox god!

Therefore, when Lin Feng heard that he had obtained the Kamen Rider Saber driving card, he was so surprised!

Just as he was communicating with the system, a figure jumped out of the void. It was Cloto from the three dark sisters! They had been watching the battle, and the moment they saw Baotaro being defeated, they immediately decided to take action to seize the driver!

"It's really easy to get it! I'll take the driver!"

Ichinose Takarō collapsed on the ground and lost all his mobility, while Jiudou Rin was too far away to provide any help. Just as Kroto was about to succeed,

Lin Feng rushed out from behind and kicked Kroto!

"You guys are really good at taking advantage of others. I defeated my target, and you come to take advantage of me. Do you think I don't exist?"

Kloto crossed his arms and said:

"Since you want that driver too, why don't we work together?"

"We can't cooperate with them!"

Jiutang Linyin ran over and said anxiously:

"They are the Dark Three Sisters, and if the driver is given to them, unimaginable disasters will occur!"

Although she didn't know who the Kamen Rider who defeated Baotaro was, compared to the evil Dark Three Sisters, at least he was much less threatening!

"Make your choice!"

Kloto sneered and opened his arms:

"Do you want to join us, or do you want me to take the driver myself?"

For a moment, everyone, whether openly or secretly, stared at Lin Feng nervously, waiting for his decision.

Now, he is the only one with strong combat power on the field.

No one dares to act rashly until he speaks!

However, what everyone did not expect was that

Lin Feng neither chose to take the driver himself nor agreed to Cloto.

Instead, he turned around and looked at Ichinose Takarō and said:

"I recognize you"


Ichinose Takarō was stunned for a moment, then he was a little surprised:

"Senior! Are you saying that you approve of my becoming a Kamen Rider?!"


Looking at Baotaro's suddenly embarrassed expression, Lin Feng smiled and said:

"I recognize your courage. You dare to seize the hard-won opportunity. You did not give up even when you were defeated. If the drive is placed in your hands, it may also play the greatest value."

Hearing this, Cloto said in a cold tone:

"So, you're going to side with them?"

"I never said which side I would stand on."

Lin Feng held his waist and said in a carefree tone:

"I just wanted to hit him, and now I want to hit you. You can think of it as bad luck."

"Ah...Really arrogant!"

Kloto widened his eyes and stared at Lin Feng fiercely:

"Then let me try and see how strong you are!"

As she spoke, she suddenly sensed a familiar breath and turned her head to see a green mantis with two pairs of arms sharpening its sickle.

This immediately aroused her interest.

"The sickle mantis numbered 9, right? Let me borrow this one!"

Kloto put on the veil, and the next second, the strange pattern on his face began to twist, and evil energy gushed out from his palm, swallowing up the sickle mantis in the blink of an eye!

""Be stained with darkness!"

The sickle mantis captured by the dark energy immediately merged with Clotho and turned into an evil and hideous monster! When

Ichinose Takarō saw this scene, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy:

"This guy swallowed up Kemi?! What's wrong with this nasty feeling?!"

Nine Rin was beside him.���The emotion is even more solemn:

"【Kemi's iron rule: Don't let them come into contact with human malice. Otherwise, they will become evil bodies, Malgan!"


Baotaro nodded affirmatively:

"Indeed, I felt that disgusting smell!"

"That's right, but you're going to die!"

Kloto, who transformed into Mantis Malgan, swung his sickle-like arms, and a series of green boomerangs shot out at once, so fast that there was no time for people to react!

Fortunately, Lin Feng was nearby.

He pulled out the card box sword with his backhand and easily cut the boomerang into two halves, which fell to the left and right and exploded!

At the same time, the system's task broadcast sounded again in his ears!......

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